Reporter | FUBAR-BDHR | Assigned To | Goober5000 | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |
Product Version | 3.6.19 | |
Fixed in Version | 21.0.0 | |
Summary | 0002892: Invalid bitmaps in background 2 not being detected during load/save |
Description | Basically when you load or save a mission it is supposed to throw a warning if a background bitmap isn't found. This works find for background 1 but background 2 appears to not be checked. It will load and save the mission without any warnings. You can even go into the background editor and not get one unless you actually switch to background 2.
This might be related to 2876 but happens even if the suns are correct. |
Steps To Reproduce | Requires a mission with 2 $Bitmap List: sections in the .fs2 file. If you don't have one take any mission that has a valid background, copy the $Bitmap List: section so there are 2. Change the name of one of the bitmaps in the second list to something that doesn't exist. Open the mission in FRED. Note there is no warning about the invalid bitmap. Save mission, again no warning. Open background editor, again no warning. Change the background to background 2 and you should get the warning. |
Additional Information | 3.6.19 but it's basically 3.7.0 RC2. |
Tags | No tags attached. |