#Mission Info $Version: 0.10 $Name: XSTR("A (Small) Game of TAG", 1081) $Author: James Agay @ V $Created: 07/06/99 at 18:26:05 $Modified: 08/18/09 at 13:30:01 $Notes: This is a FRED created mission $End Notes: $Mission Desc: XSTR("The 134th tests the new Target Acquisition and Guidance (TAG) missile.", 1082) $end_multi_text +Game Type Flags: 1 +Flags: 131076 +NebAwacs: 2500.000000 +Storm: s_active +Red Alert: 0 +Scramble: 1 +Disallow Support: 0 +Hull Repair Ceiling: 0.000000 +Subsystem Repair Ceiling: 100.000000 +Player Entry Delay: 1.000000 +Viewer pos: 2402.424072, 15128.822266, 7197.689453 +Viewer orient: 0.947924, 0.000003, 0.318496, -0.276675, 0.495361, 0.823449, -0.157768, -0.868687, 0.469566 +SquadReassignName: 134th Barracudas +SquadReassignLogo: barracudas.pcx ;$AI Profile: FS2 STRICT $AI Profile: FS2 RETAIL #Plot Info $Tour: XSTR("Blah", 6) $Pre-Briefing Cutscene: Blah $Pre-Mission Cutscene: Blah $Next Mission Success: Blah $Next Mission Partial: Blah $Next Mission Failure: Blah #Sexp_variables $Variables: ( 0 "AWAC" "100" "number" ) #Command Briefing #Briefing $start_briefing $num_stages: 6 $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("The $w 134th will now assist with the combat evaluation of the $y Target $y Acquisition and $y Guidance missile. $w Captain $w Forsythe of the $f Warspite has requested you specifically for this mission, so you must have made quite an impression on your last sortie. The $f Warspite will supervise this combined arms exercise.", 1083) $end_multi_text $voice: SM202_MB_01.wav $camera_pos: -5.285526, 4645.368652, 11978.132813 $camera_orient: 0.999999, 0.000003, -0.001171, 0.001016, 0.495362, 0.868686, 0.000583, -0.868687, 0.495361 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 2 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) $start_icon $type: 28 $team: Friendly $class: GTCv Deimos $pos: 367.156799, 32.771877, 14600.122070 $label: GTCv Warspite +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ulysses $pos: 1622.730225, 347.403381, 14697.670898 $label: Alpha +id: 2 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("The $w 134th will now assist with the combat evaluation of the $y Target $y Acquisition and $y Guidance missile. This will be the first deployment of this system in an actual combat exercise. Our laboratory simulations indicate it has significant potential as a tactical weapon. ", 1084) $end_multi_text $voice: SM202_MB_02.wav $camera_pos: -5.285526, 4645.368652, 11978.132813 $camera_orient: 0.999999, 0.000003, -0.001171, 0.001016, 0.495362, 0.868686, 0.000583, -0.868687, 0.495361 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 2 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( is-previous-goal-false "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( false ) ) $start_icon $type: 28 $team: Friendly $class: GTCv Deimos $pos: 367.156799, 32.771877, 14600.122070 $label: GTCv Warspite +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ulysses $pos: 1622.730225, 347.403381, 14697.670898 $label: Alpha +id: 2 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("When you hit a target with the $y TAG warhead, the missile's beacon will illuminate the target for allied capital ships within range. All available firepower will be brought to bear for a quick resolution. This technology could be a decisive advantage for the $y GTVA. In this exercise, we will test the prototype $y TAG-A.", 1085) $end_multi_text $voice: SM202_MB_03.wav $camera_pos: -5.285526, 4645.368652, 11978.132813 $camera_orient: 0.999999, 0.000003, -0.001171, 0.001016, 0.495362, 0.868686, 0.000583, -0.868687, 0.495361 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 2 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( true ) $start_icon $type: 28 $team: Friendly $class: GTCv Deimos $pos: 367.156799, 32.771877, 14600.122070 $label: GTCv Warspite +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ulysses $pos: 1622.730225, 347.403381, 14697.670898 $label: Alpha +id: 2 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("Command has deployed scout wings to Shivan positions. They will lure targets within range of our guns. Once the enemy approaches, get in behind the target quickly and launch your $y TAGs. Stay within 3000 meters of the corvette for maximum effectiveness. The $f Lucidity will provide $y AWACS coverage. ", 1086) $end_multi_text $voice: SM202_MB_04.wav $camera_pos: 1788.531738, 4645.368652, 11976.029297 $camera_orient: 0.999999, 0.000003, -0.001171, 0.001016, 0.495362, 0.868686, 0.000583, -0.868687, 0.495361 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 4 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) $start_icon $type: 28 $team: Friendly $class: GTCv Deimos $pos: 367.156799, 32.771877, 14600.122070 $label: GTCv Warspite +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ulysses $pos: 1622.730225, 347.403381, 14697.670898 $label: Alpha +id: 2 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 18 $team: Friendly $class: GTA Charybdis $pos: 1371.518677, 478.368774, 15361.457031 $label: GTA Lucidity +id: 3 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 21 $team: Hostile $class: SF Basilisk $pos: 3459.455811, 427.468414, 14808.277344 $label: Hostile Craft +id: 4 $hlight: 1 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("Command has deployed scout wings to Shivan positions. They will lure targets within range of our guns. Once