View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002342FSSCPAIpublic2010-11-24 09:00
ReporterFUBAR-BDHR Assigned ToSushi_CW  
PriorityhighSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.6.13 
Fixed in Version3.6.13 
Summary0002342: Verify failure: swp->current_secondary_bank >= 0
DescriptionVerify failure: swp->current_secondary_bank >= 0 && swp->current_secondary_bank < MAX_SHIP_SECONDARY_BANKS

In this case current_secondary_bank was -1. This is a new check recently added by E9 in commit 6756. Check looks good so it's probably picking up an old error as that area of the code goes back to commit 1649 by WMC.

The real question is why the AI did not pick a valid weapon. As far as I could tell the firing ship was Alpha 3 a Loki#stealth (FSPort) armed with Harps in bank 0 targeting a Manticore.
Additional Information3.6.13 r5760 running FSPort MVPs Standalone just updated with mediavp 3.6.13 patch

Attaching stack and variables. I'll attach logs as soon as I am able.
TagsNo tags attached.


2010-11-22 04:27


verify_aicode_5790.txt (22,443 bytes)   
Verify failure: swp->current_secondary_bank >= 0 && swp->current_secondary_bank < MAX_SHIP_SECONDARY_BANKS

<no module>! KiFastSystemCallRet
<no module>! WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
<no module>! SCP_DumpStack + 354 bytes
<no module>! Error + 229 bytes
<no module>! ai_select_secondary_weapon + 1121 bytes
<no module>! ai_choose_secondary_weapon + 601 bytes
<no module>! ai_chase + 9692 bytes
<no module>! ai_execute_behavior + 82 bytes
<no module>! ai_frame + 2083 bytes
<no module>! ai_process + 290 bytes
<no module>! ship_process_post + 1838 bytes
<no module>! obj_move_all_post + 565 bytes
<no module>! obj_move_all + 355 bytes
<no module>! game_simulation_frame + 1109 bytes
<no module>! game_frame + 491 bytes
<no module>! game_do_frame + 239 bytes
<no module>! game_do_state + 379 bytes
<no module>! gameseq_process_events + 237 bytes
<no module>! game_main + 782 bytes
<no module>! WinMain + 330 bytes
<no module>! __tmainCRTStartup + 358 bytes
<no module>! WinMainCRTStartup + 15 bytes
<no module>! RegisterWaitForInputIdle + 73 bytes

 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!debug_int3(char * file=0x00ea361c, int line=1155)  Line 764	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!Error(const char * filename=0x00edf030, int line=5790, const char * format=0x00e9e3d8, ...)  Line 1155 + 0x13 bytes	C++
>	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_select_secondary_weapon(object * objp=0x01060c10, ship_weapon * swp=0x01570b98, int priority1=259, int priority2=0, int wif2_priority1=0, int wif2_priority2=0)  Line 5790 + 0x2f bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_choose_secondary_weapon(object * objp=0x01060c10, ai_info * aip=0x022df478, object * en_objp=0x01061fe4)  Line 7667 + 0x1d bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_chase()  Line 8708 + 0x19 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_execute_behavior(ai_info * aip=0x022df478)  Line 12961 + 0x5 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_frame(int objnum=6)  Line 14149 + 0x9 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_process(object * obj=0x01060c10, int ai_index=5, float frametime=0.033996582)  Line 14253 + 0x16 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ship_process_post(object * obj=0x01060c10, float frametime=0.033996582)  Line 7756 + 0x20 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!obj_move_all_post(object * objp=0x01060c10, float frametime=0.033996582)  Line 1209 + 0x10 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!obj_move_all(float frametime=0.033996582)  Line 1410 + 0x10 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_simulation_frame()  Line 4220 + 0xf bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_frame(int paused=0)  Line 4667	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_do_frame()  Line 5098 + 0x7 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_do_state(int state=2)  Line 6890	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!gameseq_process_events()  Line 407 + 0x14 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_main(char * cmdline=0x00152344)  Line 7465 + 0x5 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInst=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * hPrev=0x00000000, char * szCmdLine=0x00152344, int nCmdShow=1)  Line 7545 + 0x9 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 263 + 0x2c bytes	C
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!WinMainCRTStartup()  Line 182	C
 	[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]	

