View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001537FSSCPuser interfacepublic2008-03-29 22:57
ReporterMp-Ryan Assigned Totaylor  
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version3.6.9 
Summary0001537: Exiting a mission after choosing replay due to intentional exit or crash causes a skip to the next mission.
DescriptionAn annoying, ever-present bug in every SCP build.

If you complete a mission in a campaign but are unhappy with your results and select replay mission, and then do not complete the replay either due to an intentional exit or crash, when you next launch the game it skips to the next mission, saving your original result.

To reproduce:
-Start a mission in a campaign and play through to its completion.
-At the debrief, select Replay Mission.
-Once you return to gameplay, play for a minute or so and then hit ESC, and return to flight deck.
-Exit FreeSpace.
-Launch Freespace, and enter the briefing room

Result: You are skipped to the mission following the one you chose to replay.

Is there any way to implement code that, if replay mission is selected, wipes out the previous completed information? The game says your first result won't be saved, but it lies to you =)

Campaigns it has happened to me personally in:
-Retail (3 times)

Known builds:
3.6.10 XT 102807
3.6.9 Final
3.6.9 RC7.9
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0001597 resolvedTurey Quitting directly from debriefing causes problems 



2007-12-07 12:57

reporter   ~0008746

Note: I categorized it as user interface because that's when the problem is visibly manifested, but I'm guessing it's more of a gameplay/pilot file issue.


2008-03-29 22:57

administrator   ~0009057

Technically this is the original bug, but I'm marking it as the duplicate since the other one is already marked as fixed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-12-07 12:55 Mp-Ryan New Issue
2007-12-07 12:57 Mp-Ryan Note Added: 0008746
2008-03-29 22:57 taylor Relationship added duplicate of 0001597
2008-03-29 22:57 taylor Duplicate ID 0 => 1597
2008-03-29 22:57 taylor Status new => resolved
2008-03-29 22:57 taylor Resolution open => duplicate
2008-03-29 22:57 taylor Assigned To => taylor
2008-03-29 22:57 taylor Note Added: 0009057