; file to indicate all ship types and their physical characteristics (such as physics info, etc) ; format is a simple form of the mission files ; ; Some general comments about some of the fields ; ; Velocities are specified in (freespace) units/second. You can currently only ; specify velocities in the linear directions. Rotational velocities are still ; currently speified with thrust (until I get this fixed). Rotation time is the ; amount of time (in seconds) to complete 1 revolution in the given direction ; (x is pitch, y is heading, and z is bank). ; ; Damp affects how quickly you will accel/decel to your target velocity. Higher damp ; means slow acceleration and deceleration. The lower this number, the faster ; the ship responds. For example, specifying a value of 0.0 means there is no ; damping, in other words, people would say, "this has no physics, like Wing ; Commander." The more damping, the harder to control, but the more smoothly ; it moves. ; ; Accelerations: ; All the acceleration numbers are damp factors for how fast the thing ; changes speed. 0 would mean instantaneous velocity changes, and the ; bigger the number, the slower the acceleration. Sort of backwards, but... ; forward_accel - The damp factor for when the ship is trying to go faster ; forward_decel - The damp factor for when the ship is trying to slow down ; slide_accel - The damp factor for left/right/up/down/reverse acceleration. ; slide_decel - The damp factor for left/right/up/down/reverse deceleration. ; ; Energy Transfer System: ; $Power Output => energy is produced per second by the ship's reactor ; $Max Oclk Speed => the max forward speed of the ship when 100% energy ; is directed at the engines ; $Max Weapon Eng => how much weapon energy can be stored (related to $Energy Cosumed ; field in weapons.tbl) ; ; Afterburners: ; $Afterburner => YES if afterburner present, NO otherwise ; ; The following parameters must be present if $Afterburner is YES, otherwise comment ; out or delete them: ; ; +Aburn Max Vel: => x,y,z velocity when afterburner engaged ; +Aburn For accel: => forward accel when afterburner engaged ; +Aburn Fuel: => fuel capacity of afterburners ; +Aburn Burn Rate: => rate in fuel/second that afterburners consume fuel ; +Aburn Rec Rate: => rate in fuel/second that afterburners recover fuel ; ; $Subsystem: name, percent_damage, turret_turn_360_time ; $Default PBanks: ( "weapon1" "weapon2" ) ; $Default SBanks: ( "missile1" "missile2" ) ; $SBank Capacity: ( 50, 100 ) ; ; A note regarding ship sounds: ; The index for ship sounds corresponds to the index in sounds.tbl. ; If you don't want to assign a sound, put -1 as the index. #Default Player Ship $Name: GTF Ulysses #End #Engine Wash Info ;; NOTE: The default MUST be the first entry in the list of engine wash info $Name: Default $Angle: 10.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 400 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default100 $Angle: 12.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 100 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default150 $Angle: 10.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 150 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default200 $Angle: 10.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 200 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default300 $Angle: 8.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 300 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default500 $Angle: 7.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 500 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default700 $Angle: 7.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 700 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default800 $Angle: 6.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 800 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default900 $Angle: 6.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 900 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default1000 $Angle: 5.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 1000 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default1100 $Angle: 5.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 1100 $Intensity: 1.0 $Name: Default1500 $Angle: 5.0 $Radius Mult: 1.2 $Length: 1500 $Intensity: 1.0 #End #Ship Classes ;=====>> TERRANS <<======= $Name: GTF Ulysses $Short name: TFight $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Space Superiority", 2939) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Excellent", 2940) +Armor: XSTR("Light", 2941) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Triton / Mekhu", 2942) +Description: XSTR( " ", 2943) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("Affectionately nicknamed 'The Bat' by its pilots, the GTF Ulysses is a well-designed craft that has had a far longer useful life than its engineers ever imagined. Developed jointly by Terran and Vasudan contractors, the Ulysses was first deployed near the end of the Great War. Its excellent maneuverability and high top speed give it an agility that pilots love, but at a cost of thin armor and a small secondary weapon loadout. The Ulysses is a better choice for offensive missions than defensive ones.", 2944) $end_multi_text +Length: 16 m +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 1 $POF file: fighter01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 300, 900) ; $ND: 42 42 244 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.1 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 70.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 3.0, 2.6, 5.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 55.0 $Expl damage: 15.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim" "Targeting Laser") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-D" "Prometheus D" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "Harpoon" "Harpoon#Weak" "EMP Adv." "TAG-A" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Tempest D" "Hornet D" "Harpoon D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40 ) $Shields: 380 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 2.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 94.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 80.0 $Hitpoints: 180 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 150.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 25 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -22 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f01 $Ship_icon: iconfighter01 $Ship_anim: ssfighter01 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter01 $Score: 8 $Trail: +Offset: -7.75 -2.8 0.75 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 7.75 -2.8 0.75 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: communication, 10, 0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0 $Subsystem: engines, 35, 0 $Name: GTF Hercules $Short name: TFight6 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Heavy Assault", 2945) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Poor", 2946) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 2947) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Han-Ronald Corp", 2948) +Description: XSTR( " ", 2949) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The old workhorse of the Terran fleet, the Hercules is a beloved but aging design. It was the mainstay of the Terran forces during the Great War, but it is slowly being phased out of the modern fleet. As they are replaced by Herc IIs, Myrmidons, and other recent designs, Hercules fighters are increasingly relegated to training and guard duties far from the front lines. Pilots who've flown Hercs for years love the ship's heavy armor and firepower and have learned to compensate for its low speed and poor maneuverability. The old Hercs are still widely used by NTF forces.", 2950) $end_multi_text +Length: 20 m +Gun Mounts: 6 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter06.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 300, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 4.0, 4.5, 4.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave ;;$Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") ;;$Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "MorningStar D" "Prometheus D" "Lamprey" "Circe" ) ;;$Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye D" "Tornado D" "Infyrno D" "Piranha" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 60, 60 ) $Shields: 600 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 64.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 250 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 120.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 60.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 25 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f06 $Ship_icon: iconfighter06 $Ship_anim: ssfighter06 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter06 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 6.59 -4.8 -3.33 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -6.59 -4.8 -3.33 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -7.2 -3.2 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GTF Hercules Mark II $Short name: TFight22 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Heavy Assault", 2951) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Average", 2952) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 2953) +Manufacturer: XSTR("RNI Systems", 2954) +Description: XSTR(" ", 2955) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTF Hercules Mark II is the next generation of Terran heavy assault fighter. Introduced during the Great War, the original Herc's balance of firepower and maneuverability made it the most versatile strike fighter in the fleet. Some military historians have claimed the Hercules won the Great War, citing its deployment in key battles near the end of the Shivan conflict. Implementing recent advances in fusion drive technology, the Mark II improves the assault fighter's speed and maneuverability without sacrificing loadout capacity.", 2956) $end_multi_text +Length: 17 m +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2t-02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 300, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.25 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 55.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 3.8, 4.2, 3.8 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.6 $Forward decel: 1.3 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "MorningStar D" "Prometheus D" "Lamprey" "Circe" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Infyrno" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "TAG-A" "TAG-B" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Harpoon D" "Infyrno D" "Tornado D" "Piranha" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 80, 100 ) $Shields: 610 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 65.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 275 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 120.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.75 +Aburn Fuel: 400.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 55.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 19.0 $Countermeasures: 25 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldft-02 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2t-02 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2t-02 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2t-02 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -6.91 -6.07 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GTF Ares $Short name: TFight6 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Strategic Assault", 2957) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Poor", 2958) +Armor: XSTR("Ultra Heavy", 2959) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Nankam Aeronautical", 2960) +Description: XSTR(" ", 2961) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTF Ares class of fighters is a radical upgrade of the Hercules II fighter. The power plant has been completely replaced with the newer, more powerful Nankam NA-27f model. Depleted uranium shielding has been added atop critical subsystems, making the Ares harder to incapacitate. Two primary weapon banks have been added, for greater firepower than the Herc II. This greater punch and protection come at a cost, however, as the Ares handles like a potato.", 2962) $end_multi_text +Length: 20 m +Gun Mounts: 6 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: bonus2t-02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 300, 900) $ND: 193 185 241 $ND: 173 169 225 $ND: 133 151 204 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 4.5, 5.0, 4.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.4 $Forward decel: 1.3 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye D" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet D" "Tornado" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 90, 100 ) $Shields: 650 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 5.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 62.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 180.0 $Hitpoints: 425 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 120.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 62.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 35.0 $Countermeasures: 30 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldft-02x $Ship_icon: iconbonusherc $Ship_anim: ssbonus2t-02 $Ship_overhead: loadBonusherc $Score: 15 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -5.8 -3.2 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 5.2 4 -10.78 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -5.2 4 -10.78 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -6.68 -0.1 -7 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 6.68 -0.1 -7 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GTF Erinyes $Short name: TFight22 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Heavy Assault", 2963) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Average", 2964) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 2965) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Triton Dynamics", 2966) +Description: XSTR(" ", 2967) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("GTF Erinyes craft are fresh off the drawing boards of Triton Dynamics. Though fast and heavily armored, their main attraction is firepower. With eight primary banks and two secondary weapon bays, Erinyes are at the top of the combat craft food chain. Both sets of weapon banks have been designed to maximize compatibility with the greatest possible number of weapon system. Erinyes-class ships are being evenly distributed through the GTVA fleet, but only elite pilots are currently authorized to fly them.", 2968) $end_multi_text +Length: 17 m +Gun Mounts: 8 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2t-04.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 300, 1100) $ND: 144 234 237 $ND: 60 231 239 $ND: 78 151 156 $ND: 30 179 189 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.25 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 65.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 3.8, 4.2, 3.8 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.6 $Forward decel: 1.3 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "MorningStar D" "UD-D Kayser" "Circe" "Lamprey" "Maxim D" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Infyrno" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "TAG-A" "TAG-B" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Harpoon D" "Tornado D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 50 ) $Shields: 500 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 3.3 $Max Oclk Speed: 70.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 325 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 130.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.75 +Aburn Fuel: 420.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 55.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 29.0 $Countermeasures: 25 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldft-04 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2t-04 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2t-04 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2t-04 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 2.7 4.3 -9.45 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -2.7 4.3 -9.45 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 2.47 -4.32 -9.29 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -2.47 -4.32 -9.29 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GTF Loki $Short name: TFight13 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Recon", 2969) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Good", 2970) +Armor: XSTR("Light", 2971) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Han-Ronald Corp", 2972) +Description: XSTR(" ", 2973) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTF Loki is designated as a fighter, but it's more of a heavy reconnaissance craft. The Loki's micro-roughened hull and shielded exhaust chamber give it an extremely reduced profile to detection sensors. This makes it ideal for reconnaissance and infiltration missions that rely on stealth rather than firepower. Lacking the weaponry and armor to survive prolonged battles, the Loki can usually stay alive long enough for its high maneuverability and speed to discourage pursuers. Lokis are widely used by NTF forces.", 2974) $end_multi_text +Length: 20 m +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 1 $POF file: fighter13.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 300, 1100) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 75.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 3.2, 3.2, 2.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Lamprey" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-D" "Prometheus D" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Tempest D" "Hornet D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 20 ) $Shields: 400 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 95.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 250 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 160.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 60.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 40 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f13 $Ship_icon: iconfighter13 $Ship_anim: ssfighter13 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter13 $Score: 7 $Trail: +Offset: 5 3.57 -4.9 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -5 3.57 -4.9 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 5 -3.57 -4.9 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -5 -3.57 -4.9 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GTF Pegasus $Short name: TFight21 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Stealth Recon", 2975) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Excellent", 2976) +Armor: XSTR("Light", 2977) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Nankam Aeronautical", 2978) +Description: XSTR(" ", 2979) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The Pegasus is used almost exclusively for reconnaissance missions. It's the fastest, most maneuverable ship in the Terran arsenal. The craft's contours and hull materials were carefully designed to minimize its profile to detection sensors. It is woefully armored and packs only minimal weaponry, making it a death box in a firefight. Pegasus pilots are a special breed of daredevils who pride themselves on getting into and out of situations that would be the death of other pilots, all without firing a shot.", 2980) $end_multi_text +Length: 19 m +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 1 $POF file: fighter2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 300, 1100) $ND: 74 73 246 $ND: 46 46 242 $ND: 60 58 213 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 2.5, 2.6, 2.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus R" "Prometheus S" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-D" "Prometheus D" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "TAG-A" "TAG-B" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye D" "Tempest D" "Hornet D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 20, 10 ) $Shields: 330 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 110.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 220 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 160.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 60.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 40 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldft-01 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2t-01 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2t-01 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2t-01 $Score: 10 $Stealth: $Trail: +Offset: 9.56 -2.22 -1.31 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -9.56 -2.22 -1.31 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GTF Perseus $Short name: TFight2t-03 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Interceptor", 2981) +Maneuverability: XSTR("High", 2982) +Armor: XSTR("Average", 2983) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Nankam Aeronautical", 2984) +Description: XSTR(" ", 2985) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTF Perseus is the newest fighter in the GTVA's arsenal. Slated to replace the aging Valkyrie as the Alliance's primary interceptor, the Perseus's high max speed and maneuverability make it ideal to hunt and destroy enemy bombers. Perseus fighters have been assigned to the 3rd Battle Group on a trial basis, with wide deployment expected after the OpEval period. Primary weapons include the Subach HL-7 and Prometheus cannon, with secondary loads of Harpoon and Hornet missiles. Preliminary results have shown the Perseus to be a superb fighter.", 2986) $end_multi_text +Length: 17 m +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2t-03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 300, 1100) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.15 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 80.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 3.3, 3.3, 3.3 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "MorningStar D" "Prometheus D" "Maxim D" "Circe" "UD-D Kayser" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "TAG-A" "TAG-B" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Tempest D" "Harpoon D" "Tornado D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40 ) $Shields: 350 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 2.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 100.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 265 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 140.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.8 +Aburn Fuel: 330.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 60.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 40 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldft-03 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2t-03 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2t-03 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2t-03 $Score: 14 $Trail: +Offset: 6.51 -1.76 -3.37 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -6.51 -1.76 -3.37 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -4.30 -5.08 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GTF Myrmidon $Short name: TFight2t-05 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Advanced Space Superiority", 2987) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Average", 2988) +Armor: XSTR("Average", 2989) +Manufacturer: XSTR("RNI Systems", 2990) +Description: XSTR(" ", 2991) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("RNI Systems' GTF Myrmidon replaces the Ulysses as the Alliance's primary space superiority fighter. The Myrmidon has received high marks for speed, maneuverability, armor, and loadout. An ultra-efficient hull configuration provides space for three secondary weapon systems, a first for Terran-Vasudan fighters. This versatility enables Myrmidon squadrons to fulfill a range of combat roles, from light assault to heavy reconnaissance. In the Deneb system, the 53rd Hammerheads of the GTD Aquitaine have demonstrated the effectiveness of the Myrmidon against NTF forces.", 2992) $end_multi_text +Length: 16 m +Gun Mounts: 6 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2t-05.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 300, 1100) $ND: 253 253 168 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 75.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 4.0, 3.7, 5 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.4 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Lamprey" "Prometheus D" "MorningStar D" "Circe" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" "Subach HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Tempest" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Helios" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye D" "Hornet D" "Harpoon D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tornado" "Tempest" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 20, 20, 40 ) $Shields: 390 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 2.4 $Max Oclk Speed: 95.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 290 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 135.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.8 +Aburn Fuel: 320.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 60.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 36 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldft-05 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2t-05 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2t-05 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2t-05 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -4.29 -.75 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 8.11 -.81 -.47 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -8.11 -.81 -.47 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: SF Mara (terrans) $Short name: SFight23 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Advanced Space Superiority", 2993) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Excellent", 2994) +Armor: XSTR("Very Heavy", 2995) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Triton Dynamics", 2996) +Description: XSTR(" ", 2997) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SF Mara class of Shivan fighters was first encountered by the GTC Vigilant while patrolling the Gamma Draconis jump node in the Capella system. All other information concerning the Mara is classified level Psi.", 2998) $end_multi_text +Length: 16 m +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2s-02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 220, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 15.0, 15.0, 75.0 $Rotation time: 3.0, 3.0, 3.5 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.5 $Forward decel: 1.0 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 33.0 $Expl outer rad: 66.0 $Expl damage: 20.