View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002664FSSCPmath-relatedpublic2012-11-24 02:14
Reporterniffiwan Assigned Toniffiwan  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.6.14 RC6 
Target Version3.6.16Fixed in Version3.6.15 
Summary0002664: shockwaves uses target objects radius to calculate damage
DescriptionWhen calculating the distance at which shockwaves will do damage to a given target, the target of the shockwave is treated as being a sphere. For any model with a shape that is not perfect sphere, this method will have inaccuracies. It's particularly noticeable with the Karuna from Blueplanet2 as the one of the Karunas primary weapons is the Apocalyse missile (which has a shockwave), and the Karuna model is long and thin. Any target of the Karuna that is close and not directly fore/aft of the ship will cause the Karuna to take damage from it's own weapons, even though "logically" the ship is outside the shockwave outer radius.
Steps To ReproduceSome discussion has occurred in this forum post.

I've attached a mission from qwadtep which showcases the issue. In theory none of the Karunas should take damage from their own missiles, however either 2 or 3 do, depending on which Karuna model is in use.
Additional InformationThe obvious solution is to be to be more accurate with the distance calculation. My concern is how this will affect performance, as I believe that collision detection is the current bottleneck in FSO.

One idea would be to calculate a cylinder for shockwave distance calculations - which is still an approximation but could be accurate enough for most cases. I think this would require two more pieces of information, radius & world position we have, we'd need length and orientation of the cylinder. I think I came across a existing function somewhere which will calculate the closest point on a cylinder to a given world position? (of course I can't find said function now...)

Another idea would be to use something similar to the weapon impact calculations, i.e. use the lod0 model with all its polygons. Obviously this gives the most accurate results, but is it too computationally expensive?
TagsNo tags attached.



2012-06-10 03:53


test-range.fs2 (14,882 bytes)


2012-06-10 21:18

administrator   ~0013652

Why not use the rotated model bounding box?Seems to me that that would be a good first place to start, instead of going straight to full-on ray collisions with LOD0.


2012-06-11 02:27

developer   ~0013653

The bounding box sounds like a good idea, I'm ashamed to admit it but I didn't know they existed when I logged the ticket :-) Since then I've been doing some wiki reading about the .pof format. Just to further expose my knowledge deficiencies in this area - what's the "rotated" model bbox? I presume that the "normal" bbox is described in the OBJ chunks, by these three values?

vector geometric_center
vector bounding_box_min_point
vector bounding_box_max_point


2012-06-11 09:08

administrator   ~0013660

Rotated just means that you have to rotate the bbox coords into world coordinates by using vec_rotate with the objects current orientation matrix.


2012-06-28 03:10

developer   ~0013731

I found a function in the aicode for getting the nearest point on a bounding box so I moved that around and reused it for the shockwaves check. My testing with the attached mission now has only the 400m Karuna taking some self damage, and only some of the time, probably from missile impacts on the nearest engine section of the Deimos.

Could someone please review the patch and provide comments? Thanks


2012-11-11 05:18

administrator   ~0014020

The patch looks okay, but I want to look at it in context with the code, and unfortunately the patch can no longer be cleanly applied. Can you make a new patch against latest trunk?


