View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002714FSSCPHUDpublic2012-11-19 22:31
ReporterMjnMixael Assigned ToGoober5000  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS VersionWin7
Product Version3.6.13 
Target Version3.6.16 
Summary0002714: HUD won't change with change-ship-class SEXP
DescriptionUsing Build 9196.

Pretty much that. If I use change-ship-class to change the player to a ship that has a special HUD in hud_gauges.tbl, FSO will not load the HUD at all. It just switches to a blank screen.
Steps To ReproduceI provided a small modpack. Play the HUD Test mission in it. You should see the FS1 HUD at start. After 5 seconds you will switch to a GVF Seth, which calls for the Vasudan HUD.

You will probably see a blank screen.

After 10 more seconds, you will switch back to the GTF Ulysses and the FS1 HUD should return.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0002712 resolvedkarajorma "change-ship-class" sexp doesnt work for clients 



2012-09-15 17:37


HUDTest.7z (128,564 bytes)


2012-09-16 00:51

administrator   ~0013967

I have to do some work on that SEXP for Mantis 2712. It's not my field exactly but I'll see if anything stands out while I'm poking around in the code.


2012-09-25 13:52

administrator   ~0013975

I gave it a try but I didn't see any HUD at all in any of the ships.


2012-09-25 14:45

administrator   ~0013976

Okay, sorted out that issue by running in 1280x720 like Mjn suggested on IRC. However I don't think I know the HUD code well enough to sort this one out so I'm going to assign it to Swifty before Cooper starts complaining about it anyway


2012-11-11 05:52

administrator   ~0014023

I ran into the same issue where I had to switch to 1280x720 to see anything. Unfortunately this exceeds my knowledge of the HUD code as well. So we'll have to await Swifty's availability.


2012-11-12 03:00

administrator   ~0014031

Last edited: 2012-11-19 22:31

Actually, never mind. Now that I've gotten breakpoints working, I found a nice little function called set_current_hud() that fixed it. :p

Fixed in r9340.

EDIT: and 9361.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-09-15 17:37 MjnMixael New Issue
2012-09-15 17:37 MjnMixael File Added: HUDTest.7z
2012-09-16 00:51 karajorma Note Added: 0013967
2012-09-25 13:52 karajorma Note Added: 0013975
2012-09-25 14:45 karajorma Note Added: 0013976
2012-09-25 14:45 karajorma Assigned To => Swifty
2012-09-25 14:45 karajorma Status new => assigned
2012-11-09 04:07 niffiwan Target Version => 3.6.16
2012-11-11 05:52 Goober5000 Note Added: 0014023
2012-11-12 03:00 Goober5000 Note Added: 0014031
2012-11-12 03:00 Goober5000 Assigned To Swifty => Goober5000
2012-11-12 03:00 Goober5000 Status assigned => resolved
2012-11-12 03:00 Goober5000 Resolution open => fixed
2012-11-12 16:59 Goober5000 Relationship added related to 0002712
2012-11-19 22:31 Goober5000 Note Edited: 0014031