fs2open: fs2_open_3_6_9 r3328

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
taylor fs2_open_3_6_9 2006-07-13 18:06 Pending
Changeset handle non-MVE movies a bit better in OpenGL (don't get freaky with the window, don't lose input, etc.)
some cleanup to OpenGL window handling, to fix min/max/full issues, and try to make shutdown a little nicer
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/cutscene/movie.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/directx/dx8show.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/graphics/gropengl.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_9/fs2_open/code/osapi/osapi.cpp Diff File