the enemy approaches, get in behind the target quickly and launch your $y TAGs. Stay within 3000 meters of the corvette for maximum effectiveness. ", 1087) $end_multi_text $voice: SM202_MB_05.wav $camera_pos: 1788.531738, 4645.368652, 11976.029297 $camera_orient: 0.999999, 0.000003, -0.001171, 0.001016, 0.495362, 0.868686, 0.000583, -0.868687, 0.495361 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 3 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( is-previous-goal-false "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( false ) ) $start_icon $type: 28 $team: Friendly $class: GTCv Deimos $pos: 367.156799, 32.771877, 14600.122070 $label: GTCv Warspite +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ulysses $pos: 1622.730225, 347.403381, 14697.670898 $label: Alpha +id: 2 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 21 $team: Hostile $class: SF Basilisk $pos: 3459.455811, 427.468414, 14808.277344 $label: Hostile Craft +id: 4 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $start_stage $multi_text XSTR("For this mission, you'll be flying a refurbished $y Ulysses space superiority fighter, specially modified for this exercise. The $y Ulysses is a $y Great $y War antique, but the fighter still handles well, and the modifications will enable $y TAG engineers to monitor the progress of the exercise. ", 1088) $end_multi_text $voice: SM202_MB_06.wav $camera_pos: 1620.901978, 1148.671143, 14204.053711 $camera_orient: 0.999999, 0.000003, -0.001171, 0.000988, 0.534950, 0.844883, 0.000629, -0.844884, 0.534950 $camera_time: 500 $num_lines: 0 $num_icons: 3 $Flags: 0 $Formula: ( true ) $start_icon $type: 28 $team: Friendly $class: GTCv Deimos $pos: 367.156799, 32.771877, 14600.122070 $label: GTCv Warspite +id: 1 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 23 $team: Friendly $class: GTF Ulysses $pos: 1622.730225, 347.403381, 14697.670898 $label: Alpha +id: 2 $hlight: 1 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $start_icon $type: 21 $team: Hostile $class: SF Basilisk $pos: 3459.455811, 427.468414, 14808.277344 $label: Hostile Craft +id: 4 $hlight: 0 $mirror: 0 $multi_text $end_multi_text $end_icon $end_stage $end_briefing #Debriefing_info $Num stages: 5 $Formula: ( or ( and ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Defend Warspite" 0 ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Defend Lucidity" 0 ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Destroy all enemy fighters" 0 ) ) ( and ( is-previous-goal-false "sm2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( false ) ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Defend Warspite" 0 ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Destroy all enemy fighters" 0 ) ) ) $Multi text XSTR("Though this exercise did not proceed as planned, the 134th met the challenge head-on and defended our warships admirably. Overall, this field deployment of the TAG missile exceeded our expectations. Research and Development is now working on improvements to the TAG-A prototype, including an aspect-seeking warhead and a more maneuverable projectile. These enhancements should make the TAG a versatile weapon for our tactical wings.", 1089) $end_multi_text $Voice: SM202_DB_01.wav $Recommendation text: XSTR("", 10) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( or ( and ( is-goal-true-delay "Destroy all enemy fighters" 0 ) ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Warspite" ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Defend Lucidity" 0 ) ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) ) ( and ( is-previous-goal-false "sm2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( false ) ) ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Warspite" ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Destroy all enemy fighters" 0 ) ) ) $Multi text XSTR("The destruction of the Warspite was a senseless tragedy. The lives of Captain Forsythe and his crew should not have been sacrificed for the sake of a prototype exercise. The 134th was called upon to get our warships out of a difficult situation, and we failed. As leader of Alpha wing, re-evaluate this scenario carefully. What could you have done to save the Warspite?", 1090) $end_multi_text $Voice: SM202_DB_02.wav $Recommendation text: XSTR("You must make careful use of every TAG missile you are alotted. Since they are unguided missiles you are advised to get as close to your target as possible. Once an enemy is TAG'ed move clear quickly so you don't take friendly fire.", 1091) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( and ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Defend Warspite" 0 ) ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Lucidity" ) ( is-goal-true-delay "Destroy all enemy fighters" 0 ) ) $Multi text XSTR("The destruction of the Lucidity was a senseless tragedy. The lives of its crew should not have been sacrificed for the sake of a prototype exercise. The 134th was called upon to get our warships out of a difficult situation, and we failed. As leader of Alpha wing, re-evaluate this scenario carefully. What could you have done to save the Lucidity?", 1092) $end_multi_text $Voice: SM202_DB_03.wav $Recommendation text: XSTR("You must make careful use of every TAG missile you are alotted. Since they are unguided missiles you are advised to get as close to your target as possible. Once an enemy is TAG'ed move