Changesets: fs2open

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8927

2012-07-01 20:51


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8751; Change this little piece of code to avoid a potentially very baffling null pointer dereference later on
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/object/objectsnd.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8926

2012-07-01 20:50


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8740/8741; Use CLAMP utility macro in lighting.cpp
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/cmdline/cmdline.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/lighting/lighting.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/nebula/neb.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/nebula/neblightning.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/parse/lua.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ship/shield.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ship/shipfx.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/stats/scoring.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/weapon/weapons.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8925

2012-07-01 20:48


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8696; Fix a bug that caused bombs to be indestructible by the player for much longer than they should be according to the table settings given.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/object/collideweaponweapon.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/weapon/weapon.h Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/weapon/weapons.cpp Diff File

trunk r8924

2012-07-01 15:54


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
follow-up to r8922: this part isn't actually a problem
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missionparse.cpp Diff File

trunk r8923

2012-07-01 04:17


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
make the dock leader code more robust, and make FRED mark dock leaders in wings correctly
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fred2/initialstatus.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missionparse.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File

trunk r8922

2012-07-01 01:56


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
add more error checking for initially docked ships, per Mantis 0001658 Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missionparse.cpp Diff File

trunk r8921

2012-07-01 01:54


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
looks like this was never actually implemented!
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/object/parseobjectdock.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/object/parseobjectdock.h Diff File

trunk r8920

2012-07-01 00:32


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
add mod.tbl flag for Mantis 0000082 Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/globalincs/def_files.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missiongoals.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mod_table/mod_table.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mod_table/mod_table.h Diff File

trunk r8919

2012-07-01 00:17


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
remove extension if user didn't
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mod_table/mod_table.cpp Diff File

trunk r8918

2012-06-30 23:24


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
this should fix all of the issues with docked fighters and bombers (Mantis 0000945) Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/shiphit.cpp Diff File

trunk r8917

2012-06-30 19:31


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix for Mantis 0002673, following Valathil's detective work Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/object/objcollide.cpp Diff File

antipodes r8916

2012-06-27 00:34


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Trunk sync r8915
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/fred2/wing.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/menuui/techmenu.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/missionui/missionscreencommon.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/missionui/missionweaponchoice.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/model/modelinterp.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/object/collideshipship.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File

trunk r8915

2012-06-25 09:23


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Minor fixes to the message.tbl settings I just added.
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File

trunk r8914

2012-06-25 05:39


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix the old Volition bug where a docked ship would execute its default behavior even when the preceding comment explicitly said that it should "just sit here" :-/
also guard against a few edge cases related to this
(all of this is in regards to Mantis 0000945)
Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File

trunk r8913

2012-06-25 02:06


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
remove unused variable
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File

trunk r8912

2012-06-25 01:41


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
CommanderDJ's fix for Mantis 0002628 Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fred2/wing.cpp Diff File

trunk r8911

2012-06-24 23:27


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fine-tune Valathil's error message
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File

trunk r8910

2012-06-24 15:17


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Changing glowpoint rendering from being a separate step during model rendering to being a part of the batch renderer. This makes glowpoint rendering much faster.
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/menuui/techmenu.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/missionui/missionscreencommon.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/missionui/missionweaponchoice.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/model/modelinterp.cpp Diff File

trunk r8909

2012-06-24 13:12


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix for Mantis 2671: Skip submodels that have been blown off in ship-ship collisions. Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/object/collideshipship.cpp Diff File

antipodes r8908

2012-06-24 09:43


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Trunk sync r8906
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/globalincs/def_files.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/hud/hud.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/hud/hudescort.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/hud/hudescort.h Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/io/keycontrol.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/mission/missiongoals.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/mission/missiongoals.h Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/mission/missionmessage.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/mission/missionmessage.h Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/mission/missionparse.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/mod_table/mod_table.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/playerman/player.h Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/playerman/playercontrol.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/ship/ship.h Diff File

antipodes r8907

2012-06-24 09:36


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Make sure we actually have a valid campaign file before trying to do stuff with invalid pointers
mod - /branches/antipodes/code/playerman/managepilot.cpp Diff File

trunk r8905

2012-06-24 06:36


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Additions to message.tbl to allow users to specify the frequency of builtin messages.
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/globalincs/def_files.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missionmessage.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missionmessage.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missionparse.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mod_table/mod_table.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/playerman/player.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/playerman/playercontrol.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File

trunk r8904

2012-06-23 17:19


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
No warnings for release linux builds.
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/ Diff File

trunk r8903

2012-06-23 16:54


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix for Mantis 2670: Truncate tokens to their maximum length and pop up a MessageBox for the user. Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File

trunk r8902

2012-06-23 07:51


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
synchronize the ship classes that evade shockwaves
(this fixes Mantis 0002548)
Affected Issues
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/ship.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File
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