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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002137FSSCPSEXPspublic2010-03-01 13:42
ReporterRansom Arceihn Assigned Tokarajorma  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version3.6.12 RC1 
Summary0002137: play-sound-from-file won't loop with a number other than 1
DescriptionThe loop argument used to return true with any non-zero number, as the documentation says, but with 3.6.12 RC1 it will only loop with 1.

This is obviously not a serious issue, and really it would probably make more sense (and clear up confusion) if the loop argument was just a boolean instead of a number to begin with, but it does break compatibility with some mods.
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2010-02-23 18:50


shouldloop.fs2 (3,540 bytes)


2010-02-26 18:42

reporter   ~0011714

Confirmed. This happens in all 3.6.11. builds that I'm aware of.


2010-03-01 04:28

administrator   ~0011725

Looks like it broke with karajorma's multi-sexp commit. Assigning to him to sort out how best to deal with it.


2010-03-01 13:42

administrator   ~0011730

Looks like the SEXP didn't work properly originally and I assumed it worked differently based on that (it didn't care what the argument actually was. It just looped if there was one).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-02-23 18:50 Ransom Arceihn New Issue
2010-02-23 18:50 Ransom Arceihn File Added: shouldloop.fs2
2010-02-26 18:42 TopAce Note Added: 0011714
2010-03-01 04:28 taylor Note Added: 0011725
2010-03-01 04:28 taylor Status new => assigned
2010-03-01 04:28 taylor Assigned To => karajorma
2010-03-01 13:42 karajorma Note Added: 0011730
2010-03-01 13:42 karajorma Status assigned => resolved
2010-03-01 13:42 karajorma Fixed in Version => 3.6.12 RC1
2010-03-01 13:42 karajorma Resolution open => fixed