clear quickly so you don't take friendly fire.", 1091) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( and ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Lucidity" ) ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Warspite" ) ) $Multi text XSTR("As a result of this debacle, we lost both the Warspite and the Lucidity. You alone had the opportunity to make a difference here. Instead, you disgraced our squadron. As a pilot serving in a Combat Evaluation Unit, you must be prepared to confront any challenge. Further development on the TAG missile will be suspended until further notice. ", 1093) $end_multi_text $Voice: SM202_DB_04.wav $Recommendation text: XSTR("You must make careful use of every TAG missile you are alotted. Since they are unguided missiles you are advised to get as close to your target as possible. Once an enemy is TAG'ed move clear quickly so you don't take friendly fire.", 1091) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( is-event-false-delay "All Clear" 0 ) $Multi text XSTR("You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.", 180) $end_multi_text $Voice: 6_joe.wav $Recommendation text: XSTR("Jump out only when ordered to do so. ", 1094) $end_multi_text #Players ;! 1 total $Starting Shipname: Alpha 1 $Ship Choices: ( "GTF Ulysses" 5 ) +Weaponry Pool: ( "Subach HL-7" 102 "Prometheus R" 2 "TAG-A" 500 ) #Objects ;! 31 total $Name: Alpha 1 ;! Object #0 $Class: GTF Ulysses $Team: Friendly $Location: 902.372864, 110.673653, 15198.226563 $Orientation: -0.814169, -0.192429, 0.547813, -0.212679, 0.976749, 0.027014, -0.540274, -0.094514, -0.836165 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 16 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "TAG-A" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Lucidity ;! Object #2 $Class: GTA Charybdis $Team: Friendly $Location: 1447.900024, 478.368622, 15052.299805 $Orientation: -0.829070, 0.000000, 0.559145, -0.171899, 0.951570, -0.254883, -0.532066, -0.307432, -0.788918 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +Subsystem: turret02 +Subsystem: turret03 +Subsystem: turret04 +Subsystem: turret05 +Subsystem: turret06 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" "escort" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Escort priority: 3 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 50 $Name: Warspite ;! Object #3 $Class: GTCv Deimos $Team: Friendly $Location: 497.808594, 32.772018, 14952.087891 $Orientation: -0.849565, -0.047641, 0.525330, -0.031425, 0.998715, 0.039751, -0.526548, 0.017263, -0.849970 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: General $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 10 +Initial Hull: 100 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Subsystem: turret01 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret02 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret03 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Standard Flak" ) +Subsystem: turret04 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret05 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret06 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret07 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret08 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret09 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret10 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" ) +Subsystem: turret11 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" ) +Subsystem: turret12 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "AAAf" ) +Subsystem: turret13 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret14 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret15 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Standard Flak" ) +Subsystem: turret16 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret" ) +Subsystem: turret17 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" ) +Subsystem: turret18 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" ) +Subsystem: turret19 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Standard Flak" ) +Subsystem: turret20 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret" ) +Subsystem: turret21 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Standard Flak" ) +Subsystem: turret22 +AI Class: General +Subsystem: turret23 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Standard Flak" ) +Subsystem: turret24 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "ULTRA Anti-Fighter Beam" ) +Subsystem: turret25 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Megafunk Turret" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Piranha" ) +Subsystem: turret26 +AI Class: General +Primary Banks: ( "Shivan Megafunk Turret" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Piranha" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" "escort" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Escort priority: 4 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 400 $Texture Replace: +old: nameplate +new: GTCv_Warspite $Name: Cancer 1 ;! Object #5 $Class: SF Basilisk $Team: Hostile $Location: -1010.325562, 133.052750, 13260.842773 $Orientation: 0.884666, 0.000000, -0.466225, -0.000014, 1.000000, -0.000027, 0.466225, 0.000031, 0.884666 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Colonel $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Trebuchet" "Tempest" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Cancer 