Reporter | FUBAR-BDHR | Assigned To | karajorma | |
Priority | normal | Severity | text | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |
Product Version | 3.6.9 | |
Fixed in Version | 3.6.10 | |
Summary | 0001585: Wrong ship name shown in "player <ship> should be part of <wing>" warning message |
Description | Playing around and trying to see if a 12 player TvT mission was possible I encountered this warning message. Well actually the message I get is "player Alpha 3 should be a part of Alpha or Zeta wing". I get this for every player ship that isn't in Alpha or Zeta wing and in this case 6 times and it always says Alpha 3. Retail has the right warning message. |
Additional Information | Tried 3.6.9 and an early 3.6.10 build. Retail has the right warning message. And yes I now know you can't do 12 player TvT. |
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