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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000211FSSCPuser interfacepublic2007-03-23 08:22
ReporterCP5670 Assigned Totaylor  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version3.6.5 
Summary0000211: FSO no longer remembers last used pilot
DescriptionThe game used to arrange pilots by when they were last used but stopped doing that in one of Bobboau's post-3.6 builds and always puts the pilots in alphabetical order now. It's a small thing but can get annoying when one is used to it being the other way for so long; it's easy to accidentally click on the wrong pilot without realizing it and play a mission with custom tables, frequently messing up the pilot.
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2004-07-08 07:37

developer   ~0001046

This won't fix the bug, but it's a good idea to store your pilots in their respective -mod directories so something like that doesn't happen.


2004-07-09 01:29

administrator   ~0001048

I've got this fixed but forgot to update CVS. I think it was WMCoolmon who added a reverse sort but that broke time sorting. I redid the reverse sort to work just like the other two sorting techniques (name, time) so this isn't a problem. I'll get this updated as soon as I get the chance.

Sorting from -mod directories is a different issue. Pilots in a main directory get listed with pilots form the mod directory. I have this fixed in the Linux version since I don't like that but I haven't made this change affect Windows in case people hated it.


2004-07-18 01:18

administrator   ~0001070

It be fixered.

You might want to check this though WMCoolmon just in case my fix wasn't your intent with this code.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-07-08 03:14 CP5670 New Issue
2004-07-08 07:37 WMCoolmon Note Added: 0001046
2004-07-09 01:29 taylor Note Added: 0001048
2004-07-09 01:29 taylor Status new => assigned
2004-07-09 01:29 taylor Assigned To => taylor
2004-07-18 01:18 taylor Status assigned => resolved
2004-07-18 01:18 taylor Resolution open => fixed
2004-07-18 01:18 taylor Note Added: 0001070
2007-03-23 08:22 taylor Status resolved => closed
2007-03-23 08:22 taylor Fixed in Version => 3.6.5