2 ;! Object #6 $Class: SF Basilisk $Team: Hostile $Location: -1176.139526, 133.052109, 13142.152344 $Orientation: 0.827439, 0.000000, -0.561555, -0.000015, 1.000000, -0.000022, 0.561555, 0.000027, 0.827439 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Colonel $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Trebuchet" "Tempest" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Cancer 3 ;! Object #7 $Class: SF Basilisk $Team: Hostile $Location: -899.840759, 133.052322, 13046.916992 $Orientation: 0.952078, 0.000000, -0.305855, -0.000009, 1.000000, -0.000027, 0.305855, 0.000028, 0.952078 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Colonel $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Trebuchet" "Tempest" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Cancer 4 ;! Object #8 $Class: SF Basilisk $Team: Hostile $Location: -1088.036743, 133.053101, 12903.647461 $Orientation: 0.884666, 0.000000, -0.466225, -0.000014, 1.000000, -0.000027, 0.466225, 0.000031, 0.884666 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Colonel $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Trebuchet" "Tempest" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Scorpio 1 ;! Object #10 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -218.623932, -411.943939, 9824.191406 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 23 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 25 $Name: Scorpio 2 ;! Object #11 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -299.015015, -411.944427, 9778.579102 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 23 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 25 $Name: Scorpio 3 ;! Object #12 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -169.708862, -411.944550, 9742.736328 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 23 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 25 $Name: Scorpio 4 ;! Object #13 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -275.462341, -411.944000, 9702.973633 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 25 $Name: Scorpio 5 ;! Object #14 $Class: SF Mara $Team: Hostile $Location: -179.530045, -411.944061, 9654.449219 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 25 $Name: Leo 1 ;! Object #15 $Class: SF Manticore $Team: Hostile $Location: 118.637878, 625.972839, 9233.064453 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Colonel $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "Close In" 66 ) ( ai-chase "Warspite" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Leo 2 ;! Object #16 $Class: SF Manticore $Team: Hostile $Location: 214.954285, 625.972839, 9216.274414 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Colonel $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "Close In" 66 ) ( ai-chase "Warspite" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Leo 3 ;! Object #17 $Class: SF Manticore $Team: Hostile $Location: 9.071472, 625.972839, 9158.343750 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Colonel $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "protect-ship" "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Leo 4 ;! Object #18 $Class: SF Manticore $Team: Hostile $Location: 131.958191, 625.972839, 9086.116211 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Colonel $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 50 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "protect-ship" "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Virgo 1 ;! Object #19 $Class: SB Taurvi $Team: Hostile $Location: -1010.325562, 533.052750, 13260.842773 $Orientation: -0.068026, 0.000000, -0.997684, -0.007793, 0.999970, 0.000531, 0.997653, 0.007811, -0.068024 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Lucidity" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Warspite" 23 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Enemy MX-64" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Virgo 2 ;! Object #20 $Class: SB Taurvi $Team: Hostile $Location: -910.325562, 533.052750, 13260.842773 $Orientation: -0.048438, 0.000000, -0.998826, -0.007516, 0.999972, 0.000364, 0.998798, 0.007525, -0.048437 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Lucidity" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Warspite" 23 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Enemy MX-64" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Virgo 3 ;! Object #21 $Class: SB Taurvi $Team: Hostile $Location: -910.325562, 533.052750, 12260.842773 $Orientation: -0.062989, 0.000000, -0.998014, -0.007996, 0.999968, 0.000505, 0.997982, 0.008012, -0.062987 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Lucidity" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Warspite" 23 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Enemy MX-64" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Virgo 4 ;! Object #22 $Class: SB Taurvi $Team: Hostile $Location: -810.325562, 433.052750, 11260.842773 $Orientation: -0.031393, 0.000000, -0.999507, -0.007663, 0.999971, 0.000241, 0.999478, 0.007667, -0.031392 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Lucidity" 50 ) ( ai-chase "Warspite" 23 ) ) $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Cyclops" "Enemy MX-64" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 12 $Name: Iota 1 ;! Object #23 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -4851.964844, 