========================================================================== DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved. ========================================================================== Passed cmdline options: -alpha_env -env -jpgtga -glow -noscalevid -spec -no_emissive_light -cache_bitmaps -ballistic_gauge -dualscanlines -rearm_timer -targetinfo -3dwarp -ship_choice_3d -warp_flash -snd_preload -mod MediaNewCore,medianewassets,medianeweffects,sparky_fs2 -tbp -fps -window Building file index... Searching root 'C:\freespace2\MediaNewCore\' Searching root 'C:\freespace2\medianewassets\' Searching root 'C:\freespace2\medianeweffects\' Searching root 'C:\freespace2\sparky_fs2\' Searching root 'C:\freespace2\' Searching root pack 'C:\freespace2\root_fs2.vp' Searching root pack 'C:\freespace2\smarty_fs2.vp' Searching root pack 'C:\freespace2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' Searching root pack 'C:\freespace2\stu_fs2.vp' Searching root pack 'C:\freespace2\tango1_fs2.vp' Searching root pack 'C:\freespace2\tango2_fs2.vp' Searching root pack 'C:\freespace2\tango3_fs2.vp' Searching root pack 'C:\freespace2\warble_fs2.vp' Found 13 roots and 8549 files. AutoLang: Language auto-detection successful... Setting language to English Initializing OpenAL... Using 'Generic Software' as OpenAL sound device... OpenAL Vendor : Creative Labs Inc. OpenAL Renderer : Software OpenAL Version : 1.1 ... OpenAL successfully initialized! GR_CPU: Family 15, MMX=Yes Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 1024x768 with 32-bit color... Initializing WGL... Requested WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, double-buffer: 1 Actual WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, double-buffer: 1 OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL Renderer : GeForce 7800 GS/AGP/SSE2 OpenGL Version : 2.0.3 Using extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord". Using extension "GL_ARB_multitexture". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression". Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc". Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine". Using extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array". Using extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two". Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object". Using extension "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object". Unable to find extension "GL_APPLE_client_storage". Using extension "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap". Using extension "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle". Using extension "GL_EXT_bgra". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map". Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias". Found special extension function "wglSwapIntervalEXT". Max texture units: 4 Max elements vertices: 4096 Max elements indices: 4096 Max texture size: 4096x4096 Can use compressed textures: YES Texture compression available: YES Using trilinear texture filter. ... OpenGL init is complete! Size of bitmap info = 705 KB Size of bitmap extra info = 40 bytes ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted) GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors... OpenGL: Created 512x512 FBO! OpenGL: Reusing 512x512 FBO! SCRIPTING: Beginning initialization sequence... SCRIPTING: Beginning Lua initialization... LUA: Opening LUA state... LUA: Initializing base Lua libraries... LUA: Performing global function/(library/object) name repeat check... LUA: Performing library/object name repeat check... LUA: Performing object/object name repeat check... LUA: Performing library/library name repeat check... LUA: Initializing library functions... LUA: Initializing object functions... SCRIPTING: Beginning main hook parse sequence.... Wokka! Error opening file (scripting.tbl)! Unable to parse scripting.tbl! Code = 5. SCRIPTING: Inititialization complete. Using high memory settings... Wokka! Error opening file (interface.tbl)! Unable to parse interface.tbl! cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-sdf.tbm" TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-sdf.tbm' ... ANI 2_radar1 with size 170x170 (33.6% wasted) Windoze reported 16 joysticks, we found 1 Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-mus.tbm" cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-mfl.tbm" Wokka! Error opening file (armor.tbl)! Unable to parse armor.tbl! cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-amr.tbm" cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-wxp.tbm" TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wxp.tbm' ... BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 64 frames at 35 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (ExpMissileHit1.eff) with 44 frames at 30 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp05.eff) with 47 frames at 20 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp06.eff) with 48 frames at 20 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp04.eff) with 37 frames at 20 fps. ANI Lamprey_Impact with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted) couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-7 couldn't find ani for Subach HL-7 couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-7 couldn't find ani for Subach HL-7 couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-D couldn't find ani for Subach HL-D couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-D couldn't find ani for Subach HL-D couldn't find pcx for Mekhu HL-7 couldn't find ani for Mekhu HL-7 couldn't find pcx for Mekhu HL-7 couldn't find ani for Mekhu HL-7 couldn't find pcx for Mekhu HL-7D couldn't find ani for Mekhu HL-7D couldn't find pcx for Mekhu HL-7D couldn't find ani for Mekhu HL-7D couldn't find pcx for Akheton SDG couldn't find ani for Akheton SDG couldn't find pcx for Akheton SDG couldn't find ani for Akheton SDG couldn't find pcx for Morning Star couldn't find ani for Morning Star couldn't find pcx for Morning Star couldn't find ani for Morning Star couldn't find pcx for MorningStar D couldn't find ani for MorningStar D couldn't find pcx for MorningStar D couldn't find ani for MorningStar D couldn't find pcx for Prometheus R couldn't find ani for Prometheus R couldn't