Changesets: fs2open

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8501

2012-02-13 20:05


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8450; Mantis 0002524 Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8500

2012-02-13 20:04


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8447; Fixed the annoying OpenAL error messages in the log. AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR is only valid for alGet. Changed all instances to the correct alDopplerFactor.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/sound/ds3d.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/sound/ds.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8499

2012-02-13 20:04


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8446; Slightly relocated the triggering of $On Turret Fired hooks as well as the setting of a few weapon variables. Makes sure that the variables only get set when a weapon is actually created and that all the weapon variables have been set before the hook is triggered.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ai/aiturret.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8498

2012-02-13 20:03


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8444; Minor optimization when rendering tris that do not use distortion effects and therefore do not require calling glDrawBuffers.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/graphics/gropengldraw.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8497

2012-02-13 20:02


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8443; Fixed Mantis 2413. hud-set-color changes to the HUD will no longer reset when pausing or entering options menu. Introduced Color entry fields for hud_gauges.tbl. Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/radar/radarsetup.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/parse/sexp.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudwingmanstatus.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudtargetbox.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudsquadmsg.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudreticle.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudparse.h Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudparse.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudmessage.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudlock.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hud.h Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hud.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8496

2012-02-13 20:01


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8442; Fix for mantis 0002597: fix some GCC compiler warnings Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8495

2012-02-13 20:00


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8441; Removed configOverride from HudGauge class since we don't even use it.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/radar/radarsetup.h Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/radar/radarsetup.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/radar/radarorb.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/radar/radardradis.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/radar/radar.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/mission/missiontraining.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudwingmanstatus.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudtargetbox.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudtarget.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudsquadmsg.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudshield.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudreticle.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudparse.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudmessage.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudlock.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudets.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudescort.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hudbrackets.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hud.h Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/hud/hud.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8494

2012-02-13 19:59


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8437 + r8438; Makes the $AliveSnd, $DeadSnd and $RotationSnd entries for subsystems work. NOTE: This will apparently not work correctly for nested subsystems. && Make the OS_SUBSYS_ROTATION sound depend on the SSF_ROTATES flag
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/object/objectsnd.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8493

2012-02-13 19:58


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8436; Removing superfluous SSM alert message spawning.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ship/shiphit.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8492

2012-02-13 19:58


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8432; Make $FlyBySnd actually do something and allow primaries as well.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/weapon/weapons.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8491

2012-02-13 19:57


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8427; Fix for mantis 0002593: structs containing vectors don't like being memset to zero... Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/menuui/playermenu.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8490

2012-02-13 19:56


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8426; Fix for Mantis 2534: Separate Warp IN and OUT when checking if the thrusters are behind the clip plane and don't do any checks for the "Hyperspace" warp type Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/model/modelinterp.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8489

2012-02-13 19:55


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8423 + 8424; Given how often the particle shaders are called, moving them up to the beginning of the shaders array makes sense. && Add a random offset to the thruster distortion to make thruster clusters look better.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/model/modelinterp.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/graphics/gropenglshader.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/graphics/gropengldraw.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/graphics/grbatch.h Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/graphics/grbatch.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/globalincs/def_files.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8488

2012-02-13 19:53


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8418 + r8419 + r8449; Fix for Mantis 2588: Messages without voice files now show the target brackets for at least "Message Length" * 100ms && 100ms was perhaps a bit too long. The answer is, of course, 42. Wait, what was the question...? && Don't wait for brackets for messages without a target. Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/mission/missionmessage.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8487

2012-02-13 19:52


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8417 + r8420; From Swifty: Alternative fix to the font distortion problem by glyph realignment at the font creation phase rather than by manipulating the draw stage. && Apologies to Swifty, this line change got truncated from the Font Fix.
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/graphics/gropengldraw.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/graphics/font.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8486

2012-02-13 19:50


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8416; Fix for the Fix for Mantis 0002374: Had only updated the Effect 2 portion of the missionscreencommon. Don't I feel silly now. Did a little housekeeping while at it. Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/missionui/missionscreencommon.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8485

2012-02-13 19:49


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8414; Fix for Mantis 0002374: Adds "+Closeup_pos:" and "+Closeup_zoom:" as entries following "$Tech Model:" for the weapons.tbl. For entries not using a dedicated $Tech Model, simply specify the $Tech Model as the same POF used in $Model to adjust Loadout Screen viewing position and zoom. Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/weapon/weapons.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/weapon/weapon.h Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/missionui/missionweaponchoice.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/missionui/missionscreencommon.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8484

2012-02-13 19:48


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8413; Fix for mantis 0002590: fix array overruns caused by starting wings have > MAX_WING_SLOTS ships Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/missionui/missionshipchoice.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/missionui/missionscreencommon.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8483

2012-02-13 19:47


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8412; more robust saving of dockpoint indexes (again for Mantis 0002587) Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8482

2012-02-13 19:47


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8407; Fix for Mantis 2589: Deactivate the Special* buttons while no ship is selected Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/fred2/shipeditordlg.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8481

2012-02-13 19:46


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8406; Fix for Mantis 2458: Initialize stuff before calling the point_to_vec function so it has the right matrices for calculation, also fixed scripted sphere drawing Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/parse/lua.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8480

2012-02-13 19:45


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8400; undo animations for undockings that happen from exploding or jettisoning cargo
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ship/ship.cpp Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/object/deadobjectdock.h Diff File
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/object/deadobjectdock.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8479

2012-02-13 16:18


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8398; fix Mantis 0002587 Affected Issues
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8478

2012-02-13 16:17


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8397; tweaks
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/ai/aicode.cpp Diff File

fs2_open_3_6_14 r8477

2012-02-13 16:16


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Backport: Trunk r8396; Vasudan Admiral's fix for the modelanim code
mod - /branches/fs2_open_3_6_14/code/model/modelanim.cpp Diff File
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