All values of arrays weapon_bank_list and weapon_id_list are -1


-		aip	0x022df478 {ai_flags=0 shipnum=5 type=0 ...}	ai_info *
		ai_flags	0	int
		shipnum	5	int
		type	0	int
		wing	0	int
		behavior	9	int
		mode	0	int
		previous_mode	5	int
		mode_time	-1	int
		target_objnum	15	int
		target_signature	16	int
		previous_target_objnum	15	int
		stealth_last_cheat_visible_stamp	0	int
		stealth_last_visible_stamp	0	int
		stealth_sweep_box_size	0.00000000	float
+		stealth_last_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df4b0 }	vec3d
+		stealth_velocity	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df4bc }	vec3d
		previous_dot_to_enemy	0.00000000	float
		target_time	3.5569916	float
		enemy_wing	-1	int
		attacker_objnum	-1	int
		goal_objnum	-1	int
		goal_signature	-1	int
		guard_objnum	11	int
		guard_signature	12	int
		guard_wingnum	2	int
		ignore_objnum	-4000	int
		ignore_signature	-1	int
+		ignore_new_objnums	0x022df4f4	int [7]
+		ignore_new_signatures	0x022df510	int [7]
		ai_class	3	int
		wp_list	-1	int
		wp_index	-1	int
		wp_flags	0	int
		wp_dir	0	int
		waypoint_speed_cap	-1	int
		path_start	-1	int
		path_cur	0	int
		path_length	0	int
		path_dir	0	int
		path_flags	0	int
		path_objnum	0	int
		path_goal_obj_hash	0	int
		path_next_create_time	53855	long
+		path_create_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df564 }	vec3d
+		path_create_orient	{vec={...} a2d=0x022df570 a1d=0x022df570 }	matrix
		mp_index	0	int
		path_next_check_time	0	long
		path_goal_dist	-1	int
		path_subsystem_next_check	1	int
		submode	2	int
		previous_submode	104	int
		best_dot_to_enemy	-1.0000000	float
		best_dot_from_enemy	-1.0000000	float
		best_dot_to_time	0	long
		best_dot_from_time	0	long
		submode_start_time	6424559	long
		submode_parm0	0	int
		submode_parm1	0	int
		next_predict_pos_time	6518407	long
		next_aim_pos_time	6482296	long
+		last_aim_enemy_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df5d0 }	vec3d
+		last_aim_enemy_vel	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df5dc }	vec3d
+		goals	0x022df5e8 {signature=1 ai_mode=32768 ai_submode=0 ...}	ai_goal [5]
		active_goal	999	int
		goal_check_time	1	int
+		last_predicted_enemy_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df6f4 }	vec3d
		time_enemy_in_range	38.133347	float
		time_enemy_near	0.00000000	float
		last_attack_time	6482296	long
		last_hit_time	0	long
		last_hit_quadrant	0	int
		last_hit_target_time	6249185	long
		hitter_objnum	-1	int
		hitter_signature	-1	int
		resume_goal_time	-1	long
		prev_accel	1.0000000	float
		prev_dot_to_goal	0.00000000	float
+		goal_point	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df72c }	vec3d
+		prev_goal_point	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df738 }	vec3d
		ai_accuracy	0.55000001	float
		ai_evasion	20.000000	float
		ai_courage	20.000000	float
		ai_patience	20.000000	float
		ai_aburn_use_factor	-2147483648	int
		ai_shockwave_evade_chance	1.1754944e-038	float
		ai_get_away_chance	1.1754944e-038	float
		ai_secondary_range_mult	1.1754944e-038	float
		ai_class_autoscale	true	bool
		ai_cmeasure_fire_chance	0.30000001	float
		ai_in_range_time	1.4000000	float
		ai_link_ammo_levels_maybe	60.000000	float
		ai_link_ammo_levels_always	80.000000	float
		ai_primary_ammo_burst_mult	0.00000000	float
		ai_link_energy_levels_maybe	60.000000	float
		ai_link_energy_levels_always	80.000000	float
		ai_predict_position_delay	98304	long
		ai_shield_manage_delay	4.0000000	float
		ai_ship_fire_delay_scale_friendly	1.4000000	float
		ai_ship_fire_delay_scale_hostile	2.5000000	float
		ai_ship_fire_secondary_delay_scale_friendly	0.60000002	float
		ai_ship_fire_secondary_delay_scale_hostile	1.2000000	float
		ai_turn_time_scale	2.2000000	float
		ai_glide_attack_percent	0.00000000	float
		ai_circle_strafe_percent	0.00000000	float
		ai_glide_strafe_percent	0.00000000	float
		ai_random_sidethrust_percent	0.00000000	float
		ai_stalemate_time_thresh	0.00000000	float
		ai_stalemate_dist_thresh	0.00000000	float
		ai_chance_to_use_missiles_on_plr	1	int
		ai_max_aim_update_delay	0.00000000	float
		ai_turret_max_aim_update_delay	0.00000000	float
		ai_profile_flags	5376	int
		ai_profile_flags2	0	int
		lead_scale	0.21093589	float
		stay_near_distance	0.21093589	float
+		targeted_subsys	0x00000000 {next=??? prev=??? system_info=??? ...}	ship_subsys *
+		last_subsys_target	0x00000000 {next=??? prev=??? system_info=??? ...}	ship_subsys *
		targeted_subsys_parent	-1	int
		aspect_locked_time	0.00000000	float
		support_ship_objnum	-1	int
		support_ship_signature	-1	int
		danger_weapon_objnum	393	int
		danger_weapon_signature	394	int
+		guard_vec	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df7f0 }	vec3d
		nearest_locked_object	-1	int
		nearest_locked_distance	99999.000	float
		current_target_distance	0.00000000	float
		current_target_is_locked	0	int
		current_target_dist_trend	0	int
		current_target_speed_trend	0	int
		last_dist	0.00000000	float
		last_speed	0.00000000	float
		last_secondary_index	0	int
		last_target	0	int
		rearm_first_missile	1	int
		rearm_first_ballistic_primary	1	int
		rearm_release_delay	0	int
		afterburner_stop_time	138190971	long
		last_objsig_hit	17	int
		ignore_expire_timestamp	53855	int
		warp_out_timestamp	0	int
		next_rearm_request_timestamp	153264	int
		primary_select_timestamp	99225	int
		secondary_select_timestamp	53855	int
		scan_for_enemy_timestamp	53855	int
		choose_enemy_timestamp	95900	int
		force_warp_time	0	int
		shockwave_object	-1	int
		shield_manage_timestamp	1	int
		self_destruct_timestamp	-1	int
		ok_to_target_timestamp	1	int
		kamikaze_damage	0.00000000	float
+		big_attack_point	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df86c }	vec3d
+		big_attack_surface_normal	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df878 }	vec3d
		pick_big_attack_point_timestamp	53855	int
		avoid_ship_num	-1	int
+		avoid_goal_point	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df88c }	vec3d
		avoid_check_timestamp	97815	long
+		big_collision_normal	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df89c }	vec3d
+		big_recover_pos_1	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df8a8 }	vec3d
+		big_recover_pos_2	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df8b4 }	vec3d
		big_recover_timestamp	0	int
		abort_rearm_timestamp	-1	int
		artillery_objnum	-1	int
		artillery_sig	-1	int
		artillery_lock_time	0.00000000	float
+		artillery_lock_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022df8d4 }	vec3d
		lethality	0.78916872	float
		ai_override_flags	0	int
+		ai_override_ci	{pitch=0.00000000 vertical=0.00000000 heading=0.00000000 ...}	control_info
		ai_override_timestamp	0	int
		aip->current_target_is_locked	0	int
-		swp	0x01570b98 {num_primary_banks=2 num_secondary_banks=1 num_tertiary_banks=0 ...}	ship_weapon *
		num_primary_banks	2	int
		num_secondary_banks	1	int
		num_tertiary_banks	0	int
+		primary_bank_weapons	0x01570ba4	int [3]
+		secondary_bank_weapons	0x01570bb0	int [4]
		current_primary_bank	0	int
		current_secondary_bank	-1	int
		current_tertiary_bank	0	int
		previous_primary_bank	0	int
		previous_secondary_bank	0	int
+		next_primary_fire_stamp	0x01570bd4	int [3]
+		last_primary_fire_stamp	0x01570be0	int [3]
+		next_secondary_fire_stamp	0x01570bec	int [4]
+		last_secondary_fire_stamp	0x01570bfc	int [4]
		next_tertiary_fire_stamp	0	int
+		primary_bank_ammo	0x01570c10	int [3]
+		primary_bank_start_ammo	0x01570c1c	int [3]
+		primary_bank_capacity	0x01570c28	int [3]
+		primary_next_slot	0x01570c34	int [3]
+		primary_bank_rearm_time	0x01570c40	int [3]
+		secondary_bank_ammo	0x01570c4c	int [4]
+		secondary_bank_start_ammo	0x01570c5c	int [4]
+		secondary_bank_capacity	0x01570c6c	int [4]
+		secondary_next_slot	0x01570c7c	int [4]
+		secondary_bank_rearm_time	0x01570c8c	int [4]
		tertiary_bank_ammo	0	int
		tertiary_bank_start_ammo	0	int
		tertiary_bank_capacity	0	int
		tertiary_bank_rearm_time	0	int
		last_fired_weapon_index	1300	int
		last_fired_weapon_signature	1301	int
		detonate_weapon_time	97345	int
		ai_class	3	int
		flags	0	int
+		primary_animation_position	0x01570cc0 ""	unsigned char [3]
+		secondary_animation_position	0x01570cc3 ""	unsigned char [4]
+		primary_animation_done_time	0x01570cc8	int [3]
+		secondary_animation_done_time	0x01570cd4	int [4]
+		burst_counter	0x01570ce4	int [7]
+		external_model_fp_counter	0x01570d00	int [7]
		swp->current_secondary_bank	-1	int


