fs2open: fs2_open_3_6_9 r3594

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
taylor fs2_open_3_6_9 2006-09-24 18:55 Pending
Changeset more standalone server fixes:
 - add some basic bmpman functionality to grstub, since it needs to do something at least
 - add missing gr_* function ptrs to grstrub
 - (re-)enable radar and hud setup functions that used to crash (problems are fixed now)
 - deal with default pilot file properly (also caused a bmpman headache)
 - don't bother with Multi_common_icons[] in standalone mode (they don't load, so don't let them unload either)
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/freespace2/freespace.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/graphics/grstub.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/network/multi.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/network/multiui.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/network/multiutil.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/playerman/managepilot.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/freespace2/freespace.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/graphics/grstub.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/multi.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/multiui.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/network/multiutil.cpp Diff File
mod - /trunk/fs2_open/code/playerman/managepilot.cpp Diff File