#Mission Info $Version: 0.10 $Name: XSTR("Art of War", -1) $Author: Salvador R. Cipolla $Created: 01/18/07 at 22:33:48 $Modified: 01/19/07 at 21:25:18 $Notes: This is a FRED2_OPEN created mission. $End Notes: $Mission Desc: XSTR("TSM-001 Art of War, in this tranning simulation module, you will have to protect an Orion class destroyer and his battlegroup while their come intro range and strike an Arcadia class installation protected by combined Terran-Vadusan-Shivan forces. FS2 Version, by ShivanSps Max. Respawns 25. Recomended Dificulty: Medium, Hard for more than 5 players. ", -1) $end_multi_text +Game Type Flags: 10 +Flags: 262288 +Num Players: 8 +Num Respawns: 25 +Disallow Support: 0 +Hull Repair Ceiling: 0.000000 +Subsystem Repair Ceiling: 100.000000 +Viewer pos: -1066.855957, 4088.183105, 1459.832886 +Viewer orient: 0.999999, -0.000000, -0.001113, 0.000382, 0.939312, 0.343063, 0.001045, -0.343063, 0.939312 $AI Profile: FS2 RETAIL #Sexp_variables $Variables: ( 98 "Agrippa" "0" "block" 99 "Agrippa" "46000" "block" ) #Command Briefing #Briefing $start_briefing $num_stages: 4 $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("Welcome to training simulation module TSM-001a, Pilots, in this training exercise you have to escort the Bastion and his battlegroup to destroy a heavily defended Arcadia station.", -1) $end_multi_text $voice: none.wav $camera_pos: -1085.467529, 4088.183105, 1451.121460 $camera_orient: 0.999936, 0.000000, -0.011273, 0.002471, 0.975690, 0.219141, 0.010999, -0.219155, 0.975628 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 1 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( true ) $start_icon $type: 15 $team: Hostile $class: GTI Arcadia $pos: -902.403137, 628.307495, 17689.203125 $label: Arcadia +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("You mission is to provide close cover for the Bastion and his Battlegroup, be advised, the Station is heavily defended by combined Terran-Vasudan-Shivan forces.", -1) $end_multi_text $voice: none.wav $camera_pos: -1085.467529, 4088.183105, 1451.121460 $camera_orient: 0.999936, 0.000000, -0.011273, 0.002471, 0.975690, 0.219141, 0.010999, -0.219155, 0.975628 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 7 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( true ) $start_icon $type: 15 $team: Hostile $class: GTI Arcadia $pos: 4597.979980, 628.311890, 18718.105469 $label: Arcadia +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 6 $team: Friendly $class: GTD Orion#2 (Bastion) $pos: -7241.727539, 993.736877, 24035.876953 $label: Bastion +id: 2 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 5 $team: Friendly $class: GTC Leviathan $pos: -3845.820557, 993.737305, 11177.956055 $label: Bastion BG +id: 3 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ares $pos: -3189.965576, 791.814392, 16809.171875 $label: Pilots +id: 4 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 6 $team: Hostile $class: SD Demon $pos: 1385.628784, 993.737366, 10652.467773 $label: SD Demon +id: 5 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 6 $team: Hostile $class: GTD Hecate $pos: 3855.406982, 2401.964111, 26248.986328 $label: GTD Hecate +id: 6 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 6 $team: Hostile $class: GVD Typhon $pos: 649.488831, 1197.995605, 16634.900391 $label: GVD Typhon +id: 7 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("Be prepared to engage multiple Bombers and fighters wings, the station primary battlegroups are preparing for an all out attack on your position, they are also using some freighter as Gunboats.", -1) $end_multi_text $voice: none.wav $camera_pos: -1085.467529, 4088.183105, 1451.121460 $camera_orient: 0.999936, 0.000000, -0.011273, 0.002471, 0.975690, 0.219141, 0.010999, -0.219155, 0.975628 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 6 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( true ) $start_icon $type: 15 $team: Hostile $class: GTI Arcadia $pos: 5056.600098, 628.311707, 17476.779297 $label: Arcadia +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 6 $team: Friendly $class: GTD Orion#2 (Bastion) $pos: -7241.727539, 993.736877, 24035.876953 $label: Bastion +id: 2 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 5 $team: Friendly $class: GTC Leviathan $pos: -3845.820557, 993.737305, 11177.956055 $label: Bastion BG +id: 3 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ares $pos: -3189.965576, 791.814392, 16809.171875 $label: Pilots +id: 4 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 5 $team: Hostile $class: GVCv Sobek $pos: 596.280945, 2401.964111, 13377.651367 $label: Battlegroups +id: 6 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 6 $team: Hostile $class: GVD Typhon $pos: 347.783661, 1197.995728, 10548.038086 $label: GVD Typhon +id: 7 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("That is, consult to your instructor if you need more information, Good Luck.", -1) $end_multi_text $voice: none.wav $camera_pos: -1085.467529, 4088.183105, 1451.121460 $camera_orient: 0.999936, 0.000000, -0.011273, 0.002471, 0.975690, 0.219141, 0.010999, -0.219155, 0.975628 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 4 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( true ) $start_icon $type: 6 $team: Friendly $class: GTD Orion#2 (Bastion) $pos: -1270.465088, 993.736877, 15471.554688 $label: Bastion +id: 2 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 5 $team: Friendly $class: GTC Leviathan $pos: -608.917603, 993.737427, 10299.828125 $label: Bastion BG +id: 3 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ares $pos: 3269.701416, 791.814880, 24449.871094 $label: Pilots +id: 4 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 0 $team: Friendly $class: GTDR Amazon $pos: -3614.134033, 791.813965, 11743.365234 $label: Instructor +id: 8 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $end_briefing #Debriefing_info $Num stages: 1 $Formula: ( is-goal-true-delay "Destroy Arcadia" 0 ) $Multi text XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text $Voice: none.wav $Recommendation text: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text #Players ;! 8 total $Starting Shipname: Alpha 1 $Ship Choices: ( "GTF Ulysses" 5 "GTF Hercules" 5 "GTF Hercules Mark II" 5 "GTF Ares" 5 "GTF Erinyes" 5 "GTF Loki" 5 "GTF Pegasus" 5 "GTF Perseus" 5 "GTF Myrmidon" 5 "GTB Artemis" 5 "GTB Artemis D.H." 5 "GTB Medusa" 5 "GTB Ursa" 5 "GTB Zeus" 5 "GTB Boanerges" 5 "GVF Seth" 5 "GVF Horus" 5 "GVF Thoth" 5 "GVF Serapis" 5 "GVF Tauret" 5 "GVB Sekhmet" 5 "GVB Osiris" 5 "GVB Bakha" 5 "GVF Ptah" 5 ) +Weaponry Pool: ( "Subach HL-7" 16 "Mekhu HL-7" 16 "Akheton SDG" 16 "Morning Star" 16 "Prometheus R" 16 "Prometheus S" 24 "Maxim" 20 "UD-8 Kayser" 20 "Circe" 16 "Lamprey" 16 "Rockeye" 500 "Tempest" 2000 "Hornet" 1000 "Tornado" 1128 "Harpoon" 1144 "Trebuchet" 552 "TAG-A" 100 "TAG-B" 100 "Piranha" 500 "Stiletto II" 500 "Infyrno" 500 "Cyclops" 500 "Helios" 8 "EMP Adv." 500 ) #Objects ;! 