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "UD-8 Kayser" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "UD-8 Kayser" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "UD-8 Kayser" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Trebuchet" "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "Harpoon" "Harpoon#Weak" "EMP Adv." "TAG-A" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Trebuchet" "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "Harpoon" "Harpoon#Weak" "EMP Adv." "TAG-A" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Trebuchet" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 105, 105 ) $Shields: 700 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 4.50 $Max Oclk Speed: 95.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 195.0 $Hitpoints: 475 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 135.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 50 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 132 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -2.0, -23 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldfs-02 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2s-02 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2s-02 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2s-02 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 9 -2.5 1.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -9 -2.5 1.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 5.8 -5.6 6.5 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -5.8 -5.6 6.5 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: GTB Artemis $Short name: Bomber2T-03 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Medium Bomber", 2999) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Poor", 3000) +Armor: XSTR("Medium", 3001) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Han-Ronald Corp.", 3002) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3003) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTB Artemis is the most agile bomber in the GTVA fleet, which makes it ideal for quick-hitting missions against warships and other slow targets. Of the same technological generation as the Boanerges class, the Artemis is less heavily armed and carries a lighter weapon payload, but it is significantly more maneuverable. While the Boanerges can inflict more damage, the Artemis can undertake (and return from) missions the slower Boanerges would have no hope of surviving. All Artemis-class bombers in the GVTA fleet are currently serving with the 2nd and 3rd Battle Groups.", 3004) $end_multi_text +Length: 36 m +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: Bomber2T-03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 300, 1300) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.35 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 65.0 $Rotation time: 5.0, 4.5, 5.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-D" "Prometheus D" "Circe" "MorningStar D" "Lamprey" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "cyclops#short" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye D" "Hornet D" "Tornado" "Piranha" "Infyrno D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Hornet" "Cyclops#short" "Cyclops#short" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 60, 60 ) $Shields: 700 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 65.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 275 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "bomber") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 110.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -45 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldbt-03 $Ship_icon: iconbomber2t-03 $Ship_anim: ssbomber2t-03 $Ship_overhead: loadBomber2t-03 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 6.6 -6.25 -5.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -6.6 -6.25 -5.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 15, 0.0 $Name: GTB Artemis D.H. $Short name: Bomber2T-03 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Medium Bomber", 3005) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Average", 3006) +Armor: XSTR("Medium", 3007) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Han-Ronald Corp.", 3008) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3009) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTB Artemis D.H. is an experimental variant of the standard Artemis class. The most notable change is that the Artemis's factory-issued Han-Ronald engines have been replaced by the same Nankam NA-27f powerplant now found in the GTF Ares fightercraft. The D.H. variant is faster and more maneuverable than the standard Artemis bomber, at no cost to armor or armament. During the OpEval period, Artemis D.H. bombers are being deployed in only select squadrons in different theatres of the war. If the evaluation trials go well, wider deployment of the Artemis D.H. class is expected.", 3010) $end_multi_text +Length: 36 m +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: Bonus2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 300, 1300) $ND: 254 126 126 $ND: 233 68 68 $ND: 192 32 32 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.35 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 65.0 $Rotation time: 5.0, 4.5, 5.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Hornet" "Cyclops#short" "Cyclops#short" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 60, 60 ) $Shields: 700 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 65.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 275 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "bomber") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 110.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -45 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldbt-03 $Ship_icon: iconbonusarty $Ship_anim: ssbonus2t-01 $Ship_overhead: loadBonusartemis $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 6.6 -6.25 -5.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -6.6 -6.25 -5.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 15, 0.0 $Name: GTB Medusa $Short name: TBomb4 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Heavy Bomber", 3011) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Poor", 3012) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 3013) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Han-Ronald Corp.", 3014) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3015) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTB Medusa is the workhorse of the GTVA's bomber fleet. Its large bomb capacity enables it to take out cruiser-class warships, while its strong shielding ensures it can get close enough to deliver the punch. The first bomber to carry the potent Cyclops bomb, the Medusa is sure to be one of the highlights of a bomber pilot's career.", 3016) $end_multi_text +Length: 36 m +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: bomber04.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 300, 1300) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.35 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 5.0, 4.5, 5.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Rebel Bomb" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Rebel Bomb" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Hornet" "Cyclops#short" "Cyclops#short" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 80, 80 ) $Shields: 700 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 65.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 350 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "bomber" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 100.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -51 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-b04 $Ship_icon: iconbomber04 $Ship_anim: ssbomber04 $Ship_overhead: loadbomber04 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 11 -3.4 -2.93 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -11 -3.4 -2.93 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: turret01a,5,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" ) $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35, 0.0 $Name: GTB Ursa $Short name: TBomb5 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Assault Bomber", 3017) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Very Poor", 3018) +Armor: XSTR("Very Heavy", 3019) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Han-Ronald Corp.", 3020) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3021) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTB Ursa is the slowest bomber in the GTVA fleet. What it lacks in speed, however, it more than makes up with its massive payload. The Ursa was the first GTVA bomber designed specifically to destroy capital ships. With a rack of Helios bombs, in addition to a standard complement of Hornet missiles and Prometheus cannon, a squadron of Ursas can take out a destroyer. Ursas have the highest shielding of any bomber, along with a GTVI-designed hyper-dense hull. These help ensure that the Ursa gets close enough to deliver its payload and possibly even survive the escape.", 3022) $end_multi_text +Length: 41 m +Gun Mounts: 5 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: bomber05.pof $Detail distance: (0, 150, 550, 1300) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 45.0 $Rotation time: 5.5, 6.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 75.0 $Expl outer rad: 150.0 $Expl damage: 30.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Piranha" "Stiletto II" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Helios" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Piranha" "Stiletto II" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Helios" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Hornet" "Piranha" "Cyclops#short" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 80, 80, 80 ) $Shields: 850 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 4.5 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 550 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "bomber" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 80.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 40 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -69 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-b05 $Ship_icon: iconbomber05 $Ship_anim: ssbomber05 $Ship_overhead: loadbomber05 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 1.69 4.5 -11.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -1.69 4.5 -11.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 13.93 0 1.97 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35, 0.0 $Subsystem: b05-turreta,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "UD-8 Kayser" ) $Name: GTB Zeus $Short name: TBomb9 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Strike Bomber", 3023) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Average", 3024) +Armor: XSTR("Medium", 3025) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Dynamic Metamer", 3026) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3027) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTB Zeus is the fastest of all currently active GTVA bombers. It replaced the fleet's old Athena bombers as they were mothballed during the years following the Great War. Though slightly slower than the Athena, the Zeus's heavier armor and armament give it a much better battlezone survivability rate. Many of the Zeus wings in the GTVA fleet defected to the NTF during the initial stages of the rebellion.", 3028) $end_multi_text +Length: 20 m +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: bomber09.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 300, 1100) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 55.0 $Rotation time: 4.0, 4.5, 3.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 1.0 $Forward decel: 0.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Lamprey" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Circe" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Lamprey" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Circe" "Maxim") $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Tempest" "Trebuchet" "Piranha" "Stiletto II" "Hornet#Weak" "Harpoon" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short") $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Tempest" "Trebuchet" "Piranha" "Stiletto II" "Hornet#Weak" "Harpoon" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short") $Default SBanks: ( "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha") $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40, 40 ) $Shields: 450 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 75.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 200 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "bomber" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 110.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 500.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 30 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -33 $Closeup_zoom: 0.6 $Shield_icon: shield-b09 $Ship_icon: iconbomber09 $Ship_anim: ssbomber09 $Ship_overhead: loadbomber09 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 4.4 7.5 -13.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -4.4 7.5 -13.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 5.87 7 -13.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -5.87 7 -13.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 15, 0.0 $Name: GTB Boanerges $Short name: TBomb21 $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Heavy Bomber", 3029) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Very Poor", 3030) +Armor: XSTR("Very Heavy", 3031) +Manufacturer: XSTR("RNI Systems", 3032) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3033) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The new GTB Boanerges has been assigned to elite bomber squadrons in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Terran battle groups. The challenge of maintaining an aging fleet has motivated the GTVA to develop a new generation of ships able to withstand long-term abuse in the field. By maximizing shielding and payload (while offering enough maneuverability to make it a viable tactical unit), the Boanerges promises to remain in service for decades to come. One test pilot observed that the Boanerges handles better than any other bomber and has enough firepower to make it a formidable anti-capship weapon.", 3034) $end_multi_text +Length: 34 m +Gun Mounts: 1 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: bomber2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 350, 1300) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.35 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 55.0 $Rotation time: 5.5, 6.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim" "UD-8 Kayser" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim" "UD-8 Kayser" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Helios" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Helios" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Hornet" "Cyclops#short" "Cyclops#short" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 100, 100 ) $Shields: 850 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 65.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 325 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "bomber") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 85.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -51 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldbt-01 $Ship_icon: iconbomber2t-01 $Ship_anim: ssbomber2t-01 $Ship_overhead: loadbomber2t-01 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 9.5 -1.247 -15.68 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -9.5 -1.247 -15.68 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 11, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine01, 17, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine02, 17, 0.0 $Name: @GTDR Amazon $Short name: TDrone $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTDr Amazon Model IV unmanned combat drone was once used for live basic combat training. They weren't tough, they weren't smart, and they weren't well armored. But they blew up very nicely. These drones are no longer manufactured, but their virtual counterparts are used in the Training Simulator Module (TSM) series. The Model IV is every fighter pilot's first TSM opponent, the first mobile foe he faces during simulator courses. If you can't handle an Amazon during training, it's time to reconsider your choice of careers.", 3035) $end_multi_text $POF file: Drone01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 300, 1000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.1 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 70.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 4.0, 4.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Training" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Training" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Training" ) $Allowed SBanks: () $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 100 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 2.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 50.0 $Hitpoints: 150 $Flags: ( "fighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Lieutenant $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -2.0, -49 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Trail: +Offset: 11.38 -1.39 -4.93 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -11.38 -1.39 -4.93 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5, 0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5, 0 $Subsystem: engine, 50, 0 $Name: GTDR Amazon Advanced $Short name: TDrone2 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTDr Amazon Advanced Model VII was an unmanned combat drone used for advanced flight combat training. It was larger, smarter, and more heavily armored than the basic Amazon drone. As with the basic Amazon, these are now encountered only in the virtual battlefields of the TSM training module series. The Model VII is used to simulate assaults on enemy capital ships, training fighter and bomber pilots to target turrets and ship subsystems. Command has found that virtual training against Model VIIs increases the survival rate of pilots by 37% when attacking capital ships.", 3036) $end_multi_text $POF file: Drone02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 300, 750, 3000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 7.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () ;$Shields: 0 $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 5000 $Flags: ( "freighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 19.0, -190 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Subsystem: communication, 2, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 3, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 3, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 5, 0.0 $Name: @GTS Hygeia $Short name: TSup $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTS Hygeia is the fleet's newest Terran support ship. It is fast and maneuverable, a necessity when trying to dock with fighters in the heat of battle. Triton Dynamics designed the Hygeia class with huge cargo bays for munitions storage, plus the latest magnetic-stasis delivery system for quickly re-supplying combat craft with missiles and bombs. The Hygeia's repair facilities are driven by neural-net AI, for ultra-fast system diagnostics and repair. The high number of warheads carried by the Hygeia makes it a dangerous ship to be near when it blows up.", 3037) $end_multi_text $POF file: support2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 130, 250, 800) $ND: 236 227 89 $ND: 199 186 52 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.3 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 70.0 ;; We agreed on 60, but we also agreed to decrease 40%. I lowered from 120 to 70. $Rotation time: 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 0.25 ;; lower numbers mean faster acceleration. $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 ;; Lots of weapons onboard means big explosion $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 200.0 $Expl damage: 100.0 $Expl blast: 4000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 500 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 100.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 500 $Flags: ( "repair_rearm" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 136 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 1.0, -29 $Closeup_zoom: 0.7 $Score: 15 $Subsystem: communications, 30, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Name: GTFR Triton $Short name: TFreight2 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTFr Triton hauls almost twice the tonnage of the Poseidon-class freighters that have served the Alliance since the Great War. The ability to distribute supplies and munitions is vital in any theater of operations. With the Triton, battle groups can keep their forces well-equipped, even if dispersed over multiple systems. The Triton not only has the ability to dock with and haul TAC units, but it also has an internal cargo bay for ship-to-ship transfers. The GTVA expects the Triton to reduce its reliance on deep-space depots, which are vulnerable to attack and sabotage.", 3038) $end_multi_text $POF file: freighter2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 500, 1200, 5500) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 15.0, 15.0, 15.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 30.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 35.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 5000 $Flags: ( "freighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: 0.7 $Score: 20 $Subsystem: turret01,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret02,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 30, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default200 $Name: TC-TRI $Short name: TC-TRI $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("TC-TRI containers are made by Triton Dynamics specifically to house fragile replacement parts for TD vessels that must be repaired in the field. Once these parts have been placed in storage at a repair facility, the GTVA reuses the containers in many capacities.", 3039) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 500, 1000, 3500) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 300 $Flags: ( "cargo" ) $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: 0.7 $Score: 0 ;; ================================================================================== $Name: GTFR Poseidon $Short name: TFreight2 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTFr Poseidon is the smaller of the two standard Terran military freighters. Though it carries only half as much cargo as the Triton, the Poseidon is more often chosen for dangerous missions. Its greater speed gives it better survivability on the front lines, as does the fact that it has four weapon turrets, compared to the Triton's two. When Allied Command sends supplies and munitions that have to get through, a Poseidon is usually chosen to transport them.", 3040) $end_multi_text $POF file: freighter02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 140, 400, 1300) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 15.0, 15.0, 15.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 1.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 30.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 2000 $Flags: ( "freighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -4.0, -75 $Closeup_zoom: 0.6 $Score: 15 $Subsystem: turret01,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret02,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret03,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret04,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: communication, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 20, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 30, 0.0 ;; Cargo doesn't move well. These cargo2's are also weaker than their cargo3 counterpart. $Name: @TC 2 $Short name: TCar2 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR(" The TC 2 is the standard issue cargo container in the GTVA for deep space cargo transport. Its thin hull will preserve Terran-standard atmospheric conditions inside, as long as the hull seal has not been comprised by weapon fire or collision. TC 2 containers are cheap to manufacture and heavily used everywhere but the front lines (where the armored TAC 1 containers are employed, when available).", 3041) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 300, 500, 1300) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 300 $Flags: ( "cargo" "in tech database") $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 1.0, -63 $Closeup_zoom: 0.55 $Score: 0 $Name: TSC 2 $Short name: TCar2 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR(" The TSC 2 container is armored, providing more protection for its cargo than does the TC 2. This armor serves mainly to protect against hull breaches due to collisions, as it's not thick enough to provide much protection against enemy attacks. TSC 2s are used in busy supply depots in which collision damage is a hazard.", 3042) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 300, 500, 1300) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 600 $Flags: ( "cargo" "in tech database") $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 1.0, -63 $Closeup_zoom: 0.55 $Score: 0 ;; The slightly stronger Armored Cargo is reinforced for font line operations. It can take a few more hits than 02, but it's still just ;; a sitting duck, and a popular target for the Shivans. $Name: @TAC 1 $Short name: TCar3 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The TAC 1 is a very heavily armored type of Terran cargo container. It is most often used to hold delicate or valuable cargoes. TAC 1s are generally found in front-line operations in which protection from enemy attacks is a primary consideration.", 3043) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 350, 800, 2000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 35.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 1200 $Flags: ( "cargo" "in tech database") $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -98 $Closeup_zoom: 0.55 $Score: 5 ;; Terran Tech Container is another container, $Name: TTC 1 $Short name: TTCar $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The TTC 1 is a civilian cargo container modified for military use. It is a dense-hulled container originally designed to protect fragile technical and scientific equipment. The same protection is now used to guard against collision and attack damage to replacement ship subsystems and other electronic equipment intended for combat spacecraft.", 3044) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo07.pof $Detail distance: (0, 200, 300, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 150.