Open source remastering of the Freespace 2 engine
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) Volition, Inc. 1999. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * All source code herein is the property of Volition, Inc. You may not sell
5  * or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the
6  * source.
7  *
8 */
13 // CMissionNotesDlg dialog
14 #pragma once
15 class CMissionNotesDlg : public CDialog
16 {
17 // Construction
18 public:
19  int query_modified();
20  void OnCancel();
21  void OnOK();
22  int update_data();
23  int initialize_data();
24  CMissionNotesDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
26 // Dialog Data
27  //{{AFX_DATA(CMissionNotesDlg)
28  enum { IDD = IDD_MISSION_NOTES };
29  CSpinButtonCtrl m_respawn_spin;
30  CSpinButtonCtrl m_max_respawn_delay_spin;
31  CString m_created;
32  CString m_modified;
33  CString m_mission_notes;
34  CString m_designer_name;
35  CString m_mission_title;
36  CString m_mission_desc;
38  CString m_squad_name;
39  CString m_loading_640;
40  CString m_loading_1024;
72  //}}AFX_DATA
79 // Overrides
80  // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
81  //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CMissionNotesDlg)
82  protected:
83  virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
86 // Implementation
87 protected:
88  int m_type;
89  void set_types();
91  // Generated message map functions
92  //{{AFX_MSG(CMissionNotesDlg)
93  virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
94  afx_msg void OnClose();
95  afx_msg void OnTraining();
96  afx_msg void OnMulti();
97  afx_msg void OnSingle();
98  afx_msg void OnSquadLogo();
99  afx_msg void OnLoad640();
100  afx_msg void OnLoad1024();
101  afx_msg void OnToggleContrailThreshold();
102  afx_msg void OnCustomWingNames();
103  afx_msg void OnSoundEnvironment();
104  //}}AFX_MSG
106 public:
107  afx_msg void OnEnChangeLoadingScreen641();
108 };
afx_msg void OnMulti()
afx_msg void OnTraining()
CSpinButtonCtrl m_max_respawn_delay_spin
CString m_designer_name_orig
CString m_substitute_event_music
CString m_mission_notes_orig
afx_msg void OnClose()
afx_msg void OnCustomWingNames()
unsigned int UINT
Definition: config.h:82
afx_msg void OnLoad1024()
CSpinButtonCtrl m_respawn_spin
float m_max_subsys_repair_val
BOOL m_no_builtin_command_msgs
afx_msg void OnSingle()
BOOL m_beam_free_all_by_default
CString m_mission_title_orig
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog()
afx_msg void OnToggleContrailThreshold()
afx_msg void OnSquadLogo()
afx_msg void OnLoad640()
CMissionNotesDlg(CWnd *pParent=NULL)
int BOOL
Definition: config.h:80
afx_msg void OnEnChangeLoadingScreen641()
CString m_command_sender
CString m_squad_filename
CString m_mission_desc_orig
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX)
afx_msg void OnSoundEnvironment()
BOOL m_contrail_threshold_flag
Definition: resource.h:30