Released 2009-07-19
0001041: [cutscenes] red tint in end cutscene (taylor)
0001520: [gameplay] Autopilot leads you to a random place if you are not Alpha 1 (taylor)
0001872: [user interface] fiction viewer crashes upon load (karajorma)
0001939: [gameplay] Buffer Overflow (Echelon9)
0001645: [gameplay] Shielded fighters lose shields when unshielded fighter specified in loadout (chief1983)
0001906: [sound] -voicer broken in trunk (Goober5000)
0001785: [gameplay] Revision 4835 don't hide information when displaying ship callsign etc. breaks WC SAGA (Goober5000)
0001907: [FRED] Get-damaged-caused doesn't let you pick wings (karajorma)
0001661: [multiplayer] Transports departing via docking bay do not disappear from client side (karajorma)
0001486: [multiplayer] Pressing F4 as a multiplayer client often causes FSO to freeze (karajorma)
0001729: [gameplay] Glide mode locks up computer at warpout. (karajorma)
0001838: [multiplayer] 3.6.10 Latency info in top-right corner obscures the communications box, badly so with many players (karajorma)
0001898: [user interface] Shipnames using # to hide characters aren't displayed correctly in messaging window (karajorma)
0001896: [gameplay] 2 or more support ships in game = crash (karajorma)
0001861: [FRED] Texture replacment not initializing properly (karajorma)
0001873: [multiplayer] Standalone crash in recent builds. Picture related? (karajorma)
0001867: [FRED] String-equals doesn't work with <argument> (karajorma)
0001655: [multiplayer] AI will not warp when give order if they are waiting to dock with support ship. (karajorma)
0001851: [FRED] Initial orders screen goes crazy if multiple player ships are selected (Goober5000)
0001852: [FRED] Events seem to have a size limit that crashes FRED during save/load (Goober5000)
0001695: [FRED] Adding alt-name to a ship removes texture replacement. (Goober5000)
0001633: [multiplayer] Player ship AI do not obey play dead orders (karajorma)
0001856: [cutscenes] Cutscenes do not play in proper scale (3.6.10) (taylor)
0001855: [OpenGL] Mac OS X OpenGL errors with vglUseProgramObjectARB(Current_shader->program_id) (Echelon9)
0001206: [OpenGL] Menu flickers when loading missions in Tech Room (Echelon9)
0001840: [---------] Viewing models in tech room then going to mission simulator = crash (phreak)
0001844: [FRED] Trying to store a variable to another variable = crash (phreak)
0001835: [multiplayer] ASSERTION: "var_index != -1" at sexp.cpp:2952 (karajorma)
0001581: [FRED] key-reset & key-reset-multiple are broken (karajorma)
0001733: [FRED] 3.6.10 Replace Variable does not work for most SEXPs unless default value is "Nothing" (karajorma)
0001822: [FRED] add-background-bitmap argument issues (karajorma)
0001831: [---------] Sending a message with a varible that ends in a number does't display correctly (phreak)
0001268: [gameplay] Independance vs. diablo problems (taylor)
0001168: [---------] Misplaced structures in Derelict mission block AI from completion of docking. (Da_Brain)
0001422: [gameplay] Player's Rockeyes don't chase stealth fighters (Goober5000)
0001823: [FRED] Rand-multiple has multiple problems (karajorma)
0001824: [FRED] Cargo disappears when using change-ship-class (karajorma)
0001819: [FRED] 3.6.10 <argument> doesn't play nice with add-goal (karajorma)
0001720: [multiplayer] Sometimes client reports host ship as 0 hull when the host is still alive with 1 hull left (taylor)
0001465: [sound] multiplayer debriefing music problem (taylor)
0001812: [FRED] ship-death sexp not working properly for player ai ships in multi (karajorma)
0001807: [FRED] Hits-left not evaluating properly (taylor)
0001735: [multiplayer] Clicking reset all on standalone results in infinite login loop (taylor)
0001740: [FS2NetD] 3.6.10 Standalone server does not show up for clients, even when a game is running on it (taylor)
