Open source remastering of the Freespace 2 engine
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
3 // Used by freespace.rc
4 //
5 #define IDD_DEBUG_MENU 101
6 #define IDD_CONNECT 108
7 #define IDD_MULTI 109
8 #define IDC_CURSOR1 111
9 #define IDC_CURSOR2 112
10 #define IDD_PLAYER_DIALOG 114
11 #define IDD_GODSTUFF 115
12 #define IDD_DEBUG_DIALOG 116
13 #define IDB_GOAL_INC 118
14 #define IDB_GOAL_COMP 119
15 #define IDB_GOAL_ORD 120
16 #define IDB_GOAL_NONE 121
17 #define IDB_GOAL_FAIL 122
18 #define IDI_APP_ICON 124
19 #define IDI_APP_ICON_GLOW 125
20 #define IDD_GEN 127
21 #define IDD_RT_VSELECT 128
22 #define IDD_DIALOG1 129
23 #define IDR_CMD_CFG 132
24 #define IDC_LIST_DEBUG 1000
25 #define IDC_DEBUG_TEXT1 1001
26 #define IDC_DEBUG_TEXT2 1002
27 #define IDC_TEXT 1003
28 #define IDC_HOST_IS 1005
29 #define IDC_CONPING 1007
30 #define IDC_RESET_MULTI 1011
31 #define IDC_STANDALONE_STATE 1012
32 #define IDC_STATIC_A 1013
33 #define IDC_STANDALONE_FPS 1014
34 #define IDC_STATIC_A2 1015
35 #define IDC_STANDALONE_MTIME 1016
36 #define IDC_PLAYER_LIST 1016
37 #define IDC_PSHIP_TYPE 1017
38 #define IDC_NETPLAYER_NUM 1018
39 #define IDC_PHITS 1019
40 #define IDC_PBHHITS 1020
41 #define IDC_PPCT 1021
42 #define IDC_PBHPCT 1022
43 #define IDC_SSHOTS 1023
44 #define IDC_MPSHOTS 1024
45 #define IDC_PLAYER_GOD_LIST 1026
46 #define IDC_SECHITS 1028
47 #define IDC_SBHHITS 1029
48 #define IDC_SPCT 1030
49 #define IDC_SBHPCT 1031
50 #define IDC_MPHITS 1032
51 #define IDC_MPBHHITS 1033
52 #define IDC_MPPCT 1034
53 #define IDC_MPBHPCT 1035
54 #define IDC_MSSHOTS 1036
55 #define IDC_MSECHITS 1037
56 #define IDC_MSBHHITS 1038
57 #define IDC_MSPCT 1039
58 #define IDC_MSBHPCT 1040
59 #define IDC_PSHOTS 1041
60 #define IDC_PING_TIME 1042
61 #define IDC_MISSION_NAME 1043
64 #define IDC_STD_GOALS 1049
65 #define IDC_PLAYER_MESSAGES 1051
66 #define IDC_ASSISTS 1052
67 #define IDC_MASSISTS 1053
68 #define IDC_KICK_BUTTON 1054
69 #define IDC_STD_NAME 1055
70 #define IDC_NG_MAXPLAYERS 1057
71 #define IDC_NG_MAXOBSERVERS 1058
72 #define IDC_NG_SECURITY 1059
73 #define IDC_NG_RESPAWNS 1060
74 #define IDC_GOD_CHAT 1061
75 #define IDC_STD_HOST_PASSWD 1062
76 #define IDC_FIELD1 1064
77 #define IDC_FIELD2 1065
78 #define IDC_FIELD3 1066
79 #define IDC_PXO_REFRESH 1067
80 #define IDC_COMBO_VCARD 1069
81 #define IDC_COMBO_VMODE 1070
82 #define IDC_COMBO_AATYPE 1071
83 #define ID_CANCEL 1072
84 #define ID_OK 1073
85 #define IDC_SCORE 1074
86 #define IDC_KILL_COUNT 1075
87 #define IDC_KILL_COUNT_BH 1076
88 #define IDC_MSCORE 1077
89 #define IDC_MKILL_COUNT 1078
90 #define IDC_MKILL_COUNT_BH 1079
91 #define IDC_MULTILOG 1084
92 #define IDC_CON_COUNT 2000
93 #define IDC_FRAMECAP_STATIC 2001
94 #define IDC_GODSTUFF_FPS 2002
95 #define IDC_PINFO_PING 2003
96 #define IDC_STATIC -1
98 // Next default values for new objects
99 //
102 #define _APS_NO_MFC 1
103 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1
104 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 133
105 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
106 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1085
107 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
108 #endif
109 #endif