Released 2010-04-13
0002155: [tables] FS2 not catching table<->model errors that FRED does on subsystems (Genghis)
0001614: [cutscenes] Calling for a support ship prevents wingman autopilot (iss_mneur)
0001952: [graphics] 2D Elements lack aspect correction in game (Swifty)
0001991: [---------] Ship assigned to attack its own wing causes crash with invalid debugging info (Echelon9)
0001172: [gameplay] AI won't use Puncture Secondaries if told to Disable/Disarm (karajorma)
0002053: [FRED] FRED allows the use of IFF types as ship and wing names (FUBAR-BDHR)
0002109: [models] External weapon animations are getting stuck randomly (The_E)
0002114: [graphics] Assert(num == bm_bitmaps[n].handle) in bmpman.cpp line 2459 (Zacam)
0002120: [SEXPs] 'is-primary-selected' returns wrong value if primaries linked (Zacam)
0002001: [user interface] Primary weapon loadouts with text names are displaying the # and characters after (Zacam)
0002236: [FRED] Get FRED to default to mod\data\missions instead of my documents (Goober5000)
0001792: [physics] Ship explosions do not propagate from pivot point.
0002216: [sound] Sound index -1 causes crash in snd_play_3d() (taylor)
0002215: [user interface] Force Feedback keeps shaking the stick after death. (taylor)
0002213: [OpenGL] Broken render (taylor)
0002145: [Build system] linux needs update for automake-1.10 and autoconf 1.10 (chief1983)
0002195: [gameplay] Subsystem names are destroyed during the course of a mission (Goober5000)
0001853: [multiplayer] Using a mod can result in standalone lockup if a non-mod misssion is selected (Goober5000)
0002183: [Platform-Engine interaction] Assertion from dbgheap.cpp line 1322 (iss_mneur)
0002157: [FRED] Existing subsystems in mission that are no longer valid not detected by FRED (Genghis)
0002151: [tables] No error checking for engine wash info. (Genghis)
0002173: [Platform-Engine interaction] FSO Fails with an assert if a commandline flag does not have an arg (iss_mneur)
0002178: [gameplay] Assert in missiontraining.cpp, line 924 for empty training messages (iss_mneur)
0002182: [graphics] Rendering cuts out seemingly randomly (The_E)
0001953: [FRED] Departure locations and anchors are destroyed by the ship editor dialogue (Goober5000)
0002040: [FRED] Recent build crash event/message editor
26 issues View Issues