-		objp	0x01060c10 {next=0x01061078 prev=0x010609dc signature=7 ...}	object *
+		next	0x01061078 {next=0x010612ac prev=0x01060c10 signature=9 ...}	object *
+		prev	0x010609dc {next=0x01060c10 prev=0x010607a8 signature=6 ...}	object *
		signature	7	int
		type	1 ''	char
		parent	-1	int
		parent_sig	7	int
		parent_type	1 ''	char
		instance	5	int
		flags	519	unsigned int
+		pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01060c34 }	vec3d
+		orient	{vec={...} a2d=0x01060c40 a1d=0x01060c40 }	matrix
		radius	13.158433	float
+		last_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01060c68 }	vec3d
+		last_orient	{vec={...} a2d=0x01060c74 a1d=0x01060c74 }	matrix
+		phys_info	{flags=258 mass=116.38020 center_of_mass={...} ...}	physics_info
+		shield_quadrant	0x01060dd4	float [4]
		hull_strength	180.00000	float
		sim_hull_strength	0.00000000	float
+		objsnd_num	0x01060dec	short [32]
		net_signature	39	unsigned short
		num_pairs	41	int
+		jnp	0x00000000 {m_name=0x0000000c <Bad Ptr> m_modelnum=??? m_objnum=??? ...}	jump_node *
+		dock_list	0x00000000 {next=??? dockpoint_used=??? docked_objp=??? }	dock_instance *
+		dead_dock_list	0x00000000 {next=??? dockpoint_used=??? docked_objp=??? }	dock_instance *
		collision_group_id	0	int
+		aip	0x022df478 {ai_flags=0 shipnum=5 type=0 ...}	ai_info *
		priority1	259	int
		priority2	0	int
		wif2_priority2	0	int
+		swp	0x01570b98 {num_primary_banks=2 num_secondary_banks=1 num_tertiary_banks=0 ...}	ship_weapon *
		num_weapon_types	0	int
		ignore_mask_without_huge	1048576	int
		initial_bank	0	int
		ignore_mask	9469952	int
		wif2_priority1	0	int
		priority2_index	-1	int
+		weapon_bank_list	0x0012de6c	int [300]
+		wip	0xcccccccc {name=0xcccccccc <Bad Ptr> alt_name=0xccccccec <Bad Ptr> title=0xcccccd0c <Bad Ptr> ...}	weapon_info *
		i	0	int
+		weapon_id_list	0x0012e324	int [300]

Locals up one level:

+		objp	0x01060c10 {next=0x01061078 prev=0x010609dc signature=7 ...}	object *
+		aip	0x022df478 {ai_flags=0 shipnum=5 type=0 ...}	ai_info *
-		en_objp	0x01061fe4 {next=0x0106244c prev=0x01061db0 signature=16 ...}	object *
+		next	0x0106244c {next=0x01062680 prev=0x01061fe4 signature=18 ...}	object *
+		prev	0x01061db0 {next=0x01061fe4 prev=0x01061b7c signature=15 ...}	object *
		signature	16	int
		type	1 ''	char
		parent	-1	int
		parent_sig	16	int
		parent_type	1 ''	char
		instance	14	int
		flags	7	unsigned int
+		pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01062008 }	vec3d
+		orient	{vec={...} a2d=0x01062014 a1d=0x01062014 }	matrix
		radius	16.083845	float
+		last_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x0106203c }	vec3d
+		last_orient	{vec={...} a2d=0x01062048 a1d=0x01062048 }	matrix
+		phys_info	{flags=274 mass=167.53310 center_of_mass={...} ...}	physics_info
+		shield_quadrant	0x010621a8	float [4]
		hull_strength	100.00000	float
		sim_hull_strength	0.00000000	float
+		objsnd_num	0x010621c0	short [32]
		net_signature	48	unsigned short
		num_pairs	51	int
+		jnp	0x00000000 {m_name=0x0000000c <Bad Ptr> m_modelnum=??? m_objnum=??? ...}	jump_node *
+		dock_list	0x00000000 {next=??? dockpoint_used=??? docked_objp=??? }	dock_instance *
+		dead_dock_list	0x00000000 {next=??? dockpoint_used=??? docked_objp=??? }	dock_instance *
		collision_group_id	0	int
		subsystem_strength	0.00000000	float
		wif_priority1	259	int
		wif_priority2	0	int
		preferred_secondary	-1	int
		wif2_priority2	0	int
+		swp	0x01570b98 {num_primary_banks=2 num_secondary_banks=1 num_tertiary_banks=0 ...}	ship_weapon *
		wif2_priority1	0	int
		is_big_ship	0	int
-		esip	0x01c25114 {name=0x01c25114 "SF Manticore" alt_name=0x01c25134 "" short_name=0x01c25154 "SFight11" ...}	ship_info *
+		name	0x01c25114 "SF Manticore"	char [32]
+		alt_name	0x01c25134 ""	char [32]
+		short_name	0x01c25154 "SFight11"	char [32]
		species	2	int
		class_type	6	int
+		type_str	0x00000000 <Bad Ptr>	char *
+		maneuverability_str	0x00000000 <Bad Ptr>	char *
+		armor_str	0x00000000 <Bad Ptr>	char *
+		manufacturer_str	0x00000000 <Bad Ptr>	char *
+		desc	0x00000000 <Bad Ptr>	char *
+		tech_desc	0x039b1f48 "We believe that the Manticore is a Shivan interceptor.  It has a very high top speed, and its maneuverability is quite good.  However, its shield system isn't strong enough to withstand constant fighting for long, which leads us to believe the Manticore's primary purpose is to destroy enemy bombers.