2012-11-19 09:11


mantis_2664.patch (6,003 bytes)   
Index: fs2_open/code/ai/aicode.cpp
--- fs2_open/code/ai/aicode.cpp    (revision 9359)
+++ fs2_open/code/ai/aicode.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -1834,28 +1834,7 @@ int is_ignore_object(ai_info *aip, int objnum, int just_the_original = 0)
 	return 0;
- * Given a ship with bounding box and a point, find the closest point on the bbox
- */
-int get_nearest_bbox_point(object *ship_obj, vec3d *start, vec3d *box_pt)
-	vec3d temp, rf_start;
-	polymodel *pm;
-	pm = model_get(Ship_info[Ships[ship_obj->instance].ship_info_index].model_num);
-	// get start in ship rf
-	vm_vec_sub(&temp, start, &ship_obj->pos);
-	vm_vec_rotate(&rf_start, &temp, &ship_obj->orient);
-	// find box_pt
-	int inside = project_point_onto_bbox(&pm->mins, &pm->maxs, &rf_start, &temp);
-	// get box_pt in world rf
-	vm_vec_unrotate(box_pt, &temp, &ship_obj->orient);
-	vm_vec_add2(box_pt, &ship_obj->pos);
-	return inside;
 typedef struct eval_nearest_objnum {
Index: fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp
--- fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp    (revision 9359)
+++ fs2_open/code/ship/ship.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
 #include "ship/shipcontrails.h"
 #include "weapon/beam.h"
 #include "math/staticrand.h"
+#include "math/fvi.h"
 #include "missionui/missionshipchoice.h"
 #include "hud/hudartillery.h"
 #include "species_defs/species_defs.h"
@@ -17417,3 +17418,32 @@ bool ship_has_sound(object *objp, GameSoundsIndex id)
 		return true;
+ * Given a ship with bounding box and a point, find the closest point on the bbox
+ *
+ * @param ship_obj Object that has the bounding box (should be a ship)
+ * @param start World position of the point being compared
+ * @param box_pt OUTPUT PARAMETER: closest point on the bbox to start
+ *
+ * @return point is inside bbox, TRUE/1
+ * @return point is outside bbox, FALSE/0
+ */
+int get_nearest_bbox_point(object *ship_obj, vec3d *start, vec3d *box_pt)
+	vec3d temp, rf_start;
+	polymodel *pm;
+	pm = model_get(Ship_info[Ships[ship_obj->instance].ship_info_index].model_num);
+	// get start in ship rf
+	vm_vec_sub(&temp, start, &ship_obj->pos);
+	vm_vec_rotate(&rf_start, &temp, &ship_obj->orient);
+	// find box_pt
+	int inside = project_point_onto_bbox(&pm->mins, &pm->maxs, &rf_start, &temp);
+	// get box_pt in world rf
+	vm_vec_unrotate(box_pt, &temp, &ship_obj->orient);
+	vm_vec_add2(box_pt, &ship_obj->pos);
+	return inside;
Index: fs2_open/code/ship/ship.h
--- fs2_open/code/ship/ship.h    (revision 9359)
+++ fs2_open/code/ship/ship.h    (working copy)
@@ -1975,4 +1975,16 @@ bool ship_has_sound(object *objp, GameSoundsIndex id);
 int get_default_player_ship_index();
+ * Given a ship with bounding box and a point, find the closest point on the bbox
+ *
+ * @param ship_obj Object that has the bounding box (should be a ship)
+ * @param start World position of the point being compared
+ * @param box_pt OUTPUT PARAMETER: closest point on the bbox to start
+ *
+ * @return point is inside bbox, TRUE/1
+ * @return point is outside bbox, FALSE/0
+ */
+int get_nearest_bbox_point(object *ship_obj, vec3d *start, vec3d *box_pt);
Index: fs2_open/code/weapon/weapons.cpp
--- fs2_open/code/weapon/weapons.cpp    (revision 9359)
+++ fs2_open/code/weapon/weapons.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -5589,7 +5589,7 @@ void weapon_do_electronics_effect(object *ship_objp, vec3d *blast_pos, int wi_in
- * Calculate teh damage for an object based on the location of an area-effect
+ * Calculate the damage for an object based on the location of an area-effect
  * explosion.
  * @param objp			Object pointer ship receiving blast effect
@@ -5607,23 +5607,33 @@ void weapon_do_electronics_effect(object *ship_objp, vec3d *blast_pos, int wi_in
 int weapon_area_calc_damage(object *objp, vec3d *pos, float inner_rad, float outer_rad, float max_blast, float max_damage, float *blast, float *damage, float limit)
-	float			dist, max_dist, min_dist;
+	float dist;
+	vec3d box_pt;
+	// if object receiving the blast is a ship, use the bbox for distances
+	// otherwise use the objects radius
+	// could possibly exclude SIF_SMALL_SHIP (& other small objects) from using the bbox
+	if (objp->type == OBJ_SHIP) {
+		int inside = get_nearest_bbox_point(objp, pos, &box_pt);
+		if (inside) {
+			dist = 0.0001f;
+		} else {
+			dist = vm_vec_dist_quick(pos, &box_pt);
+		}
+	} else {
+		dist = vm_vec_dist_quick(&objp->pos, pos) - objp->radius;
+	}
-	max_dist = objp->radius + outer_rad;
-	dist = vm_vec_dist_quick(&objp->pos, pos);	
-	if ( (dist > max_dist) || (dist > (limit+objp->radius)) ) {
+	if ( (dist > outer_rad) || (dist > limit) ) {
 		return -1;	// spheres don't intersect at all
-	if ( dist < (inner_rad+objp->radius) ) {
+	if ( dist < inner_rad ) {
 		// damage is maximum within inner radius
 		*damage = max_damage;
 		*blast = max_blast;
 	} else {
-		min_dist = dist - objp->radius;
-		Assert(min_dist < outer_rad);
-		float dist_to_outer_rad_squared = (outer_rad-min_dist)*(outer_rad-min_dist);
+		float dist_to_outer_rad_squared = (outer_rad-dist)*(outer_rad-dist);
 		float total_dist_squared = (inner_rad-outer_rad)*(inner_rad-outer_rad);
 		// this means the inner and outer radii are basically equal... and since we aren't within the inner radius,
@@ -5635,8 +5645,7 @@ int weapon_area_calc_damage(object *objp, vec3d *pos, float inner_rad, float out
 		// AL 2-24-98: drop off damage relative to square of distance
 		Assert(dist_to_outer_rad_squared <= total_dist_squared);
 		*damage = max_damage * dist_to_outer_rad_squared/total_dist_squared;
-		*blast =  (min_dist - outer_rad) * max_blast /(inner_rad - outer_rad);
+		*blast =  (dist - outer_rad) * max_blast /(inner_rad - outer_rad);
 	return 0;
mantis_2664.patch (6,003 bytes)   