0.000143, 11560.456055 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Tornado" "Rockeye" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Iota 2 ;! Object #24 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -4786.561035, 0.000048, 11652.720703 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Tornado" "Rockeye" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Iota 3 ;! Object #25 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -4918.961914, -0.000266, 11629.519531 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Tornado" "Rockeye" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Iota 4 ;! Object #26 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -4840.652344, -0.000065, 11709.564453 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Tornado" "Rockeye" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 10 $Name: Libra 1 ;! Object #27 $Class: SF Aeshma $Team: Hostile $Location: -5182.511719, -0.001589, 15678.891602 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 100 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 25 $Name: Libra 2 ;! Object #28 $Class: SF Aeshma $Team: Hostile $Location: -5200.085938, -0.001541, 15708.814453 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None +AI Class: Major $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 100 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 25 $Name: Iota 5 ;! Object #30 $Class: GTF Myrmidon $Team: Friendly $Location: -4937.160645, 0.000141, 11712.633789 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $IFF: IFF 1 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", 13) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Secondary Banks: ( "Hornet" "Tornado" "Rockeye" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!! +Group: 0 +Score: 10 #Wings ;! 7 total $Name: Alpha $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 2 total "Alpha 1" ) +Hotkey: 0 +Flags: ( ) $Name: Cancer $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 1 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Cancer 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( is-event-true-delay "Intro Event" 1 ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Cancer 1" "Cancer 2" "Cancer 3" "Cancer 4" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 50 ) ) +Flags: ( "no-arrival-music" "no-arrival-message" "no-arrival-warp" ) $Name: Scorpio $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 1 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Scorpio 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( is-event-true-delay "The Storm Cometh" 5 ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 5 total "Scorpio 1" "Scorpio 2" "Scorpio 3" "Scorpio 4" "Scorpio 5" ) +Flags: ( "no-arrival-music" "no-arrival-message" "no-arrival-warp" ) $Name: Leo $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Leo 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( or ( is-destroyed-delay 3 "Scorpio 3" "Scorpio 4" ) ( has-time-elapsed 430 ) ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Leo 1" "Leo 2" "Leo 3" "Leo 4" ) +Flags: ( "no-arrival-music" "no-arrival-message" "no-arrival-warp" ) +Wave Delay Min: 23 +Wave Delay Max: 43 $Name: Virgo $Waves: 2 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Virgo 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( is-event-true-delay "Intro Event" 2 ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 4 total "Virgo 1" "Virgo 2" "Virgo 3" "Virgo 4" ) +Flags: ( "no-arrival-warp" ) +Wave Delay Min: 12 +Wave Delay Max: 13 $Name: Iota $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Iota 1 $Arrival Location: Near Ship +Arrival Distance: 1000 $Arrival Anchor: Warspite $Arrival Cue: ( or ( has-time-elapsed 295 ) ( has-arrived-delay 13 "Iota" ) ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 5 total "Iota 1" "Iota 2" "Iota 3" "Iota 4" "Iota 5" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "Lucidity" 50 ) ( ai-guard "Warspite" 44 ) ( ai-chase-any 33 ) ) +Flags: ( ) $Name: Libra $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Libra 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( has-arrived-delay 2 "Virgo" ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 2 total "Libra 1" "Libra 2" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-chase "Warspite" 43 ) ) +Flags: ( "no-arrival-music" "no-arrival-message" "no-arrival-warp" ) +Wave Delay Min: 12 +Wave Delay Max: 13 #Events ;! 31 total $Formula: ( when ( is-previous-goal-true "sm2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) ( awacs-set-radius "Lucidity" "radara" 6000 ) ( turret-tagged-only "Lucidity" ) ) +Name: AWACS +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( has-time-elapsed 2 ) ( turret-tagged-only "Warspite" ) ( beam-free-all "Warspite" ) ) +Name: Intro Event +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( < ( distance "Cancer" "Warspite" ) 2000 ) ( clear-goals "Cancer" ) ( add-goal "Cancer" ( ai-chase "Warspite" 89 ) ) ) +Name: Concentrate on warsprite +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( or ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Cancer 1" "Cancer 4" ) ( has-time-elapsed 320 ) ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: The Storm Cometh +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( and ( has-arrived-delay 1 "Leo" ) ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ) ) ( invalidate-goal "Test TAG Missiles" ) ) +Name: Trouble A +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( and ( has-arrived-delay 1 "Leo" ) ( is-previous-goal-false "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( false ) ) ) ( send-message-list "#Warspite" "High" "WAR- Trouble" 0 "#Lucidity" "High" "LUCID- Trouble" 9000 "#Command" "High" "COM- Trouble 2B" 10000 ) ) +Name: Trouble B +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( is-goal-true-delay "Destroy all enemy fighters" 7 ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "COM- all clear" ) ) +Name: All Clear +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( has-departed-delay 0 "Alpha 1" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Jump Out +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 2 +Objective: XSTR("Return To Base", 24) $Formula: ( when ( has-arrived-delay 2 "Virgo" ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "COM- ARJUNA" ) ) +Name: Virgo Threat +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Virgo" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Virgo Directive +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Destroy Virgo", 17) $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Cancer" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Cancer Directive +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("TAG Cancer", 1095) $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Scorpio" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Kali Directive +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("TAG Scorpio", 1096) $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Leo" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Leo Directive +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Destroy Leo", 15) $Formula: ( when ( has-arrived-delay 5 "Iota" ) ( send-message "Iota 1" "High" "IOTA- We arrive late" ) ) +Name: Iota Arrives +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Libra" ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: Libra Directive +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Objective: XSTR("Destroy Libra", 18) $Formula: ( when ( < ( hits-left "Warspite" ) 20 ) ( send-message "#Warspite" "High" "WAR- Hurt" ) ) +Name: WAR- Hurt +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 5 "Warspite" ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "COM- WAR Dead" ) ) +Name: COM- War Dead +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( < ( hits-left "Lucidity" ) 25 ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "LUCID- Hurt" ) ) +Name: COM Lucid- Hurt +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( is-destroyed-delay 5 "Lucidity" ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "Lucid- Dead" ) ) +Name: COM Lucid-Dead +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( and ( is-destroyed-delay 10 "Warspite" "Lucidity" ) ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "COM- RTU Bad" ) ) +Name: COM- RTU A +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( and ( is-destroyed-delay 10 "Warspite" ) ( is-previous-goal-false "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( false ) ) ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "COM- RTU Bad" ) ) +Name: COM- RTU B +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( or ( and ( is-previous-goal-true "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( true ) ) ( not ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Warspite" "Lucidity" ) ) ( is-event-true-delay "All Clear" 0 ) ) ( and ( is-previous-goal-false "SM2-01" "Protect Lucidity" ( false ) ) ( not ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Warspite" ) ) ( is-event-true-delay "All Clear" 0 ) ) ) ( tech-add-ships "GTF Pegasus" ) ( allow-ship "GTF Pegasus" ) ) +Name: May Continue +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 #Goals ;! 4 total $Type: Primary +Name: Test TAG Missiles $MessageNew: XSTR("Test the TAG missile system", 1097) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Scorpio" "Cancer" "Leo" "Virgo" "Libra" ) $Type: Primary +Name: Destroy all enemy fighters $MessageNew: XSTR("Destroy all Shivan fighters", 1098) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Scorpio" "Cancer" "Leo" "Virgo" "Libra" ) $Type: Primary +Name: Defend Warspite $MessageNew: XSTR("Protect the Warspite", 1099) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( and ( not ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Warspite" ) ) ( is-event-true-delay "All Clear" 0 ) ) $Type: Primary +Name: Defend Lucidity $MessageNew: XSTR("Protect the Lucidity", 1056) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( and ( not ( is-destroyed-delay 4 "Lucidity" ) ) ( is-event-true-delay "All Clear" 0 ) ) #Waypoints ;! 3 lists total $Jump Node: 23.923006, -109.418991, -1247.423462 $Jump Node Name: Capella $Name: Lucidity Patrol $List: ( ;! 6 points in list ( 1359.807861, 427.468201, 14921.681641 ) ( 243.949387, 427.468201, 13347.756836 ) ( -468.912598, 427.468201, 13306.756836 ) ( -520.549255, 427.468201, 13885.402344 ) ( 474.627899, 427.468201, 15428.997070 ) ( 1196.399048, 427.468201, 15614.452148 ) ) $Name: Close In $List: ( ;! 1 points in list ( 643.174072, -0.000545, 14117.325195 ) ) #Messages ;! 26 total #Reinforcements ;! 0 total #Background bitmaps ;! 0 total $Num stars: 0 $Ambient light level: 0 +Neb2: nbackblue2 +Neb2Flags: 63 #Asteroid Fields #Music $Event Music: 5: Deuteronomy $Briefing Music: Brief2 #End