The Manticore ranks as a class B threat."	char *
+		tech_title	0x01c25194 ""	char [32]
+		ship_length	0x00000000 <Bad Ptr>	char *
+		gun_mounts	0x0381da88 "1 (2)"	char *
+		missile_banks	0x0381dac0 "2 (40. 40)"	char *
+		cockpit_pof_file	0x01c251c0 ""	char [32]
+		cockpit_offset	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01c251e0 }	vec3d
+		pof_file	0x01c251ec "fighter11.pof"	char [32]
+		pof_file_hud	0x01c2520c ""	char [32]
		num_detail_levels	4	int
+		detail_distance	0x01c25230	int [5]
		cockpit_model_num	-1	int
		model_num	2708	int
		model_num_hud	-1	int
		hud_target_lod	-1	int
		density	1.0000000	float
		damp	0.20000000	float
		rotdamp	0.30000001	float
		delta_bank_const	0.50000000	float
+		max_vel	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01c25264 }	vec3d
+		afterburner_max_vel	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01c25270 }	vec3d
+		max_rotvel	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01c2527c }	vec3d
+		rotation_time	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01c25288 }	vec3d
		srotation_time	3.2000000	float
		max_rear_vel	25.000000	float
		forward_accel	3.0000000	float
		afterburner_forward_accel	0.69999999	float
		forward_decel	1.5000000	float
		slide_accel	2.0000000	float
		slide_decel	2.0000000	float
+		warpin_anim	0x01c252b0 ""	char [32]
		warpin_radius	0.00000000	float
		warpin_snd_start	-1	int
		warpin_snd_end	-1	int
		warpin_speed	0.00000000	float
		warpin_time	0	int
		warpin_type	0	int
+		warpout_anim	0x01c252e8 ""	char [32]
		warpout_radius	0.00000000	float
		warpout_snd_start	-1	int
		warpout_snd_end	-1	int
		warpout_speed	0.00000000	float
		warpout_time	0	int
		warpout_type	0	int
		warpout_player_speed	0.00000000	float
		flags	1048872	int
		flags2	2	int
		ai_class	3	int
		max_speed	87.000000	float
		min_speed	-25.000000	float
		max_accel	87.000000	float
		collision_damage_type_idx	-1	int
+		collision_physics	{both_small_bounce=5.0000000 bounce=5.0000000 friction=0.00000000 ...}	ship_collision_physics
+		shockwave	{name=0x01c25394 "" pof_name=0x01c253b4 "" inner_rad=15.000000 ...}	shockwave_create_info
		explosion_propagates	0	int
		big_exp_visual_rad	-1.0000000	float
		shockwave_count	1	int
+		explosion_bitmap_anims	{...}	SCP_vector<int>
		vaporize_chance	0.00000000	float
		ispew_max_particles	-1	int
		dspew_max_particles	-1	int
		debris_min_lifetime	-1.0000000	float
		debris_max_lifetime	-1.0000000	float
		debris_min_speed	-1.0000000	float
		debris_max_speed	-1.0000000	float
		debris_min_rotspeed	-1.0000000	float
		debris_max_rotspeed	-1.0000000	float
		debris_damage_type_idx	-1	int
		debris_min_hitpoints	-1.0000000	float
		debris_max_hitpoints	-1.0000000	float
		debris_damage_mult	1.0000000	float
		debris_arc_percent	0.50000000	float
		n_subsystems	5	int
+		subsystems	0x039b20d0 {flags=0 name=0x039b20d4 "sensors" subobj_name=0x039b20f4 "sensors" ...}	model_subsystem *
		power_output	1.5000000	float
		max_overclocked_speed	120.00000	float
		max_weapon_reserve	100.00000	float
		max_shield_regen_per_second	0.020000000	float
		max_weapon_regen_per_second	0.039999999	float
		afterburner_fuel_capacity	300.00000	float
		afterburner_burn_rate	70.000000	float
		afterburner_recover_rate	25.000000	float
		afterburner_max_reverse_vel	0.00000000	float
		afterburner_reverse_accel	0.00000000	float
		cmeasure_type	70	int
		cmeasure_max	20	int
		num_primary_banks	1	int
		num_secondary_banks	2	int
+		primary_bank_weapons	0x01c25494	int [3]
+		primary_bank_ammo_capacity	0x01c254a0	int [3]
+		secondary_bank_weapons	0x01c254ac	int [4]
+		secondary_bank_ammo_capacity	0x01c254bc	int [4]
		max_hull_strength	100.00000	float
		max_shield_strength	500.00000	float
		hull_repair_rate	0.00000000	float
		subsys_repair_rate	-2.0000000	float
		sup_hull_repair_rate	0.15000001	float
		sup_shield_repair_rate	0.20000000	float
		sup_subsys_repair_rate	0.15000001	float
		engine_snd	198	int
+		closeup_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01c254ec }	vec3d
		closeup_zoom	0.50000000	float
+		allowed_weapons	0x01c254fc	int [300]
+		restricted_loadout_flag	0x01c259ac	int [7]
+		allowed_bank_restricted_weapons	0x01c259c8	int [7][300]
		shield_icon_index	19 ''	unsigned char
+		icon_filename	0x01c27a99 ""	char [32]
+		anim_filename	0x01c27ab9 ""	char [32]
+		overhead_filename	0x01c27ad9 ""	char [32]
		score	12	int
		scan_time	2000	int
+		ct_info	0x01c27b04 {pt={...} w_start=0.25000000 w_end=0.050000001 ...}	trail_info [12]
		ct_count	2	int
		num_nondark_colors	0	int
+		nondark_colors	0x01c27e9c	unsigned char [10][3]
+		shield_color	0x01c27eba "�\\"	unsigned char [3]
+		afterburner_trail	{filename=0x01c27ec0 "sabtrail" bitmap_id=0 }	generic_bitmap
		afterburner_trail_width_factor	2.5000000	float
		afterburner_trail_alpha_factor	0.30000001	float
		afterburner_trail_life	1.0000000	float
		afterburner_trail_faded_out_sections	0	int
+		normal_thruster_particles	{...}	SCP_vector<thruster_particles>
+		afterburner_thruster_particles	{...}	SCP_vector<thruster_particles>
+		thruster_flame_info	{normal={...} afterburn={...} }	thrust_pair
+		thruster_glow_info	{normal={...} afterburn={...} }	thrust_pair
+		thruster_secondary_glow_info	{normal={...} afterburn={...} }	thrust_pair_bitmap
+		thruster_tertiary_glow_info	{normal={...} afterburn={...} }	thrust_pair_bitmap
		thruster01_glow_rad_factor	1.0000000	float
		thruster02_glow_rad_factor	1.0000000	float
		thruster03_glow_rad_factor	1.0000000	float
		thruster02_glow_len_factor	1.0000000	float
		splodeing_texture	0	int
+		splodeing_texture_name	0x01c28158 "boom"	char [32]
+		draw_primary_models	0x01c28178	bool [3]
+		draw_secondary_models	0x01c2817b	bool [4]
		draw_models	false	bool
		weapon_model_draw_distance	200.00000	float
		armor_type_idx	2	int
		shield_armor_type_idx	-1	int
		can_glide	false	bool
		glide_cap	0.00000000	float
		glide_dynamic_cap	false	bool
		glide_accel_mult	0.00000000	float
		use_newtonian_damp	false	bool
		newtonian_damp_override	false	bool
		autoaim_fov	0.00000000	float
		topdown_offset_def	false	bool
+		topdown_offset	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01c281a8 }	vec3d
		num_maneuvering	0	int
+		maneuvering	0x01c281b8 {use_flags=0 start_snd=-1 loop_snd=-1 ...}	man_thruster [128]
		radar_image_2d_idx	-1	int
		radar_image_size	-1	int
		radar_projection_size_mult	1.0000000	float
+		ship_iff_info	0x01c29fc4	int [10][10]
		aiming_flags	0	int
		minimum_convergence_distance	0.00000000	float
		convergence_distance	100.00000	float
+		convergence_offset	{xyz={...} a1d=0x01c2a160 }	vec3d
		emp_resistance_mod	0.00000000	float
		piercing_damage_draw_limit	0.10000000	float
		damage_lightning_type	1	int

