View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001100FSSCPmultiplayerpublic2006-10-24 12:42
Reportermartellato Assigned Totaylor  
PrioritynormalSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindows XPOS VersionSP2
Product Version3.6.9 
Summary0001100: Standalone Crash - Assert: Game_loading_callback_inited==0
DescriptionReceived an assert failure with a single fs2netd-connected client tried to load a mission.

The clipboard contents were:
Assert: Game_loading_callback_inited==0
File: c:\temp\fs2_open_3_6_9.rc7dot8\code\freespace2\freespace.cpp
Line: 2976
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:
    game_start_mission() multi_sync_pre_do() multi_sync_do() game_do_state() gameseq_process_events() game_main() WinMain() WinMainCRTStartup() kernel32.dll 7c816fd7()
Steps To ReproduceUnfortunately, I do not know exactly how to reproduce this at this time.
Additional InformationHere's my command line:

C:\Games\FreeSpace2\fs2_open_3_6_9_rc7dot8_debug.exe -mod mediavps_mega_multi,mediavps_multi_standard,mediavps_multi_custom -standalone -multilog

Note - my active mods include the following:
-All validated missions and voice files from the Game-Warden downloads section
-Extracted Co-op missions that are within mv_core.vp v.3.6.8 Zeta
-(No other files form mv_core or other VPs were active)
-The "mediavps_multi_custom" mod folder includes multi missions that I've downloaded from other game hosts
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0001086 closedtaylor Assertion failed on standalone. 


2006-10-09 16:36 (19,382 bytes)


2006-10-09 22:28

reporter   ~0006844

I had a second occurance of this today. Same assert error, same command line args, and the multi.log ended with the same last two lines:

10/09 17:38:02~ Sending LOAD_MISSION_NOW
10/09 17:38:02~ Sending NETPLAYER_UPDATE

2006-10-09 22:29


case (78,356 bytes)


2006-10-10 21:32

reporter   ~0006852

Here's a case 3 - same assert error. Same situation: just one person connected as the host of the game.

2006-10-10 21:33


case (56,411 bytes)


2006-10-10 23:41

reporter   ~0006854

Here's case 4. I won't include any more, since I know that this is plenty..

2006-10-10 23:41


case (37,781 bytes)


2006-10-19 02:26

administrator   ~0006909

Should be fixed in the next build.


2006-10-21 04:32

administrator   ~0006950

Just marking as feedback those bugs which should either be fixed in the next available build from me, or need to be tested as fixed in the next available build.

(There are so many new bugs right now, it's easier for me to keep up with the fixed or almost-fixed bugs this way.)


2006-10-24 12:42

administrator   ~0006993


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-10-09 16:36 martellato New Issue
2006-10-09 16:36 martellato File Added:
2006-10-09 22:28 martellato Note Added: 0006844
2006-10-09 22:29 martellato File Added: case
2006-10-10 21:32 martellato Note Added: 0006852
2006-10-10 21:33 martellato File Added: case
2006-10-10 23:41 martellato Note Added: 0006854
2006-10-10 23:41 martellato File Added: case
2006-10-19 02:26 taylor Note Added: 0006909
2006-10-21 04:32 taylor Note Added: 0006950
2006-10-21 04:32 taylor Status assigned => feedback
2006-10-24 12:42 taylor Status feedback => resolved
2006-10-24 12:42 taylor Resolution open => fixed
2006-10-24 12:42 taylor Note Added: 0006993
2006-11-01 04:19 taylor Relationship added duplicate of 0001086