0001809: [multiplayer] Stats not saving with not enough player message when there are multiple players present (taylor)
0001044: [FRED] FRED Campaign editor crashes in release but not debug (karajorma)
0001810: [FS2NetD] FS2netD stat listing sort not updating properly (taylor)
0001118: [multiplayer] Secondaries fire after respawn (taylor)
0001680: [FRED] Disbanding wing results in "Assert: (wing < MAX_WINGS) && Wings[wing].wave_count" (karajorma)
0001624: [multiplayer] Host gets loadout error message instead of client (taylor)
0001279: [multiplayer] Sound turns off after missions in multi (taylor)
0001795: [multiplayer] Fighter beams crash multi in recent builds (taylor)
0001274: [multiplayer] Flight time display messed up. (taylor)
0001198: [multiplayer] Player ship speed resets to 0 at respawn (taylor)
0001098: [multiplayer] Assert: (Weapon_info[Weapons[homing_object->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags & WIF_BOMB) || (Weapon_info[Weapons[homing_obj (taylor)
0001726: [models] Jumpnode deletion causes assertion (karajorma)
0001212: [multiplayer] Assert: objp->type != OBJ_NONE (karajorma)
0001794: [user interface] Removing active pilot does not remove pilot in barracks (taylor)
0001797: [graphics] Ship debris do not show up as wireframe in the lab when the wireframe checkbox is enabled. (taylor)
0001796: [OpenGL] Request: Need xcode project patched
0001791: [FRED] Multiple when-argument / invalidate-argument loops not working as expected (karajorma)
0001584: [multiplayer] Cannot enter setup while at respawn. (Turey)
0001652: [FS2NetD] Clicking on player stats in the lobby doesn't work correctly (taylor)
0001778: [gameplay] ai_link_primaries problem
0001770: [FS2NetD] Couple of minor standalone / FS2netD login problems (taylor)
0001761: [multiplayer] Music and sounds do not work properly in lobby after playing a mission (taylor)
0001742: [---------] The Babylon Project crashes since 3.6.10 rev 4638 (taylor)
0001613: [FS2NetD] 3.6.10 Game counter in the lobby does not show when a game is started (taylor)
0001626: [FS2NetD] 3.6.10 Trying to connect to PXO with 2 instances of FS2, error msg claims TCP not installed (taylor)
0001599: [FS2NetD] 3.6.10 lobby allows nick change to reserved names (taylor)
0001786: [---------] Attn Goober/KeldorKatarn: Commit 4833 breaks compiling on OS X (karajorma)
0001774: [FRED] When-argument as an operator of when does not work (karajorma)
0001783: [FRED] Voice Acting Manager alt-names and # support (Goober5000)
0001755: [graphics] NumStars and Skybox Conlict (Goober5000)
0001727: [user interface] Crash in window mode on OSX (taylor)
0001088: [multiplayer] Call to ai_do_objects_docked_stuff when objects are already docked (karajorma)
0001754: [FRED] Ordering sexp cannot be ever compleated (karajorma)
0001545: [FRED] SEXPs Don't Include Subsystem Arguments (karajorma)
0001747: [OpenGL] bmpman.cpp line 3124 Assert fails on second viewing of ship selection with show models enabled (taylor)
0001745: [multiplayer] 3.6.10 Score for killing player-controlled ships are affected by difficulty setting in TvT (karajorma)
0001605: [multiplayer] Rearm gets bugged for clients after the first use if interrupted (karajorma)
0001641: [multiplayer] Event scoring does not work in TvT (karajorma)
0001731: [FRED] when-argument and Special Hits not behaving together (karajorma)
0001232: [FRED] FRED2 still allows the use of Zeta wing in coop (karajorma)
0001734: [FRED] 3.6.10 Variables used for special hits show up when selecting "Modify Variable" (karajorma)
0001732: [FRED] Using guardian on a ship that is destroyed before a mission = crash (karajorma)
0001450: [OpenGL] Thruster effects do not show up on some ships in the July builds. (taylor)
0001271: [FRED] Built 20061130. Crash when File->Import->Fs1 mission is pressed (Goober5000)