verify_aicode_5790.txt (22,443 bytes)   

2010-11-22 04:51


multi_2342.log (19,148 bytes)   
FreeSpace Multi Log - Opened Sun, Nov 21, 2010  at 06:17PM

11/21 18:18:00~   psnet_init() detected lan connection
11/21 18:18:00~   psnet_get_ip() reports IP :
11/21 18:18:00~   Receive buffer set to 4096
11/21 18:18:00~   Send buffer set to 4096
11/21 18:18:00~   Error on IPX startup 10047
11/21 18:18:00~   Error on IPX startup 10047
11/21 18:18:00~   Standalone server initializing
11/21 18:18:00~   In psnet_use_protocol()
11/21 18:18:00~   Psnet : TCP broadcast
11/21 18:18:00~   Psnet using - NET_TCP
11/21 18:18:00~   multi_level_init()
11/21 18:18:01~   NOTICE: Address for game tracker not specified, using default instead (
11/21 18:18:01~   NOTICE: Address for user tracker not specified, using default instead (
11/21 18:18:01~   NOTICE: Port for game/user trackers not specified, using default instead (12009).
11/21 18:18:01~   NOTICE: Address for chat server not specified, using default instead (
11/21 18:18:01~   NOTICE: URL for banners not specified, using default instead (
11/21 18:18:05~   FS2NetD MSG: Login 'BDHR-Standalone' is valid, session ID is 42633!
11/21 18:18:05~   FS2NetD MSG: Requesting login pilot stats for 'server' ...
11/21 18:18:05~   FS2NetD MSG: Got Pilot data
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-12.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xb9fc1e79
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-11.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x45ea65fc
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-10.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x43f8fe61
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-09.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x9fef7ec1
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-08.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xd4550f9d
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-07.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x88dcce6e
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-06.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf21371b0
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-05.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xae4548be
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x837f2b7a
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x21c48e19
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xa8751aa4
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x458a727f
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-06a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x774796f6
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-05a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf8c9f1f2
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-04a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf497c66b
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-03a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xbc949523
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-02a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x4ab7c834
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-01a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xb07b7803
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdumm-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xc60650f4
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdumm-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xeeef65e8
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-05.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x98c12aa3
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x7a4aefae
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x91186929
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x94e2a694
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x55e88171
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdmm-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x28ca309e
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdmm-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x2bb8ee4c
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdmm-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x3c7a086a
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdmm-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xcd33d04e
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-07.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x072b8985
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-06.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xb48528c8
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-05.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf7049ed5
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x13e3d1bc
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x47a2e7d3
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x026d40a8
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x1f38a325
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-07.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xa0382639
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-06.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x76d70a8f
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-05.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x32e2fab0
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x4b4ebcb1
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x8c839ae2
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xafae6755
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: m-va.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xae2ed2a3
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-V-gauntlet.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xcbaf3314
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-Unstoppable.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x070566ec
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-T-gauntlet.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xa78d7b43
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-S-gauntlet.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xefd3856f
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-Rescue.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf6545972
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: m-pain.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x2f1088db
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-ORecovery.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x1375c4ba
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-GuardDuty.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf0e67b7d
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-Gate.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf8835b49
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: m-duel.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x0fa25c34
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-ConvoyAssault.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xbdf8d57d
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x8493b0e3
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD sent game server start
11/21 18:18:06~   FS2NetD sent IDENT check
11/21 18:18:07~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:20:07~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:21:05~   FS2NetD sent IDENT check
11/21 18:22:07~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:24:05~   FS2NetD sent IDENT check
11/21 18:24:07~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:26:07~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:27:05~   FS2NetD sent IDENT check
11/21 18:28:07~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:28:12~   Server accepted Aim (tracker id 48842) as new client
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Connect from
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:12~   Got IAMHERE!
11/21 18:28:12~   New reliable connection in nw_CheckListenSocket().
11/21 18:28:12~   Accepted TCP connection from Aim
11/21 18:28:14~   Received STATS_ALLTIME

