Passed cmdline options: Building file index... Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\B5-C-sp-EMW-3_0.vp' with a checksum of 0x5529d851 Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\B5-C-sp-RW-3_0.vp' with a checksum of 0x1ca3d242 Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\B5-Core-3_4.vp' with a checksum of 0xbda39a14 Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\B5-M-MultiPack-1_0.vp' with a checksum of 0xdcf27819 Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\Root_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x7738890b Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\sparky_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x7738890b Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x7738890b Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\stu_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x7738890b Found root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\data\missions\B5-MP01-speech-1_0.vp' with a checksum of 0x639b5bda Searching root 'C:\program files\the babylon project\' ... 126 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\B5-C-sp-EMW-3_0.vp' ... 188 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\B5-C-sp-RW-3_0.vp' ... 724 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\B5-Core-3_4.vp' ... 7607 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\B5-M-MultiPack-1_0.vp' ... 38 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\Root_fs2.vp' ... 3 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\sparky_fs2.vp' ... 3 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' ... 3 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\stu_fs2.vp' ... 3 files Searching root pack 'C:\program files\the babylon project\data\missions\B5-MP01-speech-1_0.vp' ... 16 files Found 10 roots and 8711 files. Setting language to English ========================================================================== DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved. ========================================================================== Initializing OpenAL... Using 'Generic Software' as OpenAL sound device... OpenAL Vendor : Creative Labs Inc. OpenAL Renderer : Software OpenAL Version : 1.1 ... OpenAL successfully initialized! GR_CPU: Family 15, MMX=Yes Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 640x480 with 32-bit color... Initializing WGL... Requested WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, double-buffer: 1 Actual WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, double-buffer: 1 OpenGL Vendor : ATI Technologies Inc. OpenGL Renderer : RADEON 9800 PRO OpenGL Version : 2.1.7412 Release Using extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord". Using extension "GL_ARB_multitexture". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression". Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc". Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine". Using extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array". Using extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat". Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two". Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object". Using extension "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object". Using extension "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap". Using extension "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle". Using extension "GL_EXT_bgra". Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map". Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias". Using extension "GL_ARB_point_sprite". Found special extension function "wglSwapIntervalEXT". Max texture units: 8 Max elements vertices: 2147483647 Max elements indices: 16384 Max texture size: 2048x2048 Can use compressed textures: YES Texture compression available: YES Using trilinear texture filter. ... OpenGL init is complete! Size of bitmap info = 705 KB Size of bitmap extra info = 40 bytes ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted) GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors... Loading palette gamepalette1-01 No cached palette file WARNING: "An ai profile named 'FS2 RETAIL' already exists! The new one will not be created." at ai_profiles.cpp:199 Wokka! Error opening file (armor.tbl)! TABLES: Unable to parse 'armor.tbl'! Error code = 5. BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 48 frames at 22 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (ExpMissileHit1.eff) with 29 frames at 22 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp04.eff) with 40 frames at 21 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp05.eff) with 51 frames at 22 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp06.eff) with 71 frames at 23 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (Shockwave01.eff) with 92 frames at 20 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (Shockwave02.eff) with 146 frames at 30 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (Shockwave03.eff) with 51 frames at 30 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (Shockwave04.eff) with 51 frames at 30 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (Disruptor_Impact.eff) with 6 frames at 25 fps. BMPMAN: Found EFF (particleexp01.eff) with 21 frames at 20 fps. TBM => Starting parse of 'additional-shp.tbm' ... WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'Sinclair's Aurora'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'Ivanova's Aurora'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'DI Thorun'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'TS Fighter'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'EA Avenger'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'Babylon 4 (S1)'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'KI Lordship'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'MR Thoughtforce'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'TS Dark Knife'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'TR Triumviron'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'DI Sekhmet'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 WARNING: "Too many ship classes before 'TS Capital'; maximum is 130, so only the first 130 will be used" at Ship.cpp:3077 Freeing all existing models... Error reading registry key 'RegisteredOwner' Freeing all existing models... Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices Loading palette gamepalette1-01 Loading model 'aurora.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'aurora.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1011684148, IBX checksum: 3263960424 -- "aurora.pof" Model aurora.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Allocating space for at least 5 new ship subsystems ... a total of 200 is now available (5 in-use). ANI bicon-eaaurora with size 36x30 (6.3% wasted) ANI iconhighlight05 with size 206x206 (19.5% wasted) ANI bicon-tacfighter with size 30x20 (37.5% wasted) ANI bicon-eacargopod1 with size 45x22 (31.3% wasted) ANI bicon-eacargowing with size 90x45 (29.7% wasted) ANI bicon-taccapital with size 57x39 (39.1% wasted) ANI iconhighlight03 with size 270x270 (47.3% wasted) ANI bicon-asteroids with size 128x62 (3.1% wasted) ANI bicon-tacshuttle with size 41x25 (21.9% wasted) ANI bicon-eafreighter1 with size 60x24 (25.0% wasted) ANI bicon-B5station with size 179x80 (37.5% wasted) ANI bicon-tactransport with size 47x31 (3.1% wasted) ANI bicon-B4Station with size 179x98 (23.4% wasted) ANI bicon-eaorion with size 110x102 (20.3% wasted) ANI bicon-eabadger with size 38x33 (48.4% wasted) ANI bicon-tacbomber with size 31x24 (25.0% wasted) ANI bicon-eaolympus with size 90x35 (45.3% wasted) ANI bicon-jumpgate with size 120x91 (28.9% wasted) ANI bicon-eaatmshuttle with size 78x62 (3.1% wasted) ANI bicon-eaasimov with size 100x75 (41.4% wasted) ANI bicon-warlock with size 166x166 (35.2% wasted) ANI bicon-eagod with size 42x55 (14.1% wasted) ANI bicon-EA with size 128x49 (23.4% wasted) ANI bicon-crewshuttle with size 83x83 (35.2% wasted) ANI bicon-crvorchan with size 60x52 (18.8% wasted) ANI bicon-crprimus with size 102x102 (20.3% wasted) ANI bicon-crscarab with size 75x24 (25.0% wasted) ANI bicon-crocturion with size 102x74 (42.2% wasted) ANI bicon-crblockademine with size 39x55 (14.1% wasted) ANI bicon-CENTAURI with size 120x69 (46.1% wasted) ANI bicon-crbrezebel with size 65x28 (12.5% wasted) ANI bicon-nrcargopod1 with size 414x141 (44.9% wasted) ANI bicon-nrcargowing with size 90x30 (6.3% wasted) ANI bicon-nrthnor with size 90x53 (17.2% wasted) ANI bicon-nrgquan with size 102x102 (20.3% wasted) ANI bicon-nrfreighter with size 60x29 (9.4% wasted) ANI bicon-nrjastat with size 160x153 (40.2% wasted) ANI bicon-nrtloth with size 102x102 (20.3% wasted) ANI bicon-nrbintak with size 160x78 (39.1% wasted) ANI bicon-narntransport with size 80x35 (45.3% wasted) ANI bicon-mftinashi with size 110x62 (3.1% wasted) ANI bicon-mfsharlin with size 97x99 (22.7% wasted) ANI bicon-mflintira with size 45x23 (28.1% wasted) ANI bicon-isabluestar with size 80x48 (25.0% wasted) ANI bicon-isawhitestar with size 80x40 (37.5% wasted) ANI bicon-isavictory with size 150x86 (32.8% wasted) ANI bicon-tacstarbase with size 54x54 (15.6% wasted) ANI bicon-taccarrier with size 57x39 (39.1% wasted) ANI bicon-BABYLON with size 104x96 (25.0% wasted) ANI iconhighlight04 with size 148x148 (42.2% wasted) ANI bicon-bifalkosi with size 35x22 (31.3% wasted) ANI bicon-bihalik with size 62x55 (14.1% wasted) ANI bicon-biavioki with size 106x106 (17.2% wasted) ANI bicon-bitashkat with size 85x50 (21.9% wasted) ANI bicon-LIGA with size 128x82 (35.9% wasted) ANI bicon-dfsunhawk with size 60x42 (34.4% wasted) ANI bicon-vfxorr with size 70x24 (25.0% wasted) ANI bicon-vfxill with size 90x21 (34.4% wasted) ANI bicon-dhcarrier with size 115x53 (17.2% wasted) ANI bicon-dhraider with size 70x29 (9.4% wasted) ANI bicon-dhtanker with size 70x35 (45.3% wasted) ANI bicon-dhshuttle with size 55x34 (46.9% wasted) ANI bicon-shguardian with size 55x93 (27.3% wasted) ANI bicon-shbattlecrab with size 85x164 (35.9% wasted) ANI bicon-shscout with size 55x35 (45.3% wasted) ANI bicon-shhybrid with size 140x88 (31.3% wasted) ANI bicon-PSICORPS with size 128x113 (11.7% wasted) ANI bicon-vefighter with size 45x19 (40.6% wasted) ANI bicon-vetransport with size 79x33 (48.4% wasted) ANI bicon-vedread with size 110x57 (10.9% wasted) ANI bicon-vecruiser with size 95x27 (15.6% wasted) ANI bicon-veplanetkiller with size 120x115 (10.2% wasted) ANI bicon-VORLON with size 128x107 (16.4% wasted) Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices ANI debris01 with size 51x38 (40.6% wasted) ANI debris02 with size 36x27 (15.6% wasted) ANI debris03 with size 26x19 (40.6% wasted) Adding default sun. Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Freeing all existing models... Error reading registry key 'RegisteredOwner' Freeing all existing models... Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices Loading palette gamepalette1-01 Loading model 'aurora.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'aurora.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1011684148, IBX checksum: 3263960424 -- "aurora.pof" Model aurora.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Allocating space for at least 5 new ship subsystems ... a total of 200 is now available (5 in-use). Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Freeing all existing models... Error reading registry key 'RegisteredOwner' Freeing all existing models... Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices Loading palette gamepalette1-01 Starting mission message count : 0 Ending mission message count : 0 Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices Loading model 'aurora.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'aurora.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1011684148, IBX checksum: 3263960424 -- "aurora.pof" Model aurora.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Allocating space for at least 5 new ship subsystems ... a total of 200 is now available (5 in-use). WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Loading model 'zephyr.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'zephyr.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 539940515, IBX checksum: 2557279954 -- "zephyr.pof" Model zephyr.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA 109 Zephyr (zephyr.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA 109 Zephyr (zephyr.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA 109 Zephyr (zephyr.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA 109 Zephyr (zephyr.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA 109 Zephyr (zephyr.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA 109 Zephyr (zephyr.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora (aurora.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Loading model 'tiger.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'tiger.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2466624492, IBX checksum: 1831608362 -- "tiger.pof" Model tiger.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA Tiger (tiger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Tiger (tiger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Tiger (tiger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Tiger (tiger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Tiger (tiger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Tiger (tiger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Loading model 'aurora_line.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'aurora_line.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 61791895, IBX checksum: 1987668349 -- "aurora_line.pof" Model aurora_line.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA Aurora MK1 (aurora_line.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora MK1 (aurora_line.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora MK1 (aurora_line.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora MK1 (aurora_line.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora MK1 (aurora_line.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Aurora MK1 (aurora_line.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Loading model 'tbolt.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'tbolt.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3116707149, IBX checksum: 2961973831 -- "tbolt.pof" Model tbolt.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA Thunderbolt (tbolt.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Thunderbolt (tbolt.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Thunderbolt (tbolt.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Thunderbolt (tbolt.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Thunderbolt (tbolt.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Thunderbolt (tbolt.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Loading model 'badger.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'badger.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2184954253, IBX checksum: 2788816784 -- "badger.pof" Model badger.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA Badger (badger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Allocating space for at least 6 new ship subsystems ... a total of 400 is now available (202 in-use). WARNING: "EA Badger (badger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Badger (badger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Badger (badger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Badger (badger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Badger (badger.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Loading model 'valkyrie.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'valkyrie.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3446211158, IBX checksum: 714060378 -- "valkyrie.pof" Model valkyrie.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) WARNING: "EA Valkyrie (valkyrie.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Valkyrie (valkyrie.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Valkyrie (valkyrie.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Valkyrie (valkyrie.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Valkyrie (valkyrie.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... WARNING: "EA Valkyrie (valkyrie.pof) has a null moment of inertia!" at Ship.cpp:5480 Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Loading model 'starfield.pof' IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'starfield.pof'. IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 131622925, IBX checksum: 658943272 -- "starfield.pof" Model starfield.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.) Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Resetting dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 0... Bumping dynamic tree node limit from 0 to 100... Bumping dynamic tree node limit from 100 to 200... Int3(): From j:\tmp\1\fs2open\trunk\fs2_open.test\code\globalincs\windebug.cpp at line 1051