0001715: [multiplayer] Assert: index >= 0 in MissionLog.cpp line 486 (karajorma)
0001517: [FRED] SEXP argument numbering just reaches 15 (taylor)
0001673: [multiplayer] 3.6.10 20080423 rev 4608 - Cannot cycle primary weapons in multiplayer (karajorma)
0001656: [FRED] Replace data -> <argument> can be used with a numeric variable resulting in crash (karajorma)
0001683: [gameplay] New wave entering the mission causes assert (taylor)
0001684: [gameplay] Swarm/corkscrew missiles fired when they shouldnt (taylor)
0001657: [gameplay] Turrets still fire while ship is exploding (Backslash)
0001535: [gameplay] bug in state machine (Goober5000)
0001672: [iff] 3.6.10 20080423 rev 4608 - Incorrect information displayed when targetinfo flag is enabled (Backslash)
0001664: [gameplay] Ship-subsys-guardian-threshold causes assert when the subsystem doesn't exist. (karajorma)
0001660: [---------] libreadline dependency (taylor)
0001421: [BTRL] Hang during debriefing when using chat as mp round ends (karajorma)
0001561: [gameplay] ship-subsys-guardian-threshold crashes the game (karajorma)
0001639: [FRED] Saving files with ;;FSO 3.6.10;; commenting crashes during missions save (taylor)
0001284: [FRED] FRED crashes after saving mission file (taylor)
0001649: [FRED] +Score: 8 has dissapeared from fs2 file. (karajorma)
0001094: [multiplayer] Guns select chages on respawn (taylor)
0001640: [FRED] Stable branch builds can only import backgrounds from retail missions (taylor)
0001594: [turrets] Animation Features and Flags not working on player ships (taylor)
0001634: [FRED] Special explosion not being correctly when multiple ships selected. (taylor)
0001417: [turrets] Carrier can hit fighter with turrets when fighter is inside landing bay (taylor)
0001653: [multiplayer] Missions do not sort correctly in the host selection screen (taylor)
0001203: [user interface] Multi player host mission select list not displaying all missions (taylor)
0001629: [multiplayer] Corrupted mission prevents server from showing up (taylor)
0000816: [user interface] show-subtitle text is resolution dependent (WMCoolmon)
0000464: [gameplay] Weapons fire immediately upon bank change (taylor)
0000867: [turrets] Multi-firepoint turrets should default to not using the extra firepoints (WMCoolmon)
0001630: [user interface] show-subtitle centering is off-center (taylor)
0001638: [---------] Special explosions not working correctly with shockwaves (taylor)
0001646: [user interface] Fighters without afterburner don't show shield display (taylor)
0001152: [user interface] Overlaped lines in Messages window (taylor)
0001539: [gameplay] Ambient main hall hum should only be played when in main hall (taylor)
0001257: [graphics] Post-369: Thrustglow rendering is distance related (taylor)
0001597: [user interface] Quitting directly from debriefing causes problems (Turey)
0001587: [sound] Wrong sound played on weapons fire (taylor)
0000853: [FRED] FRED can't play voicefiles anymore (taylor)
0001527: [scripting] Subsystem.Position returns incorrect values (WMCoolmon)
0001574: [scripting] No global conditional for conditional hooks (WMCoolmon)
0001202: [tables] $Detonation Range field does not work for bombs (WMCoolmon)
0001636: [tables] Afterburner and normal thruster particles used the wrong way round (taylor)
0001600: [FS2NetD] 3.6.10 crashes during PXO logon if already connected through IRC (taylor)
0001603: [FS2NetD] 3.6.10 lobby problem when starting a channel name with "#" (taylor)
0001631: [sound] change-soundtrack can't start new soundtrack (taylor)
0001627: [multiplayer] password included in multi.log (karajorma)
0001612: [multiplayer] 3.6.10 Mainhall theme keeps playing during briefing and mission for clients (karajorma)
0001595: [multiplayer] Unknown ships target as hostile in dogfight (karajorma)