11/21 18:28:20~   Deleting player Aim
11/21 18:28:20~   Closing socket 1
11/21 18:28:20~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD sent game server disconnect
11/21 18:28:20~   Standalone resetting
11/21 18:28:20~   Standalone server initializing
11/21 18:28:20~   In psnet_use_protocol()
11/21 18:28:20~   Psnet : TCP broadcast
11/21 18:28:20~   Psnet using - NET_TCP
11/21 18:28:20~   multi_level_init()
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_flak-sct.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_dbrs-sct.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_exp-sct.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_effects-sdf.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_effects-amr.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'weapons.tbl' -- INVALID (0x496b3697)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_core-wep.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_effects-wep.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_assets-wep.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'railguncycle-wep.tbm' -- INVALID (0x7a7cc040)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fs1_tech-wep.tbm' -- INVALID (0x67579f08)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fs1_shockwave-wep.tbm' -- INVALID (0x5531990b)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fs1_missiles-wep.tbm' -- INVALID (0xcbeed339)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fs1_effects-wep.tbm' -- INVALID (0x55312ef1)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fsport-aip.tbm' -- INVALID (0x82978c28)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_effects-obt.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'ships.tbl' -- INVALID (0x600e339b)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_effects-shp.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_core-shp.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'mv_assets-shp.tbm' -- Valid!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fsport-turretangles-shp.tbm' -- INVALID (0x43ed81b6)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fsport-resetmodels-shp.tbm' -- INVALID (0xa609ef22)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fsport-abtrails-shp.tbm' -- INVALID (0x1f4c101c)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fs1_trails-shp.tbm' -- INVALID (0x8928d7e6)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fs1_shockwave-shp.tbm' -- INVALID (0xcecb940a)!
11/21 18:28:20~   FS2NetD Table Check: 'fs1_models-shp.tbm' -- INVALID (0xbf7af065)!
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD MSG: Login 'BDHR-Standalone' is valid, session ID is 42918!
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD MSG: Requesting login pilot stats for 'server' ...
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD MSG: Got Pilot data
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-12.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xb9fc1e79
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-11.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x45ea65fc
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-10.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x43f8fe61
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-09.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x9fef7ec1
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-08.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xd4550f9d
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-07.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x88dcce6e
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-06.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf21371b0
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-05.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xae4548be
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x837f2b7a
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x21c48e19
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xa8751aa4
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: stmm-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x458a727f
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-06a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x774796f6
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-05a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf8c9f1f2
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-04a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf497c66b
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-03a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xbc949523
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-02a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x4ab7c834
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mm3-01a.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xb07b7803
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdumm-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xc60650f4
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdumm-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xeeef65e8
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-05.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x98c12aa3
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x7a4aefae
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x91186929
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x94e2a694
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDSP-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x55e88171
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdmm-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x28ca309e
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdmm-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x2bb8ee4c
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdmm-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x3c7a086a
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: mdmm-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xcd33d04e
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-07.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x072b8985
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-06.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xb48528c8
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-05.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf7049ed5
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x13e3d1bc
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x47a2e7d3
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x026d40a8
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDL-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x1f38a325
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-07.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xa0382639
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-06.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x76d70a8f
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-05.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x32e2fab0
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-03.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x4b4ebcb1
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-02.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x8c839ae2
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-01.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xafae6755
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: m-va.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xae2ed2a3
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-V-gauntlet.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xcbaf3314
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-Unstoppable.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x070566ec
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-T-gauntlet.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xa78d7b43
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-S-gauntlet.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xefd3856f
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-Rescue.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf6545972
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: m-pain.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x2f1088db
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-ORecovery.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x1375c4ba
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-GuardDuty.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf0e67b7d
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-Gate.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xf8835b49
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: m-duel.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x0fa25c34
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: M-ConvoyAssault.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0xbdf8d57d
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD Mission Validation: MDH-04.fs2  =>  INVALID! -- 0x8493b0e3
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD sent game server start
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD sent PING
11/21 18:28:22~   FS2NetD PONG: 234 ms
11/21 18:28:23~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:28:46~   Server accepted zedalphus (tracker id 52295) as new client
11/21 18:28:46~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:46~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:46~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:46~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:46~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:46~   Connect from
11/21 18:28:46~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:46~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:47~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:47~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:28:47~   Got IAMHERE!
11/21 18:28:47~   New reliable connection in nw_CheckListenSocket().
11/21 18:28:47~   Accepted TCP connection from zedalphus
11/21 18:28:49~   Received STATS_ALLTIME

11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server disconnect
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server start
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:01~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:05~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:29:08~   Server accepted Aim (tracker id 48842) as new client
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Connect from
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Invalid socket id passed to nw_NewReceiveReliable() -- -1
11/21 18:29:08~   Got IAMHERE!
11/21 18:29:08~   New reliable connection in nw_CheckListenSocket().
11/21 18:29:08~   Accepted TCP connection from Aim
11/21 18:29:10~   Received STATS_ALLTIME

11/21 18:29:16~   Server performing pre-briefing data sync
11/21 18:29:16~   MULTI XFER : Could not find xfer entry for incoming data :
11/21 18:29:16~   : sig == 1
11/21 18:29:16~   : xfer header == 0
11/21 18:29:16~   : player == Aim
11/21 18:29:16~   : sending
11/21 18:29:16~   MULTI XFER : Could not find xfer entry for incoming data :
11/21 18:29:16~   : sig == 3
11/21 18:29:16~   : xfer header == 0
11/21 18:29:16~   : player == zedalphus
11/21 18:29:16~   : sending
11/21 18:30:05~   FS2NetD sent IDENT check
11/21 18:31:04~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:32:25~   Performing post-briefing data sync
11/21 18:32:47~   Entering mission mm3-04a.fs2
11/21 18:33:04~   FS2NetD sent game server update
11/21 18:33:05~   FS2NetD sent IDENT check
multi_2342.log (19,148 bytes)   

2010-11-22 04:52


fs2_open_2342.rar (82,068 bytes)


2010-11-22 05:24

developer   ~0012479

This seems to be game breaking at least on standalones. Another crash this time the ship had 3 banks not one.

2010-11-22 05:24


verify_aicode_5790b.txt (11,493 bytes)   
Verify failure: swp->current_secondary_bank >= 0 && swp->current_secondary_bank < MAX_SHIP_SECONDARY_BANKS

<no module>! KiFastSystemCallRet
<no module>! WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
<no module>! SCP_DumpStack + 354 bytes
<no module>! Error + 229 bytes
<no module>! ai_select_secondary_weapon + 1121 bytes
<no module>! ai_choose_secondary_weapon + 601 bytes
<no module>! ai_chase + 9692 bytes
<no module>! ai_execute_behavior + 82 bytes
<no module>! ai_frame + 2083 bytes
<no module>! ai_process + 290 bytes
<no module>! ship_process_post + 1838 bytes
<no module>! obj_move_all_post + 565 bytes
<no module>! obj_move_all + 355 bytes
<no module>! game_simulation_frame + 1109 bytes
<no module>! game_frame + 491 bytes
<no module>! game_do_frame + 239 bytes
<no module>! game_do_state + 379 bytes
<no module>! gameseq_process_events + 237 bytes
<no module>! game_main + 782 bytes
<no module>! WinMain + 330 bytes
<no module>! __tmainCRTStartup + 358 bytes
<no module>! WinMainCRTStartup + 15 bytes
<no module>! RegisterWaitForInputIdle + 73 bytes

