#Mission Info $Version: 0.10 $Name: XSTR("Radar Range Test", -1) $Author: Mike $Created: 07/02/12 at 11:01:38 $Modified: 07/02/12 at 11:07:26 $Notes: This is a FRED2_OPEN created mission. $End Notes: $Mission Desc: XSTR("Put mission description here ", -1) $end_multi_text +Game Type Flags: 1 +Flags: 0 +Fog Near Mult: 1.000000 +Fog Far Mult: 1.000000 +Disallow Support: 0 +Hull Repair Ceiling: 0.000000 +Subsystem Repair Ceiling: 100.000000 +Viewer pos: 0.000000, 150.000000, -200.000000 +Viewer orient: 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000, 0.888899, 0.458104, 0.000000, -0.458104, 0.888899 $AI Profile: FS2 RETAIL #Command Briefing #Briefing $start_briefing $num_stages: 0 $end_briefing #Debriefing_info $Num stages: 0 #Players ;! 1 total $Starting Shipname: Alpha 1 $Ship Choices: ( "GTF Ulysses" 5 "GTF Hercules" 5 "GTF Hercules Mark II" 5 "GTF Ares" 5 "GTF Erinyes" 5 "GTF Loki" 5 "GTF Pegasus" 5 "GTF Perseus" 5 "GTF Myrmidon" 5 "SF Mara (terrans)" 5 "GTB Artemis" 5 "GTB Artemis D.H." 5 "GTB Medusa" 5 "GTB Ursa" 5 "GTB Zeus" 5 "GTB Boanerges" 5 "GVF Ptah" 5 ) +Weaponry Pool: ( "Subach HL-7" 20 "Subach HL-D" 16 "Mekhu HL-7" 16 "Mekhu HL-7D" 16 "Akheton SDG" 16 "Morning Star" 16 "MorningStar D" 16 "Prometheus R" 20 "Prometheus S" 16 "Prometheus D" 16 "Maxim" 16 "Maxim D" 16 "UD-8 Kayser" 16 "UD-D Kayser" 16 "Circe" 16 "Lamprey" 16 "Rockeye" 500 "Rockeye D" 500 "Tempest" 500 "Tempest D" 500 "Hornet" 500 "Hornet D" 500 "Hornet#Weak" 500 "Tornado" 500 "Tornado D" 500 "Harpoon" 540 "Harpoon D" 500 "Harpoon#Weak" 500 "Trebuchet" 500 "TAG-A" 500 "TAG-B" 500 "Piranha" 500 "Stiletto II" 500 "Infyrno" 500 "Infyrno D" 500 "Cyclops" 500 "Cyclops#short" 500 "Helios" 500 "EMP Adv." 500 ) #Objects ;! 6 total $Name: Alpha 1 ;! Object #0 $Class: GTF Ulysses $Team: Friendly $Location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Use Table Score: +Score: 8 $Name: Beta 1 ;! Object #1 $Class: GTF Loki $Team: Friendly $Location: -148.503433, 0.000004, 1576.540649 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Use Table Score: +Score: 7 $Name: Beta 2 ;! Object #2 $Class: GTF Loki $Team: Friendly $Location: -77.761902, 0.000002, 1639.334351 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Use Table Score: +Score: 7 $Name: Beta 3 ;! Object #3 $Class: GTF Loki $Team: Friendly $Location: 9.387322, -0.000001, 1428.468750 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Use Table Score: +Score: 7 $Name: TSC 2 4 ;! Object #4 $Class: TSC 2 $Team: Friendly $Location: -45.441936, -0.000049, 79.491188 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Hotkey: 7 +Group: 0 +Use Table Score: +Score: 0 $Name: TAC 1 5 ;! Object #5 $Class: TAC 1 $Team: Friendly $Location: 104.318336, -0.000005, 91.402031 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Hotkey: 7 +Group: 0 +Use Table Score: +Score: 5 #Wings ;! 2 total $Name: Alpha $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 1 total "Alpha 1" ) +Hotkey: 0 +Flags: ( ) $Name: Beta $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Beta 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 3 total "Beta 1" "Beta 2" "Beta 3" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-play-dead 50 ) ) +Hotkey: 7 +Flags: ( ) #Events ;! 1 total $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( hud-set-max-targeting-range 1000 ) ( training-msg "F12 Target" ) ) +Name: Set Range +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 #Goals ;! 0 total #Waypoints ;! 0 lists total #Messages ;! 1 total $Name: F12 Target $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("F12 to target container and ships beyond radar range.", -1) $end_multi_text #Reinforcements ;! 0 total #Background bitmaps ;! 0 total $Num stars: 500 $Ambient light level: 7895160 +Nebula: Nebula01 +Color: Blue +Pitch: 190 +Bank: 121 +Heading: 194 #Asteroid Fields #Music $Event Music: None $Briefing Music: None #End