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 800 $Flags: ( "cargo" "in tech database") $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -86 $Closeup_zoom: 0.25 $Score: 5 $Name: @GTC Fenris $Short name: TCruise $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTC Fenris class is the aging stalwart among the Alliance's warships. Before the Great War, the Fenris was Terran Command's only class of cruisers. During the war, Terran Command decided to build a second line of cruisers, the Leviathans, to free the Fenris from escort and guard duties. Fenris cruisers have fought in virtually every theatre of operation. These fast, versatile cruisers pack enough punch in their 260-meter-long hulls to go toe-to-toe with any enemy cruiser. The Fenris's speed and maneuverability make it a good choice for strike missions.", 3045) $end_multi_text $POF file: cruiser01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 600, 1500, 5000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 $Rotation time: 40.0, 40.0, 40.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 10.0 $Forward decel: 5.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 125.0 $Expl outer rad: 650.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 3500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 90.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 25.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 10000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -315 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 100 $Subsystem: turret01, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 3, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "LTerSlash" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret04, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret05, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret06, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret07, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret08, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret09a-01-main, 8, 10.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Fusion Mortar" ) $Subsystem: radar01a-dish, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 4, 0 $Subsystem: communication, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 30, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default100 $Name: GTM Hippocrates $Short name: TMedical $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("Terrans developed the GTM Hippocrates early in the post-war Reconstruction period. With the outbreak of the NTF insurgency, the GTVA has once again called the Hippocrates into active military service. Its on-board facilities provide state-of-the-art medical care to thousands of patients. Hippocrates also help transport refugees out of contested systems into the safety of Allied-controlled regions. The unusual design of the Hippocrates enables its crew to isolate sections of the ship quickly in the event of quarantine or hull breach.", 3046) $end_multi_text $POF file: frigate2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 300, 4500) $ND: 251 248 167 $ND: 255 253 196 $ND: 239 234 134 $ND: 216 212 122 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 $Rotation time: 40.0, 40.0, 40.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 10.0 $Forward decel: 5.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 125.0 $Expl outer rad: 650.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 3500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 90.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 25.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 10000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 191 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -500 $Closeup_zoom: .55 $Score: 100 $Subsystem: turret01, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "LTerSlash" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret04, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret05, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: radar_dish, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 4, 0 $Subsystem: communications, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 30, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default150 $Name: GTC Leviathan $Short name: TPiranhaCruise $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("Early in the Great War, Han-Ronald engineers designed and built the Leviathan class of cruisers. The Leviathan is much heavier armed and armored than the Fenris, but also much slower and less maneuverable. Leviathan cruisers are used to guard critical installations, such as permanent jump nodes, deep-space factories, and gas-mining operations, where firepower is king and speed is of little importance. They're also well-suited to escorting slow-moving freighters or transports. The Fenris is good for fast-moving operations, but when you need some muscle, call in a Leviathan.", 3047) $end_multi_text $POF file: cruiser01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 600, 1500, 5000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 10.0 $Rotation time: 80.0, 130.0, 100.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 18.0 $Forward decel: 7.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 125.0 $Expl outer rad: 675.0 $Expl damage: 250.0 $Expl blast: 3500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 90.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 10.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 35000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -315 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 200 $Subsystem: turret01, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret03, .5, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret04, .5, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret05, .5, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret06, .5, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret07, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret08, 1, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret09a-01-main, 3, 9.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Fusion Mortar" ) $Subsystem: radar01a-dish, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 4, 0 $Subsystem: communication, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 14, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 20, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default100 $Name: GTSC Faustus $Short name: TSci1 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTSC Faustus is primarily a class of civilian research vessels. During times of peace, they serve as mobile laboratories for scientists in many disciplines. During wartime, however, Faustus vessels are commandeered by the military, mostly for weapons research. It was on a Faustus ship, during the Great War, that Shivan shield technology was first reverse-engineered from a captured Shivan fighter. Faustus vessels have poor armor and only a few weak turrets for defense. Only desperate circumstances find a Faustus anywhere near the front lines.", 3048) $end_multi_text $POF file: science01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 700, 1000, 3000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 $Rotation time: 120.0, 120.0, 100.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 10.0 $Forward decel: 5.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 200.0 $Expl outer rad: 500.0 $Expl damage: 150.0 $Expl blast: 3000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 20.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 35.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 3000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 191 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -245 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 50 $Subsystem: science01a-solar1, 8, 0.0 $Subsystem: turret01, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Akheton SDG" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Tempest" "Rockeye" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 50,50 ) $Subsystem: turret04, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret05, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret06, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 25, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Name: GTG Zephyrus $Short name: TGas1 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("When a fighter pilot sees a ship of the GTG Zephyrus class, one thought flashes through his or her mind: 'Thank God I don't have to fly that tub!' The Zephyrus is a gas miner designed to harvest the gases of interstellar nebulae. It's the largest non-combatant ship in the GTVA fleet. The Zephyrus's thin armor, weak weaponry, and poor speed give it a very low survival rate in combat, so these ships stay well back from the front lines. Despite these weaknesses, the Zephyrus plays a critical role in the operation of the GTVA fleet. The deuterium gathered by Zephyrus ships powers the fleet's fusion drives.", 3049) $end_multi_text $POF file: miner2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 800, 1200, 2200) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 200.0 $Expl outer rad: 500.0 $Expl damage: 150.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 30.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 35.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 10000 $Flags: ("gas miner" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 104 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -245 $Closeup_zoom: 0.7 $Score: 50 $Subsystem: turret01, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret04, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Subach HL-7") $Subsystem: turret05, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 25, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default150 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Name: GTA Charybdis $Short name: TAWAC $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("Ships of the GTA Charybdis class have been packed with the latest tachyon-enabled AWACS equipment from GTVI labs. Each GTVA battle group has a squadron of Charybdis-class ships assigned to it. These ships double the range of the group's standard detection arrays. Charybdis ships' thin armor and weak defenses make them easy victims for enemy bombers. They have proven indispensable, however, in forays into the nebula beyond the Knossos portal. Charybdis-class ships are very vulnerable in this environment, as witnessed by the recent loss of the GTA Panopticon from the 3rd Battle Group.", 3050) $end_multi_text $POF file: AWACS2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 500, 1000, 3500) $ND: 251 248 167 $ND: 255 253 196 $ND: 239 234 134 $ND: 216 212 122 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 200.0 $Expl outer rad: 500.0 $Expl damage: 150.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 20.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 35.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 10000 $Flags: ( "awacs" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 104 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -245 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 150 $Subsystem: turret01, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Akheton SDG" ) $Subsystem: turret04, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Terran Turret Weak") $Subsystem: turret05, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret06, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine01, 8, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default150 $Subsystem: engine02, 8, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default150 $Subsystem: sensors01, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: radara, 10, 0.0 $AWACS: 1.0 2500.0 ;; intensity, radius - intensity is currently ignored $Name: GTD Orion $Short name: TCap $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("For over 30 years, the GTD Orion class was the largest ship in the Terran-Vasudan armada. Over two kilometers in length, bristling with dozens of death-dealing turrets, the Orion is as awesome in repose as it is in battle. All GVTA Orions have been retrofitted with the latest anti-warship beam weapons, as well as flak and AAA turrets for dealing with fighters and bombers. The Orion's cavernous hanger bays easily accommodate more than two dozen fighter or bomber wings.", 3051) $end_multi_text $POF file: capital01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 3500, 9000, 22000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 15.0 $Rotation time: 150.0, 150.0, 150.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 6500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 4 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 8.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 100000 $Flags: ( "capital" "big damage" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 138 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -2820 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 1000 $Subsystem: Turret01a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret02a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret03a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret04a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret05a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret06, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret07, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret08, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret09, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Bgreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret10, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret11, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret12, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret13, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret14, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret15, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret16, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: RadarDish01, 2, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish02, 2, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish03, 2, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: engines, 35, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default900 $Subsystem: fighterbay, 0, 0.0 $Name: GTD Hecate $Short name: TCap $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The new GTD Hecate class of destroyers is replacing the Orion class as the flagship of Terran battle groups. More heavily armed than the Orion, the Hecate also carries over 150 combat spacecraft and a crew of 10,000. The GTD Aquitaine is a superb example of this new ship class, serving as the flagship of the Capella-based 3rd Fleet.", 3052) $end_multi_text $POF file: capital2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 4300, 8000, 22000) $ND: 255 253 196 $ND: 239 234 134 $ND: 251 248 167 $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 15.0 $Rotation time: 150.0, 150.0, 150.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 6500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 4 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 8.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 100000 $Flags: ( "capital" "big damage" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 138 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -2820 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 1300 $Subsystem: Turret01, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret02, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret03, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret04, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Long Range Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret05, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret06, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Long Range Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret07, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret08, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret09, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret10, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret11, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret12, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret13, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret14, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret15, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret16, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret17, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret18, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret19, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret20, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret21, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret22, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret23, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret24, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret25, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret26, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret27, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine01, 5, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default900 $Subsystem: engine02, 5, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default900 $Subsystem: engine03, 5, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default100 $Subsystem: engine04, 5, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default900 $Subsystem: fighterbay, 0, 0.0 ;; This is a duplicate of the Orion entry. Only difference is the pof file, which is modified ;; to display the Bastion logo on the side instead of Galatea. -AP 3/11/98 $Name: GTD Orion#2 (Bastion) $Short name: TCap $Species: Terran $POF file: capital01b.pof $Detail distance: (0, 3500, 9000, 22000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 15.0 $Rotation time: 150.0, 150.0, 150.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 7400.0 $Expl damage: 5400.0 $Expl blast: 8500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 750.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 5 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 15.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 100000 $Flags: ( "capital" "big damage" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 138 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -2820 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 1000 $Subsystem: Turret01a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret02a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret03a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret04a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret05a, 1.875, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret06, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret07, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret08, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret09, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret10, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret11, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret12, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret13, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret14, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret15, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret16, 0.625, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: RadarDish01, 2, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish02, 2, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish03, 2, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: engines, 35, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default900 $Subsystem: fighterbay, 0, 0.0 $Name: GTD Hades $Short name: THades $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTD Hades was a fusion of Terran and Shivan military technologies. It was constructed by Galactic Terran Intelligence (GTI), a rogue branch of the GTA. In 2335, GTI leaders sought to overthrow the provisional GTA government established in Delta Serpentis. After the defeat of the GTI and the destruction of the Hades, the GTA classified the details of this research at level Omega. There are rumors that the Alliance has attempted to reconstruct the Hades to learn more about the GTI's activities. These reports have yet to be confirmed by government sources.", 3053) $end_multi_text $POF file: capital05.pof $Detail distance: (0, 7000, 10000, 25000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 15.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 4000.0 $Expl damage: 1000.0 $Expl blast: 4000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 24.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 400000 $Flags: ( "capital" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 20000 $EngineSnd: 136 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -3440 $Closeup_zoom: 0.8 $Score: 1600 $Subsystem: turret01a,1.0,6.5 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret02a,1.0,6.5 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret03a,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret04a,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret05a,0.5,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret06a,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret07a,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.25,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret09,1.0,6.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Shivan Cluster" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.25,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Shivan Cluster" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret17,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret18,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret19,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret20,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret21,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret22,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 4,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 1,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 1,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: communication, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay, 0,0.0 $Name: GTI Arcadia $Short name: TInst $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTI Arcadia is a multi-purpose installation that has served the Terran fleet since the days of the Great War. Almost every major star system is host to at least one Arcadia, which is often used as a center for trade and communications. Home to scores of small ships, including repair vessels, fighters, and transports, an Arcadia installation is always a hub of intrasystem and interstellar traffic. An Arcadia is not an easy target for hostile forces, as it combines the firepower of over 20 weapon turrets with the ability to launch up to ten wings of fighters from its fighterbay.", 3054) $end_multi_text $POF file: install01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2000, 10000, 25000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 6500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 100000 $Flags: ( "capital" "big damage" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 191 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -2762 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 800 $Subsystem: sensors, 5, 0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5, 0 $Subsystem: communication, 5, 0 $Subsystem: Turret01, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret02, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret03, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret04, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret05, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret06, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret07, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret08, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret09, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret10, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret11, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret12, 1,2.0 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: Turret13, 1,3.0 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: Turret14, 1,3.0 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: Turret15, 1,3.0 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: Turret16, 1,3.0 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: Turret17, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret18, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret19, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret20, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret21, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret22, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret23, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret24, 1,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: RadarDish01, 2,3.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay, 0,0.0 $Name: GTVA Colossus $Short name: TSoup $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTVA Colossus resulted from an endeavor unprecedented in Terran or Vasudan history. This 6-kilometer-long behemoth is the result of 20 years of joint effort from dozens of contractors of both races. The Colossus is the most powerful space-faring warship ever made, bristling with over 80 weapon turrets. It also houses 60 fighter and bomber wings and requires a crew of over 30,000. The firepower of the Colossus is greater than that of most GTVA battle groups.", 3055) $end_multi_text $POF file: TerranSuper.pof $Detail distance: (0, 4000, 25000, 40000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 500.0 $Expl outer rad: 7400.0 $Expl damage: 800.0 $Expl blast: 8500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 8.