fs2open: wanderer r5125

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Wanderer wanderer 2009-03-30 15:51 Pending
Changeset add fixes to both subobj_name vs name and to multiline subsysy name strings
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/ai/aigoals.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/hud/hud.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/hud/hudtarget.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/hud/hudtargetbox.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/mission/missionlog.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/playerman/playercontrol.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/ship/shipfx.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/ship/shiphit.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/wanderer/code/weapon/emp.cpp Diff File