#Mission Info $Version: 0.10 $Name: XSTR("Ken", -1) $Author: Seth $Created: 04/14/10 at 09:24:29 $Modified: 04/15/10 at 02:44:59 $Notes: This is a FRED2_OPEN created mission. $End Notes: $Mission Desc: XSTR("Put mission description here ", -1) $end_multi_text +Game Type Flags: 1 +Flags: 262208 +Disallow Support: 1 +Hull Repair Ceiling: 0.000000 +Subsystem Repair Ceiling: 100.000000 +Viewer pos: -10052.168945, 11661.016602, 7104.434570 +Viewer orient: 0.094967, -0.000000, -0.995480, 0.816834, 0.571585, 0.077924, 0.569002, -0.820543, 0.054282 $AI Profile: BP2 #Sexp_variables $Variables: ( 0 "alpha1x" "0" "number" 1 "alpha1y" "0" "number" 2 "alpha1z" "0" "number" 3 "anger" "0" "number" 4 "fear" "0" "number" 5 "grief" "0" "number" 6 "joy" "0" "number" 7 "nagari" "0" "number" ) #Command Briefing #Briefing $start_briefing $num_stages: 0 $end_briefing #Debriefing_info $Num stages: 0 #Alternate Types: $Alt: Customized Design #end #Callsigns: $Callsign: Laporte $Callsign: Ken #end #Players ;! 1 total $Starting Shipname: Alpha 1 $Ship Choices: ( "GTF Loki" 5 ) +Weaponry Pool: ( "Subach HL-7" 103 "Rockeye" 105 "Prometheus R" 1 "Harpoon" 7 ) #Objects ;! 2 total $Name: Alpha 1 ;! Object #0 $Class: GTF Loki $Callsign: Laporte $Team: Friendly $Location: -1160.221191, 276.440521, -453.898438 $Orientation: 0.748593, -0.359858, -0.556878, 0.663005, 0.413843, 0.623828, 0.005971, -0.836204, 0.548386 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot +Primary Banks: ( "Subach HL-7" "Subach HL-7" ) +Secondary Banks: ( "Rockeye" ) $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "player-start" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 8 $Name: Alpha 2 ;! Object #1 $Class: GTF Loki $Alt: Customized Design $Callsign: Ken $Team: Friendly $Location: -1154.262085, 335.817963, -423.670898 $Orientation: 0.748592, -0.359857, -0.556878, 0.663004, 0.413842, 0.623827, 0.005971, -0.836204, 0.548386 $AI Behavior: None $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1) +Initial Hull: 100 +Subsystem: Pilot $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( false ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Determination: 10 +Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) +Flags2: ( ) +Respawn priority: 0 +Group: 0 +Score: 10 #Wings ;! 1 total $Name: Alpha $Waves: 1 $Wave Threshold: 0 $Special Ship: 0 ;! Alpha 1 $Arrival Location: Hyperspace $Arrival Cue: ( true ) $Departure Location: Hyperspace $Departure Cue: ( false ) $Ships: ( ;! 2 total "Alpha 1" "Alpha 2" ) $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "Waypoint path 1" 50 ) ) +Hotkey: 0 +Flags: ( ) #Events ;! 28 total $Formula: ( every-time ( not ( is-event-true-delay "CNI set: just a diagnostic" 0 ) ) ( modify-variable @anger[0] ( rand-multiple 10 20 ) ) ( modify-variable @fear[0] ( rand-multiple 30 40 ) ) ( modify-variable @grief[0] ( rand-multiple 20 30 ) ) ( modify-variable @joy[0] ( rand-multiple 5 10 ) ) ( modify-variable @nagari[0] ( rand-multiple 1 2 ) ) ) +Name: CNI initial set +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( has-time-elapsed 2 ) ( send-message "Alpha 2" "High" "ken: take the lead" ) ) +Name: ken: flight start +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "#Alpha 1" "High" "laporte: can you fight?" ) ) +Name: laporte: need a wingman +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 6 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "Alpha 2" "High" "ken: no worries" ) ) +Name: ken: no worries +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 8 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( training-msg "sys/com/mispecmod" ) ) +Name: cni comes online +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 5 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-event-true-delay "cni comes online" 9 ) ( training-msg "cni outputs 1" ) ) +Name: cni readouts begin +Repeat Count: -1 +Trigger Count: 1000 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-event-true-delay "restore from creepy flash 1" 0 ) ( send-message "Alpha 2" "High" "ken: good baseline" ) ) +Name: ken: good baseline +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "#Alpha 1" "High" "laporte: fifth one?" ) ) +Name: laporte: fifth one? +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 10 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "Alpha 2" "High" "ken: just a diagnostic" ) ) +Name: ken: just a diagnostic +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 7 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "#Alpha 1" "High" "laporte: in my file" ) ) +Name: laporte: in my file +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 9 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "Alpha 2" "High" "ken: cleared up" ) ) +Name: ken: cleared up +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 12 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "#Alpha 1" "High" "laporte: I thought so" ) ) +Name: laporte: i thought so +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 11 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "Alpha 2" "High" "ken: do you ever think" ) ) +Name: Ken: do you ever think... +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 11 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "#Alpha 1" "High" "laporte: to do what?" ) ) +Name: laporte: to do what? +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 9 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( send-message "Alpha 2" "High" "ken: survival of mankind" ) ) +Name: ken: survival of mankind +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Chained: 7 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( every-time ( and ( is-event-true-delay "ken: just a diagnostic" 1 ) ( not ( is-event-true-delay "laporte: in my file" 1 ) ) ) ( modify-variable @anger[0] ( rand-multiple 20 50 ) ) ( modify-variable @fear[0] ( rand-multiple 80 120 ) ) ( modify-variable @grief[0] ( rand-multiple 30 50 ) ) ( modify-variable @joy[0] ( rand-multiple 0 5 ) ) ( modify-variable @nagari[0] ( rand-multiple 1 5 ) ) ) +Name: CNI set: just a diagnostic +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( every-time ( and ( is-event-true-delay "ken: cleared up" 1 ) ( not ( is-event-true-delay "laporte: i thought so" 1 ) ) ) ( modify-variable @anger[0] ( rand-multiple 20 40 ) ) ( modify-variable @fear[0] ( rand-multiple 80 110 ) ) ( modify-variable @grief[0] ( rand-multiple 20 30 ) ) ( modify-variable @joy[0] ( rand-multiple 0 5 ) ) ( modify-variable @nagari[0] ( rand-multiple 0 0 ) ) ) +Name: CNI set: in my file +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( every-time ( and ( is-event-true-delay "laporte: i thought so" 1 ) ( not ( is-event-true-delay "Ken: do you ever think..." 1 ) ) ) ( modify-variable @anger[0] ( rand-multiple 15 40 ) ) ( modify-variable @fear[0] ( rand-multiple 120 160 ) ) ( modify-variable @grief[0] ( rand-multiple 100 120 ) ) ( modify-variable @joy[0] ( rand-multiple 30 40 ) ) ( modify-variable @nagari[0] ( rand-multiple 0 0 ) ) ) +Name: cni set: I thought so +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 1792 $Formula: ( every-time ( and ( is-event-true-delay "Ken: do you ever think..." 1 ) ( not ( is-event-true-delay "ken: survival of mankind" 1 ) ) ) ( modify-variable @anger[0] ( rand-multiple 3 10 ) ) ( modify-variable @fear[0] ( rand-multiple 200 300 ) ) ( modify-variable @grief[0] ( rand-multiple 5 10 ) ) ( modify-variable @joy[0] ( rand-multiple 200 300 ) ) ( modify-variable @nagari[0] ( rand-multiple 5 15 ) ) ) +Name: cni set: do you ever think +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( every-time ( and ( is-event-true-delay "ken: survival of mankind" 1 ) ( not ( false ) ) ) ( modify-variable @anger[0] ( rand-multiple 40 70 ) ) ( modify-variable @fear[0] ( rand-multiple 300 500 ) ) ( modify-variable @grief[0] ( rand-multiple 20 30 ) ) ( modify-variable @joy[0] ( rand-multiple 500 700 ) ) ( modify-variable @nagari[0] ( rand-multiple 15 30 ) ) ) +Name: cni set: extinction of mankind +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( change-soundtrack "7: Revelation" ) ( lock-primary-weapon "Alpha 1" ) ( lock-secondary-weapon "Alpha 1" ) ( set-skybox-model "earthskybox.pof" ) ) +Name: initial music set +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 8759540 $Formula: ( when ( is-event-true-delay "fade to black, powerdown" 2 ) ( set-object-speed-z "Alpha 1" 0 ( false ) ) ( set-object-speed-z "Alpha 2" 0 ( false ) ) ( set-object-position "Alpha 1" ( get-object-x "Alpha 2" "" 0 0 25 ) ( get-object-y "Alpha 2" "" 0 0 25 ) ( get-object-z "Alpha 2" "" 0 0 25 ) ) ( mission-set-nebula 0 ) ( nebula-change-storm "s_emp" ) ( clear-goals "Alpha" ) ( play-sound-from-file "burst.ogg" 1 ) ( set-time-compression 400 ) ( set-object-facing-object "Alpha 1" "Alpha 2" ) ( add-goal "Alpha 2" ( ai-play-dead 89 ) ) ( hud-disable 1 ) ( when ( true ) ( do-nothing ) ) ( set-skybox-model "default" ) ( set-object-facing-object "Alpha 2" "Alpha 1" ) ( nebula-toggle-poof "PoofRed01" ( true ) ) ( nebula-toggle-poof "PoofRed02" ( true ) ) ( nebula-toggle-poof "PoofPurp01" ( false ) ) ( nebula-toggle-poof "PoofPurp02" ( false ) ) ( nebula-toggle-poof "PoofGreen01" ( false ) ) ( nebula-toggle-poof "PoofGreen02" ( false ) ) ( set-object-speed-y "Alpha 1" 0 ( false ) ) ( set-object-speed-y "Alpha 2" 0 ( false ) ) ( set-object-speed-x "Alpha 1" 0 ( false ) ) ( set-object-speed-x "Alpha 2" 0 ( false ) ) ( sabotage-subsystem "Alpha 1" "" 100 ) ( sabotage-subsystem "Alpha 2" "" 100 ) ( remove-sun-bitmap 1 ) ( fade-in ) ) +Name: eerie flash 1 +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( when ( is-event-true-delay "cni comes online" 4 ) ( modify-variable @alpha1x[0] ( get-object-x "Alpha 1" ) ) ( modify-variable @alpha1y[0] ( get-object-y "Alpha 1" ) ) ( modify-variable @alpha1z[0] ( get-object-z "Alpha 1" ) ) ) +Name: store Alpha 1 coordinates +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 1059068639 $Formula: ( when ( is-event-true-delay "eerie flash 1" 7 ) ( set-object-position "Alpha 1" @alpha1x[0] @alpha1y[0] @alpha1z[0] ) ( set-object-facing-object "Alpha 1" "Waypoint path 1:1" ) ( reset-time-compression ) ( clear-goals "Alpha 2" ) ( add-goal "Alpha" ( ai-waypoints-once "Waypoint path 1" 89 ) ) ( mission-set-nebula 0 ) ( hud-disable 0 ) ( player-not-use-ai ) ( set-skybox-model "earthskybox.pof" ) ( set-object-facing-object "Alpha 2" "Waypoint path 1:1" ) ( close-sound-from-file ( true ) ) ( repair-subsystem "Alpha 1" "" 100 ) ( repair-subsystem "Alpha 2" "" 100 ) ( add-sun-bitmap "SunSol" 0 45 4 100 @nagari[0] ) ( fade-in ) ) +Name: restore from creepy flash 1 +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 $Formula: ( every-time ( and ( is-event-true-delay "eerie flash 1" 0 ) ( not ( is-event-true-delay "eerie flash 1" 3 ) ) ) ( set-object-facing-object "Alpha 1" "Alpha 2" ) ( set-object-facing-object "Alpha 2" "Alpha 1" ) ) +Name: make objects point +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 179585976 $Formula: ( when ( is-event-true-delay "ken: good baseline" 4 ) ( do-nothing ) ) +Name: restore from flash message +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 1285538073 $Formula: ( when ( is-event-true-delay "cni comes online" 5 ) ( fade-out ) ( play-sound-from-file "powerdown.ogg" ) ) +Name: fade to black, powerdown +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 $Formula: ( when ( is-event-true-delay "eerie flash 1" 6 ) ( fade-out ) ( player-use-ai ) ( add-goal "Alpha 1" ( ai-play-dead 89 ) ) ) +Name: back to black +Repeat Count: 1 +Interval: 1 +Team: 0 #Goals ;! 1 total $Type: Primary +Name: Pass Diagnostic Exam $MessageNew: XSTR("Pass Diagnostic Exam", -1) $end_multi_text $Formula: ( has-time-elapsed 590 ) #Waypoints ;! 1 lists total $Name: Waypoint path 1 $List: ( ;! 1 points in list ( -7353.563477, -255.112823, 14231.099609 ) ) #Messages ;! 31 total $Name: ken: take the lead $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Follow me, Miss Laporte. And please, call me Ken.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: can you fight? $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("This makes me nervous. Can you hold your own in a fight? If we hit trouble, I need a wingman, not a therapist.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: no worries $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("That won't be a concern. Would you activate your DNI system, please?", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: good baseline $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Very nice baseline. Typical pre-combat profile. If you're interested, your HUD should give you a layman's summary of the readouts. It's a James model. Fear, grief, anger and joy. ", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: fifth one? $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("This thing is...creepy. What's the fifth one?", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: just a diagnostic $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Just a diagnostic. Could you tell me about your clinical history, Miss Laporte?", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: in my file $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Nothing more than what's in my file. I had a psychotic episode in my early teens. Hallucinations, imagined companions, schizophrenic symptoms.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: cleared up $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("But it spontaneously remitted, and you were cleared for flight status. Do you consider yourself stable, Miss Laporte?", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: I thought so $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("...sometimes...I feel like I'm more than one person. Like there's one person here talking to you, and another one who comes out when I pull the trigger.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: do you ever think $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Do you ever think that one of them is the person you are, and the other is the person you must become?", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: to do what? $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Become? Become to do what?", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: survival of mankind $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("To prevent the extinction of mankind.