99 total $Name: Arcadia ;! Object #0 $Class: GTI Arcadia $Team: Hostile $Location: -134.673767, 628.307861, 24314.724609 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: Stay Near $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 +Subsystem: turret17 +Subsystem: turret18 +Subsystem: turret19 +Subsystem: turret20 +Subsystem: turret21 +Subsystem: turret22 +Subsystem: turret23 +Subsystem: turret24 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" "escort" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Escort priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 800 $Name: GTD Bastion ;! Object #1 $Class: GTD Orion#2 (Bastion) $Team: Friendly $Location: 7.384463, 1070.443359, 5930.701172 $Orientation: 0.999201, -0.039940, 0.001999, 0.039990, 0.997952, -0.049939, 0.000000, 0.049979, 0.998750 $AI Behavior: None $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints "Waypoint path 1" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01a +Primary Banks: ( "BGreen" "" "" ) +Subsystem: turret02a +Primary Banks: ( "SGreen" "" "" ) +Subsystem: turret03a +Primary Banks: ( "Heavy Flak" "Heavy Flak" "Heavy Flak" ) +Subsystem: turret04a +Subsystem: turret05a +Subsystem: turret06 +Primary Banks: ( "TerSlash" ) +Subsystem: turret07 +Primary Banks: ( "TerSlash" ) +Subsystem: turret08 +Primary Banks: ( "AAAf" ) +Subsystem: turret09 +Primary Banks: ( "BGreen" ) +Subsystem: turret10 +Primary Banks: ( "AAAf" ) +Subsystem: turret11 +Primary Banks: ( "BGreen" ) +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Primary Banks: ( "TerSlash" ) +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 +Primary Banks: ( "AAAf" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( is-destroyed-delay 10 "Arcadia" "Deimos" "SD Demon" "GTD Hecate" "GVD Typhon" ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" "escort" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Escort priority: 100 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 1000 $Name: Alpha 1 ;! Object #2 $Class: GTF Ares $Team: Friendly $Location: 451.135773, 1150.591064, 5836.625977 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 15 $Name: Alpha 2 ;! Object #3 $Class: GTF Ares $Team: Friendly $Location: 385.915253, 1150.591064, 5899.926270 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 15 $Name: Alpha 3 ;! Object #4 $Class: GTF Ares $Team: Friendly $Location: 278.400909, 1150.591064, 6185.654785 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 15 $Name: Alpha 4 ;! Object #5 $Class: GTF Ares $Team: Friendly $Location: 523.544983, 1150.591064, 6091.675293 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 15 $Name: Instructor ;! Object #6 $Class: GTDR Amazon $Team: Friendly $Location: 997.941040, 1235.953125, 6163.115234 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: Get behind +AI Class: Captain $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-stay-near-ship "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "invulnerable" "hidden-from-sensors" ) +Flags2: ( "primaries-locked" "secondaries-locked" ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 7 $Name: Beta 1 ;! Object #7 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -726.596008, 1320.381836, 6024.366699 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Tornado" "Helios" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Beta 2 ;! Object #8 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -677.788757, 1320.381836, 6146.644043 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Tornado" "Helios" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Beta 3 ;! Object #9 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -562.115173, 1320.381836, 6042.748535 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Tornado" "Helios" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Beta 4 ;! Object #10 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -592.330994, 1320.381714, 5925.927246 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Tornado" "Helios" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Zeta 1 ;! Object #11 $Class: GTB Artemis D.H. $Team: Friendly $Location: -203.137390, 1663.857056, 5252.292480 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Zeta 2 ;! Object #12 $Class: GTB Artemis D.H. $Team: Friendly $Location: -132.426208, 1663.857178, 5243.082031 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Zeta 3 ;! Object #13 $Class: GTB Artemis D.H. $Team: Friendly $Location: -25.438019, 1663.857056, 5224.775879 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Zeta 4 ;! Object #14 $Class: GTB Artemis D.H. $Team: Friendly $Location: 65.399490, 1663.857178, 5215.680176 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Epsilon 1 ;! Object #15 $Class: GTB Ursa $Team: Friendly $Location: -1729.550171, 0.001130, 6615.106934 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Maxim" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Helios" "Helios" ) +Subsystem: b05-turreta $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "locked" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Epsilon 2 ;! Object #16 $Class: GTB Ursa $Team: Friendly $Location: -1562.013062, 0.001160, 6668.421387 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Maxim" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Helios" "Helios" ) +Subsystem: b05-turreta $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "locked" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Epsilon 3 ;! Object #17 $Class: GTB Ursa $Team: Friendly $Location: -1389.490112, 0.001251, 6594.111816 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Maxim" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Helios" "Helios" ) +Subsystem: b05-turreta $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "locked" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Delta 1 ;! Object #18 $Class: GTB Zeus $Team: Friendly $Location: -1769.660278, 0.001179, 7784.856934 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "locked" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Delta 2 ;! Object #19 $Class: GTB Zeus $Team: Friendly $Location: -1567.212036, 0.001295, 7784.856934 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "locked" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Delta 3 ;! Object #20 $Class: GTB Zeus $Team: Friendly $Location: -1379.852905, 0.001213, 7801.284668 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "locked" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Delta 4 ;! Object #21 $Class: GTB Zeus $Team: Friendly $Location: -1191.717651, 0.001143, 7736.112305 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "locked" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Lonewolf ;! Object #22 $Class: GTC Leviathan $Team: Friendly $Location: 543.338013, 1669.594727, 6259.035645 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "Lonewolf patch" 50 ) ( ai-stay-near-ship "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09a-01-main $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( or ( is-destroyed-delay 10 "Arcadia" "Deimos" "SD Demon" "GTD Hecate" "GVD Typhon" ) ( is-destroyed-delay 5 "GTD Bastion" ) ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" "escort" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 50 +Escort priority: 50 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 200 $Name: Golab ;! Object #23 $Class: GTC Leviathan $Team: Friendly $Location: -377.491302, 1713.297363, 6204.489746 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "Golab patch" 50 ) ( ai-stay-near-ship "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09a-01-main $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( or ( is-destroyed-delay 10 "Arcadia" "Deimos" "SD Demon" "GTD Hecate" "GVD Typhon" ) ( is-destroyed-delay 5 "GTD Bastion" ) ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" "escort" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Escort priority: 50 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 200 $Name: Agrippa ;! Object #24 $Class: GTC Aeolus $Team: Friendly $Location: 26.526024, 1830.684082, 6230.748535 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "Agrippa patch" 50 ) ( ai-stay-near-ship "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( or ( is-destroyed-delay 10 "Arcadia" "Deimos" "SD Demon" "GTD Hecate" "GVD Typhon" ) ( is-destroyed-delay 5 "GTD Bastion" ) ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" "escort" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 50 +Escort priority: 50 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 500 $Name: SD Demon ;! Object #25 $Class: SD Demon $Team: Hostile $Location: 1935.847900, 993.737366, 21899.580078 $Orientation: -0.831453, -0.024951, -0.555037, -0.029996, 0.999550, 0.000000, 0.554788, 0.016649, -0.831827 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01-base +Subsystem: turret02-base +Subsystem: turret03a-base +Subsystem: turret04-base +Subsystem: turret05-base +Subsystem: turret06a-base +Subsystem: turret07a-base +Subsystem: turret08-base +Subsystem: turret09-base +Subsystem: turret10-base +Subsystem: turret11-base +Subsystem: turret12-base +Subsystem: turret13-base +Subsystem: turret14-base +Subsystem: turret15-base +Subsystem: turret16-base +Subsystem: turret17-base +Subsystem: turret18-base +Subsystem: turret19-base +Subsystem: turret20-base +Subsystem: turret21-base +Subsystem: turret22 +Subsystem: turret23 +Subsystem: turret24 +Subsystem: turret25 +Subsystem: turret26 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 840 $Name: GTD Hecate ;! Object #26 $Class: GTD Hecate $Team: Hostile $Location: -35.140518, 2401.964111, 23166.357422 $Orientation: -0.997189, 0.018802, 0.072548, 0.005568, 0.983930, -0.178468, -0.074738, -0.177562, -0.981268 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 +Subsystem: turret17 +Subsystem: turret18 +Subsystem: turret19 +Subsystem: turret20 +Subsystem: turret21 +Subsystem: turret22 +Subsystem: turret23 +Subsystem: turret24 +Subsystem: turret25 +Subsystem: turret26 +Subsystem: turret27 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 1300 $Name: GVD Typhon ;! Object #27 $Class: GVD Typhon $Team: Hostile $Location: -2094.256104, 1197.995605, 21698.582031 $Orientation: -0.906259, -0.231997, -0.353372, -0.188477, 0.970014, -0.153467, 0.378379, -0.072478, -0.922810 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 1000 $Name: Deimos 1 ;! Object #28 $Class: GTCv Deimos $Team: Hostile $Location: 149.529648, 993.805298, 21477.880859 $Orientation: -0.998714, 0.049981, -0.008496, 0.049979, 0.998750, 0.000431, 0.008507, 0.000005, -0.999964 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 +Subsystem: turret17 +Subsystem: turret18 +Subsystem: turret19 +Subsystem: turret20 +Subsystem: turret21 +Subsystem: turret22 +Subsystem: turret23 +Subsystem: turret24 +Subsystem: turret25 +Subsystem: turret26 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 800 $Name: Deimos 2 ;! Object #29 $Class: GTCv Deimos $Team: Hostile $Location: -508.840118, 1026.760986, 21455.041016 $Orientation: -0.998714, 0.049981, -0.008496, 0.049979, 0.998750, 0.000431, 0.008507, 0.000005, -0.999964 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 +Subsystem: turret17 +Subsystem: turret18 +Subsystem: turret19 +Subsystem: turret20 +Subsystem: turret21 +Subsystem: turret22 +Subsystem: turret23 +Subsystem: turret24 +Subsystem: turret25 +Subsystem: turret26 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 800 $Name: Battle Group Alpha 1 ;! Object #30 $Class: GVCv Sobek $Team: Hostile $Location: -965.858521, 587.420654, 20176.687500 $Orientation: -0.997661, 0.000000, -0.068354, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.068354, 0.000000, -0.997661 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 +Subsystem: turret17 +Subsystem: turret18 +Subsystem: turret19 +Subsystem: turret20 +Subsystem: turret21 +Subsystem: turret22 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 400 $Name: Battle Group Alpha 2 ;! Object #31 $Class: GVCv Sobek $Team: Hostile $Location: -457.676147, 234.735321, 20223.062500 $Orientation: -0.997661, 0.000000, -0.068354, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.068354, 0.000000, -0.997661 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 +Subsystem: turret17 +Subsystem: turret18 +Subsystem: turret19 +Subsystem: turret20 +Subsystem: turret21 +Subsystem: turret22 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 400 $Name: Battle Group Alpha 3 ;! Object #32 $Class: SC Rakshasa $Team: Hostile $Location: -1191.289795, 207.913513, 20020.333984 $Orientation: -0.997661, 0.000000, -0.068354, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.068354, 0.000000, -0.997661 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 300 $Name: Battle Group Alpha 4 ;! Object #33 $Class: GTC Aeolus $Team: Hostile $Location: -693.028442, 0.000183, 19664.486328 $Orientation: -0.997661, 0.000000, -0.068354, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.068354, 0.000000, -0.997661 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 500 $Name: Battle Group Alpha 5 ;! Object #34 $Class: SCv Moloch $Team: Hostile $Location: -1450.681396, 793.945618, 19873.160156 $Orientation: -0.997661, 0.000000, -0.068354, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.068354, 0.000000, -0.997661 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 440 $Name: Battle Group Alpha 6 ;! Object #35 $Class: GVC Aten $Team: Hostile $Location: -1458.057861, 0.000183, 19512.023438 $Orientation: -0.997661, 0.000000, -0.068354, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.068354, 0.000000, -0.997661 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01a +Subsystem: turret02a +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 90 $Name: Gunboats Group Alpha 1 ;! Object #36 $Class: SC Cain $Team: Hostile $Location: 753.998169, 1195.309570, 17782.394531 $Orientation: -0.999597, 0.000000, -0.028403, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.028403, 0.000000, -0.999597 $AI Behavior: Stay Near $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Primary Banks: ( "LRed" ) +Subsystem: turret08 +Sbank Ammo: ( 0 ) +Subsystem: turret09 +Sbank Ammo: ( 0 ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 210 $Name: Gunboats Group Alpha 2 ;! Object #37 $Class: GTG Zephyrus $Team: Hostile $Location: 1010.797974, 1195.309570, 18028.240234 $Orientation: -0.999597, 0.000000, -0.028403, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.028403, 0.000000, -0.999597 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 50 $Name: Gunboats Group Alpha 3 ;! Object #38 $Class: GTG Zephyrus $Team: Hostile $Location: 1192.746460, 1195.309570, 18496.119141 $Orientation: -0.999597, 0.000000, -0.028403, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.028403, 0.000000, -0.999597 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 50 $Name: Gunboats Group Alpha 4 ;! Object #39 $Class: SFr Asmodeus $Team: Hostile $Location: 929.831421, 1195.309570, 18202.843750 $Orientation: -0.999597, 0.000000, -0.028403, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.028403, 0.000000, -0.999597 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: a-turret01 +Subsystem: a-turret02 +Subsystem: a-turret03 +Subsystem: a-turret04 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 30 $Name: Gunboats Group Alpha 5 ;! Object #40 $Class: SFr Asmodeus $Team: Hostile $Location: 801.525085, 1195.309570, 18230.429688 $Orientation: -0.999597, 0.000000, -0.028403, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.028403, 0.000000, -0.999597 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: a-turret01 +Subsystem: a-turret02 +Subsystem: a-turret03 +Subsystem: a-turret04 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 30 $Name: Gunboats Group Alpha 6 ;! Object #41 $Class: PVFR Ma'at $Team: Hostile $Location: 716.845642, 1195.309570, 18101.394531 $Orientation: -0.999597, 0.000000, -0.028403, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.028403, 0.000000, -0.999597 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 14 $Name: Battle group Beta 1 ;! Object #42 $Class: GTA Charybdis $Team: Hostile $Location: -2774.977051, 791.813232, 18581.996094 $Orientation: -0.999136, 0.000000, -0.041581, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.041581, 0.000000, -0.999136 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Primary Banks: ( "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" ) +Subsystem: turret02 +Primary Banks: ( "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" ) +Subsystem: turret03 +Primary Banks: ( "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" "Akheton SDG" ) +Subsystem: turret04 +Primary Banks: ( "AAAf" "AAAf" ) +Subsystem: turret05 +Primary Banks: ( "AAAf" "AAAf" ) +Subsystem: turret06 +Primary Banks: ( "AAAf" "AAAf" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 150 $Name: Battle group Beta 2 ;! Object #43 $Class: GVC Mentu $Team: Hostile $Location: -2443.584961, 791.813354, 18832.044922 $Orientation: -0.999597, 0.000000, 0.028404, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.028404, 0.000000, -0.999597 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 100 $Name: Battle group Beta 3 ;! Object #44 $Class: GVC Mentu $Team: Hostile $Location: -3004.713623, 791.813293, 18909.216797 $Orientation: -0.997662, 0.000000, 0.068354, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.068354, 0.000000, -0.997662 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 +Subsystem: turret07 +Subsystem: turret08 +Subsystem: turret09 +Subsystem: turret10 +Subsystem: turret11 +Subsystem: turret12 +Subsystem: turret13 +Subsystem: turret14 +Subsystem: turret15 +Subsystem: turret16 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 100 $Name: Terran Assault Wing 3 ;! Object #45 $Class: GTF Hercules Mark II $Team: Hostile $Location: -5070.435547, 0.000269, 10541.412109 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Terran Assault Wing 2 ;! Object #46 $Class: GTF Hercules Mark II $Team: Hostile $Location: -5406.980469, -0.000279, 10072.625977 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Terran Assault Wing 1 ;! Object #47 $Class: GTF Hercules Mark II $Team: Hostile $Location: -4884.976563, 0.000232, 9681.632813 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Terran Interceptor Wing 3 ;! Object #48 $Class: GTF Perseus $Team: Hostile $Location: -7014.990234, 0.000379, 10014.751953 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "UD-8 Kayser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Harpoon" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 14 $Name: Terran Interceptor Wing 4 ;! Object #49 $Class: GTF Perseus $Team: Hostile $Location: -6416.184570, 0.000015, 9944.706055 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "UD-8 Kayser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Harpoon" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 14 $Name: Terran Interceptor Wing 1 ;! Object #50 $Class: GTF Perseus $Team: Hostile $Location: -6115.306152, -0.000177, 10194.321289 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "UD-8 Kayser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Harpoon" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 14 $Name: Terran Interceptor Wing 2 ;! Object #51 $Class: GTF Perseus $Team: Hostile $Location: -5851.205566, -0.000227, 10711.800781 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "UD-8 Kayser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Harpoon" "Harpoon" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 14 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 1 ;! Object #52 $Class: GTB Boanerges $Team: Hostile $Location: -8556.556641, -0.000261, 10104.281250 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 3 ;! Object #53 $Class: GTB Boanerges $Team: Hostile $Location: -8712.214844, -0.000232, 8957.778320 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 4 ;! Object #54 $Class: GTB Boanerges $Team: Hostile $Location: -8317.471680, -0.000221, 9167.340820 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 2 ;! Object #55 $Class: GTB Boanerges $Team: Hostile $Location: -7884.650879, -0.000061, 9293.197266 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Maxim" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Beta 1 ;! Object #56 $Class: GTB Medusa $Team: Hostile $Location: -5401.435547, -0.000134, 7613.011230 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Subsystem: turret01a $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Beta 2 ;! Object #57 $Class: GTB Medusa $Team: Hostile $Location: -5672.545410, -0.000152, 7489.711914 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Subsystem: turret01a $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Beta 3 ;! Object #58 $Class: GTB Medusa $Team: Hostile $Location: -5831.375000, 0.000171, 7445.402344 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Subsystem: turret01a $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Beta 4 ;! Object #59 $Class: GTB Medusa $Team: Hostile $Location: -6067.109375, -0.000127, 7344.828613 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Subsystem: turret01a $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 1 ;! Object #60 $Class: GVB Osiris $Team: Hostile $Location: -7469.960938, 0.000323, 16562.224609 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 8 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 2 ;! Object #61 $Class: GVB Osiris $Team: Hostile $Location: -7760.923828, -0.000281, 16245.275391 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 8 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 3 ;! Object #62 $Class: GVB Osiris $Team: Hostile $Location: -8067.924316, 0.000220, 16001.010742 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 8 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 4 ;! Object #63 $Class: GVB Osiris $Team: Hostile $Location: -8255.840820, -0.000004, 15630.265625 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 8 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 1 ;! Object #64 $Class: GVB Sekhmet $Team: Hostile $Location: -9728.929688, -0.000099, 15440.089844 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 2 ;! Object #65 $Class: GVB Sekhmet $Team: Hostile $Location: -9921.010742, -0.000105, 14995.233398 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 3 ;! Object #66 $Class: GVB Sekhmet $Team: Hostile $Location: -10094.931641, -0.000346, 14718.101563 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 4 ;! Object #67 $Class: GVB Sekhmet $Team: Hostile $Location: -10198.234375, 0.000004, 14291.682617 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 5 ;! Object #68 $Class: GVB Sekhmet $Team: Hostile $Location: -10474.821289, -0.001753, 14243.063477 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 1 ;! Object #69 $Class: GVF Thoth $Team: Hostile $Location: -3425.551514, 0.000246, 13724.636719 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 2 ;! Object #70 $Class: GVF Thoth $Team: Hostile $Location: -3880.205078, -0.000230, 13014.815430 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 3 ;! Object #71 $Class: GVF Thoth $Team: Hostile $Location: -3705.870117, 0.000288, 12209.992188 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 4 ;! Object #72 $Class: GVF Thoth $Team: Hostile $Location: -3317.530518, 0.000081, 12500.379883 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 1 ;! Object #73 $Class: GVF Tauret $Team: Hostile $Location: -5248.560059, -0.000223, 13062.078125 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Mekhu HL-7" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Rockeye" "Tornado" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 2 ;! Object #74 $Class: GVF Tauret $Team: Hostile $Location: -5533.020020, 0.000153, 12790.515625 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Mekhu HL-7" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Rockeye" "Tornado" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 3 ;! Object #75 $Class: GVF Tauret $Team: Hostile $Location: -5921.471191, 0.000109, 12120.161133 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Mekhu HL-7" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Rockeye" "Tornado" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 4 ;! Object #76 $Class: GVF Tauret $Team: Hostile $Location: -6064.053711, 0.000044, 11656.710938 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Mekhu HL-7" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Rockeye" "Tornado" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 1 ;! Object #77 $Class: SB Seraphim $Team: Hostile $Location: -9987.797852, 0.000156, 11144.526367 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Helios" ) +Sbank Ammo: ( 100 100 100 0 ) +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 16 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 2 ;! Object #78 $Class: SB Seraphim $Team: Hostile $Location: -9841.311523, 0.000054, 11401.421875 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Helios" ) +Sbank Ammo: ( 100 100 100 0 ) +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 16 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 3 ;! Object #79 $Class: SB Seraphim $Team: Hostile $Location: -9641.265625, -0.000088, 11658.470703 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Helios" ) +Sbank Ammo: ( 100 100 100 0 ) +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 16 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 4 ;! Object #80 $Class: SB Seraphim $Team: Hostile $Location: -9992.440430, -0.000057, 10672.911133 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Helios" ) +Sbank Ammo: ( 100 100 100 0 ) +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 16 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 1 ;! Object #81 $Class: SB Taurvi $Team: Hostile $Location: -8238.204102, 0.000295, 11951.351563 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" "Shivan Mega Laser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 2 ;! Object #82 $Class: SB Taurvi $Team: Hostile $Location: -7940.080566, -0.000316, 12301.484375 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" "Shivan Mega Laser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 3 ;! Object #83 $Class: SB Taurvi $Team: Hostile $Location: -7538.568359, -0.000213, 12356.346680 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" "Shivan Mega Laser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 4 ;! Object #84 $Class: SB Taurvi $Team: Hostile $Location: -7192.055176, 0.000040, 12592.225586 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" "Shivan Mega Laser" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Cyclops" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 1 ;! Object #85 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -2904.281982, -0.000563, 10876.023438 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Trebuchet" "Tornado" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 2 ;! Object #86 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -2733.117188, -0.000907, 11165.875977 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Trebuchet" "Tornado" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 3 ;! Object #87 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -2372.478271, -0.000786, 11286.419922 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Trebuchet" "Tornado" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 4 ;! Object #88 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -3211.361328, -0.000984, 10553.926758 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Trebuchet" "Tornado" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Shivan Interceptor Wing 1 ;! Object #89 $Class: SF Astaroth $Team: Hostile $Location: -2835.015137, 0.000015, 15043.597656 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 13 $Name: Shivan Interceptor Wing 2 ;! Object #90 $Class: SF Astaroth $Team: Hostile $Location: -3057.485107, -0.000080, 15081.821289 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 13 $Name: Shivan Interceptor Wing 3 ;! Object #91 $Class: SF Astaroth $Team: Hostile $Location: -3120.372314, 0.000125, 15337.017578 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 13 $Name: Shivan Interceptor Wing 4 ;! Object #92 $Class: SF Astaroth $Team: Hostile $Location: -3034.153564, -0.000427, 15623.320313 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 13 $Name: Arcadia Defensive Wing 1 ;! Object #93 $Class: GVF Horus $Team: Hostile $Location: -8261.120117, 0.000249, 23029.841797 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Arcadia Defensive Wing 2 ;! Object #94 $Class: GVF Horus $Team: Hostile $Location: -8505.124023, -0.000190, 22097.072266 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Arcadia Defensive Wing 3 ;! Object #95 $Class: GTF Loki $Team: Hostile $Location: -7376.914551, 0.000126, 22188.806641 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 7 $Name: Arcadia Defensive Wing 4 ;! Object #96 $Class: GTF Loki $Team: Hostile $Location: -7517.424316, 0.000131, 21282.585938 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 7 $Name: Arcadia Defensive Wing 5 ;! Object #97 $Class: SB Nahema $Team: Hostile $Location: -7704.680664, -0.000143, 18852.650391 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 14 $Name: Arcadia Defensive Wing 6 ;! Object #98 $Class: SB Nahema $Team: Hostile $Location: -7292.452637, -0.000100, 18856.863281 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 14 #Wings ;! 22 total $Name: Alpha $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Near Ship +Arrival Distance: 500 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Bastion $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Alpha 1" "Alpha 2" "Alpha 3" "Alpha 4" ) +Hotkey: 0 +Flags:( ) $Name: Beta $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Beta 1 $Arrival Location: Near Ship +Arrival Distance: 500 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Bastion $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Beta 1" "Beta 2" "Beta 3" "Beta 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) +Hotkey: 1 +Flags:( ) $Name: Zeta $Waves: 15 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Zeta 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Bastion $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Zeta 1" "Zeta 2" "Zeta 3" "Zeta 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) +Hotkey: 2 +Flags:( ) $Name: Epsilon $Waves: 5 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Epsilon 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Bastion $Arrival Cue: ( has-time-elapsed 10 ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 3 total "Epsilon 1" "Epsilon 2" "Epsilon 3" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-stay-near-ship "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 120 +Wave Delay Max: 180 $Name: Delta $Waves: 20 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Delta 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Bastion $Arrival Cue: ( has-time-elapsed 5 ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Delta 1" "Delta 2" "Delta 3" "Delta 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "Agrippa" 50 ) ( ai-guard "Lonewolf" 50 ) ( ai-guard "Golab" 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 5 +Wave Delay Max: 20 $Name: Deimos $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Deimos 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 2 total "Deimos 1" "Deimos 2" ) +Flags:( ) $Name: Battle Group Alpha $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Battle Group Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 6 total "Battle Group Alpha 1" "Battle Group Alpha 2" "Battle Group Alpha 3" "Battle Group Alpha 4" "Battle Group Alpha 5" "Battle Group Alpha 6" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Golab" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Lonewolf" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Agrippa" 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) $Name: Gunboats Group Alpha $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Gunboats Group Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 6 total "Gunboats Group Alpha 1" "Gunboats Group Alpha 2" "Gunboats Group Alpha 3" "Gunboats Group Alpha 4" "Gunboats Group Alpha 5" "Gunboats Group Alpha 6" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Lonewolf" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Golab" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Agrippa" 