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 1000000 $Flags: ( "supercap" "big damage" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 6000 $EngineSnd: 106 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -5920 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 10000 ;Huge dual rotation turrets $Subsystem: Turret01a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret02a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret03a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret04a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret05a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret06a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret07a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret08a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret09a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret10a, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" "Terran Huge Turret" ) ;Flak type turrets $Subsystem: Turret11, 1.0, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret12, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret13, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret14, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret15, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret16, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret17, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret18, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret19, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret20, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret21, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret22, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret23, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret24, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret25, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret26, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret27, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret28, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret29, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret30, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) ;Small flat turrets (suitable for anti-fighter beams or missiles) $Subsystem: Turret31, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret32, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret33, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret34, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret35, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret36, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret37, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret38, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: Turret39, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: Turret40, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret41, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret42, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: Turret43, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: Turret44, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: Turret45, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: Turret46, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: Turret47, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: Turret48, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: Turret49, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: Turret50, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MX-52" ) ;Beam Turrets $Subsystem: Turret51, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret52, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret53, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret54, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret55, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret56, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret57, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret58, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret59, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret60, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: Turret61, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret62, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: Turret63, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) ;these statements are old. ; 42, 43, 45, 34, 35, 73, 72, 71, 66, 69, 68, 77, 76, - AAAf ; 67, 70, 86 - BFGreen ; 73, 72, 71, 66, 69, 68, - AAAf ; 83, 82, 81, 80 79, 78 - Medium Slasher $Subsystem: RadarDish01, 1, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish02, 1, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish03, 1, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish04, 1, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish05, 1, 0.0 $Subsystem: RadarDish06, 1, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 3, 0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 3, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: engines ctr, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1500 $Subsystem: engines frt, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: engines main, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1500 $Subsystem: fighterbay, 0, 0.0 $Subsystem: enginelarge01, 0, 0.0 $Subsystem: enginelarge02, 0, 0.0 $Subsystem: enginelarge03, 0, 0.0 $Name: GTCv Deimos $Short name: TCorvette $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("Deimos-class corvettes, such as the GTCv Actium and the GTCv Lysander, are the newest addition to the Terran fleet. These sleek, ultra-modern warships are the products of a new era of ship design, maximizing maneuverability and firepower. Their hulls are strengthened with collapsed-core molybdenum sheathing for better protection against beam fire, and their Vasudan-designed reactor core provides more energy per ton than any other allied ship class. As the Leviathan and Fenris cruisers of the Great War are gradually phased out, these corvettes will become the foundation of tomorrow's fleet.", 3056) $end_multi_text $POF file: corvette2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 800, 3500, 10000) $ND: 251 248 167 $ND: 255 253 196 $ND: 239 234 134 $ND: 216 212 122 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 2.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 750.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 11000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 400.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 80000 $Flags: ( "big damage" "corvette" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -800 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 800 $Subsystem: turret01,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret09,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret17,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret18,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret19,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret20,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret21,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret22,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret23,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: turret24,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "TerSlash" ) $Subsystem: turret25,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: turret26,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: engine01, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default300 $Subsystem: engine02, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default300 $Subsystem: engine03, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default300 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Name: GTC Aeolus $Short name: TCruiser $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTC Aeolus is the first cruiser class ever produced by the RNI shipyards orbiting Laramis II. Only two dozen of these cruisers were put into service in GTVA fleets, with production ending in 2365. Allied Command assigns Aeolus-class ships primarily to guard slow-moving convoys against fighter and bomber wings, as these cruisers are severely out-gunned by most capital ships in service today. Their flak and AAA turrets serve as marvelous deterrents to smaller craft, however.", 3057) $end_multi_text $POF file: cruiser2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 850, 1500, 5500) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 2.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 750.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 11000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 400.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 40.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 38000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -315 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 500 $Subsystem: turret01,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret03,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret04,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret05,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret06,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret07,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret08,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret09,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret10,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret11,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret12,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SGreen" ) $Subsystem: engine, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default100 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Name: NTF Iceni $Short name: RCorvette $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The Iceni is the NTF command frigate, built under Admiral Bosch's direction at the Freedom shipyards in Polaris, captured by the Neo-Terran Front at the start of their rebellion. With over two dozen turrets and a sheath of ultra-dense depleted uranium shielding around its subsystems, the Iceni is an extremely tough nut to crack. With Bosch on board, providing tactical guidance, the Iceni is the equal of any GTVA battle group. Intelligence believes the ship was custom-designed for a secret NTF project.", 3058) $end_multi_text $POF file: corvette2r-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2000, 8000, 20000) $ND: 251 248 167 $ND: 255 253 196 $ND: 239 234 134 $ND: 216 212 122 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 2.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 35.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 750.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 12500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 400.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 90000 $Flags: ( "corvette" "big damage" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -1300 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 300 $Subsystem: turret01a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret09,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret11a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: turret17,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret18,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: turret19,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret20,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: turret21a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret22a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret23a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret24a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret25a,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: engine01, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default500 $Subsystem: engine02, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default500 $Subsystem: engine03, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default500 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Name: NTF Boadicea $Short name: RBase $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("Hidden NTF asteroid base.", 3059) $end_multi_text $POF file: Base2r-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2500, 6000, 14000) $ND: 251 248 167 $ND: 255 253 196 $ND: 239 234 134 $ND: 216 212 122 $ND: 111 245 255 $ND: 251 248 167 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 2.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 35.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 750.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 12500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 400.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 180000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 191 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -3440 $Closeup_zoom: 0.37 $Score: 100 $Subsystem: turret01,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret09,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BGreen" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: turret17,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret18,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: turret19,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret20,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: turret21a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret22a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret23a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret24a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret25a,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: turret26a,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: turret27a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret28,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret29,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: turret30,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret31,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret32,0.833,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: turret33,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret34,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret35,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret36,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret37,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret38,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret39,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret40,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: engine01a, 1.5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine02a, 1.5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine03, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: engine04, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: engine05, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 1.5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbaya, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: comtowera, 1.5,0.0 $Subsystem: Asteroid01a, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: Asteroid02a, 3,0.0 $Subsystem: bunker01a, 1.5,0.0 $Subsystem: bunker02a, 1.5,0.0 $Name: @GTT Elysium $Short name: TTran $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTT Elysium class of transports has been in service for over 40 years. Its mission hasn't changed from the time of the Great War - to transport civilian and military personnel from one star system to another. The Elysium is very poorly armed, with a single Subach HL-7 cannon, and also suffers from thin armor plating. Only desperate circumstances find Elysiums anywhere near the front lines. Assaults and dangerous transport missions handled almost exclusively by the much tougher GTT Argo class.", 3060) $end_multi_text $POF file: transport01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 200, 450, 1000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.6 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 40.0 $Rotation time: 4.0, 7.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 6.0 $Forward decel: 1.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 200.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 8.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 55.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 3500 $Flags: ( "transport" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 3.0, -60 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 10 $Subsystem: engine, 25, 0 $Subsystem: navigation, 15, 0 $Subsystem: communication, 5, 0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10, 0 $Subsystem: turret01, 5, 20.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Name: @GTT Argo $Short name: TTran $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTT Argo has become the standard military transport vehicle for the Terran fleet. Argos sometimes carry new weapon and combat craft prototypes to and from testing grounds or to front-line deployment positions. Military VIPs occasionally commandeer Argos to travel from star system to star system in some semblance of comfort. Argos are most often used as assault transports, carrying squads of Marines through heavy flak to board enemy vessels that Command has decided to capture rather than destroy.", 3061) $end_multi_text $POF file: transport2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 850, 2000, 5500) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.6 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 4.0, 7.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 1.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 500.0 $Expl damage: 500.0 $Expl blast: 1300.0 $Expl Propagates: yes ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 140.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 38.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 35.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 13500 $Flags: ( "transport" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 3.0, -315 $Closeup_zoom: 0.4 $Score: 40 $Subsystem: engine, 25, 0 $Subsystem: navigation, 15, 0 $Subsystem: communications, 5, 0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10, 0 $Subsystem: turret01, 5, 20.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 5, 20.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) ;; They mark things. $Name: GTNB Pharos $Short name: JBuoy $Species: Terran $POF file: navbuoy.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 100 $Flags: ("no_collide" "navbuoy") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 135 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 1.0, -28 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Name: GTI Ganymede $Short name: TInst2 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTI Ganymede is the Alliance's newest repair and resupply facility. Ganymede installations are currently deployed behind the front lines in the Vega, Vasuda, and Capella systems. Each Ganymede can service up to five warships simultaneously. Repairs of any type or degree can be made here, on any ship in the GTVA fleet. Ganymedes also provide retrofitting services, enabling Allied Command to extend the lifetime of aging ships by upgrading weaponry, systems, and engines.", 3062) $end_multi_text $POF file: drydock2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2000, 10000, 18000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 6500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 90000 $Flags: ( "drydock" "dont collide invisible" "capital" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 191 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -2062 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 900 $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0 $Subsystem: sensors01, 5, 0 $Subsystem: communications, 5, 0 $Subsystem: sensors02, 5, 0 $Subsystem: storage, 5, 0 $Subsystem: piece1A, 14, 0.0 $Subsystem: piece2A, 14, 0.0 $Subsystem: piece3A, 15, 0.0 $Subsystem: piece4A, 15, 0.0 $Subsystem: hose01, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: hose02, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: hose03, 4, 0.0 $Subsystem: hose04, 4, 0.0 $Name: Knossos $Short name: JumpGate $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The subspace portal was discovered in the Gamma Draconis system in 2367. The interlocking circular motions of its components apparently create a subspace vortex that connects the Gamma Draconis system to another part of our universe. Dr. Hargrove's team continues to study the device, though their findings are highly classified.", 3063) $end_multi_text $POF file: Gate2a-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2000, 6500, 18000) $ND: 13 238 238 $ND: 250 252 252 $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 6500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 1 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 1000000 $Flags: ( "dont collide invisible" "big damage" "knossos") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 190 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -6800 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 0 $Subsystem: jump2A, 49, 35 $Subsystem: jump1A, 49, 80 $Name: Asteroid $Short name: Asteroid $Species: Terran $POF file: asteroid01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 400, 1200) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 100 $Flags: ("no_collide" "navbuoy") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 1.0, -14 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Name: GTSG Watchdog $Short name: TSGun $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTSG Watchdog was the first generation of Terran sentry platform, the distant precursor to the Cerberus and Alastor platforms. Seriously underpowered by today's standards, the Watchdog also suffers from paper-thin armor. Many Watchdogs are Great War relics left active and in place because it wasn't worthwhile removing or deactivating them. The NTF occasionally uses stolen Watchdogs to guard supply depots or minor installations.", 3064) $end_multi_text $POF file: GunPlatform01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 500) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 20 $Flags: ("sentrygun" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.5, -14 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 1 $Subsystem: turret01a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Name: GTSG Cerberus $Short name: TSGun2 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("Until the advent of the GTSG Alastor, the GTSG Cerberus was the most advanced sentry gun emplacement available to Terran forces. They were vital to Terran defenses during the Great War, racking up over 100 kills of Vasudan and Shivan combat craft. But the current conflict has found them primarily in back-line roles, guarding installations deemed relatively safe from attack. With no mobility and only two Subach HL-7 turrets, they serve as more of a distraction than a viable threat to modern combat craft.", 3065) $end_multi_text $POF file: GunPlatform01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 500) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 150 $Flags: ("sentrygun" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.5, -14 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 6 $Subsystem: turret01a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret02a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Name: GTSG Alastor $Short name: TSGun3 $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("GTSG Alastor sentry gun platforms can be dropped by warships to cover a retreat, or they can be used to strengthen firepower around strategic locations. While Alastors alone cannot hold a position against more than a few fighters, complementing them with a warship and several wings of fighters presents an exemplary defense against all but the most determined foes. Two Bessmer-Kohn cannon turrets on opposing sides of the platform give the Alastor a full field of fire. The turrets are controlled by the latest neural-net cyber-AI to track multiple targets simultaneously.", 3066) $end_multi_text $POF file: Platform2T-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 250, 500) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 250 $Flags: ("sentrygun" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.5, -14 $Closeup_zoom: 0.85 $Score: 9 $Subsystem: turret01a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret02a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) ;; They are used for escaping. Not too fast, not too strong. Easy targets if there are no fighters in the area to protect them. $Name: GTEP Hermes $Short name: TPod $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTEP Hermes escape pod is now standard equipment on every GTVA warship of cruiser size or larger. Each ship has several escape pods magnetically coupled to airlocks scattered around the ship's outer hull. Not intended for whole-crew evacuations, the Hermes has space for up to 20 crew members. Each pod is propelled by a small fusion engine, enough to remove the pod from the immediate vicinity of an exploding warship. It is also capable of subspace jumps.", 3067) $end_multi_text $POF file: escapepod01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 300, 500) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.1 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 40.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 4.0, 4.0, 4.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( ) $Default PBanks: ( ) $Allowed SBanks: ( ) $Default SBanks: ( ) $SBank Capacity: ( ) $Shields: 100 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 2.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 55.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 50.0 $Hitpoints: 200 $Flags: ( "escapepod" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 119 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 1.0, -22 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 5 $Subsystem: engine, 50, 0 $Name: TC-Meson Bomb $Short name: TC-MB $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("The TC-Meson Bomb is used solely as a container for Meson Bomb deployments. Each is custom built specifically to hold a Meson Bomb. The container is permanently sealed once the bomb is safely housed within it.", 3068) $end_multi_text $POF file: Bomb2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2500, 4000, 10000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 2350.0 $Expl outer rad: 3200.0 $Expl damage: 50000.0 $Expl blast: 300.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 100.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 400 $Flags: ( "cargo" ) $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: .8 $Score: 4 ;=====>> VASUDANS <<======= $Name: GVF Seth $Short name: VFight7 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Heavy Fighter", 3069) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Poor", 3070) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 3071) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Mekhu Enterprises", 3072) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3073) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "The solidly built GVF Seth is a versatile Great War-era fighter that still performs dual roles as bomber escort and bomber interceptor. The Seth's relatively slow cruising speed is deceptive, as its Mekhu-Sahr plasma powerplant can give it an incredible afterburner boost, more than doubling its velocity. A total of six weapon banks and a wide variety of loadouts give the Seth the needed punch to eliminate incoming bombers quickly.", 3074) $end_multi_text +Length: 16 Meters +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter07.pof $Detail distance: (0, 70, 200, 700) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 55.0 $Rotation time: 4.0, 5.0, 5.