Reporter | FUBAR-BDHR | Assigned To | karajorma | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |
Product Version | 3.6.9 | |
Fixed in Version | 3.6.10 | |
Summary | 0001610: Targeting functions not working correctly when engines disabled |
Description | Also noticed this in the 3.4b TBP build of 3.6.9. When you loose your engines some targeting functions won't work. Almost always target friendly (F key) will not work. I've notice others keys not working as well. H usually seems to work. T seems to work sometimes. |
Additional Information | I don't know if this is related to the support ship not working when the engines are disabled bug or not. Attaching same mission for easy access. |
Tags | No tags attached. |