0001621: [FRED] Num-kills etc give the wrong values when the ship is respawning (karajorma)
0001609: [gameplay] Support ships can't dock with disabled ships. (karajorma)
0001610: [gameplay] Targeting functions not working correctly when engines disabled (karajorma)
0001618: [multiplayer] Player ships becomes invincible AI if player drops. (karajorma)
0001608: [multiplayer] Some ships show blank secondaries on client side (karajorma)
0001611: [multiplayer] Force-jump sexp doesn't trigger client warpout if at respawn (karajorma)
0001534: [---------] You can target yourself using Alt-Y (taylor)
0001521: [gameplay] ai-xxxxxxx SEXPs are not applied while flying non-cinematic autopilot runs (taylor)
0000083: [HT&L] Targetting Boxes and Particles getting misaligned (taylor)
0001248: [graphics] Briefing cutting off icons in widescreen (taylor)
0000563: [graphics] FOV becomes warped for the death screen (taylor)
0001170: [gameplay] Negative weapon energy using player beams and associated crashes (taylor)
0001576: [gameplay] Game does not clean up properly after mission load failure (taylor)
0001592: [---------] Incomplete implementation of Parse_flags in missionparse.cpp (Goober5000)
0001488: [---------] swff_lib.cpp doesn't compile using newest Windows SDK and disregarding old SDK files. (Backslash)
0001585: [FRED] Wrong ship name shown in "player <ship> should be part of <wing>" warning message (karajorma)
0001150: [sound] Mission events window turns on disabled music (karajorma)
0001468: [---------] targeting function (T) not working properly in some missions (Goober5000)
0001516: [FRED] Jump nodes cannot be selected through "Waypoint Path" Editor (karajorma)
0001476: [---------] set-object-speed-x,y,z are broke - ships don't move (Backslash)
0001413: [BTRL] "Attitude thruster" control during glide mode (Backslash)
0000709: [mediaVP] Ship names on board of ships are drawn incorrectly (Da_Brain)
0000943: [mediaVP] GTF Medusa and GTFR Triton environment mapping very intensive (Da_Brain)
0001122: [mediaVP] Bad alpha channel for light dots (Da_Brain)
0001543: [gameplay] Loading a mission without the supposedly optional +Weaponry Pool: option causes a crash (karajorma)
0001137: [multiplayer] VSYNC not working on MP with Linux (taylor)
0001397: [sound] Out of sound buffers in BtRL (taylor)
0001530: [BTRL] LINUX: Left mouse button is not working (taylor)
0000397: [FRED] Cannot modify a string variable to equal the value of another string variable (karajorma)
0001123: [graphics] DDS format is not valid for Glow Point textures (taylor)
0001210: [graphics] Gamma changes when popups show up over FS2 (taylor)
0001186: [cutscenes] Fade sexps no longer work (taylor)
0001401: [FRED graphics] + System icon in FRED (taylor)
0000732: [gameplay] ship-type-destroyed works improperly at least with cargo (Goober5000)
0001503: [user interface] Error using "assing equipment to squadmates" when weapon slot is empty (Goober5000)
0000953: [mediaVP] Debrises from Satis are not rotating correctly (Da_Brain)
0001518: [gameplay] Ingame F3 hotkey assignment window is empty if there are too many ships. (taylor)
0001378: [DirectX] DirectSoundCapture (taylor)
0001513: [user interface] Attempting to create multi pilot on fresh install = crash (taylor)
0001387: [FRED] No way to enable 2D Missions in FRED (taylor)
0001473: [gameplay] ship-subsys-guardian-threshold crashes the game (taylor)
0001081: [multiplayer] Standalone server disappear from list over time (taylor)
0001046: [multiplayer] Can't run debug executable with -standalone (taylor)
0001117: [multiplayer] Rank award repeats in debrief (taylor)
0001079: [multiplayer] Double servers and high ping when playing across lan (taylor)
0001067: [multiplayer] standalone problems with gamma over tcp (taylor)
0001470: [user interface] Mismatched Error parameters. (taylor)