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: what? $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("What are you on about? Look, Ken, I'm not even sure we're supposed to win this war. One of the problems with Ubuntu is, you always see both sides of the coin.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: sins unforgivable $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("In the end the coin must land. One side must win. Humanity lives or dies by the outcome.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: what the hell $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("What the hell? I thought I was supposed to be the crazy one here.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: you've seen it $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Don't pretend you haven't seen it.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: oh my god $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("What the hell are you doing to me? How do I turn this thing off?", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: unforgiveable $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("You listened to me as a child. Listen to me now.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: let me out $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("What are you doing? What is this? Who are you?", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: the fate of mankind $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The machinery is in motion. The Destroyers will no longer tolerate humanity's sins.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: apocalypse $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("There is only one way to avert the slaughter. And so you must play your part to the bloody end.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: turn it off $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("Turn it off! TURN IT OFF!", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: utterly contingent $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("The survival of the human race is utterly contingent upon your ability to do one simple thing.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: destroy the GTVA $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("You must destroy the GTVA.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: off $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("What the hell was that? What did you just do?", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: pardon me? $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("How unusual. You seem to have experienced some sort of episode, Miss Laporte. These readings are very interesting.", -1) $end_multi_text +AVI Name: Head-TP1 +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: laporte: you did that to me $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("It was your voice! You were doing something to me!", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: ken: return to the Solaris $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("In my professional judgment, we should cut this flight short. I'll give you my report once we land.", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav $Name: sys/com/mispecmod $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("sys/com/mispecmod/HEIS:: Diagnostic Neural Interface Online. Connecting to session administrator...", -1) $end_multi_text $Name: cni outputs 1 $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("ANX $fear GRF $grief ANG $anger JOY $joy NGRI $nagari", -1) $end_multi_text $Name: laporte: whoa wtf $Team: -1 $MessageNew: XSTR("...was that supposed to happen?", -1) $end_multi_text +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav #Reinforcements ;! 0 total #Background bitmaps ;! 0 total $Num stars: 0 $Ambient light level: 7895160 $Bitmap List: $Sun: SunSol +Angles: 0.000000 0.785398 0.069813 +Scale: 1.000000 $Sun: EarthSpecular +Angles: 5.881755 0.000000 6.230820 +Scale: 1.000000 $Sun: EarthBrown +Angles: 5.410516 6.213367 0.907570 +Scale: 1.000000 $Sun: EarthWhite +Angles: 5.707222 0.017453 0.436332 +Scale: 1.000000 $Sun: EarthGreen +Angles: 5.567596 0.000000 5.567596 +Scale: 1.000000 $Sun: EarthBlue +Angles: 5.899208 0.000000 5.724675 +Scale: 1.000000 $Sun: EarthBlue +Angles: 5.777035 0.034907 5.270890 +Scale: 1.000000 $Sun: EarthGreen +Angles: 5.707222 0.000000 6.195914 +Scale: 1.000000 #Asteroid Fields #Music $Event Music: None $Briefing Music: None #End