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) $Name: Battle group Beta $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Battle group Beta 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 3 total "Battle group Beta 1" "Battle group Beta 2" "Battle group Beta 3" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Agrippa" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Lonewolf" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Golab" 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) $Name: Terran Assault Wing $Waves: 10 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Terran Assault Wing 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Hecate $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 3 total "Terran Assault Wing 1" "Terran Assault Wing 2" "Terran Assault Wing 3" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard-wing "Battle Group Alpha" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 20 +Wave Delay Max: 40 $Name: Terran Interceptor Wing $Waves: 10 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Terran Interceptor Wing 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Hecate $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Terran Interceptor Wing 1" "Terran Interceptor Wing 2" "Terran Interceptor Wing 3" "Terran Interceptor Wing 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard-wing "Gunboats Group Alpha" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 20 +Wave Delay Max: 50 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Alpha $Waves: 10 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Hecate $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 1" "Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 2" "Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 3" "Terran Bomber Wing Alpha 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard-wing "Battle Group Alpha" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 20 +Wave Delay Max: 180 $Name: Terran Bomber Wing Beta $Waves: 10 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Terran Bomber Wing Beta 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GTD Hecate $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Terran Bomber Wing Beta 1" "Terran Bomber Wing Beta 2" "Terran Bomber Wing Beta 3" "Terran Bomber Wing Beta 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard-wing "Gunboats Group Alpha" 50 ) ( ai-chase "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 20 +Wave Delay Max: 180 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta $Waves: 10 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GVD Typhon $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 1" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 2" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 3" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard-wing "Battle group Beta" 50 ) ( ai-chase "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 20 +Wave Delay Max: 180 $Name: Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha $Waves: 10 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GVD Typhon $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 5 total "Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 1" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 2" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 3" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 4" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha 5" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard-wing "Battle Group Alpha" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 20 +Wave Delay Max: 180 $Name: Vasudan Interceptor Alpha $Waves: 10 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GVD Typhon $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 1" "Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 2" "Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 3" "Vasudan Interceptor Alpha 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard-wing "Battle group Beta" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 50 +Wave Delay Max: 60 $Name: Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha $Waves: 10 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: GVD Typhon $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 1" "Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 2" "Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 3" "Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard-wing "Gunboats Group Alpha" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 50 +Wave Delay Max: 50 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha $Waves: 15 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: SD Demon $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 1" "Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 2" "Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 3" "Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Agrippa" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Lonewolf" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Golab" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 50 +Wave Delay Max: 160 $Name: Shivan Bomber Wing Beta $Waves: 15 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: SD Demon $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 1" "Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 2" "Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 3" "Shivan Bomber Wing Beta 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "GTD Bastion" 50 ) ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 50 +Wave Delay Max: 160 $Name: Shivan Assault Wing Alpha $Waves: 13 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: SD Demon $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 1" "Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 2" "Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 3" "Shivan Assault Wing Alpha 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 50 +Wave Delay Max: 80 $Name: Shivan Interceptor Wing $Waves: 13 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Shivan Interceptor Wing 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: SD Demon $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Shivan Interceptor Wing 1" "Shivan Interceptor Wing 2" "Shivan Interceptor Wing 3" "Shivan Interceptor Wing 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase-any 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 80 +Wave Delay Max: 100 $Name: Arcadia Defensive Wing $Waves: 5 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Arcadia Defensive Wing 1 $Arrival Location: Docking Bay +Arrival Distance: 0 $Arrival Anchor: Arcadia $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 6 total "Arcadia Defensive Wing 1" "Arcadia Defensive Wing 2" "Arcadia Defensive Wing 3" "Arcadia Defensive Wing 4" "Arcadia Defensive Wing 5" "Arcadia Defensive Wing 6" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "Arcadia" 50 ) ( ai-guard "SD Demon" 50 ) ( ai-guard "GTD Hecate" 50 ) ( ai-guard "GVD Typhon" 50 ) ( ai-guard-wing "Deimos" 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) +Wave Delay Min: 5 +Wave Delay Max: 20 #Events ;! 