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 65.0 $Expl damage: 15.0 $Expl blast: 1200.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Circe" "Lamprey") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7D" "MorningStar D" "Prometheus D" "Circe" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Mekhu HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "TAG-B" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "Stiletto II" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye D" "Tornado D" "Infyrno D" "Piranha" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Stiletto II" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 80 ) $Shields: 580 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 72.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 280 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "fighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 130.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 40 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 129 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.5, -27 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f07 $Ship_icon: iconfighter07 $Ship_anim: ssfighter07 $Ship_overhead: loadfightV07 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 4.95 -.40 -7.46 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -4.95 -.40 -7.46 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: engine 1, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Name: GVF Horus $Short name: VFight8 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Interceptor", 3075) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Good", 3076) +Armor: XSTR("Light", 3077) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Akheton Corporation", 3078) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3079) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "The GVF Horus was the fastest fighter class during the Great War and it's still the fastest fighter in the GTVA fleet. Its weapon capacity is average for a fighter, with four primary banks and two missile bays. The Horus pays for its speed and maneuverability with thin armor and relatively weak shields. The Horus shines as a bomber interceptor, a role Allied Command puts it in as often as possible. For offensive operations against well-defended targets, however, the Horus is a poor choice.", 3080) $end_multi_text +Length: 19 Meters +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter08.pof $Detail distance: (0, 70, 300, 800) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 $Rotation time: 3.4, 3.9, 3.6 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 65.0 $Expl damage: 20.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Circe" "Lamprey") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7D" "Prometheus D" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Morning Star" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "TAG-B" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye D" "Tempest D" "Harpoon D" "Hornet D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Trebuchet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40 ) $Shields: 230 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 2.2 $Max Oclk Speed: 110.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 170 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "fighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 170.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 25 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 129 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -31 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f08 $Ship_icon: iconfighter08 $Ship_anim: ssfighter08 $Ship_overhead: loadfightV08 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: -7.78 -0.9 -5.75 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 7.78 -0.9 -5.75 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GVF Thoth $Short name: VFight9 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Space Superiority", 3081) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Excellent", 3082) +Armor: XSTR("Light", 3083) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Sahr Corporation", 3084) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3085) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "The GVF Thoth has been manufactured exclusively in the Sahr Corp.'s shipyards at Altair for over 40 years. During the heyday of the Hammer of Light, the HoL captured these yards and the Thoth became a primary fighter among HoL forces. When these shipyards were recaptured, the Thoth once again became an important component of the Vasudan navy. In the hands of a skilled pilot, the Thoth's maneuverability and small size make it a hard target to hit. A single missile bank means that a Thoth pilot relies on his primary weapons to make most kills.", 3086) $end_multi_text +Length: 17 Meters +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 1 $POF file: fighter09.pof $Detail distance: (0, 70, 300, 700) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 65.0 $Rotation time: 2.7, 2.7, 3.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 55.0 $Expl damage: 15.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Circe" "Lamprey") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7D" "Prometheus D" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Hornet" "TAG-B" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Tempest D" "Hornet D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 80 ) $Shields: 200 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 2.5 $Max Oclk Speed: 78.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 200 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "fighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 130.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 20 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 129 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -27 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f09 $Ship_icon: iconfighter09 $Ship_anim: ssfighter09 $Ship_overhead: loadfightV09 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: -6.2 .20 -2.18 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 6.2 .20 -2.18 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GVF Serapis $Short name: VFight21 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Advanced Interceptor", 3087) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Excellent", 3088) +Armor: XSTR("Light", 3089) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Akheton Corporation", 3090) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3091) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "Fast and highly maneuverable, the GVF Serapis is primarily used as a bomber interceptor. Its thin armor and weak shields give it a low survival rate in dogfights against more heavily armored fighters. Despite having only two primary and secondary weapon banks, the Serapis has been retrofitted to accommodate almost any loadout in the GTVA arsenal. Veteran Vasudan pilots love the Serapis for its agility and loadout options. Some Terran pilots who've been privileged enough to fly it claim to prefer it to any Terran fighter.", 3092) $end_multi_text +Length: 14 Meters +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2v-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 70, 200, 700) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 75.0 $Rotation time: 2.6, 2.2, 2.8 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 55.0 $Expl damage: 15.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Circe" "Lamprey" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "MorningStar D" "Prometheus D" "Maxim D" "Circe" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" "Akheton SDG" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Hornet" "TAG-B" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Tempest D" "Harpoon D" "Tornado D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Harpoon") $SBank Capacity: ( 60, 30 ) $Shields: 200 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 3.4 $Max Oclk Speed: 78.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 220 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 135.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 20 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 129 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -27 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldfv-01 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2v-01 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2v-01 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2v-01 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 9.9 -0.2 2 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -9.9 -0.2 2 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GVF Tauret $Short name: VFight22 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Heavy Fighter", 3093) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Poor", 3094) +Armor: XSTR("Medium", 3095) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Sahr Corporation", 3096) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3097) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "The GVF Tauret is replacing the Seth as the Vasudans' heavy assault fighter. While integrating cutting-edge technology developed in collaboration with the Terrans, the Tauret boasts a distinctly Vasudan design. Its unusual configuration was inspired by the Apsu-Hek, a creature that once inhabited the deserts of Vasuda Prime. The Apsu-Hek has become an emblem of the Vasudan diaspora, and the Tauret continues the tradition of symbolic design. Armed with four gun mounts and two missile banks, the Tauret has the speed and firepower to challenge both fighters and warships.", 3098) $end_multi_text +Length: 17.5 Meters +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2v-02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 200, 350, 700) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 65.0 $Rotation time: 4.1, 4.8, 4.8 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 65.0 $Expl damage: 15.0 $Expl blast: 1200.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Circe" "Lamprey") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "MorningStar D" "UD-D Kayser" "Circe" "Lamprey" "Maxim D" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Mekhu HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "TAG-B" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "Stiletto II" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Harpoon D" "Tornado D" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Rockeye") $SBank Capacity: ( 100, 100 ) $Shields: 530 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 75.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 300 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 135.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 360.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 21.0 $Countermeasures: 45 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 129 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.5, -27 $Closeup_zoom: 0.7 $Shield_icon: shieldfv-02 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2v-02 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2v-02 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2v-02 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 8.70 -2.14 7.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -8.70 -2.14 7.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 2.58 1.79 -6.48 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -2.58 1.79 -6.48 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Name: GVB Sekhmet $Short name: VBomb21 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Bomber", 3099) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Average", 3100) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 3101) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Mekhu Enterprises", 3102) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3103) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "The GVB Sekhmet is a Shivan design that was initially adapted to Vasudan needs by Hammer of Light engineers. The version currently in use was further modified by technicians at Mekhu Enterprises. Sporting four primary weapon banks and three missile/bomb bays, the Sekhmet packs a massive punch. Add in a top speed that surpasses that of some fighters and an ultra-dense molybdenum armor plating, and it's easy to see why the Sekhmet is the favorite bomber among Vasudan pilots.", 3104) $end_multi_text +Length: 23 Meters +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: bomber2v-02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 300, 900) $ND: 124 225 125 $ND: 99 223 102 $ND: 70 215 72 $ND: 23 188 26 $ND: 51 151 50 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 60.0 $Rotation time: 4.0, 4.0, 4.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 5.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 55.0 $Expl outer rad: 105.0 $Expl damage: 20.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim") $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Piranha" "Stiletto II" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Helios" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Piranha" "Stiletto II" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "Helios" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Hornet" "Piranha" "Cyclops#short" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 80, 80, 80 ) $Shields: 850 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 64.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 500 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "bomber" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 100.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 130 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -33 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldbv-02 $Ship_icon: iconbomber2v-02 $Ship_anim: ssbomber2v-02 $Ship_overhead: loadbomber2v-02 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 0 6.65 -4.2 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -7.8 .45 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 6.74 6.4 .73 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -6.74 6.4 .73 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 6.57 -6.4 -2.92 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -6.57 -6.4 -2.92 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 60 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: weapons, 8,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GVB Osiris $Short name: VBomb6 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Reserve Bomber", 3105) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Very Poor", 3106) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 3107) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Akheton Corporation", 3108) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3109) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "The GVB Osiris was the primary bomber of the PVN during the Great War. It is showing its age during the current conflict, as the more advanced Bakha and Sekhmet bombers have replaced it on the front lines in most theatres of conflict. Osiris bombers still in service have been retrofitted to make them compatible with most GTVA missiles and bombs. If well-protected by fighter escorts, a wing of Osiris bombers can still wreak havoc on enemy cruisers and corvettes.", 3110) $end_multi_text +Length: 40 Meters +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: bomber06.pof $Detail distance: (0, 300, 500, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 5.0, 5.0, 5.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 75.0 $Expl outer rad: 125.0 $Expl damage: 20.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Circe" "Lamprey") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Circe" "Lamprey") $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno") $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno") $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" "Stiletto II" "Trebuchet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40, 20 ) $Shields: 600 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 64.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 600 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "bomber" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 100.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 130 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -64 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-b06 $Ship_icon: iconBomber06 $Ship_anim: ssbomber06 $Ship_overhead: loadbombV06 $Score: 8 $Trail: +Offset: 12.23 -7.32 -10.66 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -12.23 -7.32 -10.66 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: Turret01,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" ) $Subsystem: Turret02,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Prometheus R" ) $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GVB Bakha $Short name: VBomb21 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Advanced Bomber", 3111) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Good", 3112) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 3113) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Akheton Corporation", 3114) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3115) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR( "Learning a lesson from the bomber losses of the Great War, Vasudan defense contractor Akheton designed the GVB Bakha, a fast, agile bomber that could still deliver a warship-shattering payload. The Bakha's dual Akh-12 engines are baffled and masked, giving it a small profile for heat-seeking missiles. The bomber's speed and maneuverability make it the craft of choice for taking out destroyers and corvettes with multiple flak, AAA, and anti-ship beam turrets. Over 6,000 Bakhas have been produced in the orbiting shipyards around Vasuda Prime.", 3116) ;; ADD that it holds Terbuchet $end_multi_text +Length: 18 Meters +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2v-03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 300, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 65.0 $Rotation time: 4.2, 4.6, 4.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 5.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 55.0 $Expl outer rad: 105.0 $Expl damage: 20.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Prometheus R" "Prometheus S" "Circe" "Lamprey" "Helios") $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Prometheus R" "Prometheus S" "Circe" "Lamprey" "Helios") $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Mekhu HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Harpoon" "Stiletto II" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Trebuchet" "TAG-B") $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Harpoon" "Stiletto II" "Cyclops" "Cyclops#short" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" "Trebuchet" "TAG-B") $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" "Stiletto II" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 80, 100 ) $Shields: 620 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 4.3 $Max Oclk Speed: 65.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 440 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "bomber" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 105.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 320.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 45.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 23.0 $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 130 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -27 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldbv-01 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2v-03 $Ship_anim: ssbomber2v-03 $Ship_overhead: loadbomber2v-01 $Score: 13 $Trail: +Offset: 3.24 1.6 -8.14 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -3.24 1.6 -8.14 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -7 0 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 7 -6 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: weapons01, 8,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons02, 8,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GVF Ptah $Short name: Vfight22 $Species: Vasudan +Type: XSTR("Stealth Recon", 3117) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Excellent", 3118) +Armor: XSTR("Light", 3119) +Manufacturer: XSTR("Akheton Corporation", 3120) +Description: XSTR(" ", 3121) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The stealth prototype GVF Ptah was a top-secret development project assigned to Vasudan conglomerate Akheton Corp. Designed to be invisible to standard detection arrays mounted on combat craft, Ptahs have performed admirably during their OpEval period. The masking materials and blending technologies used across their outer surfaces seem to confuse Shivan detection systems as well. The Ptah is currently available only to select fighter units in the Vasudan navy, with no word on when they will be more widely distributed.", 3122) $end_multi_text +Length: 17 m +Gun Mounts: 1 +Missile Banks: 2 $POF file: fighter2v-04.pof $Detail distance: (0, 180, 300, 1100) $ND: 211 206 245 $ND: 245 247 255 $ND: 174 168 209 $ND: 247 244 255 $ND: 149 146 167 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 2.5, 2.6, 2.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus R" "Prometheus S" ) $Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus R" "Prometheus S" ) $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" ) $Allowed SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "TAG-A" "TAG-B" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." ) $Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Tempest" "TAG-A" "TAG-B" "Harpoon" "Trebuchet" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 20, 10 ) $Shields: 330 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 3.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 110.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 220 $Flags: ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 160.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 60.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 40 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 126 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldfv-04 $Ship_icon: iconfighter2v-04 $Ship_anim: ssfighter2v-03 $Ship_overhead: loadfighter2v-04 $Score: 16 $Stealth: $Trail: +Offset: -3.2 2.18 -8.21 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 3.2 2.18 -8.21 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -5.03 2.23 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 5 -5.4 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Name: GVS Nephthys $Short name: VSup $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The GVS Nephtys is the Vasudans' new support ship. It is fast and maneuverable, a necessity when trying to dock with fighters in the heat of battle. Mekhu Enterprises built a cargo bay into the rear of the ship, enabling it to carry extra supplies and munitions during emergencies. Mekhu enterprises licensed the GTS Hygeia's magnetic-stasis delivery system from Triton Dynamics, so both ships are equally adept at re-supplying combat craft with missiles and bombs. The high number of warheads carried by the Nephtys makes it a dangerous ship to be near when it blows up.", 3123) $end_multi_text $POF file: support2v-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 130, 250, 800) $ND: 74 241 82 $ND: 41 202 46 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.3 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 70.0 ;; We agreed on 60, but we also agreed to decrease 40%. I lowered from 120 to 70. $Rotation time: 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 0.25 ;; lower numbers mean faster acceleration. $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 ;; Lots of weapons onboard means big explosion $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 200.0 $Expl damage: 100.0 $Expl blast: 4000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 500 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 100.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 500 $Flags: ( "repair_rearm" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 137 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 1.0, -37 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 10 $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 30, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0.0 $Name: GVT Isis $Short name: VTran $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The GVT Isis is most often used as a military personnel transport but also occasionally serves as a repair ship or even a tugboat, helping to maneuver large vessels into docking bays. Two cannon turrets and thick molybdenum plating serve to protect its cargo. Magnetic cargo locks located on the Isis's undercarriage enable it to transport small cargo containers of supplies and munitions in emergencies.", 3124) $end_multi_text $POF file: transport02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 250, 800) $Show damage: YES $Density: 2 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.6 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 35.0 $Rotation time: 4.0, 7.0, 10.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 6.0 $Forward decel: 1.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 2.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 42.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 5000 $Flags: ( "transport" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 131 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -30 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 15 $Subsystem: turret01,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret02,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" ) $Subsystem: communication, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 25,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Name: @PVFR Ma'at $Short name: VFreight5 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The Ma'at freighter class has served the Vasudan navy for over 50 years. More than 200 of these vessels still serve the GTVA, carrying desperately needed supplies, foodstuffs, and munitions to every theatre of the war. With only three weapon turrets, a lone Ma'at is easy prey for a wing of enemy bombers. Thus Ma'ats usually travel in mixed convoys with other freighters, guarded by cruisers and fighter wings.", 3125) $end_multi_text $POF file: freighter05.pof $Detail distance: (0, 300, 550, 1000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 7.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 200.