 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!debug_int3(char * file=0x00ea361c, int line=1155)  Line 764	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!Error(const char * filename=0x00edf030, int line=5790, const char * format=0x00e9e3d8, ...)  Line 1155 + 0x13 bytes	C++
>	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_select_secondary_weapon(object * objp=0x010633b8, ship_weapon * swp=0x015aaa74, int priority1=259, int priority2=0, int wif2_priority1=0, int wif2_priority2=0)  Line 5790 + 0x2f bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_choose_secondary_weapon(object * objp=0x010633b8, ai_info * aip=0x022e5750, object * en_objp=0x01063c88)  Line 7667 + 0x1d bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_chase()  Line 8708 + 0x19 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_execute_behavior(ai_info * aip=0x022e5750)  Line 12961 + 0x5 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_frame(int objnum=24)  Line 14149 + 0x9 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ai_process(object * obj=0x010633b8, int ai_index=23, float frametime=0.033996582)  Line 14253 + 0x16 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!ship_process_post(object * obj=0x010633b8, float frametime=0.033996582)  Line 7760 + 0x20 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!obj_move_all_post(object * objp=0x010633b8, float frametime=0.033996582)  Line 1209 + 0x10 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!obj_move_all(float frametime=0.033996582)  Line 1410 + 0x10 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_simulation_frame()  Line 4220 + 0xf bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_frame(int paused=0)  Line 4667	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_do_frame()  Line 5098 + 0x7 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_do_state(int state=2)  Line 6890	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!gameseq_process_events()  Line 407 + 0x14 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!game_main(char * cmdline=0x0015232f)  Line 7465 + 0x5 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInst=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * hPrev=0x00000000, char * szCmdLine=0x0015232f, int nCmdShow=10)  Line 7545 + 0x9 bytes	C++
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 263 + 0x2c bytes	C
 	fs2_open_3_6_13d_INF_SSE2.exe!WinMainCRTStartup()  Line 182	C
 	[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]	

