View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000985 | FSSCP | gameplay | public | 2006-07-13 05:20 | 2006-11-26 03:14 |
Reporter | Goober5000 | Assigned To | Goober5000 | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Fixed in Version | 3.6.9 | ||||
Summary | 0000985: Stupid tricky bug | ||||
Description | Install the Port. Load up sm2-08 in FRED. You get the following error (once for each cargo container): Warning: Invalid ship name. In sexpression: ( goals ( ai-dock "Cargo 1" "cargo dock01" "cargo dock" 50 ) ( ai-waypoints-once "Escape Vector" 49 ) ) (Error appears to be: ) Redmenace, I need you to go back through CVS and find out when this appeared. :) | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
I will take a look. |
I think this showed up between 6/30/06 and 7/01/06 |
cvs checkout -P -D 2006-07-01 -d fs2_opentest fs2_open (in directory C:\) cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/ai cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/anim cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/asteroid cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/autopilot cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/bmpman cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/camera cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cfile cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cfilearchiver cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cfileextractor cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cmdline cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cmeasure cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/controlconfig cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cryptstring cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cutscene cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/ddsutils cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/debris cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/debugconsole cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/decals cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/demo cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/directx cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/exceptionhandler cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fireball cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fred2 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fred2/hlp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fred2/res cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/freespace2 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fs2open_pxo cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/gamehelp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/gamesequence cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/gamesnd cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/glide cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/globalincs cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/graphics cvs checkout: /home/fs2source/cvsroot/fs2_open/code/graphics/Bitblt.cpp,v: no head revision cvs checkout: /home/fs2source/cvsroot/fs2_open/code/graphics/Bitblt.h,v: no head revision cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/graphics/directx8 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/graphics/gl cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/hud cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/iff_defs cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/inetfile cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/io cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/irc cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/jpgutils cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/jumpnode cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/lab cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/lighting cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/localization cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/math cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/mcd cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/menuui cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/mission U fs2_opentest/code/mission/missionparse.cpp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/missionui cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/mm cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/model cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/nebula cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/network cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/object cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/observer cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/openil cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/osapi cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/palman cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/parse cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/particle cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/pcxutils cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/physics cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/playerman cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/popup cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/radar cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/render cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/scramble cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/ship cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/sound cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/sound/ogg cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/species_defs cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/starfield cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/stats cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/tgautils cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/ui cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/variables cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/vcodec cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/weapon cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/windows_stub cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/wxfred2 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/wxfred2/hlp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/wxfred2/res cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx8sdk cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx8sdk/include cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx8sdk/lib cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Include cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Include/DShowIDL cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Lib cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Lib/x64 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Lib/x86 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/libjpeg cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/lua cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/include cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/include/ogg cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/include/vorbis cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/lib cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/lib.osx3 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal/include cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal/libs cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal/libs/win32 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal/libs/win64 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/MSVC_2003 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/MSVC_2005 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/MSVC_6 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/MSVC_7 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/Xcode cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/Xcode/English.lproj cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/Xcode/FS2_Open.xcodeproj cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/anjuta1 *****CVS exited normally with code 0***** --------------------------------------------------------- Revision 2.181 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Sat Jul 1 00:30:48 2006 UTC (13 days, 2 hours ago) by Goober5000 Branch: MAIN Changes since 2.180: +14 -6 lines Diff to previous 2.180 (colored) fix the "Game of TAG" bug; hopefully this won't unfix something else--Goober5000 --------------------------------------------------------- This is based upon my backed up all the builds I have locally. |
It could be this as well cvs checkout -P -D 2006-07-02 -d fs2_opentest fs2_open (in directory C:\) cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/ai U fs2_opentest/code/ai/ai_profiles.cpp U fs2_opentest/code/ai/ai_profiles.h U fs2_opentest/code/ai/aicode.cpp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/anim cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/asteroid cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/autopilot cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/bmpman cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/camera cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cfile cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cfilearchiver cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cfileextractor cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cmdline cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cmeasure cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/controlconfig cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cryptstring cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/cutscene cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/ddsutils cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/debris cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/debugconsole cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/decals cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/demo cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/directx cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/exceptionhandler cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fireball cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fred2 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fred2/hlp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fred2/res cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/freespace2 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/fs2open_pxo cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/gamehelp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/gamesequence cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/gamesnd cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/glide cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/globalincs U fs2_opentest/code/globalincs/def_files.cpp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/graphics cvs checkout: /home/fs2source/cvsroot/fs2_open/code/graphics/Bitblt.cpp,v: no head revision cvs checkout: /home/fs2source/cvsroot/fs2_open/code/graphics/Bitblt.h,v: no head revision cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/graphics/directx8 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/graphics/gl cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/hud cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/iff_defs cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/inetfile cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/io cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/irc cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/jpgutils cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/jumpnode cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/lab cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/lighting cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/localization cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/math cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/mcd cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/menuui cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/mission cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/missionui cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/mm cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/model cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/nebula cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/network cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/object cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/observer cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/openil cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/osapi cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/palman cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/parse cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/particle cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/pcxutils cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/physics cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/playerman cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/popup cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/radar cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/render cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/scramble cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/ship cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/sound cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/sound/ogg cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/species_defs cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/starfield cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/stats cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/tgautils cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/ui cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/variables cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/vcodec cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/weapon cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/windows_stub cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/wxfred2 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/wxfred2/hlp cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/code/wxfred2/res cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx8sdk cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx8sdk/include cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx8sdk/lib cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Include cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Include/DShowIDL cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Lib cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Lib/x64 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/dx9sdk/Lib/x86 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/libjpeg cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/lua cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/include cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/include/ogg cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/include/vorbis cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/lib cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/oggvorbis/lib.osx3 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal/include cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal/libs cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal/libs/win32 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/openal/libs/win64 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/MSVC_2003 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/MSVC_2005 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/MSVC_6 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/MSVC_7 cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/Xcode cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/Xcode/English.lproj cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/Xcode/FS2_Open.xcodeproj cvs checkout: Updating fs2_opentest/projects/anjuta1 *****CVS exited normally with code 0***** |
I have verified that it is the 2.181 version of missionparse.cpp that is causing this bug. |
Okay, I just added an extra check to account for this situation. Fixed. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2006-07-13 05:20 | Goober5000 | New Issue | |
2006-07-13 05:21 | Goober5000 | Description Updated | |
2006-07-13 20:39 | redmenace | Note Added: 0006161 | |
2006-07-14 02:36 | redmenace | Note Added: 0006162 | |
2006-07-14 02:43 | redmenace | Note Added: 0006163 | |
2006-07-14 02:44 | redmenace | Note Added: 0006164 | |
2006-07-14 19:46 | redmenace | Note Added: 0006172 | |
2006-07-16 02:46 | redmenace | Assigned To | redmenace => Goober5000 |
2006-11-26 03:14 | Goober5000 | Note Added: 0007173 | |
2006-11-26 03:14 | Goober5000 | Status | assigned => resolved |
2006-11-26 03:14 | Goober5000 | Resolution | open => fixed |
2006-11-26 03:14 | Goober5000 | Fixed in Version | => 3.6.9 |