Changesets: fs2open

trunk r4524

2008-03-20 14:37


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
little bit of cleanup
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/shield.cpp Diff File

trunk r4523

2008-03-20 14:35


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
should be the last bit of the fix for Mantis 0001520
various bits of little cleanup
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File

trunk r4522

2008-03-20 14:26


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix memory leak
address some compiler compaints and add a newline to debug message
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/lua.cpp Diff File

trunk r4521

2008-03-20 14:25


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix some variable types/init
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File

trunk r4520

2008-03-20 14:23


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
handle movie filenames and debug reporting better
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/cutscene/movie.cpp Diff File

trunk r4519

2008-03-20 14:20


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
this stuff really isn't working that well so disable it for the time being
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/inetfile/inetgetfile.cpp Diff File

trunk r4518

2008-03-20 14:17


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
handle lobby server diconnects in a more friendly way (Mantis 0001600)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/multi_pxo.cpp Diff File

trunk r4517

2008-03-20 14:16


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
keep track of whatever our previous state was (useful for better event handling)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/gamesequence/gamesequence.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/gamesequence/gamesequence.h Diff File

trunk r4516

2008-03-20 14:11


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
we do actually pass invalid socket ids during init stuff so don't complain about such things in the log
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/psnet2.cpp Diff File

trunk r4515

2008-03-20 14:09


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
add handler for bad channels (Mantis 0001603)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/chat_api.cpp Diff File

trunk r4514

2008-03-20 14:08


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
add better checks to catch connect() errors
bit of cleanup on win vs. non-win code
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/chat_api.cpp Diff File

trunk r4513

2008-03-20 14:06


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix NaN on pilot stats interface from float div-by-0
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/multi_pinfo.cpp Diff File

trunk r4512

2008-03-20 14:03


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
change WSAEWOULDBLOCK to EINPROGRESS since that is what we were actually looking for on non-Windows
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/windows_stub/config.h Diff File

trunk r4511

2008-03-20 14:02


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
bump size of error text buffer
slightly better Lua error reporting
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/windows_stub/stubs.cpp Diff File

trunk r4510

2008-03-20 13:57


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
use VALID_FNAME checks to determine if a thruster filename is good and then re-init the entry to sane values if not
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/species_defs/species_defs.cpp Diff File

trunk r4509

2008-03-20 13:55


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
little bit of cleanup (and we don't really have to Assert() there)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/weapon/flak.cpp Diff File

trunk r4508

2008-03-20 13:53


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
wing parse order and object parse order aren't always the same so be sure we tag the correct "special ship" (part of Mantis 0001520)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missionparse.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/mission/missionparse.h Diff File

trunk r4507

2008-03-20 13:50


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
changing soundtrack via sexp shouldn't require that a soundtrack is currently playing (Mantis 0001631)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp Diff File

trunk r4506

2008-03-20 13:47


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
better checks for connect() errors, since the select() test can pass by mistake
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fs2netd/tcp_socket.cpp Diff File

trunk r4505

2008-03-20 13:45


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
tweaks for slightly more efficient file matching
minor cleanup
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/cfile/cfilesystem.cpp Diff File

trunk r4504

2008-03-20 13:41


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
add proper lua flags for non-Windows builds
extra compiler warnings and lua checking for debug builds
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/ Diff File

trunk r4503

2008-03-20 13:39


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
remove Anjuta project (it's very out of date and I don't think anyone ever really used it anyway)
rm - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/anjuta1 File

trunk r4502

2008-03-20 13:38


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
remove luac.c since it is a seaparate binary and not actually part of the lua lib
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ Diff File

trunk r4501

2008-03-16 12:28


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
copy of current stable to unstable (to be merged with unstable-old)
add - /trunk/fs2_open-unstable File

fs2_open_3_6_9 r4500

2008-03-16 12:25


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
move stable branch to the primary under trunk
rm - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open File
add - /trunk/fs2_open File
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