FSSCP - Change Log
Released 2011-12-16
0002567: [math-related] LLVM warning: Semantic issue in lua.cpp ('&&' within '||') (Echelon9) 0002564: [math-related] GCC warning: Use of NULL in arithmetic operation in ship.cpp (winfo_p->pre_launch_snd != NULL) (Echelon9) 0002566: [math-related] GCC warning: NULL used in arithmetic in lua.cpp (lua_getstack(L,n+1, ar) == NULL) (Echelon9) 0002565: [math-related] GCC warning: Use of unary operation that may not be intended in lua.cpp (type =- 1;) (Echelon9) 0002563: [math-related] GCC warning: Equality comparison with extraneous parentheses in ship.cpp (Ai_tp_list[i].obj_type == -1) (Echelon9) 0002562: [math-related] GCC warning: Expression result unused in ship.cpp (ship_system->turret_swarm_num) (Echelon9)
6 issues View Issues