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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000308FSSCPOpenGLpublic2006-11-01 04:43
ReporterMatthewPapa Assigned Totaylor  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Summary0000308: I am getting the breifing artwork as nebulas....
DescriptionOk, this is definately not right. When i try and play mission 3 of the main freespace 2 campaign I get

the breifing artwork as the nebulae. I dont know if this is a Media VP mistake or a coding though

because I have no way to tell. I have tried all of the following configurations and this still happens.

No command lines
All command lines (mentioned below)
OGL mode.

The only way I can prevent this error from occuring is to run it in D3D mode (ugh!!, i hate running in

d3d becuase OGL looks so much better!) I uploaded a screenshot of the error.
Additional InformationSystem Specs
Windows XP Professional
2.85 GHz AMD Athlon Xp 3200+
1024mb DDR PC3200 RAM
GeForce 5700LE w/ 256mb
DX 9.0c

I am using Phreak's new 3.6.5 CVS build that was released only hours ago.

I am using the latest mediaVPs

Command lines:
C:\Games\FreeSpace2\fs2_open_r.exe -spec -glow -pcx32 -jpgtga -d3dmipmap -dualscanlines -ship_choice_3d

-targetinfo -orbradar -3dwarp -ballistic_gauge -smart_shields -snd_preload -ambient_factor 60
TagsNo tags attached.


2005-01-29 20:13


screen00.jpg (70,731 bytes)   
screen00.jpg (70,731 bytes)   


2005-01-29 20:50

developer   ~0001594

try getting rid of d3dmipmap if you're running in opengl


2005-01-29 20:56

reporter   ~0001596

It still does it if I remove that command line. Any other suggestions?


2005-01-29 21:00

developer   ~0001597

Last edited: 2005-01-29 21:01

wait this happens with no command lines?

try removing a media vp or 3

edited on: 01-29-05 16:01


2005-01-29 21:17

reporter   ~0001598

If I use OGL no command lines the same bug happens. Which MediaVPs do you suggest I try and remove first?


2005-01-29 22:14

developer   ~0001599

all of them and then add them back one at a time


2005-01-30 03:35

administrator   ~0001602

Did it just start happening with this build? Is it always the same interface art or is it random?


2005-03-12 20:04

developer   ~0001755

Reminder sent to MatthewPapa

Could you please check if the bug is still occuring in later builds? If it is, please check if it is constantly the same briefing art, or random stuff?


2005-03-13 23:50

reporter   ~0001865

Yes, yes this bug still happens in the newer builds. The mixed up artwork seems to be EXCLUSIVELY breifing interface art. I can tell you right off from my experimenting earlier that the bug seems to be cache related.

I will do some investigating later tonight and inform you guys of the results. Is there any recommended build you think I should use when checking into this problem?


2005-03-15 17:07

developer   ~0001965

Any of the latest builds seems like a good idea.

Assigning to Taylor since he's the OGL guy.


2005-03-15 21:40

administrator   ~0001966

I've still be unable to reproduce this in any way, even partially. I don't think that anyone else has reported it before either. Don't really have a clue on where to start working on this. If you can get any more info, MatthewPapa, please let me know.

For a newer build try this one since I know exactly what code is in it:


2005-03-15 22:17

reporter   ~0001967

Last edited: 2005-03-15 22:24

Okay, a couple of issues here. The first 2 deal with other errors of your new build. ALL OF THESE ARE TESTED ONLY IN OGL.

1. First of all the build minimixzes for some reason randomly (80% of the time) upon entrance to a mission or loading screen. I cant seem to re-maximize the window after that for some reason or another. When I alt+tab back in it just re-minimizes it back again. Still happens with no media VP's and command lines. HIGHLY annoying as it makes it nearly impossible to test much less play. Maybe we should fix this first?

2. CTD upon logging on to PXO. This happens right before I enter the lobby. I have a feel these 2 bugs are related as they both happen in the transistion from one screen to another. Still happens with no media VP's and no command lines HIGHLY annoying as it makes it nearly impossible to test much less play.

