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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000075FSSCPgameplaypublic2004-03-23 09:55
ReporterCP5670 Assigned ToBobboau  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000075: Beams deplete shield quadrants
DescriptionBeam weapons are by default supposed to go through shields without damaging them and affect hull strength only. However, although they do damage the hull properly, they also completely destroy the shield quadrant that they hit. This happens even if you are invulnerable, although then your hull is not affected.

The problem becomes especially pronounced with fighters; for example, if you are hit by an anti-fighter beam, the kinetic knock-around effect causes the beam to touch several parts of your ship, usually resulting in all four of your shield sections vanishing. I listed this bug as major because it alters the gameplay, making many missions considerably harder than they should be. This occurs in the 12_05_2003 version with -htl, -d3dmipmap, -jpgtga, -fps and -fov 0.65 and with both the original tables and my modified ones.
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2004-01-26 04:46

administrator   ~0000105

Should be a quick fix; I'll take a look at it.


2004-03-15 11:41

developer   ~0000449

How do you know beam weapons are *supposed* to go through shields?
Is this how it worked in retail?


2004-03-17 04:39

developer   ~0000492

yeah it's how it worked in retail, but I think V was just lazy in not implementing it, regardless many people say it unbalences missions, so it needs to be fixed, actualy I thought this was fixed a long time ago, Goober fixed it, turned out to be something I did (imagen that), it was my new beam shield hit code not getting totaly turned off


2004-03-17 05:18

administrator   ~0000494

I fixed *something*, but I'm not sure if I fixed this particular thing. I'll take a look at it this weekend.


2004-03-23 09:55

developer   ~0000555

I fixed, this, thought this was assigned to me, oops

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-01-20 05:40 CP5670 New Issue
2004-01-26 04:46 Goober5000 Note Added: 0000105
2004-01-26 04:46 Goober5000 Assigned To => Goober5000
2004-01-26 04:46 Goober5000 Status new => assigned
2004-03-15 11:41 RandomTiger Note Added: 0000449
2004-03-17 04:39 Bobboau Note Added: 0000492
2004-03-17 05:18 Goober5000 Note Added: 0000494
2004-03-23 09:55 Bobboau Status assigned => resolved
2004-03-23 09:55 Bobboau Resolution open => fixed
2004-03-23 09:55 Bobboau Assigned To Goober5000 => Bobboau
2004-03-23 09:55 Bobboau Note Added: 0000555