fs2open: antipodes r6598

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Zacam antipodes 2010-10-12 18:38 Pending
Changeset Project Synchronization: Trunk vs Antipodes
2005: Set PDB and Map Exports to explicitly FALSE on Release builds.
Removed <File Configuration> lines (save for in the case of phrases.xml) as they are unnecessary bloat.
Set Output Filenames to Antipodes instead of Trunk.
2008: Set PDB and Map Exports to explicitly FALSE on Release builds.
mod - /branches/antipodes/projects/MSVC_2005/Fred2.vcproj Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/projects/MSVC_2005/Freespace2.vcproj Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/projects/MSVC_2005/code.vcproj Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/projects/MSVC_2005/libpng.vcproj Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/projects/MSVC_2005/wxFRED2.vcproj Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/projects/MSVC_2005/zlib.vcproj Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/projects/MSVC_2008/Fred2.vcproj Diff File
mod - /branches/antipodes/projects/MSVC_2008/Freespace2.vcproj Diff File