0001083: [multiplayer] standalone overwhelms FS2NetD server with pings (taylor)
0001182: [multiplayer] Attempting to start game on standalone host causes breakpoint (taylor)
0001433: [multiplayer] multi.log spam (taylor)
0001511: [---------] Missing declarations in sexp.cpp (karajorma)
0001497: [OpenGL] Ubuntu Gutsy: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DUPLICATE_ATTACHMENT_EXT not declared (taylor)
0001489: [OpenGL] Compiler error caused by #pragma in file gropengl.cpp (taylor)
0000788: [multiplayer] Respawn dialog reappears (karajorma)
       0001213: [multiplayer] Int(3) at respawn (karajorma)
0001498: [---------] When no joystick attached mouse control is not enabled by default (Turey)
0001482: [gameplay] Derelict campaign's missions are skipped even if not commited if you quit the game at the mission debriefing. (Turey)
0001492: [---------] Ships get faster while turning, not slower (Backslash)
0001419: [gameplay] Weapon shudder effect (ie. Maxim) is weird (Goober5000)
0001471: [FRED] Deleting linked and/or event with objective results in this linked-status and objective to be assigned to the event below (Goober5000)
0001455: [docking] docked containers/ships don't depart along with dockee if dockee departs via hangar (Goober5000)
0001329: [gameplay] super-nova-start failes if there was sun-remove calls before it even if there is suns in the system left (Shade)
0001436: [multiplayer] Send-message (Goober5000)
0001483: [gameplay] Bizarre crash bug when creating a multiplayer game (Goober5000)
0001415: [tables] $disable linked fire penalty not working (Goober5000)
0001437: [multiplayer] Assertion hit / CTD when hitting the commit/lock button in TvT (karajorma)
0001221: [gameplay] Player under AI Control can still use the Afterburner (karajorma)
0001389: [graphics] No engine glow in HEAD-CVS. (taylor)
0001390: [physics] Ships are brakeing too fast (HEAD-CVS-Build) (Backslash)
0001204: [---------] "Warning: Invalid subobj_num or model_num in subsystem ..." points to a wrong table. (taylor)
0001238: [speech] Simulated Speech in Debriefing Says "Dot" for Period, When At End Of Stage (Goober5000)
0001306: [graphics] HUD issues in new CVS builds (taylor)
0001263: [beams] 'Wrong' sound effect played when beam is fired (taylor)
0001312: [tables] Non existent AI classes cause a CTD (In FRED at least) (karajorma)
0001343: [multiplayer] Glide won't let game multiplayer game end if it's enabled. (karajorma)
0001063: [user interface] Lab screen -- if you click between top buttons, they hide and there is no way to exit (taylor)
0001255: [gameplay] Clicking 'Commit' on "Incoming Transmission" screen causes game to crash (taylor)
0001298: [gameplay] "cycle" flag increases energy usage (taylor)
0001220: [modular tables] -wep.tbm table is not loading (fs bug or table bug ????) (taylor)
0001177: [sound] FSO will not find audio files if extensions do not match (taylor)
0001285: [sound] Music.tbl data is ignored (taylor)
0001286: [---------] FS2 can't recognize filenames with muliple periods in them (taylor)
0001307: [cutscenes] Movies look yellow (taylor)
0001301: [gameplay] Interceptors vanished in Advanced Training 0000002 (taylor)
0001051: [physics] $Damp does not work as it should -- high values cause cumulative sideways speed increase (Backslash)
0001275: [graphics] Some gauges are missing. (Radar and target info) (taylor)
0001149: [gameplay] hide-jumpnode turns off auto targeting (taylor)
0001269: [nebulas] set-mission-nebula breaks backgrounds and certain ship models (taylor)
0001250: [models] deactivate-glow-point-bank only works with bank 0 (taylor)
0001674: [multiplayer] 3.6.10: Having mediavps enabled in multi causes some mission pack missions to be unavailable
0001493: [multiplayer] When hosting games, *all* missions give warning that stats will not save.
225 issues View Issues