2012-11-19 09:22

developer   ~0014069

Oops - old patch was in git format, not svn format. Does this one apply cleanly? You might need the tortoise equivalent of "patch -p1" to ignore the leading fs2_open directory in the patch paths.


2012-11-23 03:10

administrator   ~0014152

Unfortunately no. Is it diff'd against current trunk?


2012-11-23 03:20

developer   ~0014153

Gah! It was created vs the current trunk on the day it was attached. I've had a problem like this before, I'll redo the patch again not using git at all this time...


2012-11-23 09:11


mantis_2664_puresvn.patch (5,481 bytes)   
Index: code/weapon/weapons.cpp
--- code/weapon/weapons.cpp	(revision 9370)
+++ code/weapon/weapons.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -5589,7 +5589,7 @@
- * Calculate teh damage for an object based on the location of an area-effect
+ * Calculate the damage for an object based on the location of an area-effect
  * explosion.
  * @param objp			Object pointer ship receiving blast effect
@@ -5607,23 +5607,33 @@
 int weapon_area_calc_damage(object *objp, vec3d *pos, float inner_rad, float outer_rad, float max_blast, float max_damage, float *blast, float *damage, float limit)
-	float			dist, max_dist, min_dist;
+	float dist;
+	vec3d box_pt;
-	max_dist = objp->radius + outer_rad;
-	dist = vm_vec_dist_quick(&objp->pos, pos);	
-	if ( (dist > max_dist) || (dist > (limit+objp->radius)) ) {
+	// if object receiving the blast is a ship, use the bbox for distances
+	// otherwise use the objects radius
+	// could possibly exclude SIF_SMALL_SHIP (& other small objects) from using the bbox
+	if (objp->type == OBJ_SHIP) {
+		int inside = get_nearest_bbox_point(objp, pos, &box_pt);
+		if (inside) {
+			dist = 0.0001f;
+		} else {
+			dist = vm_vec_dist_quick(pos, &box_pt);
+		}
+	} else {
+		dist = vm_vec_dist_quick(&objp->pos, pos) - objp->radius;
+	}
+	if ( (dist > outer_rad) || (dist > limit) ) {
 		return -1;	// spheres don't intersect at all
-	if ( dist < (inner_rad+objp->radius) ) {
+	if ( dist < inner_rad ) {
 		// damage is maximum within inner radius
 		*damage = max_damage;
 		*blast = max_blast;
 	} else {
-		min_dist = dist - objp->radius;
-		Assert(min_dist < outer_rad);
-		float dist_to_outer_rad_squared = (outer_rad-min_dist)*(outer_rad-min_dist);
+		float dist_to_outer_rad_squared = (outer_rad-dist)*(outer_rad-dist);
 		float total_dist_squared = (inner_rad-outer_rad)*(inner_rad-outer_rad);
 		// this means the inner and outer radii are basically equal... and since we aren't within the inner radius,
@@ -5635,8 +5645,7 @@
 		// AL 2-24-98: drop off damage relative to square of distance
 		Assert(dist_to_outer_rad_squared <= total_dist_squared);
 		*damage = max_damage * dist_to_outer_rad_squared/total_dist_squared;
-		*blast =  (min_dist - outer_rad) * max_blast /(inner_rad - outer_rad);
+		*blast =  (dist - outer_rad) * max_blast /(inner_rad - outer_rad);
 	return 0;
Index: code/ai/aicode.cpp
--- code/ai/aicode.cpp	(revision 9370)
+++ code/ai/aicode.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -1834,30 +1834,9 @@
 	return 0;
- * Given a ship with bounding box and a point, find the closest point on the bbox
- */
-int get_nearest_bbox_point(object *ship_obj, vec3d *start, vec3d *box_pt)
-	vec3d temp, rf_start;
-	polymodel *pm;
-	pm = model_get(Ship_info[Ships[ship_obj->instance].ship_info_index].model_num);
-	// get start in ship rf
-	vm_vec_sub(&temp, start, &ship_obj->pos);
-	vm_vec_rotate(&rf_start, &temp, &ship_obj->orient);
-	// find box_pt
-	int inside = project_point_onto_bbox(&pm->mins, &pm->maxs, &rf_start, &temp);
-	// get box_pt in world rf
-	vm_vec_unrotate(box_pt, &temp, &ship_obj->orient);
-	vm_vec_add2(box_pt, &ship_obj->pos);
-	return inside;
 typedef struct eval_nearest_objnum {
 	int	objnum;
 	object *trial_objp;
Index: code/ship/ship.cpp
--- code/ship/ship.cpp	(revision 9370)
+++ code/ship/ship.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
 #include "ship/shipcontrails.h"
 #include "weapon/beam.h"
 #include "math/staticrand.h"
+#include "math/fvi.h"
 #include "missionui/missionshipchoice.h"
 #include "hud/hudartillery.h"
 #include "species_defs/species_defs.h"
@@ -17435,3 +17436,32 @@
 		return true;
+ * Given a ship with bounding box and a point, find the closest point on the bbox
+ *
+ * @param ship_obj Object that has the bounding box (should be a ship)
+ * @param start World position of the point being compared
+ * @param box_pt OUTPUT PARAMETER: closest point on the bbox to start
+ *
+ * @return point is inside bbox, TRUE/1
+ * @return point is outside bbox, FALSE/0
+ */
+int get_nearest_bbox_point(object *ship_obj, vec3d *start, vec3d *box_pt)
+	vec3d temp, rf_start;
+	polymodel *pm;
+	pm = model_get(Ship_info[Ships[ship_obj->instance].ship_info_index].model_num);
+	// get start in ship rf
+	vm_vec_sub(&temp, start, &ship_obj->pos);
+	vm_vec_rotate(&rf_start, &temp, &ship_obj->orient);
+	// find box_pt
+	int inside = project_point_onto_bbox(&pm->mins, &pm->maxs, &rf_start, &temp);
+	// get box_pt in world rf
+	vm_vec_unrotate(box_pt, &temp, &ship_obj->orient);
+	vm_vec_add2(box_pt, &ship_obj->pos);
+	return inside;
Index: code/ship/ship.h
--- code/ship/ship.h	(revision 9370)
+++ code/ship/ship.h	(working copy)
@@ -1975,4 +1975,16 @@
 int get_default_player_ship_index();
+ * Given a ship with bounding box and a point, find the closest point on the bbox
+ *
+ * @param ship_obj Object that has the bounding box (should be a ship)
+ * @param start World position of the point being compared
+ * @param box_pt OUTPUT PARAMETER: closest point on the bbox to start
+ *
+ * @return point is inside bbox, TRUE/1
+ * @return point is outside bbox, FALSE/0
+ */
+int get_nearest_bbox_point(object *ship_obj, vec3d *start, vec3d *box_pt);
mantis_2664_puresvn.patch (5,481 bytes)   


