#Ship Types $Name: Navbuoy $Max Debris Speed: 50 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 10.0 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 $AI: +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "stealth" "fighter" "bomber" "fighter/bomber" "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Turrets attack this: YES $Name: sentrygun $Counts for Alone: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Max Debris Speed: 200 $FF Multiplier: 0.10 $EMP Multiplier: 10.0 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 1.5 $AI: +Accept Player Orders: NO +Auto attacks: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "stealth" "fighter" "bomber" "fighter/bomber" "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES $Name: escapepod $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Warp Pushable: YES $Max Debris Speed: 50 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 10.0 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 1.5 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "attack wing" "dock" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "undock" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" ) +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "stealth" "fighter" "bomber" "fighter/bomber" "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Turrets attack this: YES $Name: Cargo $Scannable: YES $Max Debris Speed: 50 $FF Multiplier: 0.10 $EMP Multiplier: 10.0 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 1.5 $AI: +Passive docks: ( "cargo" ) $Name: support $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Warp Pushable: YES $Max Debris Speed: 200 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 3.5 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 1.5 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "dock" "undock" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "stay near ship" "keep safe dist" "stay still" "play dead" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player orders: ( "rearm me" "abort rearm" "stay near me" "stay near ship" "keep safe dist" "depart" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "stealth" "fighter" "bomber" "fighter/bomber" "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Active docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Stealth $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Max Debris Speed: 200 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 4.0 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 1.5 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "attack subsys" "attack wing" "guard ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "attack any" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "guard wing" "evade ship" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" "keep safe dist" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "guard ship" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "form on wing" "cover me" "attack any" "depart" "disable subsys" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "stealth" "fighter" "bomber" "fighter/bomber" "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Fighter $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Warp Pushable: YES $Max Debris Speed: 200 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 4.0 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 1.5 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "attack subsys" "attack wing" "guard ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "attack any" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "guard wing" "evade ship" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" "keep safe dist" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "guard ship" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "form on wing" "cover me" "attack any" "depart" "disable subsys" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "stealth" "fighter" "bomber" "fighter/bomber" "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Bomber $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Warp Pushable: YES $Max Debris Speed: 175 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 4.0 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 1.5 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "attack subsys" "attack wing" "guard ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "attack any" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "guard wing" "evade ship" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" "keep safe dist" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "guard ship" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "form on wing" "cover me" "attack any" "depart" "disable subsys" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "stealth" "fighter" "bomber" "fighter/bomber" "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Fighter/bomber $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Warp Pushable: YES $Max Debris Speed: 175 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 4.0 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 1.5 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "attack subsys" "attack wing" "guard ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "attack any" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "guard wing" "evade ship" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" "keep safe dist" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "guard ship" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "form on wing" "cover me" "attack any" "depart" "disable subsys" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "stealth" "fighter" "bomber" "fighter/bomber" "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Transport $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Max Debris Speed: 100 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 2.0 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 2.0 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "attack wing" "dock" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "undock" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "dock" "depart" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Attempt Broadside: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Freighter $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Scannable: YES $Max Debris Speed: 150 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 1.75 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 2000.0 +Compl dist: 2500.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 2.0 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "attack wing" "dock" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "undock" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "dock" "depart" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Attempt Broadside: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "transport" "freighter" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Active docks: ( "cargo" ) +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Gunship $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Max Debris Speed: 150 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 0.9 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "attack subsys" "attack wing" "guard ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "attack any" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "guard wing" "evade ship" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" "keep safe dist" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "disable ship" "disarm ship" "guard ship" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "form on wing" "cover me" "attack any" "depart" "disable subsys" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Attempt Broadside: NO +Actively Pursues: ( "navbuoy" "sentrygun" "escapepod" "cargo" "support" "transport" "freighter" "awacs" "gunship" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Cruiser $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Max Debris Speed: 125 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 0.9 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 2.0 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "attack wing" "dock" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "undock" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "depart" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Attempt Broadside: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "transport" "freighter" "awacs" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Corvette $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Max Debris Speed: 100 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 0.3333 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 2.0 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "attack wing" "dock" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "undock" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "attack ship" "depart" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Attempt Broadside: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "transport" "freighter" "awacs" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Capital $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Warp Pushes: YES $Max Debris Speed: 75 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 0.2 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 3.0 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "attack wing" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" ) +Accept Player Orders: YES +Player Orders: ( "depart" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Attempt Broadside: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "transport" "freighter" "awacs" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Supercap $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Warp Pushes: YES $Max Debris Speed: 200 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 0.075 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 3.0 $AI: +Valid goals: ( "fly to ship" "attack ship" "attack wing" "waypoints" "waypoints once" "depart" "ignore ship" "ignore ship (new)" "stay still" "play dead" "stay near ship" ) +Auto attacks: YES +Attempt Broadside: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "transport" "freighter" "awacs" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "knossos" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Can Form Wing: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Drydock $Counts for Alone: YES $Praise Destruction: YES $On Hotkey List: YES $Target as Threat: YES $Show Attack Direction: YES $Max Debris Speed: 100 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 0.5 $Beams Easily Hit: YES $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 3.0 $AI: +Accept Player Orders: YES +Auto attacks: YES +Attempt Broadside: YES +Actively Pursues: ( "transport" "freighter" "awacs" "cruiser" "corvette" "capital" "supercap" "drydock" "target" ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) $Name: Target $Counts for Alone: NO $Praise Destruction: NO $On Hotkey List: NO $Target as Threat: NO $Show Attack Direction: NO $Max Debris Speed: 100 $FF Multiplier: 1.0 $EMP Multiplier: 0.10 $Fog: +Start dist: 4000.0 +Compl dist: 5000.0 ;;;;;; +Disappear factor: 3.0 $AI: +Auto attacks: NO +Attempt Broadside: NO +Actively Pursues: ( ) +Guards attack this: YES +Turrets attack this: YES +Passive docks: ( "support" ) #End