(gdb) break model/modelinterp.cpp:6808 (gdb) print bank_obj $1 = 34 (gdb) print si->n_subsystems $2 = 5 (gdb) print objnum $4 = 6 (gdb) print si $5 = (ship_info *) 0x97b7b78 (gdb) print *si $6 = {name = "GTF Hercules Mark II", '\0' , short_name = "TFight22", '\0' , species = 0, class_type = 6, type_str = 0xa3c2fa8 "Heavy Assault", maneuverability_str = 0xa3c2a78 "Average", armor_str = 0xa3c2a98 "Heavy", manufacturer_str = 0xa3c25e0 "RNI Systems", desc = 0x0, tech_desc = 0xa3c7010 "The GTF Hercules Mark II is the next generation of Terran heavy assault fighter. Introduced during the Great War, the original Herc's balance of firepower and maneuverability made it the most versatil"..., ship_length = 0xa3bf540 "17 m", gun_mounts = 0xa3bf560 "4", missile_banks = 0xa3bef10 "2", pof_file = "fighter2t-02hp.pof", '\0' , pof_file_hud = '\0' , num_detail_levels = 4, detail_distance = {0, 80, 300, 900, 0}, modelnum = 644, modelnum_hud = -1, hud_target_lod = -1, density = 1, damp = 0.25, rotdamp = 0.400000006, max_vel = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 55}, a1d = {0, 0, 55}}}, afterburner_max_vel = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 120}, a1d = {0, 0, 120}}}, max_rotvel = {{xyz = {x = 1.65346992, y = 1.49599659, z = 1.65346992}, a1d = {1.65346992, 1.49599659, 1.65346992}}}, rotation_time = {{xyz = {x = 3.79999995, y = 4.19999981, z = 3.79999995}, a1d = {3.79999995, 4.19999981, 3.79999995}}}, srotation_time = 4, max_rear_vel = 0, forward_accel = 3.5999999, afterburner_forward_accel = 0.75, forward_decel = 1.29999995, slide_accel = 0, slide_decel = 0, warpin_speed = 0, warpout_speed = 0, warpin_time = 0, warpout_time = 0, warpin_radius = 0, warpout_radius = 0, warpin_type = 0, warpout_type = 0, warpin_anim = '\0' , warpout_anim = '\0' , warpout_player_speed = 0, flags = 1573167, flags2 = 0, ai_class = 3, max_speed = 55, min_speed = -0, max_accel = 55, shockwave = {name = '\0' , pof_name = '\0' , inner_rad = 25, outer_rad = 75, damage = 25, blast = 1000, speed = 0, rot_angles = {p = 0, b = 0, h = 0}, damage_type_idx = -1}, explosion_propagates = 0, shockwave_count = 1, ispew = {texture_id = -1, range = 1, num_low = 25, num_high = 30, pos = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, vel = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, min_life = 0.0500000007, max_life = 0.550000012, normal = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, normal_variance = 1, min_vel = 2, max_vel = 12, min_rad = 0.200000003, max_rad = 0.5}, dspew = {texture_id = -1, range = 1, num_low = -1, num_high = -1, pos = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, vel = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, min_life = -1, max_life = -1, normal = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, normal_variance = -1, min_vel = 3, max_vel = 12, min_rad = 0.699999988, max_rad = 1.29999995}, debris_min_lifetime = -1, debris_max_lifetime = -1, debris_min_speed = -1, debris_max_speed = -1, debris_min_rotspeed = -1, debris_max_rotspeed = -1, n_subsystems = 5, subsystems = 0xa3ca310, power_output = 1, max_overclocked_speed = 65, max_weapon_reserve = 150, afterburner_fuel_capacity = 400, afterburner_burn_rate = 55, afterburner_recover_rate = 19, cmeasure_type = 80, cmeasure_max = 25, num_primary_banks = 2, num_secondary_banks = 2, primary_bank_weapons = {0, 7, -1}, primary_bank_ammo_capacity = {0, 0, 0}, secondary_bank_weapons = {62, 57, -1, -1}, secondary_bank_ammo_capacity = {80, 100, 0, 0}, max_hull_strength = 275, max_shield_strength = 610, hull_repair_rate = 0, subsys_repair_rate = -2, engine_snd = 126, closeup_pos = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = -30}, a1d = {0, 0, -30}}}, closeup_zoom = 0.5, allowed_weapons = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 0 , 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, restricted_loadout_flag = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, allowed_bank_restricted_weapons = {{1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 0 }, {0 }, { 0 }, {0 , 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, {0 }, {0 }, {0 }}, shield_icon_index = 2 '\002', icon_filename = "iconfighter2t-02", '\0' , anim_filename = "ssfighter2t-02", '\0' , overhead_filename = "loadfighter2t-02", '\0' , score = 12, scan_time = 2000, ct_info = {{pt = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = -6.90999985, z = -6.07000017}, a1d = {0, -6.90999985, -6.07000017}}}, w_start = 0.25, w_end = 0.0500000007, a_start = 1, a_end = 0, max_life = 1, stamp = 120, bitmap = 570627}, {pt = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, w_start = 0, w_end = 0, a_start = 0, a_end = 0, max_life = 0, stamp = 0, bitmap = 0} }, ct_count = 1, num_nondark_colors = 0, nondark_colors = {"\000\000", "\000\000", "\000\000", "\000\000", "\000\000", "\000\000", "\000\000", "\000\000", "\000\000", "\000\000"}, shield_color = "dd", ABtrail_bitmap_name = "ABTrail", '\0' , ABbitmap = 575378, ABwidth_factor = 1, ABAlpha_factor = 1, ABlife = 1, n_thruster_particles = 0, n_ABthruster_particles = 0, normal_thruster_particles = {{ thruster_particle_bitmap01_name = '\0' , thruster_particle_bitmap01 = 0, thruster_particle_bitmap01_nframes = 0, min_rad = 0, max_rad = 0, n_high = 0, n_low = 0, variance = 0}, {thruster_particle_bitmap01_name = '\0' , thruster_particle_bitmap01 = 0, thruster_particle_bitmap01_nframes = 0, min_rad = 0, max_rad = 0, n_high = 0, n_low = 0, ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- variance = 0}, {thruster_particle_bitmap01_name = '\0' , thruster_particle_bitmap01 = 0, thruster_particle_bitmap01_nframes = 0, min_rad = 0, max_rad = 0, n_high = 0, n_low = 0, variance = 0}}, afterburner_thruster_particles = {{thruster_particle_bitmap01_name = '\0' , thruster_particle_bitmap01 = 0, thruster_particle_bitmap01_nframes = 0, min_rad = 0, max_rad = 0, n_high = 0, n_low = 0, variance = 0}, { thruster_particle_bitmap01_name = '\0' , thruster_particle_bitmap01 = 0, thruster_particle_bitmap01_nframes = 0, min_rad = 0, max_rad = 0, n_high = 0, n_low = 0, variance = 0}, {thruster_particle_bitmap01_name = '\0' , thruster_particle_bitmap01 = 0, thruster_particle_bitmap01_nframes = 0, min_rad = 0, max_rad = 0, n_high = 0, n_low = 0, variance = 0}}, thruster_glow_info = {normal = {filename = "thrusterglow01", '\0' , first_frame = 223663, num_frames = 15, total_time = 1}, afterburn = {filename = "thrusterglow01a", '\0' , first_frame = 1435857, num_frames = 15, total_time = 1}}, thruster_secondary_glow_info = {normal = {filename = "thruster02-01", '\0' , bitmap = 1440608}, afterburn = {filename = "thruster02-01a", '\0' , bitmap = 1445359}}, thruster_tertiary_glow_info = {normal = {filename = "thruster03-01", '\0' , bitmap = 1450110}, afterburn = { filename = "thruster03-01a", '\0' , bitmap = 1454861}}, thruster01_glow_rad_factor = 1, thruster02_glow_rad_factor = 1, thruster03_glow_rad_factor = 1, thruster02_glow_len_factor = 1, splodeing_texture = -1, splodeing_texture_name = "boom", '\0' , max_decals = 50, draw_primary_models = {false, false, false}, draw_secondary_models = {false, false, false, false}, draw_models = false, weapon_model_draw_distance = 200, armor_type_idx = -1, can_glide = false, topdown_offset_def = false, topdown_offset = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, num_maneuvering = 0, maneuvering = {{flags = 0, use_flags = 0, start_snd = -1, loop_snd = -1, stop_snd = -1, tex_id = -1, tex_nframes = 0, tex_fps = 0, length = 0, radius = 0, pos = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}, norm = {{xyz = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, a1d = {0, 0, 0}}}} }} (gdb) bt #0 model_should_render_engine_glow (objnum=6, bank_obj=34) at model/modelinterp.cpp:6809 #1 0x081cf038 in model_render_thrusters (model=0xa4734d8, shipp=0x9389b20) at model/modelinterp.cpp:4112 #2 0x081d411d in model_render_buffers (model=0xa4734d8, pm=0xa5fd3b8, shipp=0x9389b20, is_child=true) at model/modelinterp.cpp:6332 #3 0x081d3e06 in model_render_children_buffers (model=0xa4734d8, pm=0xa5fd3b8, mn=6, detail_level=0, shipp=0x9389b20) at model/modelinterp.cpp:6281 #4 0x081d0180 in model_really_render (model_num=386, orient=0x925d410, pos=0x925d404, flags=32, objnum=0) at model/modelinterp.cpp:4589 #5 0x081cea43 in model_try_cache_render (model_num=386, orient=0x925d410, pos=0x925d404, flags=32, objnum=0, num_lights=0) at model/modelinterp.cpp:3536 #6 0x081ce9cc in model_render (model_num=386, orient=0x925d410, pos=0x925d404, flags=32, objnum=0, lighting_skip=-1, replacement_textures=0x938bea4) at model/modelinterp.cpp:3455 #7 0x082e2ca0 in ship_render (obj=0x925d3e0) at ship/ship.cpp:6639 #8 0x08264d4a in obj_render (obj=0x925d3e0) at object/object.cpp:2202 #9 0x08265e80 in obj_render_all (render_function=0x8264c1c , draw_viewer_last=0xbf937df3) at object/objectsort.cpp:433 #10 0x08055c4a in game_render_frame (eye_pos=0xbf937e60, eye_orient=0xbf937e30) at freespace2/freespace.cpp:5557 #11 0x08056dce in game_frame (paused=0) at freespace2/freespace.cpp:6314 #12 0x0805784a in game_do_frame () at freespace2/freespace.cpp:6732 #13 0x08059b04 in game_do_state (state=2) at freespace2/freespace.cpp:8557 #14 0x080cbc66 in gameseq_process_events () at gamesequence/gamesequence.cpp:651 #15 0x0805a856 in game_main (cmdline=0xa1da990 "-spec") at freespace2/freespace.cpp:9108 #16 0x0805a9a4 in main (argc=7, argv=0xbf9380e4) at freespace2/freespace.cpp:9245 (gdb) (gdb) break model/modelinterp.cpp:4110 (gdb) print bank $2 = (thruster_bank *) 0xa3c8978 (gdb) print *bank $3 = { points = { >> = {, true>> = {_M_start = 0xa3c51b8, _M_finish = 0xa3c51d4, _M_end_of_storage = 0xa3c51d4}, }, }, wash_info_pointer = 0xa3c6230, obj_num = 34, sub_model = 6}