38 total $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Terran Assault Wing" "Terran Interceptor Wing" "Vasudan Interceptor Alpha" "Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha" "Shivan Assault Wing Alpha" "Shivan Interceptor Wing" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Destroy Fighters +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Destroy all Fighters", -1) +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Terran Bomber Wing Alpha" "Terran Bomber Wing Beta" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta" "Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha" "Shivan Bomber Wing Beta" "Shivan Assault Wing Alpha" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Destroy all Bombers +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Destroy all Bombers", -1) +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Gunboats Group Alpha" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Destroy all Gunboats +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Destroy all Gunboats", -1) +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Battle Group Alpha" "Battle group Beta" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Destroy the BG +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Destroy the Battle Groups", -1) +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Arcadia" "Arcadia Defensive Wing" "SD Demon" "GTD Hecate" "GVD Typhon" "Deimos" "Battle Group Alpha" "Gunboats Group Alpha" "Battle group Beta" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Destroy the Arcadia and def +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Destroy Arcadia and defenders", -1) +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( has-departed-delay 0 "GTD Bastion" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Protect the Bastion +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Protect the Bastion", -1) +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "GTD Bastion" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "Bastion Down" ) ) +Name: Bastions Down +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Agrippa" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "Agrippa Down" ) ) +Name: Agrippa Down +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Lonewolf" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "Lonewolf down" ) ) +Name: Lonewolf Down +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Golab" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "Golab down" ) ) +Name: Golab Down +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Lonewolf" "Golab" "Agrippa" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "Bastion BG down" ) ) +Name: all bastion BG down +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 8 "Deimos" "Arcadia" "SD Demon" "GTD Hecate" "GVD Typhon" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "MS" ) ) +Name: Mission success +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 5 "Battle Group Alpha" "Battle group Beta" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "BG Alpha Down" ) ) +Name: BG destroyed +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 5 "Gunboats Group Alpha" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "gunboats out" ) ) +Name: Gunboats out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Deimos" ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "Deimos out" ) ) +Name: Deimos out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Terran Assault Wing" ) ( training-msg "TA Wing Out" ) ) +Name: TA wing out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Terran Interceptor Wing" ) ( training-msg "TI Wing out" ) ) +Name: TI wing out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Vasudan Assault Wing Alpha" ) ( training-msg "VA Wing destroyed" ) ) +Name: va wing down +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Vasudan Interceptor Alpha" ) ( training-msg "VI Wing out" ) ) +Name: vi wing out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Shivan Assault Wing Alpha" ) ( training-msg "SA wing out" ) ) +Name: sa wing out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Shivan Interceptor Wing" ) ( training-msg "Si wing out" ) ) +Name: sa wing out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Terran Bomber Wing Alpha" ) ( training-msg "TBA out" ) ) +Name: TBA out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Terran Bomber Wing Beta" ) ( training-msg "TBB out" ) ) +Name: TBB out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Vasudan Bomber Wing Alpha" ) ( training-msg "VBA out" ) ) +Name: VBA out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Vasudan Bomber Wing Beta" ) ( training-msg "VBB out" ) ) +Name: VBB out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Shivan Bomber Wing Alpha" ) ( training-msg "SBA out" ) ) +Name: SBA out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Shivan Bomber Wing Beta" ) ( training-msg "SBB out" ) ) +Name: SBB out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( and ( is-event-true-delay "Mission success" 0 ) ( or ( not ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Lonewolf" ) ) ( or ( not ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Golab" ) ) ( not ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Agrippa" ) ) ) ) ) ( grant-medal "Wings" ) ) +Name: Medal +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( has-time-elapsed 2 ) ( training-msg "Talk" ) ) +Name: Talk +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( training-msg "Talk2" ) ) +Name: talk2 +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 8 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( training-msg "Talk3" ) ) +Name: talk3 +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 8 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( training-msg "talk4" ) ) +Name: talk4 +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 8 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( training-msg "Talk5" ) ) +Name: Talk5 +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 8 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "Instructor" "High" "honest" ) ) +Name: honest +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 8 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( cap-waypoint-speed "Agrippa" 10 ) ) +Name: Cap waypoint speed +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( cap-waypoint-speed "Golab" 10 ) ) +Name: Capwaypoint speed +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( cap-waypoint-speed "Lonewolf" 10 ) ) +Name: capwaypointspeed +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( cap-waypoint-speed "GTD Bastion" 10 ) ) +Name: capwaypoint speed +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 875704373 #Goals ;! 7 total $Type: Primary +Name: Destroy Arcadia $MessageNew: XSTR("Destroy Arcadia", -1) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Arcadia" ) +Score: 100 $Type: Primary +Name: Protect the Bastion $MessageNew: XSTR("Protect the Bastion", -1) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( has-departed-delay 0 "GTD Bastion" ) +Score: 100 $Type: Primary +Name: Destroy arcadia defenses $MessageNew: XSTR("Destroy arcadia defenses", -1) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "SD Demon" "GTD Hecate" "GVD Typhon" "Deimos" ) +No music +Score: 100 $Type: Secondary +Name: Destroy battle Groups $MessageNew: XSTR("Destroy battle groups", -1) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Battle Group Alpha" "Battle group Beta" ) +No music +Score: 100 $Type: Secondary +Name: Destroy Gunboats $MessageNew: XSTR("Destroy Gunboats", -1) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Gunboats Group Alpha" ) +Score: 50 $Type: Secondary +Name: Protect Bastion BG $MessageNew: XSTR("Protect Bastion battle group", -1) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( and ( not ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Lonewolf" "Agrippa" "Golab" ) ) ( has-departed-delay 0 "GTD Bastion" ) ) +Score: 200 $Type: Bonus +Name: keep Bastion hull abode 35% $MessageNew: XSTR("Keep Bastion hull abode 35%", -1) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( and ( and ( < 35 ( hits-left "GTD Bastion" ) ) ( has-departed-delay 0 "GTD Bastion" ) ) ( true ) ) +Score: 1000 #Waypoints ;! 4 lists total $Name: Waypoint path 1 $List: ( ;! 6 points in list ( -140.407074, 1430.645264, 22167.464844 ) ( -1071.074951, 1430.645264, 22488.382813 ) ( -1127.676147, 1430.645264, 23905.019531 ) ( 170.700043, 1430.645264, 24117.792969 ) ( 974.654907, 1430.645264, 23381.863281 ) ( 244.672668, 1430.645264, 22516.613281 ) ) $Name: Agrippa patch $List: ( ;! 1 points in list ( -101.318649, 2546.203857, 23265.357422 ) ) $Name: Golab patch $List: ( ;! 