#Start Colors $Blue: (93 93 128 255) $Bright Blue: (185 185 255 255) $Green: (0 120 0 255) $Bright Green: (50 190 50 255) $Black: (0 0 0 255) $Grey: (65 65 65 255) $Silver: (160 160 160 255) $White: (105 105 105 255) $Bright White: (255 255 255 255) $Violet Gray: (160 144 160 255) $Violet: (192 104 192 255) $Dim Red: (80 6 6 255) $Red: (126 6 6 255) $Bright Red: (200 0 0 255) $Pink: (185 150 150 255) $Light Pink: (230 190 190 255) $Yellow: (255 255 122 255) $Bright Yellow: (255 255 0 255) $UI Light Green: (161 184 161 255) $UI Green: (190 228 190 255) $UI Light Pink: (184 161 161 255) $UI Pink: (228 190 190 255) #End #Team Colors ;Nothing here is the default! ;For reference though, syntax is as follows (taken from example on wiki): ;$Team Name: Vaygr ; $Team Stripe Color: ( 26 26 26 ) ; $Team Base Color: ( 230 230 230 ) ; ;$Team Name: Hiigaran ; $Team Stripe Color: ( 204 204 204 ) ; $Team Base Color: ( 93 141 170 ) ; ;$Team Name: Elite Vaygr ; $Team Stripe Color: ( 143 1 11 ) ; $Team Base Color: ( 12 12 12 ) #End #Interface Colors $Text Normal: White $Text Subselected: Blue $Text Selected: Bright Blue $Text Error: Red $Text Error Highlighted: Bright Red $Text Active: Bright White $Text Active Highlighted: Bright White $Text Heading: Violet Gray $More Indicator: Red $Bright More Indicator: Bright Red $Bright: Bright Blue $Normal: White ;These can also optionally be specified with an RGBA list, like regular colors. #End #Color Tags $Tag: $w +Color: White ;Ditto about RGBA lists, although for the sake of convenience, these actually default the alpha to 255 instead of 0. $Tag: $W +Color: Bright White $Tag: $r +Color: Red $Tag: $g +Color: Green $Tag: $y +Color: Yellow $Tag: $b +Color: Blue $Tag: $f +Friendly $Tag: $h +Hostile $Tag: $n +Neutral $Tag: $B +Color: Bright Blue $Tag: $G +Color: Bright Green $Tag: $R +Color: Bright Red $Tag: $Y +Color: Bright Yellow $Tag: $k +Color: Black $Tag: $e +Color: Grey $Tag: $E +Color: Silver $Tag: $v +Color: Violet Gray $Tag: $V +Color: Violet $Tag: $p +Color: Pink $Tag: $P +Color: Light Pink #End