3. Interface art still appears as nebula backgrounds, even with no command lines and no media VP's.

I have attached the errorlog, fslog and a second nebula-briefing art screenshot to this bug as minimize.rar . This is the error log after seeng nebulas and crashing.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: Cant seem to upload anything, I get an error message so I just uploaded it to GW

edited on: 03-15-05 17:22

edited on: 03-15-05 17:24


2005-04-04 16:57

developer   ~0002086

Reminder sent to taylor

Seems like MatthewPapa is waiting for more builds to test, any progress on this bug?


2005-04-04 18:25

administrator   ~0002100

I'm still at a loss as to why the briefing art is getting used. If it was the normal texture corruption then it would show up in more places. There are a couple of bugs hinding in there somewhere which are causing some graphics problems but I haven't found them yet. When I do I'll release a new build and hope that it's related to your problem as well.


2005-04-25 07:26

administrator   ~0002250

@MatthewPapa, try with Goober's 04/23 build and see if there is any difference.


2005-05-01 04:32

reporter   ~0002290

I belive makeing a new pilot fixes the pxo crash, it happens to me when i switch builds sometimes and to fix it i just make a new pilot with the same name


2005-06-20 15:59

administrator   ~0002669

* BUMP *

Try a newer build and see if this still happens. I'm about OGL-fixed out so if it's not better now then you might be out of luck. I can't get this to ever happen and as far as I know it only happens to you. I don't really feel like it's drivers but upgrade and see if it makes a difference.


2005-06-20 17:13

administrator   ~0002670

If 1) and 2) still happen, please report them as seperate bugs.


2005-06-23 06:48

developer   ~0002682

of all the weird stuff to happen, that is something I would not think to be posable...


2005-07-22 06:46

administrator   ~0002847

Just going ahead and closing this. As far as I know not a single other person has been able to reproduce this and I can't find anything in the code which could allow this. If this gets reported by someone else then we can reopen but without a single place to start looking for a fix this bug would stay open forever.


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-01-29 20:12 MatthewPapa New Issue
2005-01-29 20:13 MatthewPapa File Added: screen00.jpg
2005-01-29 20:50 phreak Note Added: 0001594
2005-01-29 20:56 MatthewPapa Note Added: 0001596
2005-01-29 21:00 phreak Note Added: 0001597
2005-01-29 21:01 phreak Note Edited: 0001597
2005-01-29 21:17 MatthewPapa Note Added: 0001598
2005-01-29 22:14 phreak Note Added: 0001599
2005-01-30 03:35 taylor Note Added: 0001602
2005-03-12 20:04 kasperl Note Added: 0001755
2005-03-13 19:59 administrator Assigned To => kasperl
2005-03-13 19:59 administrator Status new => feedback
2005-03-13 23:50 MatthewPapa Note Added: 0001865
2005-03-15 17:07 kasperl Note Added: 0001965
2005-03-15 17:07 kasperl Assigned To kasperl => taylor
2005-03-15 17:07 kasperl Category graphics => OpenGL
2005-03-15 21:40 taylor Note Added: 0001966
2005-03-15 22:17 MatthewPapa Note Added: 0001967
2005-03-15 22:22 MatthewPapa Note Edited: 0001967
2005-03-15 22:24 MatthewPapa Note Edited: 0001967
2005-03-28 20:01 taylor Status feedback => assigned
2005-04-04 16:57 kasperl Note Added: 0002086
2005-04-04 18:25 taylor Note Added: 0002100
2005-04-25 07:26 taylor Note Added: 0002250
2005-05-01 04:32 EVO_Steven Note Added: 0002290
2005-06-20 15:59 taylor Note Added: 0002669
2005-06-20 17:13 Inquisitor Note Added: 0002670
2005-06-23 06:48 Bobboau Note Added: 0002682
2005-07-22 06:46 taylor Status assigned => closed
2005-07-22 06:46 taylor Note Added: 0002847
2006-11-01 04:43 taylor Resolution open => unable to reproduce