1 points in list ( -987.497742, 2546.203857, 23292.308594 ) ) $Name: Lonewolf patch $List: ( ;! 1 points in list ( 710.263855, 2546.203857, 23458.853516 ) ) #Messages ;! 27 total $Name: Bastion Down $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The Bastion has been destroy, abort mission and return to base.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Agrippa Down $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("We lost the Agrippa.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Lonewolf down $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The Lonewolf has been destroy!", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Golab down $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The Golab is going down!", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Bastion BG down $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("All of the Bastion Battlegroup is destroyed, keep your head in the fight and complete your mission pilots!", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: MS $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("All objectives acomplished, return to base.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: BG Alpha Down $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The Battlegroups Alpha and Beta are destroyed!, Nice work.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: gunboats out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The gunboats are history.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP7 $Name: TA Wing Out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: TI Wing out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: VA Wing destroyed $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: VI Wing out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: SA wing out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Si wing out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: TBA out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: TBB out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: VBA out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: VBB out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: SBA out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: SBB out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Deimos out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The Deimos are no more!", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Talk $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Welcome to training simulation module TSM-001a Pilots, this module cover Heavy Assault/Cover techniques.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Talk2 $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The action is about to begin!, the station is sending multiple Corvettes, Cruisers, gunboats, fighters and Bombers wings to your position!", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Talk3 $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Protect the Bastion and they Battlegroup, and destroy the Arcadia and all defending forces", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: talk4 $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The acceptable losses for this operations are unlimited for small ships, and maximun 2 cruisers.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: Talk5 $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Epsilon Wing is Carrying Heavy Bombs, protect Epsilon Wing.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 $Name: honest $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("I going to be honest, this module is very hard, even ours top pilots fails in this one.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP8 #Reinforcements ;! 0 total #Background bitmaps ;! 37 total $Num stars: 2000 $Ambient light level: 11630712 ;;FSO 3.6.9;; $Bitmap List: $Sun: SunViolet +Angles: 0.174533 0.000000 2.076940 +Scale: 1.400000 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 0.000000 2.321286 0.000000 +ScaleX: 4.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 2 $Starbitmap: dneb08 +Angles: 0.401425 0.663225 0.139626 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 0.820304 4.834558 0.000000 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb11 +Angles: 0.000000 1.308996 0.558505 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 2 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 6.021381 0.890117 5.794488 +ScaleX: 4.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb11 +Angles: 5.951568 2.740165 5.602502 +ScaleX: 1.000000 +ScaleY: 1.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb08 +Angles: 0.000000 0.000000 5.951568 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 5.881755 5.009091 5.532689 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 5.585049 0.383972 5.393063 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb11 +Angles: 0.558505 0.628318 6.126101 +ScaleX: 4.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 5.218530 0.000000 5.218530 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb08 +Angles: 5.009091 5.585049 5.218530 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 5.585049 5.585049 0.925024 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 1.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb11 +Angles: 5.777035 2.321286 0.802851 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 6.021381 4.468040 0.628318 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb08 +Angles: 5.585049 0.575958 0.925024 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 2 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 5.358157 2.740165 0.628318 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb11 +Angles: 5.131264 5.951568 0.506145 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 4.991638 0.855211 0.418879 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 2 $Starbitmap: dneb08 +Angles: 4.764745 1.692968 0.191986 +ScaleX: 4.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 2 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 5.253437 3.455749 1.117010 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb11 +Angles: 5.078904 1.256636 1.308996 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 4.886918 1.867501 1.553342 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb08 +Angles: 3.508109 0.383972 1.378809 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 3.385936 1.570795 1.169370 +ScaleX: 4.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb11 +Angles: 4.799652 1.797688 1.815141 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 4.886918 4.276053 2.076940 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb08 +Angles: 4.345866 0.366519 2.216566 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 3.874628 1.570795 2.408552 +ScaleX: 4.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: dneb11 +Angles: 4.031707 0.558505 0.959930 +ScaleX: 4.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 4.345866 1.797688 0.715584 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 2.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb13 +Angles: 4.520399 2.146753 0.541052 +ScaleX: 2.000000 +ScaleY: 4.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 3.577922 0.366519 0.663225 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: neb08 +Angles: 3.961894 1.570795 0.506145 +ScaleX: 4.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: planetc +Angles: 0.000000 3.176497 2.687805 +ScaleX: 1.700000 +ScaleY: 1.700000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: planetd +Angles: 0.104720 0.174533 2.844884 +ScaleX: 0.250000 +ScaleY: 0.250000 +DivX: 1 +DivY: 1 $Starbitmap: planetg +Angles: 0.000000 6.161007 6.248274 +ScaleX: 3.000000 +ScaleY: 3.000000 +DivX: 2 +DivY: 2 #Asteroid Fields #Music $Event Music: 7: Revelation ;;FSO 3.6.9;; $Substitute Event Music: 1: Genesis $Briefing Music: None #End