-		aip	0x022e5750 {ai_flags=16 shipnum=23 type=0 ...}	ai_info *
		ai_flags	16	int
		shipnum	23	int
		type	0	int
		wing	1	int
		behavior	9	int
		mode	0	int
		previous_mode	9	int
		mode_time	-1	int
		target_objnum	28	int
		target_signature	29	int
		previous_target_objnum	-1	int
		stealth_last_cheat_visible_stamp	0	int
		stealth_last_visible_stamp	0	int
		stealth_sweep_box_size	0.00000000	float
+		stealth_last_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5788 }	vec3d
+		stealth_velocity	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5794 }	vec3d
		previous_dot_to_enemy	0.00000000	float
		target_time	61.570984	float
		enemy_wing	-1	int
		attacker_objnum	-1	int
		goal_objnum	-1	int
		goal_signature	-1	int
		guard_objnum	-1	int
		guard_signature	-1	int
		guard_wingnum	-1	int
		ignore_objnum	-4000	int
		ignore_signature	-1	int
+		ignore_new_objnums	0x022e57cc	int [7]
+		ignore_new_signatures	0x022e57e8	int [7]
		ai_class	3	int
		wp_list	-1	int
		wp_index	-1	int
		wp_flags	0	int
		wp_dir	0	int
		waypoint_speed_cap	-1	int
		path_start	-1	int
		path_cur	0	int
		path_length	0	int
		path_dir	0	int
		path_flags	0	int
		path_objnum	0	int
		path_goal_obj_hash	0	int
		path_next_create_time	5157369	long
+		path_create_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e583c }	vec3d
+		path_create_orient	{vec={...} a2d=0x022e5848 a1d=0x022e5848 }	matrix
		mp_index	0	int
		path_next_check_time	0	long
		path_goal_dist	-1	int
		path_subsystem_next_check	1	int
		submode	6	int
		previous_submode	0	int
		best_dot_to_enemy	-1.0000000	float
		best_dot_from_enemy	-1.0000000	float
		best_dot_to_time	0	long
		best_dot_from_time	0	long
		submode_start_time	3988520	long
		submode_parm0	0	int
		submode_parm1	0	int
		next_predict_pos_time	4106747	long
		next_aim_pos_time	4035116	long
+		last_aim_enemy_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e58a8 }	vec3d
+		last_aim_enemy_vel	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e58b4 }	vec3d
+		goals	0x022e58c0 {signature=1 ai_mode=8192 ai_submode=0 ...}	ai_goal [5]
		active_goal	0	int
		goal_check_time	1	int
+		last_predicted_enemy_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e59cc }	vec3d
		time_enemy_in_range	10.274624	float
		time_enemy_near	0.00000000	float
		last_attack_time	4035116	long
		last_hit_time	0	long
		last_hit_quadrant	3	int
		last_hit_target_time	3831037	long
		hitter_objnum	-1	int
		hitter_signature	-1	int
		resume_goal_time	-1	long
		prev_accel	1.0000000	float
		prev_dot_to_goal	0.00000000	float
+		goal_point	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5a04 }	vec3d
+		prev_goal_point	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5a10 }	vec3d
		ai_accuracy	0.55000001	float
		ai_evasion	20.000000	float
		ai_courage	20.000000	float
		ai_patience	20.000000	float
		ai_aburn_use_factor	-2147483648	int
		ai_shockwave_evade_chance	1.1754944e-038	float
		ai_get_away_chance	1.1754944e-038	float
		ai_secondary_range_mult	1.1754944e-038	float
		ai_class_autoscale	true	bool
		ai_cmeasure_fire_chance	0.30000001	float
		ai_in_range_time	1.4000000	float
		ai_link_ammo_levels_maybe	60.000000	float
		ai_link_ammo_levels_always	80.000000	float
		ai_primary_ammo_burst_mult	0.00000000	float
		ai_link_energy_levels_maybe	60.000000	float
		ai_link_energy_levels_always	80.000000	float
		ai_predict_position_delay	98304	long
		ai_shield_manage_delay	4.0000000	float
		ai_ship_fire_delay_scale_friendly	1.4000000	float
		ai_ship_fire_delay_scale_hostile	2.5000000	float
		ai_ship_fire_secondary_delay_scale_friendly	0.60000002	float
		ai_ship_fire_secondary_delay_scale_hostile	1.2000000	float
		ai_turn_time_scale	2.2000000	float
		ai_glide_attack_percent	0.00000000	float
		ai_circle_strafe_percent	0.00000000	float
		ai_glide_strafe_percent	0.00000000	float
		ai_random_sidethrust_percent	0.00000000	float
		ai_stalemate_time_thresh	0.00000000	float
		ai_stalemate_dist_thresh	0.00000000	float
		ai_chance_to_use_missiles_on_plr	1	int
		ai_max_aim_update_delay	0.00000000	float
		ai_turret_max_aim_update_delay	0.00000000	float
		ai_profile_flags	0	int
		ai_profile_flags2	0	int
		lead_scale	0.31599501	float
		stay_near_distance	0.31599501	float
+		targeted_subsys	0x00000000 {next=??? prev=??? system_info=??? ...}	ship_subsys *
+		last_subsys_target	0x00000000 {next=??? prev=??? system_info=??? ...}	ship_subsys *
		targeted_subsys_parent	-1	int
		aspect_locked_time	0.00000000	float
		support_ship_objnum	-1	int
		support_ship_signature	-1	int
		danger_weapon_objnum	1281	int
		danger_weapon_signature	1282	int
+		guard_vec	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5ac8 }	vec3d
		nearest_locked_object	-1	int
		nearest_locked_distance	99999.000	float
		current_target_distance	0.00000000	float
		current_target_is_locked	0	int
		current_target_dist_trend	0	int
		current_target_speed_trend	0	int
		last_dist	0.00000000	float
		last_speed	0.00000000	float
		last_secondary_index	0	int
		last_target	0	int
		rearm_first_missile	1	int
		rearm_first_ballistic_primary	1	int
		rearm_release_delay	0	int
		afterburner_stop_time	33893332	long
		last_objsig_hit	29	int
		ignore_expire_timestamp	5157369	int
		warp_out_timestamp	0	int
		next_rearm_request_timestamp	5804722	int
		primary_select_timestamp	5157369	int
		secondary_select_timestamp	5157369	int
		scan_for_enemy_timestamp	5157369	int
		choose_enemy_timestamp	5747658	int
		force_warp_time	0	int
		shockwave_object	-1	int
		shield_manage_timestamp	5157369	int
		self_destruct_timestamp	-1	int
		ok_to_target_timestamp	5756722	int
		kamikaze_damage	0.00000000	float
+		big_attack_point	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5b44 }	vec3d
+		big_attack_surface_normal	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5b50 }	vec3d
		pick_big_attack_point_timestamp	5157369	int
		avoid_ship_num	-1	int
+		avoid_goal_point	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5b64 }	vec3d
		avoid_check_timestamp	60989	long
+		big_collision_normal	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5b74 }	vec3d
+		big_recover_pos_1	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5b80 }	vec3d
+		big_recover_pos_2	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5b8c }	vec3d
		big_recover_timestamp	0	int
		abort_rearm_timestamp	-1	int
		artillery_objnum	-1	int
		artillery_sig	-1	int
		artillery_lock_time	0.00000000	float
+		artillery_lock_pos	{xyz={...} a1d=0x022e5bac }	vec3d
		lethality	-1.9699980	float
		ai_override_flags	0	int
+		ai_override_ci	{pitch=0.00000000 vertical=0.00000000 heading=0.00000000 ...}	control_info
		ai_override_timestamp	0	int
		aip->current_target_is_locked	0	int
-		swp	0x015aaa74 {num_primary_banks=1 num_secondary_banks=3 num_tertiary_banks=0 ...}	ship_weapon *
		num_primary_banks	1	int
		num_secondary_banks	3	int
		num_tertiary_banks	0	int
+		primary_bank_weapons	0x015aaa80	int [3]
+		secondary_bank_weapons	0x015aaa8c	int [4]
		current_primary_bank	0	int
		current_secondary_bank	-1	int
		current_tertiary_bank	0	int
		previous_primary_bank	0	int
		previous_secondary_bank	0	int
+		next_primary_fire_stamp	0x015aaab0	int [3]
+		last_primary_fire_stamp	0x015aaabc	int [3]
+		next_secondary_fire_stamp	0x015aaac8	int [4]
+		last_secondary_fire_stamp	0x015aaad8	int [4]
		next_tertiary_fire_stamp	0	int
+		primary_bank_ammo	0x015aaaec	int [3]
+		primary_bank_start_ammo	0x015aaaf8	int [3]
+		primary_bank_capacity	0x015aab04	int [3]
+		primary_next_slot	0x015aab10	int [3]
+		primary_bank_rearm_time	0x015aab1c	int [3]
+		secondary_bank_ammo	0x015aab28	int [4]
+		secondary_bank_start_ammo	0x015aab38	int [4]
+		secondary_bank_capacity	0x015aab48	int [4]
+		secondary_next_slot	0x015aab58	int [4]
+		secondary_bank_rearm_time	0x015aab68	int [4]
		tertiary_bank_ammo	0	int
		tertiary_bank_start_ammo	0	int
		tertiary_bank_capacity	0	int
		tertiary_bank_rearm_time	0	int
		last_fired_weapon_index	1532	int
		last_fired_weapon_signature	1533	int
		detonate_weapon_time	60819	int
		ai_class	3	int
		flags	0	int
+		primary_animation_position	0x015aab9c ""	unsigned char [3]
+		secondary_animation_position	0x015aab9f ""	unsigned char [4]
+		primary_animation_done_time	0x015aaba4	int [3]
+		secondary_animation_done_time	0x015aabb0	int [4]
+		burst_counter	0x015aabc0	int [7]
+		external_model_fp_counter	0x015aabdc	int [7]
		swp->current_secondary_bank	-1	int
verify_aicode_5790b.txt (11,493 bytes)   


2010-11-22 07:04

administrator   ~0012480

Changed to be a simple guard instead of a verify. Should not crash now.


2010-11-24 07:12

developer   ~0012484

Haven't seen another instance. Should we resolve?


2010-11-24 08:59

administrator   ~0012486


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-11-22 04:27 FUBAR-BDHR New Issue
2010-11-22 04:27 FUBAR-BDHR Status new => assigned
2010-11-22 04:27 FUBAR-BDHR Assigned To => Sushi_CW
2010-11-22 04:27 FUBAR-BDHR File Added: verify_aicode_5790.txt
2010-11-22 04:51 FUBAR-BDHR File Added: multi_2342.log
2010-11-22 04:52 FUBAR-BDHR File Added: fs2_open_2342.rar
2010-11-22 05:24 FUBAR-BDHR Note Added: 0012479
2010-11-22 05:24 FUBAR-BDHR File Added: verify_aicode_5790b.txt
2010-11-22 05:25 FUBAR-BDHR Priority normal => high
2010-11-22 07:04 The_E Note Added: 0012480
2010-11-24 07:12 FUBAR-BDHR Note Added: 0012484
2010-11-24 08:59 The_E Note Added: 0012486
2010-11-24 09:00 The_E Status assigned => resolved
2010-11-24 09:00 The_E Fixed in Version => 3.6.13
2010-11-24 09:00 The_E Resolution open => fixed