Changesets: fs2open

trunk r4549

2008-03-23 03:33


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix for mantis 0001637
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/lua.cpp Diff File

trunk r4548

2008-03-23 03:00


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
$Application hook for mantis 0001574
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/scripting.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/scripting.h Diff File

trunk r4547

2008-03-23 02:08


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Lua 5.1.3 SDK (supposedly a bugfix update, so makefile updates should not be necessary)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lapi.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lapi.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lauxlib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lauxlib.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lbaselib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lcode.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lcode.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ldblib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ldebug.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ldebug.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ldo.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ldo.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ldump.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lfunc.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lfunc.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lgc.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lgc.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/linit.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/liolib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/llex.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/llex.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/llimits.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lmathlib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lmem.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lmem.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/loadlib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lobject.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lobject.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lopcodes.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lopcodes.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/loslib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lparser.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lparser.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lstate.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lstate.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lstring.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lstring.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lstrlib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ltable.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ltable.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ltablib.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ltm.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/ltm.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lua.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lua.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/luac.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/luaconf.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lualib.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lundump.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lundump.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lvm.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lvm.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lzio.c Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/lzio.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/lua/print.c Diff File

trunk r4546

2008-03-23 02:07


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
- Nearly all functions and variables have one return type, which defaults to 0, "", or an invalid handle if the function fails.
- All functions use seconds for time
- Syntax update for scripting.html
- Minor bugfixes
- gamestate and gameevent handles
- getState is now getCurrentGameState
- setEvent is now postGameEvent
- drawMonochromeImage arguments reduced in anticipation of agreeing with drawImage arguments
- Fixed numerical indexing of weapon classes
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/lua.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/lua.h Diff File

trunk r4545

2008-03-23 01:42


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Add gameseq_get_event_idex.
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/gamesequence/gamesequence.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/gamesequence/gamesequence.h Diff File

trunk r4544

2008-03-22 15:55


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
MSVC 2003 Project File update
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_2003/Freespace2.vcproj Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_2003/code.vcproj Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_2003/fred2_open.vcproj Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_2003/lua.vcproj Diff File

trunk r4543

2008-03-21 23:59


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
make the self-destruct sexp actually work for more than one ship
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File

trunk r4542

2008-03-21 21:52


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix the build naming convention
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/Fred2.dsp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/Freespace2.dsp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/wxFRED2.dsp Diff File

trunk r4541

2008-03-21 21:39


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
apply WMC's patches for MSVC 6
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/shipfx.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/shipfx.h Diff File

trunk r4540

2008-03-21 18:31


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix visual studio 2005 project files.
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_2005/code.vcproj Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_2005/liblua.vcproj Diff File

trunk r4539

2008-03-21 17:49


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Remove a couple of extra Int3()s in the transfer-cargo SEXP.
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File

trunk r4538

2008-03-21 16:25


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Add SEXPs and table entries to WMCs subsystem name changing system
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/model/model.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/sexp.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File

trunk r4537

2008-03-21 00:47


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
bah, that wasn't supposed to hit just yet
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fs2netd/fs2netd_client.cpp Diff File

trunk r4536

2008-03-20 21:57


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
make sure that beam bitmaps are always loaded (like normal weapons are handled)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/weapon/beam.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/weapon/weapons.cpp Diff File

trunk r4535

2008-03-20 18:18


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
side-turret patch from KeldorKatarn
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/model/model.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/model/modelinterp.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/model/modelread.cpp Diff File

trunk r4534

2008-03-20 17:29


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
update to newest FS2NetD client code
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fs2netd/fs2netd_client.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fs2netd/fs2netd_client.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fs2netd/protocol.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fs2netd/tcp_client.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fs2netd/tcp_client.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/multi_endgame.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/multi_pxo.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/multiui.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/parse/scripting.cpp Diff File

trunk r4533

2008-03-20 17:17


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
add new files
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/code.dsp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/liblua.dsp Diff File

trunk r4532

2008-03-20 16:18


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
change gr_set_cull() so that it works better (mainly part of the RTT fix)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/fireball/warpineffect.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/graphics/2d.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/graphics/2d.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/graphics/gropengl.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/graphics/grstub.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/model/modelinterp.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/render/3ddraw.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/starfield/starfield.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/weapon/beam.cpp Diff File

trunk r4531

2008-03-20 15:38


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
remove old files
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/ Diff File

trunk r4530

2008-03-20 15:37


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
use specific intermediate directories to prevent clobbering of same-name files (particularly with lua)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/Fred2.dsp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/Freespace2.dsp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/code.dsp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/libjpeg.dsp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/liblua.dsp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/wxFRED2.dsp Diff File

trunk r4529

2008-03-20 14:55


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
remove storybook, since the fiction viewer makes it obsolete
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/freespace2/freespace.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/gamesequence/gamesequence.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/gamesequence/gamesequence.h Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp Diff File
rm - /trunk/fs2_open/code/menuui/storybook.cpp File
rm - /trunk/fs2_open/code/menuui/storybook.h File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/projects/MSVC_6/code.dsp Diff File

trunk r4528

2008-03-20 14:47


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix Mantis 0001636, thanks to VA for doing all of the leg work :)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File

trunk r4527

2008-03-20 14:41


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
try to deal with processor affinity automatically (defaulting to CPU 0000002, and with registry setting override)
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/osapi/osapi.cpp Diff File

trunk r4526

2008-03-20 14:39


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
add new files
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/ Diff File

trunk r4525

2008-03-20 14:37


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/io/trackir.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/io/trackir.h Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 40 ... 80 ... 120 ... 160 ... 200 ... 240 ... 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 ... 280 ... 320 ... 360 ... 400 ... 437 438 439  Next  Last