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 1800.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () ;$Shields: 0 $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 4500 $Flags: ( "freighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 130 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -71 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 14 $Subsystem: turret01, 3,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 3,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: communication, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 25,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: turret03, 3,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" ) $Name: GVFr Bes $Short name: VFreight5 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("For the past 20 years, the GVFr Bes has been the mainstay of Vasudan shipping fleets. While some Terran systems languished in the post-war era, the Vasudans experienced an economic recovery that was miraculous, given the annihilation of their home planet. Experts credit the policies of the restored Imperial government that emerged following Khonsu II's dissolution of the Vasudan parliament. As commerce among the Vasudan systems resumed and expanded into Terran worlds, a new generation of space-faring cargo vessels was required to meet the needs of this burgeoning economy.", 3126) $end_multi_text $POF file: freighter2v-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 200, 400, 1000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 7.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 200.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 1800.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () ;$Shields: 0 $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 4500 $Flags: ( "freighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 130 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: 0.1 $Score: 13 $Subsystem: turret01, 3,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 3,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine lt, 25,0.0 $Subsystem: engine rt, 25,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Name: VAC 5 $Short name: VCar5 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The Vasudan VAC 5 is an armored cargo container that is used to transport fragile or valuable equipment to front-line bases. These containers are better protected than most combat spacecraft, giving their cargoes an excellent chance to survive collisions and stray energy blasts.", 3127) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo2v-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 400, 600, 800) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 1200 $Flags: ( "cargo" "in tech database") $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: 0.1 $Score: 3 $Name: @VAC 4 $Short name: VCar5 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The Vasudan VAC 4 is an armored cargo container that is used to transport fragile or valuable equipment to front-line bases. These containers are better protected than most combat spacecraft, giving their cargoes an excellent chance to survive collisions and stray energy blasts.", 3128) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo04.pof $Detail distance: (0, 200, 550, 800) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 1200 $Flags: ( "cargo" "in tech database") $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -41 $Closeup_zoom: 0.6 $Score: 3 $Name: GVFr Satis $Short name: VFreight4 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR( "When the first Satis-class freighter was encountered by Terran forces during the Terran-Vasudan War, its firepower led Terran Command to classify it as a light cruiser. Only after a disabled Satis was captured did its true nature become known. Now designated the GVFr Satis class, these freighters still serve as an iron fist within the velvet glove of a freighter convoy. Few enemy fighters who mistake a Satis for a Ma'at or Bes live to regret their error.", 3129) $end_multi_text $POF file: freighter04.pof $Detail distance: (0, 300, 900, 1800) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 7.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 300.0 $Expl damage: 100.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 ;$Shields: 250 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 5000 $Flags: ( "freighter" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 130 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -175 $Closeup_zoom: 0.4 $Score: 16 $Subsystem: Turret01-main,3,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret02,3,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret03,3,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret04,3,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: Turret05,3,2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: communication, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 25,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Name: GVG Anuket $Short name: VGas1 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The GVG Anuket was originally designed for resource extraction in the volatile environment of gas giants. More recently, the Anuket has been modified for nebular operations. The Anuket has the most sophisticated sensor array available, enabling it to navigate the intense EM maelstroms of supernova remnants. In the nebula, the Anuket plays two important roles. First, the miner collects samples for scientific analysis and serves as a laboratory for field experiments. Second, the Anuket gathers deuterium-rich gas for use in the fusion drives that power the allied fleet.", 3130) $end_multi_text $POF file: miner2v-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 750, 1600, 3500) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 200.0 $Expl outer rad: 500.0 $Expl damage: 150.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 30.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 35.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 4000 $Flags: ( "gas miner" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 104 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -500 $Closeup_zoom: .3 $Score: 50 $Subsystem: turret01, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Akheton SDG" ) $Subsystem: turret04, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Terran Turret Weak") $Subsystem: turret05, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 8, 0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 8, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 8, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 18, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default200 $Subsystem: sensors, 8, 0.0 $Subsystem: miner02va-claw1, 25, 0.0 $Name: GVC Aten $Short name: VCruise2 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The GVC Aten is among the smallest of the GTVA's cruiser classes, with thin armor and only a few, relatively weak turrets. Terran fighters and bombers exploited these weaknesses during the early years of the Great War, when the Terrans and Vasudans were still enemies. The Aten is most often seen in the current conflict as a rear-guard defense for convoys or installations, backing up wings of fighters and bombers.", 3131) $end_multi_text $POF file: cruiser02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 800, 1600, 6000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 $Rotation time: 110.0, 110.0, 75.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 10.0 $Forward decel: 5.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 650.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 10000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 90.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 55.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 18000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 137 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 90 $Subsystem: turret01a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret02a,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: engine, 15,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default100 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Name: GVC Mentu $Short name: VCruise21 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The GVC Mentu cruiser is the lightest of the new Vasudan warships. Following the Great War, allied scientists developed the beam cannons that now serve as the primary armaments of today's GTVA warships. Rather than modify existing ships, the Vasudans developed new designs to mount these weapons. The Mentu's 16 turrets include heavy beam cannons for duking it out with other warships, as well as AAA and flak turrets to fend off smaller craft. The GVC Somtus and the GVC Mycerinus recently demonstrated the strength of the Mentu against NTF forces in Epsilon Pegasi.", 3132) $end_multi_text $POF file: cruiser2V-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 1000, 1600, 11000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 35.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 65.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 650.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 10000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 60000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 137 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: 0.75 $Score: 100 $Subsystem: turret01,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret09,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Subach HL-7" ) $Subsystem: engine, 15, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default150 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Name: GVCv Sobek $Short name: VCorvette $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("Design of the corvette class GVCv Sobek began in the dark days after the destruction of Vasuda Prime by the Shivans in the Great War. The Vasudan navy wanted a vessel that could single-handedly counter powerful Shivan cruisers and provide critical support to Vasudan destroyers in battles against Shivan capital ships. The Sobek class fills those requirements admirably. Bristling with almost two dozen turrets, these corvettes are a terror to all vessels of cruiser size and below, while presenting a dire threat even to ships far larger than themselves.", 3133) $end_multi_text $POF file: corvette2v-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 1200, 2400, 5500) $ND: 244 243 243 $ND: 212 212 212 $ND: 229 229 226 $ND: 207 206 204 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 70.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 750.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 11000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 450.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 80000 $Flags: ( "big damage" "corvette" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 131 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -725 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 400 $Subsystem: turret01,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret09,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "VSlash" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "VSlash" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret17,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret18,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret19,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret20,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret21,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret22,0.833,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: engine, 15,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default300 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Name: GVD Typhon $Short name: VDestroy $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The GVD Typhon was the height of Vasudan military technology when it appeared to face Terran forces during the early days of the Terran-Vasudan War. The first Typhon was sighted at the Vega Engagement and quickly destroyed the GTD Eisenhower and much of the 4th fleet. The more recent Hatshepsut class of destroyers is larger and wields a deadlier array of armaments, but the Typhon is still a match for almost any foe. Up to 30 wings of fighters or bombers can be housed within its docking bays, ready to engage at a moment's notice.", 3134) $end_multi_text $POF file: capital03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 4500, 9000, 25000 ) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 15.0 $Rotation time: 150.0, 150.0, 150.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 3000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 4 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 45.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 120000 $Flags: ( "capital" "in tech database" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 137 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -1860 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 1000 $Subsystem: turret01,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) ;should be VasudanFlux $Subsystem: turret08,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) ;should be VasudanFlux $Subsystem: turret09,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.375,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.375,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.375,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "BVas" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.375,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.375,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.375,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "BVas" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 15,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default800 $Subsystem: communication, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay 1, 0,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay 2, 0,0.0 ;; Like most turrets, the Ankh guards things. $Name: GVSG Ankh $Short name: VSGun $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The GVSG Ankh sentry gun platform is the Vasudan equivalent of the GTSG Watchdog. Both are Great War relics that perform poorly by modern standards. The Ankh serves to guard back-line storage depots and installations. With no armor or shielding, the Ankh is easily destroyed. Its two small turrets can deter unarmed raiders or badly damaged fighters, but it poses little threat to most combat craft.", 3135) $end_multi_text $POF file: GunPlatform02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 500) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 20 $Flags: ("sentrygun" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -1.5, -20 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 5 $Subsystem: turret01a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret02a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) ;; Like most turrets, the Ankh guards things. $Name: GVSG Edjo $Short name: VSGun2 $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("When the GTVA asked the Vasudan navy to upgrade the Great War-era Ankh sentry gun platform, the GVSG Edjo was the Vasudans' answer. The Edjo has significantly more armor plating than the Ankh, improving its survivability, but the Vasudans placed only one small cannon turret on the new platform, giving it half the punch of the Ankh. After seeing the Edjo, the Terrans quietly began developing their own advanced sentry gun platforms. The Vasudan navy seems content to leave this aspect of military technology to the Terrans.", 3136) $end_multi_text $POF file: Platform2V-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 500) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 35 $Flags: ("sentrygun" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -1.5, -20 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 6 $Subsystem: turret01a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret" ) ;; Vasudan escape pod $Name: GVEP Ra $Short name: VPod $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The GVEP Ra escape pod has been the standard emergency vehicle on Vasudan capital ships since the Terran-Vasudan War. In keeping with Vasudan philosophies, the Ra is almost never used to evacuate personnel, but instead is employed to preserve records and other data that could be of use to the allies. Thus Ra-class craft have minimal life support systems and a small fusion engine. The energy supplied by the escape pod's powerplant goes almost entirely to powering the pod's homing beacon.", 3137) $end_multi_text $POF file: escapepod02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 120, 450, 750) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.1 $Rotdamp: 0.35 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 40.0 ;; in x/y/z -- z only specified forward. use special tokens for backward movement $Rotation time: 4.0, 4.0, 4.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Allowed PBanks: ( ) $Default PBanks: ( ) $Allowed SBanks: ( ) $Default SBanks: ( ) $SBank Capacity: ( ) $Shields: 100 $Shield Color: 100 255 100 $Power Output: 2.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 55.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 50.0 $Hitpoints: 200 $Flags: ( "escapepod" "in tech database") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 119 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -22 $Closeup_zoom: 0.75 $Score: 5 $Subsystem: engine, 50, 0 $Name: GVA Setekh $Short name: VAWAC $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR("The GVA Setekh is the Vasudan class of AWACS vessels, comparable to the Terran GTA Charybdis class. Setekhs are smaller, less heavily armored, and have half the turrets of Charybdis ships. Despite these shortcomings, the Vasudan navy insists upon deploying Setekhs in Vasudan battle groups, claiming the Vasudan versions are more appropriate for their fleets. Setekhs' crystalline detection arrays provide their fleets with doubled radar range within the nebular region. Every Vasudan battle group operating in this theatre has a wing of Setekhs attached to it.", 3138) $end_multi_text $POF file: AWACS2V-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 600, 2200, 5000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 400.0 $Expl outer rad: 900.0 $Expl damage: 150.0 $Expl blast: 3000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 20.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 35.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 8000 $Flags: ( "big damage" "awacs" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 104 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -245 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 150 $Subsystem: turret01, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Terran Turret Weak" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 2, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret Weak" "Akheton SDG" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine01, 8, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default100 $Subsystem: engine02, 8, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default100 $Subsystem: sensors01, 10, 0.0 $Subsystem: radara, 10, 0.0 $AWACS: 1.0 1700.0 ;; intensity, radius - intensity is currently ignored $Name: GVD Hatshepsut $Short name: VDestroy $Species: Vasudan +Tech Description: XSTR( "In 2360, Allied Command commissioned the first of the GVD Hatshepsut-class destroyers. The Vasudan contractor Akheton designed the Hatshepsut to efficiently integrate the new beam cannon. The process of retrofitting the older Typhon-class warships yielded vessels prone to system failures and reactor overloads. Though a handful of modified Typhons remain in service, the Hatshepsut has taken over as the primary Vasudan destroyer. With 24 turrets, 5 beam cannons, and 2 fighterbays, destroyers such as GVD Psamtik of Deneb's 13th Battle Group serve at the vanguard of the modern Vasudan fleet.", 3139) $end_multi_text $POF file: capital2V-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 5000, 9500, 30000 ) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 15.0 $Rotation time: 150.0, 150.0, 150.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 3000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 4 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 45.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 135000 $Flags: ( "capital" "in tech database" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 137 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -2560 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 1400 $Subsystem: turret01,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "SVas" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "BVas" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "BVas" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "BVas" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Fusion Mortar" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Fusion Mortar" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Fusion Mortar" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Fusion Mortar" ) $Subsystem: turret09,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Fusion Mortar" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.125,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret17,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret18,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret19,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret20,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret21,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: turret22,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret23,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret24,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret25,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret26,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret27,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret28,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret29,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret30,0.125,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" ) $Subsystem: bridge, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay01, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay02, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: reactor, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine01, 7,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1000 $Subsystem: engine02, 7,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1000 ;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SHIVAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $Name: SF Dragon $Short name: SFight $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The Shivan fighter class SF Dragon is a fast, extremely agile craft. Its twin lasers pack a deadly punch. The Dragon's weakness seems to be a thin hull. The trouble is that their speed and maneuverability make them extremely difficult to hit.", 3140) $end_multi_text $POF file: fighter03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 160, 500) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.1 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 20.0, 20.0, 75.0 $Rotation time: 2.5, 2.0, 2.0 $Rear Velocity: 30.0 $Forward accel: 2.0 $Forward decel: 0.75 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 55.0 $Expl damage: 15.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 20 ) $Shields: 700 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 2.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 90.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 100 $Flags: ( "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 150.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 200.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 60.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 20 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 132 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.5, -16 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f03 $Score: 16 $Trail: +Offset: 5.03 -1.56 -1.46 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0.4 2.45 -3.719 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SF Basilisk $Short name: SFight10 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SF Basilisk is a Shivan heavy attack fighter. Slow but heavily armed and well-protected, the Basilisk targets slower-moving vessels, such as bombers, freighters, and gas miners. Their powerful lasers make them a danger to all such craft, so they must be engaged and destroyed as quickly as possible.", 3141) $end_multi_text $POF file: fighter10.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 600, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 15.0, 15.0, 65.0 $Rotation time: 3.5, 3.5, 4.0 $Rear Velocity: 20.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 33.0 $Expl outer rad: 66.0 $Expl damage: 20.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Trebuchet" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 80, 80 ) $Shields: 950 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 2.25 $Max Oclk Speed: 68.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 100 $Flags: ( "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 110.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 20 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 132 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -2.0, -35 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f10 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 11 -11.6 -4.5 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -11 -11.6 -4.5 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SF Manticore $Short name: SFight11 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The Manticore fighter is the fastest known craft in the Shivan armada. With a single, powerful laser and two missile banks, it is a dangerous offensive weapon. Its Achilles' heel lies in its thin hull and weak shields. Manticores do not last long in dogfights against other fighters. They prefer to target bombers, which are nearly helpless against the Manticore's speed and weaponry.", 3142) $end_multi_text $POF file: fighter11.pof $Detail distance: (0, 200, 600, 700) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.3 $Max Velocity: 25.0, 25.0, 87.0 $Rotation time: 3.2, 3.2, 3.2 $Rear Velocity: 25.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 15.0 $Expl outer rad: 55.0 $Expl damage: 15.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Rockeye" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40 ) $Shields: 500 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 1.5 $Max Oclk Speed: 120.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 100 $Flags: ( "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 155.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 70.