2012-11-23 09:13

developer   ~0014160

OK - try mantis_2664_puresvn.patch :)


2012-11-23 18:04

administrator   ~0014165

Looks good. :yes: Both the math and the logic. I say go ahead and commit it.


2012-11-24 02:14

developer   ~0014169

Thanks - committed in r9371

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-06-10 03:53 niffiwan New Issue
2012-06-10 03:53 niffiwan File Added: test-range.fs2
2012-06-10 21:18 The_E Note Added: 0013652
2012-06-11 02:27 niffiwan Note Added: 0013653
2012-06-11 09:08 The_E Note Added: 0013660
2012-06-28 03:07 niffiwan Assigned To => niffiwan
2012-06-28 03:07 niffiwan Status new => assigned
2012-06-28 03:07 niffiwan File Added: mantis_2664.patch
2012-06-28 03:08 niffiwan Product Version 3.6.14 RC5 => 3.6.14 RC6
2012-06-28 03:10 niffiwan Note Added: 0013731
2012-06-28 03:10 niffiwan Status assigned => code review
2012-11-11 05:18 Goober5000 Note Added: 0014020
2012-11-16 05:56 Goober5000 Target Version 3.7.2 => 3.6.16
2012-11-19 09:11 niffiwan File Deleted: mantis_2664.patch
2012-11-19 09:11 niffiwan File Added: mantis_2664.patch
2012-11-19 09:22 niffiwan Note Added: 0014069
2012-11-23 03:10 Goober5000 Note Added: 0014152
2012-11-23 03:20 niffiwan Note Added: 0014153
2012-11-23 09:11 niffiwan File Added: mantis_2664_puresvn.patch
2012-11-23 09:13 niffiwan Note Added: 0014160
2012-11-23 18:04 Goober5000 Note Added: 0014165
2012-11-24 02:14 niffiwan Note Added: 0014169
2012-11-24 02:14 niffiwan Status code review => resolved
2012-11-24 02:14 niffiwan Fixed in Version => 3.6.15
2012-11-24 02:14 niffiwan Resolution open => fixed