find pcx for Prometheus S couldn't find ani for Prometheus S couldn't find pcx for Prometheus D couldn't find ani for Prometheus D couldn't find pcx for Maxim couldn't find ani for Maxim couldn't find pcx for Maxim couldn't find ani for Maxim couldn't find pcx for Maxim D couldn't find ani for Maxim D couldn't find pcx for Maxim D couldn't find ani for Maxim D couldn't find pcx for UD-8 Kayser couldn't find ani for UD-8 Kayser couldn't find pcx for UD-8 Kayser couldn't find ani for UD-8 Kayser couldn't find pcx for UD-D Kayser couldn't find ani for UD-D Kayser couldn't find pcx for UD-D Kayser couldn't find ani for UD-D Kayser couldn't find pcx for Circe couldn't find ani for Circe couldn't find pcx for Circe couldn't find ani for Circe couldn't find pcx for Lamprey couldn't find ani for Lamprey couldn't find pcx for Lamprey couldn't find ani for Lamprey couldn't find pcx for Training couldn't find ani for Training couldn't find pcx for Vasudan Light Laser couldn't find ani for Vasudan Light Laser couldn't find pcx for Targeting Laser couldn't find ani for Targeting Laser couldn't find pcx for Shivan Light Laser couldn't find ani for Shivan Light Laser couldn't find pcx for Shivan Heavy Laser couldn't find ani for Shivan Heavy Laser couldn't find pcx for Shivan Mega Laser couldn't find ani for Shivan Mega Laser couldn't find pcx for Terran Turret couldn't find ani for Terran Turret couldn't find pcx for Terran Huge Turret couldn't find ani for Terran Huge Turret couldn't find pcx for Terran Turret Weak couldn't find ani for Terran Turret Weak couldn't find pcx for Shivan Turret Laser couldn't find ani for Shivan Turret Laser couldn't find pcx for Shivan Weak Turret Laser couldn't find ani for Shivan Weak Turret Laser couldn't find pcx for Shivan Megafunk Turret couldn't find ani for Shivan Megafunk Turret couldn't find pcx for Shivan Super Laser couldn't find ani for Shivan Super Laser cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-wep.tbm" TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_shockwave-wep.tbm' ... TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_flak-wep.tbm' ... couldn't find particle pcx for Standard Flak couldn't find ani for Standard Flak couldn't find particle pcx for Heavy Flak couldn't find ani for Heavy Flak couldn't find particle pcx for Long Range Flak couldn't find ani for Long Range Flak TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wep.tbm' ... couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-7 BMPMAN: Found EFF (Subach_AniBitmap.eff) with 6 frames at 5 fps. found ani Subach_AniBitmap for Subach HL-7, with 6 frames and 5 fps couldn't find particle pcx for Akheton SDG found ani Akheton_Particle for Akheton SDG, with 11 frames and 25 fps couldn't find particle pcx for Morning Star found ani Morningstar_Particle for Morning Star, with 21 frames and 10 fps couldn't find particle pcx for MorningStar D found ani Morningstar_Particle for MorningStar D, with 21 frames and 10 fps couldn't find pcx for Prometheus R BMPMAN: Found EFF (PrometheusR_AniBitmap.eff) with 12 frames at 5 fps. found ani PrometheusR_AniBitmap for Prometheus R, with 12 frames and 5 fps couldn't find pcx for Prometheus S BMPMAN: Found EFF (Prometheus_AniBitmap.eff) with 12 frames at 5 fps. found ani Prometheus_AniBitmap for Prometheus S, with 12 frames and 5 fps couldn't find pcx for Prometheus D found ani Prometheus_AniBitmap for Prometheus D, with 12 frames and 5 fps couldn't find particle pcx for Maxim found ani Maxim_Particle for Maxim, with 21 frames and 10 fps couldn't find particle pcx for Maxim D found ani Maxim_Particle for Maxim D, with 21 frames and 10 fps couldn't find pcx for UD-8 Kayser BMPMAN: Found EFF (Kayser_AniBitmap.eff) with 4 frames at 5 fps. found ani Kayser_AniBitmap for UD-8 Kayser, with 4 frames and 5 fps couldn't find particle pcx for UD-8 Kayser ANI Kayser_Particle with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted) found ani Kayser_Particle for UD-8 Kayser, with 7 frames and 30 fps couldn't find pcx for UD-D Kayser found ani Kayser_AniBitmap for UD-D Kayser, with 4 frames and 5 fps couldn't find particle pcx for UD-D Kayser found ani Kayser_Particle for UD-D Kayser, with 7 frames and 30 fps couldn't find pcx for Circe found ani Circe_Bitmap for Circe, with 20 frames and 15 fps couldn't find particle pcx for Lamprey ANI Lamprey_Particle with size 86x86 (32.8% wasted) found ani Lamprey_Particle for Lamprey, with 9 frames and 20 fps couldn't find pcx for Shivan Light Laser BMPMAN: Found EFF (Alouqua_AniBitmap.eff) with 6 frames at 20 fps. found ani Alouqua_AniBitmap for Shivan Light Laser, with 6 frames and 20 fps couldn't find particle pcx for Shivan Heavy Laser found ani Shivan_Laser_Stream for Shivan Heavy Laser, with 11 frames and 35 fps couldn't find particle pcx for Shivan Mega Laser found ani Shivan_Laser_Stream for Shivan Mega Laser, with 11 frames and 35 fps couldn't find particle pcx for Hornet found ani hornet_trail for Hornet, with 14 frames and 30 fps TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_models-wep.tbm' ... TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_tech-wep.tbm' ... cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-aip.tbm" cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-obt.tbm" cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-shp.tbm" TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_dragon-shp.tbm' ... TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_shockwave-shp.tbm' ... TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_models-shp.tbm' ... TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_turretangle-shp.tbm' ... WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01a', for ship 'GTB Medusa', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面b05-turreta', for ship 'GTB Ursa', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01', for ship 'GTFR Triton', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret02', for ship 'GTFR Triton', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret09a-01-main', for ship 'GTC Fenris', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01', for ship 'GTM Hippocrates', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret02', for ship 'GTM Hippocrates', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret03', for