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 20 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 132 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -28 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-f11 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 5.1 -4.53 -4.96 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -5.1 -4.53 -4.96 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SF Aeshma $Short name: SFight21 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SF Aeshma is a relatively rare, and only recently encountered, class of Shivan fighter. It appears to be a heavy attack fighter, like the Basilisk. With a low known top speed, Aeshmas seem to target slower-moving vessels, such as bombers, freighters, and gas miners. Their powerful lasers make them a danger to all such craft, so they must be engaged and destroyed as quickly as possible.", 3143) $end_multi_text $POF file: fighter2s-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 220, 900) $ND: 247 2 2 $ND: 159 7 7 $ND: 204 5 5 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 17.0, 17.0, 68.0 $Rotation time: 3.3, 3.3, 3.7 $Rear Velocity: 20.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 33.0 $Expl outer rad: 66.0 $Expl damage: 20.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Trebuchet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 80 ) $Shields: 850 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 2.25 $Max Oclk Speed: 68.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 125 $Flags: ( "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 110.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 20 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 132 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -2.0, -35 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldfs-01 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 4.7 6.5 -5.9 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -4.7 6.5 -5.9 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 2.8 -6.3 -1.9 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -2.8 -6.3 -1.9 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SF Mara $Short name: SFight22 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SF Mara class of Shivan fighters was first encountered by the GTC Vigilant while patrolling the Gamma Draconis jump node in the Capella system. All other information concerning the Mara is classified level Psi.", 3144) $end_multi_text $POF file: fighter2s-02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 80, 220, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.4 $Max Velocity: 15.0, 15.0, 70.0 $Rotation time: 3.0, 3.0, 3.5 $Rear Velocity: 20.0 $Forward accel: 2.5 $Forward decel: 1.0 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 33.0 $Expl outer rad: 66.0 $Expl damage: 20.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Trebuchet" "Hornet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 80, 80 ) $Shields: 620 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 2.50 $Max Oclk Speed: 78.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 150.0 $Hitpoints: 200 $Flags: ( "fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 120.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 20 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 132 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -2.0, -23 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldfs-02 $Score: 12 $Trail: +Offset: 9 -2.5 1.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -9 -2.5 1.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 5.8 -5.6 6.5 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -5.8 -5.6 6.5 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SF Astaroth $Short name: SFight23 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "First encountered in Gamma Draconis, the SF Astaroth is a fast, agile fighter that appears to have achieved its maneuverability at the expense of its armor and weaponry. Once the shields of an Astaroth are down, the fighter can be dispatched quickly.", 3145) $end_multi_text $POF file: fighter2s-03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 120, 400, 700) $ND: 231 4 4 $ND: 156 5 5 $ND: 115 1 1 $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.3 $Max Velocity: 25.0, 25.0, 80.0 $Rotation time: 3.4, 3.2, 3.2 $Rear Velocity: 25.0 $Forward accel: 3.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 15.0 $Expl outer rad: 55.0 $Expl damage: 15.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Mega Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Harpoon" "Rockeye" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40 ) $Shields: 450 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 1.5 $Max Oclk Speed: 110.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 100 $Flags: ("fighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 155.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 70.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 20 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 132 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -28 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldfs-03 $Score: 13 $Trail: +Offset: -3.9 3.40 -8.7 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 3.9 3.40 -8.7 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -6.5 -0.77 -7.0 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 6.5 -0.77 -7.0 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SB Nephilim $Short name: SBomb8 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SB Nephilim is the slowest of the Shivan bomber classes. These craft were first encountered during the Great War and are still found in many Shivan attack formations. Nephilims are heavily armored and shielded, enabling them to deliver their devastating payloads despite their lack of speed.", 3146) $end_multi_text $POF file: bomber08.pof $Detail distance: (0, 30, 500, 1200) $Show damage: YES $Density: 2 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.5 $Max Velocity: 12.0, 12.0, 60.0 $Rotation time: 6.0, 6.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 12.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 75.0 $Expl outer rad: 150.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Piranha" "Trebuchet" "Rockeye" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40, 40, 40 ) $Shields: 1600 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 72.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 500 $Flags: ( "bomber" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 133 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -75 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shield-b08 $Score: 11 $Trail: +Offset: -22.035 -7.77 -4.32 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -22.035 -7.77 -8.08 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 22.03 -9.9 -10.88 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: turret01,5,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret02,5,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SB Taurvi $Short name: SBomb8 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SB Taurvi is a Shivan vessel that has only recently been encountered. The Taurvi is one of the weaker Shivan bomber classes, but still the equal of every bomber in the GTVA arsenal. Not as maneuverable as a Nahema, nor as tough as a Seraphim or Nephilim, the Taurvi appears to be a Shivan compromise between speed and power.", 3147) $end_multi_text $POF file: bomber2s-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 90, 250, 1000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 2 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.5 $Max Velocity: 12.0, 12.0, 65.0 $Rotation time: 6.0, 6.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 12.0 $Forward accel: 4.5 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 75.0 $Expl outer rad: 150.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" "Trebuchet" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40 ) $Shields: 1000 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 72.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 600 $Flags: ( "bomber" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 133 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -40 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Shield_icon: shieldbs-01 $Score: 10 $Trail: +Offset: 3.5 -1 -12.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0.9 1 -12.4 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -0.9 1 -12.4 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -3.5 -1 -12.3 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SB Nahema $Short name: SBomb8 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "Either the SB Nahema class is a new Shivan bomber design, or the Shivans are finally taking the GTVA seriously and bringing in their best ships. The Nahema is considered to be the Shivan's most dangerous bomber. It has demonstrated the ability to outrun virtually every fighter in the GTVA fleet. Its powerful laser banks and high-capacity missile bays make it a threat to combat craft of all types, as well as to capital ships.", 3148) $end_multi_text $POF file: bomber2s-02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 250, 400, 1200) $ND: 225 2 2 $ND: 183 2 2 $ND: 146 1 2 $Show damage: YES $Density: 2 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.5 $Max Velocity: 19.0, 19.0, 90.0 $Rotation time: 6.0, 6.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 12.0 $Forward accel: 2.5 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 75.0 $Expl outer rad: 150.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" "Trebuchet" "Piranha" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40, 20 ) $Shields: 900 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 72.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 300 $Flags: ( "bomber" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: YES +Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 150.0 +Aburn For accel: 0.7 +Aburn Fuel: 300.0 +Aburn Burn Rate: 50.0 +Aburn Rec Rate: 25.0 $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 133 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -45 $Closeup_zoom: 0.55 $Shield_icon: shieldbs-02 $Score: 14 $Trail: +Offset: -10.9 -0.34 -10 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 10.9 -0.34 -10 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 8.1 -10.08 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 0 -5.3 -4.68 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SB Seraphim $Short name: SBomb10 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("The SB Seraphim is a familiar foe to GTVA forces. They appear to be similar to Nephilims in speed, armor, and shield strength, but have demonstrated a larger bomb capacity.", 3149) $end_multi_text $POF file: bomber10.pof $Detail distance: (0, 300, 500, 1000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 2 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.5 $Max Velocity: 12.0, 12.0, 60.0 $Rotation time: 6.0, 6.0, 6.0 $Rear Velocity: 12.0 $Forward accel: 4.0 $Forward decel: 2.0 $Slide accel: 2.0 $Slide decel: 2.0 $Expl inner rad: 75.0 $Expl outer rad: 150.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" "Shivan Light Laser" "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Default SBanks: ( "Rockeye" "Piranha" "Trebuchet" "Rockeye" ) $SBank Capacity: ( 40, 40, 80, 80 ) $Shields: 1600 $Shield Color: 255 92 92 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 90.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 500 $Flags: ( "bomber" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 133 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -75 $Closeup_zoom: 0.7 $Shield_icon: shield-b10 $Score: 16 $Trail: +Offset: 0.0 -8.43 -4.03 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -9.98 1.32 -5.39 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 9.98 1.32 -5.39 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: -16.15 -18.25 -9.2 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Trail: +Offset: 16.15 -18.25 -9.2 +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.05 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.0 +Spew Time: 120 +Bitmap: Contrail01 $Subsystem: turret01,5,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret02,5,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: ST Azrael $Short name: STran3 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("Encountered on rare occasions since the Shivans first entered the Great War, the ST Azrael is the only known class of Shivan transport. Little is known about it even now, but it is believed to house many Shivans within its thin hulls. Since Azraels might be carrying Shivan pilots or other skilled crew members, it is always worthwhile to eliminate these lightly defended ships.", 3150) $end_multi_text $POF file: transport03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 165, 360, 900) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.6 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 55.0 $Rotation time: 4.0, 7.0, 10.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 6.0 $Forward decel: 1.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 1000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 8.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 42.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 2000 $Flags: ( "transport" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 5000 $EngineSnd: 133 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -55 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 15 $Subsystem: turret01a,5,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret02a,5,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret03a,5,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SFr Dis $Short name: SFreight6 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("The SFr Dis class of freighters is smaller than the Asmodeus class and not as well armed. It is still much more dangerous to attack than the GTVA's Triton or Poseidon freighters, however.", 3151) $end_multi_text $POF file: freighter2s-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 600, 2000, 7000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 7.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 150.0 $Expl damage: 75.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 ;$Shields: 250 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 5000 $Flags: ( "freighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 8000 $EngineSnd: 133 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: 0.7 $Score: 20 $Subsystem: turret01,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret02,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret03,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret04,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default150 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SAC 3 $Short name: SCar6 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("The SAC 3 is the most common Shivan cargo container found thus far. Its thin plating is barely enough to maintain the interior atmospheric integrity against the vacuum of space. As no additional effort was made to armor these containers against attack, it is assumed that only items of low value or importance are carried within. Nevertheless, standing orders are to capture these containers at every opportunity, unless mission orders specifically dictate otherwise.", 3152) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo2s-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 800, 2000, 7000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 300 $Flags: ( "cargo" ) $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -317 $Closeup_zoom: 0.8 $Score: 0 $Name: SFr Mephisto $Short name: SFreight6 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("The SFr Mephisto class is equivalent to the Dis class in size and combat capabilities. Given their wildly different configurations, they must serve different purposes for the Shivans, but Allied Intelligence currently offers no further information on this matter.", 3153) $end_multi_text $POF file: freighter06.pof $Detail distance: (0, 350, 900, 2200) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 7.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 150.0 $Expl damage: 75.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 ;$Shields: 250 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 5000 $Flags: ( "freighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 8000 $EngineSnd: 133 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -66 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 30 $Subsystem: turret01,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret02,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret03,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret04,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SC 5 $Short name: SCar6 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("The SC 5 class of Shivan cargo container is functionally identical to the SAC 3 class, as far as GTVA engineers have been able to determine. As with all Shivan cargo containers, standing orders are to capture at every opportunity, unless mission orders specifically dictate otherwise.", 3154) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo05.pof $Detail distance: (0, 200, 500, 800) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 300 $Flags: ( "cargo" ) $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -35 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 0 $Name: SFr Asmodeus $Short name: SFreight7 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("Little is known about the SFr Asmodeus line of freighters. With a strong hull and four weapon turrets, they are the most dangerous Shivan freighters to attack. Nothing is known of the cargo Asmodeus freighters commonly carry.", 3155) $end_multi_text $POF file: freighter07.pof $Detail distance: (0, 450, 800, 1800) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.7 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 $Rotation time: 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 7.0 $Forward decel: 1.5 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 75.0 $Expl outer rad: 150.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 1500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 40.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 8000 $Flags: ( "freighter" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 10000 $EngineSnd: 133 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, -10.0, -168 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 30 $Subsystem: a-turret01,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: a-turret02,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: a-turret03,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: a-turret04,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 35,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SAC 2 $Short name: SCar7 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("The SAC 2 is a heavily armored variant of the standard Shivan cargo container. Equipment found in captured SAC 2s appears to be more fragile than that found in the more common SAC 3s. SAC 2 cargo containers are to be captured rather than destroyed at every opportunity. If the choice is between destruction and allowing the container to be recovered by Shivan forces, pilots are authorized to destroy the container.", 3156) $end_multi_text $POF file: cargo06.pof $Detail distance: (0, 300, 700, 1100) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 25.0 $Expl outer rad: 75.0 $Expl damage: 50.0 $Expl blast: 100.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 1200 $Flags: ( "cargo" ) $AI Class: none $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 4.0, -63 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 0 $Name: SC Lilith $Short name: TCruise3 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SC Lilith class of Shivan cruisers is a far-deadlier foe than the Cain class. Nearly impenetrable armor plating enables it to withstand tremendous punishment, enabling its nine turrets to lash out at warships and combat spacecraft with impunity.", 3157) $end_multi_text $POF file: cruiser03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 900, 2000, 7000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 $Rotation time: 110.0, 110.0, 75.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 10.0 $Forward decel: 5.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 600.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 90.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 12.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 75000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 15000 $EngineSnd: 134 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -279 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 210 $Subsystem: turret01,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: turret02,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret03,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret04,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret05,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret06,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret07,3,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "LRed" ) $Subsystem: turret08,4,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Shivan Cluster" ) $Subsystem: turret09,4,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Shivan Cluster" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 3,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 15,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 2.5,0.0 ;; I added in this Strike Cruiser because I needed a ship besides the Cruiser, one that had docking ;; bays. This is a strike cruiser, it's faster and can hold ships, but at the expense of hull. ;; - SS $Name: SC Rakshasa $Short name: SCruise4 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "Though not as thickly armored as the Lilith class, the SC Rakshasa class of Shivan cruisers is far deadlier. With over a dozen turrets, the Rakshasa is the most heavily armed Shivan cruiser class. It was a Rakshasa cruiser that destroyed the GTC Vigilant at the Gamma Draconis node in the Capella system.", 3158) $end_multi_text $POF file: cruiser2s-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 800, 1200, 7000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 $Rotation time: 110.0, 110.0, 75.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 10.0 $Forward decel: 5.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 600.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 90.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 12.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 40000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 15000 $EngineSnd: 134 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -279 $Closeup_zoom: 0.83 $Score: 300 $Subsystem: turret01,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SRed" ) $Subsystem: turret02,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SRed" ) $Subsystem: turret03,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SRed" ) $Subsystem: turret04,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret05,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret06,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret07,3,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret08,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret09,2,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: turret10,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret11,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret12,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret13,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret14,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 3,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default150 $Subsystem: weapons, 3,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 2.5,0.0 $Subsystem: reactor, 2.5,0.0 $Name: SC Cain $Short name: TStrCruise $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The weakest of the Shivan cruiser classes is designated SC Cain. These vessels were commonly encountered during Great War battles. Cains are considered to be slightly stronger than the GTC Fenris cruiser class.", 3159) $end_multi_text $POF file: cruiser03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 900, 2000, 7000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 70.0, 70.0, 50.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 10.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 600.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 90.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 12.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 20000 $Flags: ( "cruiser" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 15000 $EngineSnd: 134 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -279 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 150 $Subsystem: turret01,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: turret02,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret03,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret04,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Light Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret05,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret06,1,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret07,2.0,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SRed" ) $Subsystem: turret08,2.5,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret09,2.5,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 7,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Name: SD Demon $Short name: SDestroyer $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SD Demon class of Shivan destroyers is much smaller than the Lucifer class but very heavily armed and extremely dangerous. Demons are known to carry numerous wings of fighters and bombers.", 3160) $end_multi_text $POF file: capital04.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2000, 10000, 22000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 6500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 4 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 24.