#Mission Info $Version: 0.10 $Name: XSTR("Waypoint AI nonsense", -1) $Author: aaaaaa $Created: 09/08/07 at 21:02:54 $Modified: 09/08/07 at 21:41:14 $Notes: This is a FRED2_OPEN created mission. $End Notes: $Mission Desc: XSTR("Put mission description here ", -1) $end_multi_text +Game Type Flags: 1 +Flags: 0 +Disallow Support: 0 +Hull Repair Ceiling: 0.000000 +Subsystem Repair Ceiling: 100.000000 +Viewer pos: 0.000000, 284.129608, -485.265747 +Viewer orient: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.946471, 0.322790, 0.000000, -0.322790, 0.946471 $AI Profile: FS2 RETAIL #Command Briefing #Briefing $start_briefing $num_stages: 0 $end_briefing #Debriefing_info $Num stages: 0 #Players ;! 1 total $Starting Shipname: Alpha 1 $Ship Choices: ( "GTF Ulysses" 5 "GTF Hercules" 5 "GTF Hercules Mark II" 5 "GTF Ares" 5 "GTF Erinyes" 5 "GTF Loki" 5 "GTF Pegasus" 5 "GTF Perseus" 5 "GTF Myrmidon" 5 "SF Mara (terrans)" 5 "GTB Artemis" 5 "GTB Artemis D.H." 5 "GTB Medusa" 5 "GTB Ursa" 5 "GTB Zeus" 5 "GTB Boanerges" 5 "GVF Ptah" 5 ) +Weaponry Pool: ( "Subach HL-7" 17 "Subach HL-D" 16 "Mekhu HL-7" 16 "Mekhu HL-7D" 16 "Akheton SDG" 16 "Morning Star" 16 "MorningStar D" 16 "Prometheus R" 17 "Prometheus S" 16 "Prometheus D" 16 "Maxim" 16 "Maxim D" 16 "UD-8 Kayser" 16 "UD-D Kayser" 16 "Circe" 16 "Lamprey" 16 "Targeting Laser" 16 "Rockeye" 500 "Rockeye D" 500 "Tempest" 500 "Tempest D" 500 "Hornet" 500 "Hornet D" 500 "Tornado" 500 "Tornado D" 500 "Harpoon" 516 "Harpoon D" 500 "Trebuchet" 500 "TAG-A" 500 "TAG-B" 500 "TAG-C" 500 "Piranha" 500 "Stiletto II" 500 "Infyrno" 500 "Infyrno D" 500 "Cyclops" 500 "Cyclops#short" 500 "Helios" 500 "EMP Adv." 500 ) #Objects ;! 5 total $Name: Alpha 1 ;! Object #0 $Class: GTF Ulysses $Team: Friendly $Location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "ignore-count" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 8 $Name: Ugh 1 ;! Object #1 $Class: GTF Ulysses $Team: Friendly $Location: -27.059628, -0.000006, 63.130733 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 8 $Name: Ugh 2 ;! Object #2 $Class: GTF Ulysses $Team: Friendly $Location: 33.544510, 0.000003, 54.255421 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 8 $Name: GTNB Pharos 3 ;! Object #3 $Class: GTNB Pharos $Team: Friendly $Location: 93.616455, -0.000015, 1517.549683 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 $Name: GTNB Pharos 4 ;! Object #4 $Class: GTNB Pharos $Team: Friendly $Location: 0.000000, -0.000172, -67.444305 $Orientation: 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Velocity: 33 +Initial Shields: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "ignore-count" "no-shields" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 #Wings ;! 2 total $Name: Ugh $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Ugh 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 2 total "Ugh 1" "Ugh 2" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-play-dead 50 ) ) +Flags:( ) $Name: Alpha $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 1 total "Alpha 1" ) +Hotkey: 0 +Flags:( ) #Events ;! 3 total $Formula: ( when ( has-time-elapsed 1 ) ( clear-goals "Ugh" ) ( add-goal "Ugh 1" ( ai-waypoints-once "Waypoint path 1" 89 ) ) ( add-goal "Ugh 2" ( ai-guard "Ugh 1" 89 ) ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "1" ) ) +Name: waypoint1 +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( > ( distance "Ugh 1" "Waypoint path 2:1" ) 500 ) ( clear-goals "Ugh 1" "Ugh 2" ) ( add-goal "Ugh 1" ( ai-play-dead 89 ) ) ( add-goal "Ugh 2" ( ai-waypoints-once "Waypoint path 2" 89 ) ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "3" ) ) +Name: FAILURE +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( and ( is-event-true-delay "FAILURE" 0 ) ( < ( distance "Ugh 2" "Ugh 1" ) 25 ) ) ( send-message "#Command" "High" "argh" ) ) +Name: confound you ugh +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 #Goals ;! 0 total #Waypoints ;! 2 lists total $Name: Waypoint path 1 $List: ( ;! 1 points in list ( 93.417549, -0.000032, 1514.452148 ) ) $Name: Waypoint path 2 $List: ( ;! 1 points in list ( -6.171143, -0.000045, -60.808086 ) ) #Messages ;! 3 total $Name: 1 $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Ugh 1 heads to nav bouy 1. Ugh 2 guards.", -1) $end_multi_text $Name: 3 $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Ugh 1 stops and Ugh 2 should proceed to nav bouy 1.", -1) $end_multi_text $Name: argh $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("He doesn't, though. He hovers over to Ugh 1 and waits until you shoot him.", -1) $end_multi_text #Reinforcements ;! 0 total #Background bitmaps ;! 0 total $Num stars: 500 $Ambient light level: 7895160 +Nebula: Nebula01 +Color: Blue +Pitch: 338 +Bank: 282 +Heading: 315 ;;FSO 3.6.9;; $Bitmap List: #Asteroid Fields #Music $Event Music: None $Briefing Music: None #End