ship 'GTM Hippocrates', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret09a-01-main', for ship 'GTC Leviathan', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret01a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret02a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret03a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret04a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret05a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret01', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret02', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret03', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret04', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret05', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret06', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret07', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret08', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret01a', for ship 'GTD Orion#2 (Bastion)', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret02a', for ship 'GTD Orion#2 (Bastion)', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret03a', for ship 'GTD Orion#2 (Bastion)', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret04a', for ship 'GTD Orion#2 (Bastion)', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret05a', for ship 'GTD Orion#2 (Bastion)', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret01a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret02a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret03a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret04a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret05a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret06a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret07a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret08a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret09a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret10a', for ship 'GTVA Colossus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01', for ship 'GTCv Deimos', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret02', for ship 'GTCv Deimos', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret03', for ship 'GTCv Deimos', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret04', for ship 'GTCv Deimos', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret02', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret03', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret04', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret05', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret06', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01a', for ship 'NTF Iceni', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret11a', for ship 'NTF Iceni', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret19', for ship 'NTF Iceni', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret21a', for ship 'NTF Iceni', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret22a', for ship 'NTF Iceni', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret23a', for ship 'NTF Iceni', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret24a', for ship 'NTF Iceni', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret25a', for ship 'NTF Iceni', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01', for ship 'GTT Argo', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret02', for ship 'GTT Argo', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面Turret01-main', for ship 'GVFr Satis', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01a', for ship 'GVC Aten', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret02a', for ship 'GVC Aten', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01', for ship 'GVC Mentu', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret02', for ship 'GVC Mentu', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret15', for ship 'GVC Mentu', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret16', for ship 'GVC Mentu', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01', for ship 'GVCv Sobek', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret02', for ship 'GVCv Sobek', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret03', for ship 'GVCv Sobek', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret05', for ship 'GVCv Sobek', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret07', for ship 'SC Cain', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret07', for ship 'SC Lilith', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret01', for ship 'SFr Mephisto', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret03', for ship 'SFr Mephisto', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret03a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret06a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! WARNING: Animation trigger #0 on subsystem '面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面面turret07a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value! Capping it at 0! TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_tech-shp.tbm' ... TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_trails-shp.tbm' ... cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-hdg.tbm" TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_hg-hdg.tbm' ... cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-str.tbm" cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=25, filter="*.pcx" cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=32, filter="*.pcx" loading animated cursor "cursor" ANI cursor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted) Ships.tbl is : VALID Weapons.tbl is : VALID cfile_init() took 104 MOVIE ERROR: Unable to open movie file 'intro.mve' in any supported format. Got event GS_EVENT_GAME_INIT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0) cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=28, filter="*.pl2" cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=28, filter="*.plr" ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted) Got event GS_EVENT_QUIT_GAME (5) in state GS_STATE_INITIAL_PLAYER_SELECT (37) Freeing all existing models... OpenGL: Keeping 512x512 render target with ref_count of 1. OpenGL: Killing off unused 512x512 render target...