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 160000 $Flags: ( "capital" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 10000 $EngineSnd: 176 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -3440 $Closeup_zoom: 0.37 $Score: 840 $Subsystem: turret01-base,3,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "LRED" ) $Subsystem: turret02-base,3,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "LRED" ) $Subsystem: turret03a-base,3,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "SRED" ) $Subsystem: turret04-base,1.2,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: turret05-base,1.2,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: turret06a-base,0.6,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Megafunk Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret07a-base,0.6,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Megafunk Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret08-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret09-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret10-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret11-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret12-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret13-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret14-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret15-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret16-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret17-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret18-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret19-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret20-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret21-base,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret22,0.5,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret23,0.5,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret24,0.5,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret25,0.5,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret26,0.5,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 4,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1000 $Subsystem: communication, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay 1, 0,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay 2, 0,0.0 $Name: SD Ravana $Short name: SDestroyer $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SD Ravana is a destroyer class GTVA forces have only recently encountered. It appears to be tasked with clearing out smaller foes, a mission for which it is well suited. It eagerly wipes out wings of fighters and bombers and also overwhelms cruisers and corvettes.", 3161) $end_multi_text $POF file: capital2s-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 1200, 12000, 22000) $ND: 0 99 96 $ND: 245 1 1 $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 6500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 4 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 24.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 100000 $Flags: ( "capital" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 10000 $EngineSnd: 176 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -3440 $Closeup_zoom: 0.37 $Score: 670 $Subsystem: turret01,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "LRed" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "LRed" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.6,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "SRed" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "SRed" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.6,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.6,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret09,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret17,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret18,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret19,0.4,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Shivan Cluster" ) $Subsystem: turret20,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret21,0.4,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret22,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret23,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret24,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret25,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret26,0.5,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret27,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret28,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret29,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret30,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 4,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine01, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default700 $Subsystem: engine02, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default700 $Subsystem: communications, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay01, 0,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay02, 0,0.0 $Name: SD Lucifer $Short name: SSuperD $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR( "The SD Lucifer was a massive superdestroyer that led the Shivan armada in the Great War. No weapon in the allied arsenal could penetrate the Lucifer's shields. In the Altair system, Vasudan scientists uncovered ancient artifacts that explained how to track ships into subspace, where the Lucifer's shields would not function. A desperate mission to attack the Lucifer in subspace succeeded. But the explosion of the Lucifer collapsed the Sol jump node, severing all contact with Earth. The victory over the Lucifer effectively ended the Shivan invasion.", 3162) $end_multi_text $POF file: capital02.pof $Detail distance: (0, 5000, 13000, 30000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 15.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 4000.0 $Expl damage: 1000.0 $Expl blast: 4000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 4 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 24.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 800000 $Flags: ( "capital" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 20000 $EngineSnd: 176 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -3440 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 1000 $Subsystem: turret01,1.0,6.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Sred" ) $Subsystem: turret02,1.0,6.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Sred" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.5,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.25,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "FighterKiller" ) $Subsystem: turret09,1.0,6.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Shivan Cluster" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.25,0.5 $Default SBanks: ( "Shivan Cluster" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret17,0.5,0.5 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 4,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 1,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10,0.0 $Subsystem: engine 1, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: engine 2, 5,0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: communication, 2,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay 1, 0,0.0 $Subsystem: fighterbay 2, 0,0.0 $Subsystem: reactor 1, 1.085,0.0 $Subsystem: reactor 2, 1.085,0.0 $Subsystem: reactor 3, 1.085,0.0 $Subsystem: reactor 4, 1.085,0.0 $Subsystem: reactor 5, 1.085,0.0 $Name: SSG Trident $Short name: SSGun $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("The SSG Trident line of sentry gun platforms is well known from numerous encounters during the Great War. These are still used to guard Shivan installations, but many of the stronger Belial platforms have been deployed to the most critical defensive positions.", 3163) $end_multi_text $POF file: GunPlatform03.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 500) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 100 $Flags: ("sentrygun" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -14 $Closeup_zoom: 1.18 $Score: 5 $Subsystem: turret01a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret02a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Name: SSG Belial $Short name: SSGun2 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("The SSG Belial sentry gun platform appears to be a radical redesign of the Trident platform that was first encountered during the Great War. Pilots who have encountered both report that the Belial is harder to kill. It is reliably known that the Belial has twice as many laser turrets as the Trident sentry gun. Both types are used to guard storage depots, gas miners, and other Shivan installations.", 3164) $end_multi_text $POF file: Platform2S-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 100, 800, 1500) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 0.0 $Expl outer rad: 0.0 $Expl damage: 0.0 $Expl blast: 0.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 0.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 0.0 $Hitpoints: 160 $Flags: ("sentrygun" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: -1 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -14 $Closeup_zoom: 1.20 $Score: 5 $Subsystem: turret01a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret02a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret03a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret04a, 20, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Name: SSG Rahu $Short name: SGas1 $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("Almost nothing is known of the Rahu line of gas miners. It is assumed that they function in much the same way as our Zephyrus miners, funneling nebular gas into internal machinery that fractionates it into its molecular components for further processing. Rahu miners are armed with heavy laser turrets, so care must be taken when attacking them.", 3165) $end_multi_text $POF file: miner2s-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 600, 1200, 6000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 200.0 $Expl outer rad: 500.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 2500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 20.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 35.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 15000 $Flags: ( "gas miner" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 175 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -245 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 50 $Subsystem: backa, 55, 0.0 $Subsystem: turret01, 5, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 5, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 5, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Heavy Laser" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: communications, 2, 0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: engine, 5, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default100 $Subsystem: sensors, 2, 0.0 $Name: SCv Moloch $Short name: SCorvette $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("Only one class of Shivan ship is classified as a corvette - the SCv Moloch class. Though they're physically as large as the GTCv Deimos class, Molochs do not seem to pack the same punch. They are far more deadly than any Shivan cruisers, however.", 3166) $end_multi_text $POF file: corvette2s-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 1600, 3200, 7000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 2.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0 $Rotation time: 100.0, 100.0, 80.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 8.0 $Forward decel: 4.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 150.0 $Expl outer rad: 750.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 11000.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 400.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 3 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 60.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 80000 $Flags: ( "big damage" "corvette" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 134 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -700 $Closeup_zoom: 0.6 $Score: 440 $Subsystem: turret01,0.500,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SRED" ) $Subsystem: turret02,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret03,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret04,0.150,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: turret05,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SRED" ) $Subsystem: turret06,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SRED" ) $Subsystem: turret07,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret08,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret09,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret10,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret11,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Cluster" ) $Subsystem: turret12,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret13,0.150,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: turret14,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: turret15,0.150,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret16,0.150,1.0 $Default SBanks: ( "MX-52" ) $Subsystem: fighterbay, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: engine01, 5, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default300 $Subsystem: engine02, 5, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default300 $Subsystem: communications, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: navigation, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: weapons, 5,0.0 $Subsystem: reactor, 5,0.0 $Name: SJ Sathanas $Short name: SDev $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("Very little is known about the SJ Sathanas class. This juggernaut seems comparable in strength to the GTVA Colossus. All intelligence concerning the Sathanas has been classified level Upsilon.", 3167) $end_multi_text $POF file: SuperCap2S-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 7500, 18000, 30000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 500.0 $Expl outer rad: 7400.0 $Expl damage: 800.0 $Expl blast: 8500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 5 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 8.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 1000000 $Flags: ( "supercap" "big damage" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 6000 $EngineSnd: 105 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -6820 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 10000 $Subsystem: turret01, 2.0, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BFred" ) $Subsystem: Turret02, 2.0, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BFred" ) $Subsystem: Turret03, 2.0, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BFred" ) $Subsystem: Turret04, 2.0, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "BFred" ) $Subsystem: Turret05, 1.0, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret06, 1.0, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret07, 1.0, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret08, 1.0, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret09, 1.0, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret10, 1.0, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret11, 1.0, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret12, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret13, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret14, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: Turret15, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret16, 0.3, 1.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret17, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret18, 0.3, 1.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret19, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: Turret20, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: Turret21, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret22, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret23, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret24, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret25, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret26, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret27, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: Turret28, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret29, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret30, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret31, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret32, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret33, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret34, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret35, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret36, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: Turret37, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: Turret38, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: Turret39, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret40, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: Turret41, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret42, 0.3, 1.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: Turret43, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret44, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret45, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: Turret46, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Piranha" ) $Subsystem: Turret47, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: Turret48, 0.3, 1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "SAAA" ) $Subsystem: Turret49, 0.4, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Long Range Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret50, 0.4, 3.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Long Range Flak" ) $Subsystem: Turret51, 0.3, 2.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Lred" ) $Subsystem: Turret52, 0.9, 1.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Shivan Turret Laser" ) $Subsystem: Turret53, 0.3, 0.4 $Default PBanks: ( "Standard Flak" ) $Subsystem: navigation, 3, 0.0 $Subsystem: communication, 3, 0.0 $AWACS: 1.0 2500.0 ;; intensity, radius - intensity is currently ignored $Subsystem: weapons, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: sensors, 5, 0.0 $Subsystem: enginesctr, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: engineslwleft, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: engineslwright, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: enginesmain, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: enginesupleft, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: enginesupright, 7, 0.0 $Engine Wash: Default1100 $Subsystem: fighterbay, 6, 0.0 $Name: SJD Sathanas $Short name: SDev $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("A Sathanas, off in the distance.", 3168) $end_multi_text $POF file: Blip.pof $POF target file: SuperCap2S-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2500, 5000, 14000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 500.0 $Expl outer rad: 7400.0 $Expl damage: 800.0 $Expl blast: 8500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 4 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 8.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 1000000 $Flags: ( "supercap" "big damage" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 6000 $EngineSnd: 136 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -6820 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 1 $Name: SpaceHunk $Short name: SDev $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("It's a piece.", 3169) $end_multi_text $POF file: spacehunk.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2500, 5000, 14000) $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.5 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 20.0 $Forward decel: 10.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 500.0 $Expl outer rad: 7400.0 $Expl damage: 800.0 $Expl blast: 8500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 100.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 8.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 2000 $Flags: ( "supercap" "big damage") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 6000 $EngineSnd: 136 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -6820 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 10 $Name: GTSG Mjolnir $Short name: Mjolnir $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Fixed gun emplacement", 3170) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Poor", 3171) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 3172) +Manufacturer: XSTR("RNI Systems", 3173) +Description: XSTR( "Advanced sentry gun platform.", 3174) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTSC Mjolnir is the most advanced sentry gun device known. Vastly tougher and deadlier than the earlier Watchdog, Cerberus, and Alastor models, the Mjolnir is a danger to any hostile fighter or bomber that comes within range. Its two beam weapons and three missile banks enable it to take on multiple bogeys simultaneously. Mjolnirs are also referred to as RBCs (remote beam cannons). They are used to help protect the most vital front-line Alliance installations.", 3175) $end_multi_text +Length: 36 m +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: beamsaber.pof $Detail distance: (0, 500, 1200, 3000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.35 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 100000.0, 100000.0, 100000.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( ) $Default SBanks: ( ) $SBank Capacity: ( ) $Shields: 800 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 2500 $Flags: ( "cruiser") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -300 $Closeup_zoom: .3 $Score: 17 $Subsystem: turret01,30,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MjolnirBeam" ) $Subsystem: grind01a, 30, 8.0 $Subsystem: grind02a, 30, -8.0 $Name: GTSG Mjolnir#home $Short name: Mjolnir $Species: Terran +Type: XSTR("Fixed gun emplacement", 3176) +Maneuverability: XSTR("Poor", 3177) +Armor: XSTR("Heavy", 3178) +Manufacturer: XSTR("RNI Systems", 3179) +Description: XSTR( "Advanced sentry gun platform.", 3180) $end_multi_text +Tech Description: XSTR("The GTSC Mjolnir is the most advanced sentry gun device known. Vastly tougher and deadlier than the earlier Watchdog, Cerberus, and Alastor models, the Mjolnir is a danger to any hostile fighter or bomber that comes within range. Its two beam weapons and three missile banks enable it to take on multiple bogeys simultaneously. Mjolnirs are also referred to as RBCs (remote beam cannons). They are used to help protect the most vital front-line Alliance installations.", 3181) $end_multi_text +Length: 36 m +Gun Mounts: 2 +Missile Banks: 3 $POF file: beamsaber.pof $Detail distance: (0, 500, 1200, 3000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.35 $Rotdamp: 0.55 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 100000.0, 100000.0, 100000.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 50.0 $Expl outer rad: 100.0 $Expl damage: 25.0 $Expl blast: 2000.0 $Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: ( ) $Default SBanks: ( ) $SBank Capacity: ( ) $Shields: 800 $Shield Color: 100 100 255 $Power Output: 4.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 4500 $Flags: ( "cruiser") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 35 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 127 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -300 $Closeup_zoom: .3 $Score: 17 $Subsystem: turret01,30,1.0 $Default PBanks: ( "MjolnirBeam#home" ) $Subsystem: grind01a, 30, 8.0 $Subsystem: grind02a, 30, -8.0 $Name: Shivan Comm Node $Short name: CommSat $Species: Shivan +Tech Description: XSTR("All details concerning this object have been classified level Omega, accessible only by those immediately authorized by the GTVA Security Council.", 3182) $end_multi_text $POF file: Comm2S-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 2000, 6500, 18000) $ND: 226 2 8 $ND: 200 3 7 $ND: 178 3 5 $ND: 71 1 1 $ND: 198 1 1 $ND: 153 1 1 $ND: 87 0 0 $ND: 250 247 248 $ND: 253 191 200 $Show damage: NO $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 0.2 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 $Rotation time: 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 0.0 $Forward decel: 0.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 100.0 $Expl outer rad: 2400.0 $Expl damage: 400.0 $Expl blast: 6500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 600.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Shockwave Count: 2 $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 1.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 0.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 40000 $Flags: ( "dont collide invisible" "knossos") $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 185 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -870 $Closeup_zoom: 0.40 $Score: 300 $Subsystem: piece1A, 30,20 $Subsystem: piece2A, 15,5 $Subsystem: piece3A, 30,20 $Subsystem: piece4A, 2,50 $Subsystem: piece5A, 15,5 $Subsystem: core, 2,0 $Name: @Volition Bravos $Short name: VPirate $Species: Terran +Tech Description: XSTR("Harr! The FS2 Volition Bravos is the scurviest ship in the known universe. Furl yer sails, strike yer colors, and prepare to be boarded by the FreeSpace 2 team!", 3183) $end_multi_text $POF file: pirate2t-01.pof $Detail distance: (0, 600, 1500, 5000) $Show damage: YES $Density: 1 $Damp: 0.2 $Rotdamp: 1.0 $Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 60.0 $Rotation time: 40.0, 40.0, 40.0 $Rear Velocity: 0.0 $Forward accel: 10.0 $Forward decel: 5.0 $Slide accel: 0.0 $Slide decel: 0.0 $Expl inner rad: 125.0 $Expl outer rad: 650.0 $Expl damage: 200.0 $Expl blast: 3500.0 $Expl Propagates: YES ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it. $Shockwave Speed: 500.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave $Default PBanks: () $Default SBanks: () $SBank Capacity: () $Shields: 0 $Power Output: 90.0 $Max Oclk Speed: 25.0 $Max Weapon Eng: 100.0 $Hitpoints: 10000000000 $Flags: ( "supercap" "no_fred" ) $AI Class: Captain $Afterburner: NO $Countermeasures: 0 $Scan time: 2000 $EngineSnd: 186 ;; Engine sound of ship $Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -900 $Closeup_zoom: 0.5 $Score: 10 $Subsystem: turret01, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret02, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret03, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret04, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret05, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret06, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Heavy Flak" ) $Subsystem: turret07a, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret08, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: turret09a, 2, 5.0 $Default PBanks: ( "Terran Huge Turret" ) $Subsystem: communications, 10, 0 $Subsystem: navigation, 10, 0 $Subsystem: engine01, 10, 0 $Subsystem: sensors, 10, 0 $Subsystem: weapons, 10, 0 ;=====>> TEST STUFF <<======= #End ; $Player Ship Precedence is used in ship selection when a ship specified by the mission ; designer is not available to the player. The next ship on the list is used in its place ; (assuming that ship is allowed for the player). ; $Player Ship Precedence: ( "GTF Ulysses" "GTF Hercules" "GTB Medusa" "GTB Ursa" )